
The Oahspe Bible

Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth

In the early days of the kosmon era, after the revelations of the Father's kingdom on earth had been published, and was known abroad over all the world, there went forth many, in Jehovih's name, to accomplish unto the resurrection of man, and for the glory of the Almighty, the new kingdom.

Tae said: Now is kosmon; men and women know of their own knowledge a way to provide unto self-development in wisdom, virtue, truth and affiliation.

Jehovih hath said: In kosmon, purification should not come by baptism with either water or fire.

For which reason, in kosmon, you should not build imperishably in corporeal things; but rather leave the way open for succeeding generations to build also.

On the south wall was the coil and travel of the great serpent (solar phalanx), from the time of the Arc of Bon (of Moses, Capilya and Chine) down to the Arc of Kosmon, in the etherean heavens.

As, in the olden times, I provided a preacher to stand at the altar in the east, and speak unto the multitude, behold, in kosmon, the multitude should render an account before My altar of their fulfillment of My commandments, and My C'chief should respond in My name.

Now, when I separated the Faithists and the Uzians, in the kosmon era, I sent angels, warning them.

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Inspiration

These are the words of Tae, in kosmon: I am Light; I am Central, but Boundless, saith Jehovih.

Hence, I named it kosmon.


Beside the above, Jehovih gave one more holy day, Kosmon Day, which He also commanded to be kept in commemoration of another matter, which Jehovih commanded to be secret with the Faithists for a certain period of time, the which time hath not expired to this day.

Therefore, the day of kosmon is still a secret with the Faithists.

The Oahspe Bible

The Book of Judgment

These latter are the chosen people of the Father of the kosmon era, and they will become supreme in all the world.

Now, it should come to pass, early in the kosmon era, that many should be gifted to heal by laying on of hands.

Now, behold, I have said unto my Lords: The era of dictation is past; man hath arrived at kosmon.

Jehovih hath said: In kosmon I come, saying: Be you**** brethren upon the face of the earth and upon the waters of the earth; these are the legacies I bequeath unto My children.

Now, behold, when kosmon came, I said unto you: Come with your** God; peacefully should you knock at the doors of Chine'ya and Japan, and they should open unto you*.

In kosmon, man should not be longer driven in yoke and harness, but should stand upright before Jehovih, practicing his highest light with rejoicing, being a free man, and a brother to his God!

And now, when the time of kosmon had come, behold, I sent my Lords and my numerators, to receive the harvest and the records of my loo'is.

To give man the system of universal peace, love, harmony and kosmon, adapted to all nations and peoples in all the world.

And I commanded my Lords and angels, generals and captains to this end; and I, furthermore, commanded certain angel registers to accompany and be with mortals in this, the kosmon era, to observe them at the work I provided them.

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih


When Jehovih brought the great serpent (solar phalanx) along the road of Vorkum, in etherea, behold, the earth passed into the light of the Arc of Kosmon, rising upward, higher and higher in the dawn thereof.

And they that travel in the ships, and they on the land should know when a ship near''' the port, even as you* behold My traveling earth approaching the place of kosmon.

As in former cycles, I sent unto the nations separately; so in kosmon, I should not send separately, but unto the whole world.

As in former cycles, I sent leaders and commanding Gods; so in kosmon, I should not send either earthly leaders or a worshipful God or Lord.

But in kosmon I should send nor Savior, nor archangel, with a loud-sounding trumpet; but I will come to man's understanding through the light of Mine own wisdom.

Neither should man longer accept any of the former revelations, and bow down unto them; for, as I was sufficient unto the ancients to speak to them things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen of the kosmon era that which is good for them also.

In kosmon, I should not come to make a servant of man unto man; nor to make him afraid, when the priest speak.

Now, behold, man should look about in the kosmon era and see My foot-prints in the ancient times, how I ministered unto the races of men.

All these things of heaven and earth should be made plain to man in kosmon; with his own eyes he should behold the justice of his Creator.

To His etherean Gods and Goddesses, Jehovih said: Behold, in twelve generations My dawn of kosmon will reach the earth.

Behold, in kosmon, you* should declare the glory of My works and the plans of My heavens unto the nations of the earth.

In the olden times, they had inquisitors, to watch as to what another did, or said, or intimated; now, behold, in kosmon, exactly the opposite of this should be the behavior of My chosen.

To reprove with words, to circumspect the doings of one's neighbors, their opinions and behavior, these should I put away in kosmon.

This, also, should man be made to understand in kosmon.

In kosmon, behold, I should not raise up any great leader-forth; My light should fall upon thousands and thousands.

And the year of the circumscribing should be the beginning of kosmon.

Chonling, Son of Jehovih, Chief of Fabi'wotch'osi and Balis, said: Come, O you**** Gods and Goddesses; come with me down to the red star; the earth is near the arc of kosmon, era of kosmon.

Behold, she come our way; she will cross the Arc of Kosmon in four hundred years.

Unto them he said: Provide an arrow-ship of great velocity, and go you**** in the former roadway of the earth, in the regions whither she traveled thousands of years; proclaim it in the etherean heavens, another corporeal world, the earth, near the time of kosmon.

It was shortly after this, that the angel hosts from etherea came down to the throne of God in Paradise, to labor with him in providing for the approach of the kosmon era.

I have seen many corporeal worlds arrive at the kosmon era.

You hast yet several generations of mortals to be born ere kosmon come.

But in kosmon, I open the gates of the oceans, and the seas, and the rivers, and I say unto all My people: Come forth, behold your brethren; go you**** into this country, and into that, and learn wisdom from that which I have proved in the family of My house.

In one, tallness; in another, shortness; in one, sound teeth and bones and well-formed limbs; in another, sagacity; in one, a dense population and well-tilled lands; in another, plain food and long life; for in kosmon, man should go abroad into all countries, one nation with another; and they should profit by wisdom, to bring forth a new race with all the glories selected from the whole.

So Litabakathrava passed down into the arena, and saluted on the sign, DAWN OF KOSMON, and God answered in the sign, FORTIFIED IN JEHOVIH’S NAME!

Thus was Looeamong's power in great measure locked up in managing his disrupted kingdoms, whilst God's holy angels pursued the road of righteous development for the coming era of kosmon.

God had said: Suffer these hardships to my people to be recorded, for in kosmon, they should be testimony of the power of heaven on mortals.

When the right time came, Jehovih spake to God, saying: My Son, behold, the kosmon era is near, and the light of the arc of su'is enter''' the fields of Paradise.

And, behold, the era of kosmon was at hand.

But now, in the coming of kosmon, behold they returned as pure and exalted Gods and Goddesses.


Let this, therefore, be the beginning of the kosmon era.

The Roman catholic church did not cast out Christ, and declare the Pope infallible, instead, and vice-gerent, till some six or seven years after the beginning of the kosmon era.

Showing the earth in the thirty-second year of the kosmon era.

Jehovih said: When the world approach''' dan'ha in Sabea, the nations should be quickened with new light; for kosmon come out of the midst.

This should be a new era, and it should be called, kosmon, because it embrace the present and all the past.

Jehovih said: Let this be a testimony, that this land is the place of the beginning of the kosmon era.

Hence, I have called this, the KOSMON ERA.

I come in kosmon not to free only the corporeal man, but the spiritual man.

Then went in the etherean hosts, who had brought forth the birth of kosmon.

Thus rose up, and departed to the higher heavens, those thousands of millions of worshipers of the Creator, who had witnessed the birth of the kosmon era, for the angels and mortals of this world.

The Oahspe Bible

God’s Book of Eskra

Jehovih said: Since these, My chosen people, have achieved the age of peace on earth, let them shut themselves in, away from the barbarians without, and they should endure as a secluded people till the coming of kosmon.

It was a star-ship from the Nirvanian heavens of Chia'hakad, only four hundred years from the dawn of the arc of kosmon, of the era of kosmon.

And, when the dawn of the arc of kosmon come, behold, I will open up My heavens unto mortals, and prepare the foundation of My kingdom on earth.

The Oahspe Bible

The Book of Saphah

(A cycle of time is about three thousand years, sometimes more, sometimes less.)7 From Kosmon, the present time, back to Moses and Capilya, alias Capella, three thousand four hundred years; from Moses and Capilya to Brahma and Abraham, two thousand four hundred years; from Brahma and Abraham to Zarathustra, three thousand one hundred years; from Zarathustra to Osiris the first, three thousand three hundred years; from Osiris to Thor, three thousand two hundred years; from Thor to Apollo, two thousand eight hundred years; from Apollo to Sue, three thousand two hundred years; from Sue to Aph, three thousand six hundred years.

In derision the Mother of Jesus was called Marah by the Jews.7 From Kosmon, the present time, to Moses and Capilya… 3,400 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to Abraham and Brahma… 5,800 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to Zarathustra… 8,900 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to Osiris (the first)… 12,200 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to Thor (the first)… 15,400 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to Apollo (the first)… 18,200 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to Sue… 21,400 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to the coming of Aph to the Earth and the Flood… 24,000 years.From Kosmon, the present time, to the commencement of Aph's cycle… 25,000 years.8 See Christian Bible, Matthew, chap, x., vs.

Jehovih said: Call not any man evil; but call ye him unripe fruit (Kosmon).

Nevertheless the ALL ONE is but ONE, but with two attributes (Kosmon).

In My name raise they up men with eyes to see and ears to hear, and I proclaim unto all the inhabitants of the earth (Kosmon).

They ignorantly blaspheme against the Great Spirit, Jehovih (Kosmon), calling Him God.

(See Poit.) The earth's position would be Hy-wn'suat-tor, or equivalent to 9,000 years before kosmon.

After the Israelites left Egypt, the graven tables were abolished, but invocation at the family table was continued, and is even to this day amongst some of the Jews (so-called).20 Mithra the first was about 4,000 years before kosmon.

Mithra the second was about 2,000 years before kosmon.

21 These were the ceremonies of the third cycle past, 9,000 years before kosmon.

The time was 5,200 years \ before kosmon.

Sectional View of Gologotha Temple, 11,000 years before Kosmon [temple of skulls]

25 These rites and ceremonies, according to the tables relating to the solar phalanx, must have been about 15,000 years before kosmon, and located in eastern Asia and Africa.

But in kosmon, to the order of this day, is added:)

2439 years before kosmon, Manasseth, son of Hezekiah, established idol worship, and, by law, abolished the worship of Jehovih.

These are the remnants of my corporeal body; in these my last days my remnants, that were once the living members of my body, should forth and speak their parting words to the new born Kosmon.

Even the words of man in ages past should be revealed by My seers in the time of Kosmon.

The Oahspe Bible

God’s Book of Ben

Kosmon, or, kosmon said: THE PRESENT ERA.

Kosmon said: Because man live on corporeal worlds, corpor is called son; but because man in spirit live in the es worlds, es is called daughter.

Kosmon said: Why wilt you, O man, search forever in corpor for the cause of things?

Kosmon answered: Hadst you not craved for light, you hadst not been delighted to receive light.

Kosmon said: What hath great learning found that is valuable?

Kosmon said: Let the wise man and the prophet consider the signs of the Almighty!

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih

And when they have carried My name to the west coast of Guatama, and established Me, behold, I will bring the earth into kosmon; and My angels should descend upon the earth in every quarter with great power.

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Wars Against Jehovih

For in kosmon, mortals should know that even as the earth hath been a place of foolish sacrifice to persons born of woman, so were My heavens debauched in that day by similar oppression and cruelty.

Of which they that are slaughtered, ten thousand millions, and bound by the Lord God, should swear, in kosmon, the fall of all things save Me.

For I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama, even till the era of kosmon.

The Oahspe Bible

First Book of God

God spake in kosmon, saying: Let no man say: With Brahma, or with Abram, or with Po, or with Eawahtah, was the beginning of the doctrine of One Spirit.

For when I come in kosmon, My people should have many states, like unto your, and their combination should be called UNION, signifying ONE.

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Cpenta-Armij, Daughter of Jehovih

To North Guatama, because she is the ground on which the circumscribing of the earth by the different nations should take place, where the revelations of heaven and earth should be made to man, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it should be called KOSMON.

Ami, Lordess of Kosmon, a heavenly place over North Guatama.

Of these the following came, to wit: Oe-wah, Lord of Hi-jee-tse; Ha-kappa, Lord of Paradise; Loo-gam, Lord of Vri-mij; Jes-Sie, Lordess of Spe-ta; Ami, Lordess of Kosmon; Horam, Lord of Flue; and Puetse, Lordess of Sin-Yot, each bringing one million attendants, besides hundred of thousands of visitors of lower grade.

The Oahspe Bible

The Lord’s Fifth Book

The Lord saith in this day, the kosmon era: Behold, O man, in the time of Osiris, I, the Lord, raised up many philosophers on the earth, and inspired them not only to fulfill the legends of the ancients, but also to write books of disputation, in order to turn man's mind away from the consultation of familiar spirits.

Of the I'hins, I provided testimony in all the divisions of the earth, with long hair belonging to the tribes that worshipped Jehovih, that man of the kosmon era might perceive that the land whence they sprang is not above the water.

For in the day of my glory, kosmon, man should put away all worshipful things, save Me, his Creator.

The Oahspe Bible

The Lords’ Third Book

Now have I come to you* in kosmon to make plain the government of heaven upon the earth; and of your*** God and his angels upon the race of man.

The Oahspe Bible

The Lords’ First Book

And the earth stood in the arc of Noe in the firmament of heaven, in the place and grade of six hundred in the a'ji'an roads, twenty-four thousand years before kosmon.

God said: Suffer my people to bestow names to the places whither I lead them; for these names should show in the kosmon era the work of my hand done in this day.

And in the kosmon era I will come and show them the framework of my building which I raise up to the Almighty.

For in the time of kosmon their relics should be testimony that the I'hin forerun the I'huan, the copper-colored, race in all the world.

So also will I, the Lord, provide in the kosmon era to discover the sunken land of Wagga, that mortals may comprehend the magnitude of the work of the Lord.

Now I, the Lord, reveal in this, the kosmon era:

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih

In the time of the world twenty-four thousand years before the kosmon era, the great serpent (solar phalanx) being in the arc of Noe, in the etherean heavens, and of the Sum of Howt and ji'ya eighty-seven, the earth and her heavens were in great darkness.

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Ah’shong, son of Jehovih

God said: In the time of kosmon, men should say: Whence came the name of heavenly things?

So it came to pass that God called in his own Lords of the earth, and sat apart the first day of the new moon as the day on which he would consecrate the God and Lords, his successors; and he called the day Mas, the name of which endur''' to this day of kosmon.

The Oahspe Bible


Thus spake Jehovih; by the light of kosmon proclaimed He these things amongst the nations of the earth.

And when the inhabitation of the earth should be completed, and the nations should have established civil communion around from east to west, in that same time will I bring the earth into the kosmon era, and My angel Embassadors, Gods and Goddesses, should render up the records of these heavenly kingdoms.

Through them will I reveal unto mortals the creation of My worlds, and the history and dominion of My Gods and Lords on the earth, even from this day down to the time of kosmon.