Lunar Period

The cult of the Great Mother of the Gods, known as Cybele (Magna Mater in Latin) and her consort Attis.

The Taurobolium was an ancient ritual practiced primarily in the Roman Empire, associated with the cult of the Great Mother of the Gods

Ancient pagan and Celtic traditions linked to solstices and equinoxes venerated trees like the Yule tree, Maypole, oak, yew, and apple.

Mariana Giovino

Asherah and the May-pole

The Assyrian Sacred Tree (AST) is often identified as the Asherah mentioned in the Bible

There is an etymological connection between the Hebrew word “asherah” and the Akkadian “asirtu.”

Necromancy is a form of magic or sorcery that involves communicating with the dead, often with the intent to predict the future.

The concept of the Father-Son-Holy Ghost or Father-Mother-Son Triune is older than Christianity. Christianity is a reinterpretation of the Holy Trinity concept from ancient Canaan

Anne Baring

The Lunar Period

The Lunar period often focus on prehistoric times, particularly during the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, which span approximately from 2.5 million years ago to around 2000 BCE

Both snakes and Asherah poles are connected to fertility, life, and healing.

King Josiah of Judah undertook significant religious reforms aimed at centralizing worship exclusively around YHWH

Canaanite Pantheon


Asherah is a prominent goddess in the ancient Canaanite religion, where she is often considered the consort of the chief god, El.

Sadhguru discusses the ancient presence of consecrated temples, particularly focusing on a significant find in Türkiye