
First World (~1 million to ~200,000 years ago)
Second World (~200,000 to ~50,000 years ago)
Third World (~50,000 to ~12,000 years ago)
Fourth World (~12,000 years ago to Present)

A comprehensive list with the Flood Legends, grouped by continent.

Rudolf Steiner’s on the roles of Hyperboreans, Lemurians, Atlanteans, and Nordic initiates.

Hanns Hörbiger

The World Ice Theory

Ice was the substance of all cosmic processes, and ice moons, ice planets, and the “global ether” determined the development of the universe.

In the ancient times of the Zhuang people, a great deluge submerged the world, sparing no life in its path. Amidst this catastrophic flood, a brother and his sister found refuge by crouching inside a large gourd.

Ymir and the creation of the world is a central myth in Norse mythology, explaining the origin of the cosmos and its elements.

There’re about 260 Creation stories found in cultures around the world that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.

The Æsir are a group of deities in Norse mythology, which is the mythology of the North Germanic peoples, primarily the Vikings. The Æsir are one of the two major groups of gods in Norse mythology,

The Nephilim were on the earth in the earliest days, and also afterward when the Aessir came into the daughters of humans and they bore children to them

Anshar and Kishar are two deities in the Babylonian creation myth known as the Enuma Elish.