Asherah the mother, El the father and Baal the son.


The transcript:

Greetings, loves! I’m back with another video, which is somewhat of a part two to “The Demonization of Asherah.” There was a reason I took that video down. When I do controversial videos based on historical, spiritual, and religious theology, I always seek divine guidance first.

Not only do I do my due diligence in research and study, but I also confirm things through divination to ensure I’m not misleading anyone. Spirit advised me to take the previous video down temporarily and create this explanation video before reposting it. I want to make sure no one is misled or inspired to act out of step with divine timing.

As I always say, many of you might not be ready for this information. This isn’t about my opinion or trying to convert you from your beliefs; it’s based on historical and archaeological evidence of practices that occurred in the Canaan area, now known as Israel. It took me a while to get this video out because the information was difficult to digest and confirm through divination. As someone with pro-matriarchy spiritual beliefs, this information was challenging to share objectively and diplomatically.

I aim to explain the concept of “As Above, So Below” and debunk the idea of polytheism. In spiritual systems where there are multiple energies known as gods, orishas, loa, etc., they are actually pieces of a god body. We are all parts of the Creator, and if you view it as “As Above, So Below,” you can see it as the form of the body itself.

On the lower level, in the spiritual realm, the third dimension, lower Fifth Dimension, we have the plant and animal kingdoms, humanity, ancestors, elevated ancestors, and ascended masters.

As you go higher, you reach the Angelic realm or the realm of the orishas, and higher still, the god body.

When a spiritual entity is split into male and female, they are still in the anthropomorphic realm. The Ultimate Energy of love, the Creator, and source is beyond male and female energy but is predominantly more female. In the realm of the Creator, known as Barbelo in Gnostic tradition, there is no distinction between male and female.

In the Canaanite Pantheon, the head deity is El, the lawgiver, much like your mind helps you make plans and decisions. El is the head of the anthropomorphic god body, which is why he is called the “Most High”—the highest thing on your body is your head. People often misunderstand this, thinking monotheism means there is only one god, but in reality, all other gods are part of one body.

For instance, Asherah might be seen as the breast of God. Just as your body has multiple parts, it is still one body. Thus, there is no true polytheism, just the oneness of a god body.

The concept of the Father-Son-Holy Ghost or Father-Mother-Son Triune is older than Christianity. Christianity is a reinterpretation of the Holy Trinity concept from ancient Canaan, where the Israelites worshiped El as the father, Asherah as the mother, and Baal as the son. This mother-father-son Triune existed in ancient Canaanite and other ancient traditions.

To summarize, the historical and archaeological evidence shows that El, Asherah, and Baal were a Triune family. If one considers Asherah and Baal to be demons, it raises questions about El, their father. What happened to demonize Asherah and Baal and separate them from El in the Canaanite Pantheon? This estrangement resulted from both spiritual and political shifts, influenced by human patriarchal authorities.

Baal, unlike the rebellious angel known as Satan, was more of a prodigal son who became egotistical and made mistakes against his father El’s will. The Orisha legends and certain Odus allude to similar familial estrangement and disorder situations.

The lesson here is about divine order, appropriateness, and respecting the sanctity of family positions. When family order is disrupted, it leads to community and global dysfunction.

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