Flood Stories from Around the World
Jicarilla Apache (northeastern New Mexico):Before the Apaches emerged from the underworld, there were other people on the earth.
These people told the Apaches about the flood before going into two mountains themselves.
Around the year 2000, when the Apaches dwindle in number, the surface of the earth will again be destroyed, this time by fire.
Coyote's images began laughing first; this displeased Elder Brother, so he sprinkled cold water on them and threw them to the cold north, where they became the Apaches.
The Deluge Legends of America
75.) The wild Apaches, "wild from their natal hour," have a legend that "the first days of the world were happy and peaceful days;" then came a great flood, from which Montezuma and the coyote alone escaped.
The Deluge Legends of America
Nicaraguans and Apaches: Both have flood legends, with the Apaches including a tower-building attempt destroyed by the Great Spirit.