
Hindu cosmology

World Elephant

The Ashtadiggajas (Sanskrit: अष्टदिग्गज) are a group of eight legendary elephants in Hindu cosmology. They serve as the guardians of the eight zones of the universe.

The Creator was unhappy about this and decided to cause a great flood to purify the earth. A man named Waynaboozhoo survived.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Mr. Scott-Elliot describes the famous City of the Golden Gates as surrounded by a beautiful, park-like landscape dotted with villas of the wealthy.

In the ancient times of the Zhuang people, a great deluge submerged the world, sparing no life in its path. Amidst this catastrophic flood, a brother and his sister found refuge by crouching inside a large gourd.

Numerology, the study of numbers and their symbolic meanings, has been a part of human history for centuries.

Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived.