
The Red World

10,468 BCE to 3,166 BCE

Worlds in Collision

In the middle of the second millennium before the present era, as I intend to show, the earth underwent one of the greatest catastrophes in its history.

A celestial body that only shortly before had become a member of the solar system—a new comet—came very close to the Earth.

The account of this catastrophe can be reconstructed from evidence supplied by a large number of documents.

The comet was on its way from its perihelion and touched the earth first with its gaseous tail.

Later in this book, I shall show that it was about this comet that Servius wrote: “Non igneo sed sanguineorubore fuisse” (It was not of a flaming but of a bloody redness). One of the first visible signs of this encounter was the reddening of the earth’s surface by a fine dust of rusty pigment.

In sea, lake, and river this pigment gave a bloody coloring to the water. Because of these particles of ferruginous or another soluble pigment, the world turned.

The Manuscript Quiche of the Mayas tells that in the Western Hemisphere, in the days of a great cataclysm, when the earth quaked and the sun’s motion was interrupted, the water in the rivers turned to blood.

Ipuwer, the Egyptian eyewitness of the catastrophe, wrote his lament on papyrus: “The river is blood,” and this corresponds with the Book of Exodus ( 7:20 ): “All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.”

The author of the papyrus also wrote: “Plagueis throughout the land. Blood is everywhere,” and this, too, corresponds with the Book of Exodus (7: 21 ): “There was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.”

The presence of the hematoid pigment in the rivers caused the death of fish followed by decomposition and smell. “And the river stank” (Exodus 7 : 21). “And all the Egyptians dug round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river” (Exodus 7 : 24).

The papyrus relates: “Men shrink from tasting; human beings thirst after water,” and “That is our water! That is our happiness! What shall we do in respect thereof? All is ruin.”

The skin of men and of animals was irritated by the dust, which caused boils, sickness, and the death of cattle— “a very grievous mountain.” Wild animals, frightened by the portents in the sky, came close to the villages and cities.

The summit of mountainous Thrace received the name “Haemus,” and Apollodorus related the tradition of the Thracians that the summit was so named because of the “stream of blood which gushed out on the mountain” when the heavenly battle was fought between Zeus and Typhon, and Typhon was struck by a thunderbolt. It is said that a city in Egypt received the same name for the same reason.

The mythology which personified the forces of the cosmic drama described the world as colored red. In one Egyptian myth, the bloody hue of the world is ascribed to the blood of Osiris, the mortally wounded planet god; in another myth, it is the blood of Seth or Apopi; in the Babylonian myth, the world was colored red by the blood of the slain Tiamat, the heavenly monster.

The Finnish epos of Kalevala describes how, in the days of the cosmic upheaval, the world was sprinkled with red milk. The Altai Tatars tell of a catastrophe when “blood turns the whole world red,” and a world conflagration follows. The Orphic hymns refer to the time when the heavenly vault, “mighty Olympus, trembled fearfully
. . . and the earth around shrieked fearfully, and the sea was stirred [heaped], troubled with its purple waves.”

An old subject for debate is: Why is the Red Sea so named? If a
sea is called Black or White, that may be due to the dark coloring of the water or to the brightness of the ice and snow. The Red Sea has a deep blue color.

As no better reason was found, a few coral formations or some red birds on its shores were proposed as explanations of its name.

Like all the water in Egypt, the water on the surface of the Sea of the Passage was of a red tint. It appears that Raphael was not mistaken when, in painting the scene of the passage, he colored the water red.

It was, of course, not this mountain or that river or that sea exclusively that was reddened, thus earning the name Red or Bloody, as distinguished from other mountains and seas. But crowds of men, wherever they were, who witnessed the cosmic upheaval and escaped with their lives, ascribed the name Haemus or Red to particular places.

The phenomenon of “blood” raining from the sky has also been observed in limited areas and on a small scale in more recent times. One of these occasions, according to Pliny, was during the consulship of Manius Acilius and Gaius Porcius. Babylonians, too, recorded dust and rain falling from the sky; instances of “bloody rain” have been recorded in diverse countries.

The red dust, soluble in water, falling from the sky in water drops, does not originate in clouds but must come from volcanic eruptions or from cosmic spaces. The fall of meteorite dust is a phenomenon generally known to take place mainly after the passage of meteorites; this dust is found in the snow of mountains and in polar regions.

The Chronicle of Akakor

Ominous Signs in the Sky

“There were strange signs in the sky. Twilight covered the face of the earth. The sun still shone, but there were gray mists, big and powerful, that began obscuring the daylight. Strange signs stood in the sky. The stars were like dull stones. A poisonous haze drifted over the hills. Evil-smelling fire hung in the trees. A red sun and a black path crossed each other. Black, red, all four corners of the world were red.

The first Great Catastrophe changed the life of my people and the face of the world. Nobody can imagine what happened at that time, thirteen years after the departure of the Former Masters. The catastrophe was enormous, and our chronicle reports it with terror.

“The Chosen Servants were fearful and terrified. They no longer saw the sun, the moon, or the stars. Confusion and darkness erupted everywhere. Strange images passed above their heads. Resin dripped from the sky, and by twilight, men were desperate for food. They killed their own brothers. They forgot the testament of the Gods. The era of blood had started.”

The years of the blood – 10,468-3166 BC –> 7,302 years

The First Great Catastrophe

The year 13 10,468 B.C. according to the calendar of the White Barbarians) is a fateful year in the history of my people. After they had withdrawn into the underground dwellings, the earth was visited by the greatest catastrophe in memory. It even exceeded the second Great Catastrophe, 6,000 years later, when the waters of the Great River flowed upstream. The first Great Catastrophe destroyed the empire of our Former Masters and brought death to millions of people.

“This is the account of how men perished. What happened on earth? Who made it tremble? Who made the stars dance? Who made the waters surge forth from the rocks? Numerous were the scourges visited on man. He was subjected to various ordeals. It was terribly cold, and an icy wind blew over the earth. It was terribly hot, and people were burned by their own breath. Men and animals fled in panic. Desperately they ran hither and thither. They tried to climb the trees, but the trees rejected them. They tried to reach the caves, yet the caves crumbled and buried them. The bottom was flung to the top, and the top sank into the depths. The sound and fury of the Gods would not finish. Even the underground shelters began to tremble.”

The era of the jaguar began: the time of blood when everything was destroyed. Thus the link between the Former Masters and their servants was severed. And a new life started.”

The years of blood, the period between the year 13 and the year 7315, are the darkest epoch in the history of my people. The Chronicle of Akakor does not report these events. For thousands of years, there have been no entries at all. Oral records are also poor and interspersed by dark prophecies.

“Madus dared to take the road up to the earth’s surface. Fearing neither storm nor water, he went up. He gazed on the devastated country in awe. He saw no people and no plants-only frightened animals and birds which flew over the endless expanse of water until they grew tired and dropped to drown in the floods. This Madus saw. And he grew sad and angry at the same time. He tore tree stumps out of the flooded ground. He gathered driftwood. He built a raft to help the animals. He took a pair of each: two jaguars, two serpents, two tapirs, two falcons. And the rising waters drove his raft higher and higher, up the mountains to the top of Mount Akai, the mountain of destiny of the Chosen Tribes. Here Madus let the animals land and the birds take to the air. And when, after thirteen moons, the waters receded again and the sun dispersed the clouds, he returned to Akakor and told about the end of the terrible era of blood.”

At the beginning of the year 12,013 (A.D. 1532), such thoughts would still have been sacrilegious. It appeared as if the prophecy of the Ancient Fathers might be fulfilled. Six thousand years after their last visit to earth, they returned as they had promised. And the Chosen People’s joy was accordingly great. A new era was looming ahead, a return to the days when the Ugha Mongulala had ruled the world in the north, in the south, in the west, and in the east. The only ones who did not share in the general jubilation were the priests. They doubted the news of the Gods’ return, even though the date corresponded with their prediction. Twelve thousand years ago, the Ancient Fathers had left the earth. Six thousand years had passed since Lhasa’s death. But the priests, who know everything, who see the future, and to whom nothing remains hidden, observed ominous signs in the sky. Very soon the news about the return of our Former Masters was found to be a cruel error. The aliens did not come with good intentions, to assume power with kindness and wisdom. Instead of happiness and inner peace, they brought tears, bloodshed, and violence. In a frenzy of hatred and greed the strangers destroyed the empire of our sister nation, the Incas. They burned down cities and villages, and murdered men, women, and children. The White Barbarians, as we still call them today, rejected the bequest of the Ancient Fathers. They erected temples in the sign of the cross and sacrificed millions of men for its honor.

A great star was approaching the earth and shed a dull light over plains and mountains. The sun had also changed, as it is written in the chronicle:

“Woe on us. The signs point to disaster. The sun is not bright and yellow but red, like thick blood.” Thus spoke the priests. “The strangers do not bring peace. They do not trust in the bequest of the Ancient Fathers. Their thoughts are made of blood. They shed blood over the whole empire.”

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