Popular History of America 1881
In digging down a hill near the town, a mass of earth slid off, uncovering a human skull, which was found to belong to a skeleton buried in a sitting posture, enveloped in a covering of bark.
Flood Stories from Around the World
From his skull they made the firmament.
Bahnar (Cochin China):A kite once quarrelled with the crab and pecked a hole in its skull (which can still be seen today).
Time Periods in Lagoa Santa
Luzia Skull (11,000 years ago) and Paleoamerican Features
Luzia, the oldest skull discovered, pointed to African-like morphology, impacting theories on human migration.
Artificial Deformation of the Skull
An examination of the American monuments shows that the people represented were in the habit of flattening the skull by artificial means.
It was afterward found that the ancient Peruvians and Mexicans practised this art: several flattened Peruvian skulls are depicted in Morton's "Crania Americana." It is still in use among the Flat-head Indians of the north-western part of the United States.
Rathke, showing that similar skulls had been found near Kertsch, in the Crimea, and calling attention to the book of Hippocrates, "De Aeris, Aquis et Locu," lib.
Fitzinger published a learned memoir on the skulls of the Avars, a branch of the Uralian race of Turks.
He shows that the practice of flattening the head had existed from an early date throughout the East, and described an ancient skull, greatly distorted by artificial means, which had lately been found in Lower Austria.
Skulls similarly flattened have been found in Switzerland and Savoy.
The annexed out represents an ancient Swiss skull, from a cemetery near Lausanne, from a drawing of Frederick Troyon.
This skull is shockingly distorted.
The dotted lines indicate the course of the bandages by which the skull was deformed.
The same form of head has been found even in fossil skulls.
We may therefore conclude that the skull-flattening, which we find to have been practised in both the Old and New Worlds, was an attempt of other races to imitate the form of skull of a people whose likenesses are found on the monuments of Egypt and of America.
"These skulls," says Lund, "show not only the peculiarity of the American race but in an excessive degree, even to the entire disappearance of the forehead." Sir Robert Schomburgh found on some of the affluents of the Orinoco a tribe known as Frog Indians, whose heads were flattened by Nature, as shown in newly-born children.
The upper dotted line, A, represents the shape of the European forehead; the next line, B, that of the Australian; the next, C, that of the Mound Builder of the United States; the next, D, that of the Guanche of the Canary Islands; and the next, E, that of a skull from the Inca cemetery of Peru.
We have but to compare these lines with the skulls of the Egyptians, Kurds, and the heroic type of heads in the statues of the gods of Greece, to see that there was formerly an ancient race marked by a receding forehead; and that the practice of flattening the skull was probably an attempt to approximate the shape of the head to this standard of an early civilized and dominant people.
Not only do we find the same receding forehead in the skulls of the ancient races of Europe and America, and the same attempt to imitate this natural and peculiar conformation by artificial flattening of the head, but it has been found (see Henry Gillman's "Ancient Man in Michigan," "Smithsonian Report," 1875, p.
242) that the Mound Builders and Peruvians of America, and the Neolithic people of France and the Canary Islands, had alike an extraordinary custom of boring a circular bole in the top of the skulls of their dead, so that the soul might readily pass in and out.
The annexed ancient Egyptian heads, copied from the monuments, indicate either that the people of the Nile deformed their heads by pressure upon the front of the skull, or that
The outline drawing on the following page shows the form of the skull of the royal Inca line: the receding forehead here seems to be natural, and not the result of artificial compression.
Both illustrations at the bottom of the preceding page show the same receding form of the forehead, due to either artificial deformation of the skull or to a common race characteristic.
We must add the fact that the extraordinary practice of deforming the skull was found all over Europe and America to the catalogue of other proofs that the people of both continents were originally united in blood and race.
The Bronze Age in Europe
They were a race with long skulls, as contradistinguished.
Genesis contains a history of Atlantis
He makes a cut round the head near the ears, and shakes the skull out." This is precisely the Indian custom.
The Question of Complexion
THE tendency of scientific thought in ethnology is in the direction of giving more and more importance to the race characteristics, such as height, color of the hair, eyes and skin, and the formation of the skull and body generally, than to language.
They practised in early times the deformation of the skull.
Corroborating Circumstances
We find one and the same form of skull in the Canary Islands, in front of the African coast, and in the Carib Islands, on the opposite coast, which faces Africa.
The Indentity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New
Chaldeans vases were constructed around the bones, the neck of the vase being too small to permit the extraction of the skull.
Interview with a Neanderthal (Part 1)
Ginger mentions a historical finding of trepanation, a procedure where a hole is drilled into the skull.
Selestor’s Men of Atlantis
The men of old Atlantis held the form of men today, save that the skull did thicker bone growth show and slanting was each forehead.
Such hath Thought been since first the skull of man did fit a mood that grew beneath the cap old Nature made for mass ye call "the brain."
The great and three-edged spears held by Atlantians fell as swift as shafts of lightning on the helm of steel or toughened fiber; deep on skull they drave.
The Story of Atlantis
Many of the monuments of Central America are decorated with negro faces, and some of the idols found there are clearly intended to represent negros, with small skulls, short woolly hair and thick lips.
The same form of skull is found in the Canary Islands off the African coast and the Carib Islands off the American coast, while the colour of the skin in both is that of a reddish-brown.
The Oera Linda Book
or that a clever woman became a lawgiver at Athens, than that a goddess sprang, full grown and armed, from the cleft skull of Jupiter?
Two-and-thirty days after my mother’s death my brother Adelbrost was found murdered on the wharf, his skull fractured and his limbs torn asunder.
Birthright (#3 Part 4) Robert Nelsons life
Later, Robert’s cousin asked him to help her boyfriend, a Vietnam War veteran suffering from migraines caused by a skull injury.
The Colonies of Atlantis
They have a tradition of being descendants of white ancestors, and their physical traits range from almost white to mulatto color, with features and skull shapes akin to Europeans.
Artificial Deformation of the Skull
The practice of artificially deforming the skull was prevalent among various ancient civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Examination of American monuments reveals that skull deformation was a common practice among ancient American peoples.
Carib Islanders and North American Tribes: The custom of flattening the skull was notably observed among these groups.
Ancient Peruvians and Mexicans: Many flattened Peruvian skulls are depicted in Morton's "Crania Americana." This practice continues among the Flat-head Indians of the north-western United States.
The custom of skull deformation was not limited to the Americas:
Rathke noted flattened skulls near Kertsch, linking them to ancient practices mentioned by Greek and Roman writers.
Switzerland and Savoy: Similar deformed skulls have been discovered in these regions.
Even in modern times, skull deformation practices persisted:
France and Turkey: Professor Anders Retzius highlighted the continuation of skull flattening in southern France and parts of Turkey.
British Isles and Northern Europe: The same practice of using cradle-boards to flatten a child's skull was prevalent in ancient Britain and northern Europe, suggesting continuity from prehistoric times.
Comparative analysis shows striking similarities between ancient deformed skulls from different continents:
Swiss Skulls: Skulls from ancient cemeteries near Lausanne show significant deformation.
Peruvian Skulls: Shockingly distorted Peruvian skulls suggest intentional deformation for aesthetic or cultural reasons.
Central American Skulls: Heads from Palenque monuments indicate a natural receding forehead characteristic among the ancient people of Central America.
These practices indicate a cultural attempt to mimic the natural skull shapes of a once-dominant, possibly aristocratic race.
Skull deformation likely held cultural and religious significance:
Lund discovered ancient human skulls with excessive deformation, indicating a long-standing practice in South America.
The widespread practice of skull deformation suggests a deep-rooted cultural connection:
Inca Skulls: The receding forehead of Inca skulls appears natural, hinting at a common ancestry with other ancient civilizations.
The World Ice Theory
His blood becomes the oceans, his flesh the earth, his bones the mountains, his hair the trees, and his skull the sky.
Matias compares the Christian ritual of Communion, where bread and wine are consumed as symbols of Christ's body and blood, to a Masonic initiation ritual that involves drinking wine from a skull.
In ancient Egyptian art, Ptah is often depicted as a mummified man, standing or seated, with a straight beard and a skull cap.
Interview with Reptilian Woman
However, this species was small compared to its humanoid appearance (about 1.5 meters long), had a modified skeletal structure, a large skull and brain, and prehensile fingers and hands.
Þór and Hrungnir
But Mjöllnir hit its mark, crushing Hrungnir's skull.
But you were conceived with a lower flatter skull and deprived from the higher parts of the brain, seat of the 8th chakra, and of much of the spiritual abilities that your original ancestors had received.