Flood Stories from Around the World
Scandinavian:Oden, Vili, and Ve fought and slew the great ice giant Ymir, and icy water from his wounds drowned most of the Rime Giants.
Ymir's body became the world we live on.
The Deluge Legends of Other Nations
The three sons of Borr--Othin, Wili, and We--grandsons of Buri, the first man, slay Ymir, the father of the Hrimthursar,
Timeline of the Four Worlds
Norse: Ymir (first giant), Buri, Borr.
Germanic Mythology and Ancient Civilizations
From this arose a human race represented by the giant Ymir and also an animal species, the cow Audhumla.
From Ymir arose the sons of the frost giants, human beings who were endowed with reason emerged later.
And so the Germanic legend relates that the offspring of Ymir and Audhumla—Odin, Vili, and Vé—walked by the sea and created man.
The World Ice Theory
From the mist of Niflheim and the heat of Muspelheim, the first being, Ymir, a frost giant, is formed.
Ymir is androgynous and capable of asexual reproduction.
Ymir's body parts are used by the gods, particularly Odin and his brothers Vili and Vé, to create the world.
Poetic Edda
There was in times of old, where Ymir dwelt, neither sea nor cool waves; sand there was not, nor sea, nor cool waves.
The poem mentions Ymir, the first being in Norse mythology, whose existence predates the creation of the world.
Anunnaki gods list
The destruction of Niflheim is said to have led to the creation of the first beings in the universe, including the giant Ymir.