

Padma Purana

Emergence of the cosmic egg (Brahmanda) and the subsequent division of the egg into various elements, leading to the formation of the universe.

Enuma Elish

Enuma Elish: Tablet I

When the atmosphere did not exist and the crust was not containing life. The Asteroid Apsû brought water to the planet. And the primordial soup or DNA gave life to all living beings.

Why is the Red Sea so named? If a
sea is called Black or White, that may be due to the dark coloring of the water or to the brightness of the ice and snow.

In this narrative, the Anunnaki create humans to serve them and perform various laborious tasks.

Grey aliens, also known as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys, or Grays, are beings from outer space often mentioned in claims of close encounters and alien abductions.

In the beginning, the Elohiym created new conditions in the atmosphere of the earth, the earth was without form, and void and darkness were upon the surface.

Anshar and Kishar are two deities in the Babylonian creation myth known as the Enuma Elish.