Selestor’s Men of Atlantis
From wreck of ships that drifted there to beat, perchance, in staves upon the shore, they added to their nation, to their grain and to their flocks, which but a bleating lamb began.
The Story of Atlantis
Whether or not he is fated eventually "to lie down with the lamb and eat straw like the ox," the destiny in store for him as pictured in the mind of the Manu has not yet been realized, for the picture was that of a powerful but domesticated animal—a strong level-backed creature, with large intelligent eyes, intended to act as man's most powerful servant for purposes of traction.
The Oera Linda Book
Lyda was black, with hair curled like a lamb’s; her eyes shone like stars, and shot out glances like those of a bird of prey.
Before Adela’s door twelve girls led twelve lambs, and twelve boys led twelve calves.
Not with pearls, for her teeth were more white; not with gold, for her tresses were more brilliant; not with precious stones, for her eyes, though soft as those of a lamb, were so lustrous that you could scarcely look into them.
The Last Days of Atlantis
3 "The one who slaughters an ox is like one who strikes a man; the one who sacrifices a lamb is like one who breaks a dog's neck; the one who offers a grain offering is like one who presents pig's blood; the one who makes a memorial offering of incense is like one who blesses an idol.
Yahweh and Dragon Stories
They demand continuous supplies of beef, lamb, gold, and virgin girls, making human existence centered around serving these overlords.
Revelation 12
11 “They defeated him because of the Lamb’s bloodand because of the message of their witness.Even when facing deaththey did not cling to life.
The death of Adam
Adam learned to sacrifice a lamb, shear wool, and skin sheep.
Abel: Ruler of water and earth
He took the smallest of his sheep for an offering and when he offered it up, his eyes were on the lamb.