Table of Contents
1.God said: This Book should be called Eskra, because it is the history of the heavenly cycle, Bon. It should contain the substance of the heavenly records of three thousand three hundred years, of the first regions of the resurrection of the dead. My words are not of the earth, but of heaven.
- For of the history of the earth you* know already; wherefore I reveal things you* know not of. Be you**** profited therein understandingly, for my heavenly kingdoms will be presently for your habitation.
- As it hath been revealed to you already, in regard to the successions of the God, and the periods of dan, and the division of the higher from the lower heavens, it is sufficient unto you to know that which is given of God is of him who is Jehovih’s voice, without regard to which administration, or which God. And to know also that that heaven referred to in Eskra is not of the higher heavens, etherea, but atmospherea, which heavens travel with the earth around the sun, which heavens were called the lower heavens by the ancients, and by some, the intermediate world. Through which heavens all souls must pass, being first purified and risen in wisdom, ere they can inherit the emancipated worlds in etherea.
- Nor are these my revelations to mortals only, but to thousands of millions of the spirits of the dead, who know not the plan of the resurrection to higher heavens; but who wander about on the earth, not even knowing the organizations of the kingdoms in my lowest of heavens.
- Whom I reach by coming to mortals, and to places on the earth where they abide.
- For many such angels believe the heavens to be as an unorganized wilderness, void of government and instruction and discipline.
- And by virtue of their presence with mortals, though invisible to them, do inspire mortals with the same darkness. Wherefrom mortals have concluded there are neither Lords nor God, who are Jehovih’s high officers in these kingdoms.
- These matters should be set forth in brief in Eskra; the fullness of which should be opened unto mortals and angels in time near at hand; for they should see and read the books in the libraries of these heavens, and learn to know of their own knowledge.
- Therefore the light of this Book of Eskra is not of one God, or one Lord, or one recording angel, who are constantly succeeding one another, but of the body of the first heavens of the earth for the period of this cycle which is now at the close.
- God, Son of Jehovih, said: Give ear, O earth, and be attentive to the words of Jehovih’s Son:
- And you**** mortals of the earth; for I have said: The time should surely come when all things should be revealed to the inhabitants of the earth.
- Be patient and wise in understanding me; my words are for your resurrection forever, and for the glory of the Creator.
- And you**** angels of heaven, draw near; for I will reveal to you that which is for your own good. The multitude of my kingdoms should be opened up to your understanding also.
- And O you, my high raised Lords and officers of heaven, call up your hosts from far and near. Hear you the words of your God. Call you**** up the mighty ones of Yogannaqactra and the inhabitants of Theovrahkistan.
- And Hibin, the successor to Yussamis, of the six heavens of Ugsadisspe, to Tewallawalla, to Setee’song, to Go’e’dhu, to Ellapube, to Apax and to Fue. And call you**** up the successors to Hibin, and the primal Gods under him of his six mighty heavens.
- And Ong Woo, the successor to Anuhasaj, of the heavenly regions, the a’ji’an forest, Turpeset, with her twelve heavenly kingdoms; the place of Negathogan and Shumat and Thorokak and Enisshappaga and Habor and Amga and Magossa and Dhi Wan and Seffakostrus and Inubib and Marh and Wischowitcha, and to the primal Gods and generals and captains.
- And to Yusalithth, successor to Osiris, of Vrigginyannah; and to Raxya, successor to Te’in of Ovella; and to Yadonya, successor to Sudga, of Tempissiv; and to Yima, successor to Egupt, of Rathyaya; and to Hidemmes, successor to Shu Wan Loo, of Wowahyotos.
- And to their primal Gods and successors, and to their generals and captains.
- And to Zhubon, successor to the line of Yaton’te, with her twelve subjective heavens, the Fiskadore, the Wooloo, the Yamyam, the Katiro, the Wannahogan, the Ravax, the Ginnewan, the Shawnea, the Wishogah, the Pottomatta, the Shiwasae and Muskadayan.
- And to their primal Gods and successors, and to their generals and captains.
- And to Yessotosissi, successor to Yodma, of the heavenly regions of Ornababa, with seven mighty kingdoms, Gootha and Yembique and Waing T’soo and Ithya and Yorama and Hi’D’honyah and Wurrtembogga.
- And to their primal Gods and their successors, and to their generals and captains.
- And to Pidissomo, successor to Savvaqactra, of the heavenly place Joisyama, with her eighteen heavenly kingdoms, You and Loo Sin and Kad and Rum and Jassak and Solomon and Ressa and Nibbakak and Hizeph and Sakkar and Sin Chong and Remthaxax and Avardissa and Kessadronakas and Hui’gammaksonad and Nu Lee Wing and Trasmas and Kissayaya.
- And to their primal Gods and successors, and to their generals and captains.
- And to all other Gods of the heavenly regions of atmospherea, the hada of the earth; and to their successors and generals and captains; and to the heavenly, hadan regions of Sho’e’gan, with her twenty-eight sub-kingdoms, and to the heavenly, hadan regions of Ghi’e’wan, with her forty-four sub-kingdoms, and to their exalted officers and teachers, heavenly Sons and Daughters of Jehovih.
- And to the plateau of Narid, in the second resurrection, with her two hundred heavenly kingdoms, their Gods and generals and captains and high teachers, Sons and Daughters of Jehovih.
- And to the plateau of Yakabba, two thousand miles high, with her six hundred heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.
- And to the plateau of Yannurib, two thousand one hundred miles high, with her four hundred heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.
- And the seven plateaux of Havagamatris, with their two thousand heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.
- And the six plateaux of Vraggaomen, with their fourteen hundred heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.
- And the fourteen plateaux of Ghemayumaistra, with their three thousand four hundred heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.
- And to all other plateaux in the heavens of the earth, the atmospherean regions, and to the Gods of all heavenly kingdoms in these lower heavens; the intermediate world of the angels raised up out of the earth.
- God said: Jehovih called upon me, His Son, saying: My Son! Call aloud in My name; with My Voice stir up all these heavenly regions I have named.
- For My Gods and high-raised officers should open unto you* their libraries of heavenly books which should yield up My treasures. I will make the angels of heaven know Me and My word! They should come together from their countless heavenly kingdoms and places; for My hand and My strong arm is upon them.
- The labors of My lower heavens should be clothed in mortal words, and handed down to mortals. My Gods and My primal Gods and generals and captains should uncover their proceedings before the heavens and the earth.
- They should come together and be as one man with one voice, and their word should be My word.
- For My prophets have proclaimed it abroad, that the time would come when I would reveal all things unto men; and things that were dark made plain; and things in the light made as heaven, rejoicing.
- Hear My voice, O angels and mortals! The words of the heavens of the earth are My words, orderly and well disciplined. No man can imitate Me; angels can not counterfeit Me. My words are from the Fountain, that err”’ not forever.
- Whoso see My way can not fail to understand; I quibble not, nor beat about the bush. Even Lords and Gods are as nothing in My hands. I trim them up, and prune their orchards in Mine own way; I sift and weigh and assort, for I am Jehovih, the Almighty!
- I am the sum of the Voice of all the lower heavens; the doings of Gods and high officers; the Person of the word of three thousand years.
- And My record should be the standard for mortals and angels for thousands of years to come. Other books and other worlds will be written and spoken, and they should pass away and be remembered not by angels nor men. But My words, the words of Eskra, will live and endure forever. Then spake God, saying:
- For I am His fountain, of the Tree of Bon; I am His cycle of the Great Serpent’s e’spe, and can not die or go out of remembrance. I am as a link in a great circle, the section of Bon in the solar vortex.
- During every cycle I come and speak, and my words are not like other words. I plant them on the low earth, and they take root, and grow into a tree that reach”’ up into heaven. And the angels of heaven come thither and gather my words, for they are the fruit of everlasting life and of the resurrection of mortals and of the spirits of the dead.
- Give ear, O you**** nations of the earth, and magnify your understanding, for the wisdom of the Almighty.
- He single not out one man or one God, and saith: Behold, by him judge you**** Me and My works! Or give the history of all the living in one book; the pith of things is the unit sprung from all.
- Give ear, O man, and be wise in your*** judgment, of sure perception and good discernment in the revelations of my words in the cycles past and present.
- For I summed up all the Gods of the hadan regions of the earth, and all their high officers in the plateaux and heavenly kingdoms thereof, and I named them, GOD! And in their dominions with mortals I named them, LORD! As one, even God, made I them in my past revelations on the earth. That I might not confuse the judgment of men!
- And all the heavenly places of the earth, the atmospherean heavens, which travel with the earth around the sun, I named, HADA, the intermediate world, the lower heaven. Through which none can pass to the etherean heaven till purged of self, and made spotless, pure and strong in spirit.
- Of this hadan heaven, and of her Gods and their labors made I two words, GOD and HEAVEN, and Eskra is the sermon thereof. In which you* nations of the earth, and you* angels of heaven should profit in spirit; as by experience past, the future become fortified in wisdom and strength.
- In which sermon all resurrection is of God, who is Jehovih’s Son; but to distinguish from which (God) I named all that desired not resurrection in heaven, but loved more the earth, SATAN. And whoso loved evil and practiced it, I named, SATAN; and whoso combined, as angels or as mortals, to make anarchy, I named, EVIL WORKERS for hell.
- As God and heaven are of the resurrection, so are satan, hell and the devil of the declension.
- To one or other, resurrection or declension, belong all men on the earth, and to one or the other belong all the spirits of the dead.
- None can stand still; all the living are on the move forever.
- Jehovih is Life, Motion, Individual, Person! In proof of which, He gave unto you* life, motion, individuality, person.
- To develop these four entities is resurrection toward Him, more and more, which is heavenly.
- To neglect them, or pervert them, is to go away from Him, which is declension, which can lead to entire destruction.
- No man can be life for another; nor motion, nor individuality, nor person for another. For himself, and to himself, hath Jehovih created him with these.
- Nor can any of the Gods, however exalted, give to or take away these things.
- For even though the highest-raised angels may attain to turn the earth over, or to dissolve it, as the air in the firmament, or create a new earth, yet none of these can create life, or motion, or an individual, or person.
- These are from Jehovih and in Him; and all angels, the Gods and Lords, and generals and captains and chiefs in heaven are but the brothers and sisters of mortals and the spirits of the dead.
- And yet, O man of the earth, and you, angel of the heavens of the earth, be not puffed up or make light of the Gods, or Lords, or Saviors, or Chiefs of the heavens, for you are compared to them but as a drop of water is compared to the ocean.
- As a man amongst you employ a thousand men to do his bidding, so have I, your God, thousands of millions of angels to speak in my name.
- Put not off my words, saying: It is but your conscience speaking. My angels speak to you in spirit, with my very voice and words, which are Jehovih’s also.
- According to the capacities and talents of such mortals as practice my commandments, so do I appropriate them to assist in the resurrection.
- And in the same way do I allot my ashars to abide with you; to the musician, angel musicians; to the philosopher, angel philosophers; to the historian, angel historians; to the cosmographer, angel cosmographers; to the revelator, angel revelators; even so unto all men who seek to serve Jehovih by doing good.
- And these my ashars, which I place over you, are not individual angels, merely acting and speaking their own notions, but are organized companies of thousands of millions, who labor through a chief angel, called Lord; and all of them are in concord with me and my kingdoms, directed by my Holy Council, of millions of angels high in wisdom, which is directed by me, your God, even as I am one with other Gods, who are one with Jehovih.
- What my angels do in truth and wisdom, for righteousness sake, these I ratify in heaven; what I do in heaven, my angels do and reveal unto you in my name.
- The Lord said: This is the labor of God after the dawn of the arc of Bon:
- God crowned four thousand Lords, and titled them LORDS OF THE HEAVENLY HOSTS.
- And God allotted to every one of them one hundred messengers and fifty heralds, and gave them authority to provide their own attendants in their own way.
- God said: That I may hear the voices of my Lords, when you* are within your own kingdoms, you* should appoint representatives unto my throne. And there should be of such representative Lords one for every four hundred Lords of the Hosts.
- And the representative Lords should be speakers for the kingdoms that appoint them, and have power on important occasions to summon to my throne all their constituent Lords.
- And the representative Lords should be known in heaven and entered in the libraries thereof as the Holy Eleven, for they are symbolical of the seasons on the earth.
- Now therefore the Lords of the Hosts elected the Holy Eleven, and God anointed them, and their names were entered in the libraries of the heavens. These then are the Holy Eleven, to wit:
- Likar, Lakash, Yopes Loe, Vadhuan, Ah Cho, Zahawee, Eezen, Khan, Zedna, Yutemis and Ardolfus. And God gave authority to the Holy Eleven to speak before the throne, after the manner of the Councils of the higher heavens.
- God said unto the Lords of the Hosts: Your work is a good work. So, the Lords of the Hosts departed to their several kingdoms. But the Holy Eleven were duly installed and took their places in front of the throne of God.
- And God appointed two thousand supervisors unto each of the Holy Eleven; and eight thousand eight hundred surveyors; and four thousand four hundred captains of roads, and said unto them: Go you**** and build roadways between all the heavenly kingdoms in atmospherea. And I give unto you two thousand million laborers, to be divided between you, according to the distances and places of the roads.
- And God gave authority to Toyvraghah to examine the records and make the apportionment of officers and laborers on the roads, and he thus accomplished these things.
- God said: My heavens should be divided into eleven parts, one unto each of the Holy Eleven.
- The said eleven divisions were accomplished and thus named, to wit: Sinyativi, Horak, DamayaDamaya, Ad’dam, Hosea, Harivya, Sinisyo, Amset, Godessa, Itero and Aroqu.
- DamayaDamaya, Ad’dam and Hosea comprised all the lowest hadan regions, bordering on the earth; and these three divisions extended around the earth, and were twelve miles high.
- Sinyativi, Horak and Amset comprised the next grade of heavenly kingdoms outward from the earth, and were one thousand miles high, more or less.
- Godessa and Itero were the next grade of heavenly kingdoms outward from the earth, and were two thousand miles high.
- Harivya was next, and was outward from the earth two thousand five hundred miles. And next after this was Aroqu, which was three thousand miles above the earth. Aroqu was therefore the highest of the atmospherean heavens in those days.
- These five heavenly spheres, therefore, comprised the whole of the inhabited heavens of the earth. And yet there were thousands of plateaux still further away from the earth, and within her vortex, but uninhabited.
- As for Aroqu and Harivya, they were inhabited mostly by angels of the highest atmospherean grades.
- God said: From this time forth all heavenly marriages of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih should take place in Harivya and Aroqu, instead of as heretofore, in the thousands of heavenly kingdoms.
- And all es’yans should be hereafter maintained within the first sphere of hada, within the regions of DamayaDamaya and Ad’dam and Hosea. And as they rise in wisdom and strength, they should advance in place as well as grade, going in the direction of Harivya and Aroqu, from which all resurrections for the etherean worlds should take place.
- And God caused the boundaries of Ad’dam and Hosea to embrace the eastern continents of the earth; but DamayaDamaya embraced the western.
- To the Lords of the Hosts, God had said: The great love that mortals have for their kindred who are dead, is like a chord forever pulling their souls back to earth.
- Neither do mortals understand my heavens, and that the soul of man should rise upward.
- They cry out to me continually: O God, send you back to me the spirit of my kin!
- And they do not understand that their prayers are in opposition to the resurrection of spirits of the dead.
- And likewise doth the es’yan cry out to me: O God, take me back to my mortal kin! For he also comprehend not the resurrection, but in the gratification of his love would linger forever on the earth.
- Suffer you**** not mortals to commune with the spirits of the dead.
- And the Lords carried out the commandment of God. not available
- Toyvraghah and Hagonte and Yulis and Rufus, with their hosts, returned from their voyage to the earth, and brought records of the standing of mortals in all the tribes and nations of the earth, and of their numbers, and their grades and generations, and of the Faithists in all the different regions of the earth, and of idolaters, and of all matters pertaining to mortals, and these records were filed in the libraries of heaven, and a copy of them sent to the etherean regions in the roadway of the earth and her heavens.
- Of Faithists, there were thirty-one millions and three hundred thousand. In Chine’ya, thirteen million seven hundred thousands; in Vind’yu three million three hundred thousands; in western Arabin’ya (Kanna’yan), six million two hundred thousands, and in north Guatama, eight million one hundred thousands.
- And of all the rest of the inhabitants of the earth, there were eleven hundred millions. Of these, upward of ninety-seven per cent, were capable of everlasting life.
- Of the Faithists of Chine’ya, suffice this: Though they maintained the rites and ceremonies of the ancients, they lived not wholly as a separate people, save in a few places. But they were the head and front of learning and of teaching all the applied arts and industries. Whilst the idolaters of Joss and Te’in and Po were less learned.
- God said of Chine’ya: This is a good work. Whoso shape the education of a people will ultimately found them in their own doctrines. The Faithists will make these people a great people.
- Nevertheless great wars are near at hand here. The idolaters, being warriors, will suffer most, and the Faithists, who practice peace, will greatly gain upon them. And it was even so, as will be presently shown.
- Of the Faithists of Vind’yu suffice this: They lived in families and small colonies; they practiced the rites and ceremonies; nor were there any laws against them, as in the olden times. But because of the many languages in this country, all peoples were afflicted. God said: No people can advance much whilst they have many languages.
- Of the Faithists of western Arabin’ya, who, for the most part, called themselves Israelites, suffice this: The two branches still remained: those who lived under the oral law, and those who lived under the written law. The latter were called Leviticans, that is, hangers on, and of imperfect flesh and spirit.
- The Leviticans were not scrupulous as regard war and the preservation of their seed. And in consequence of their sins they brought great shame upon the Faithists in general. And the Leviticans’ examples were evil, and they gained in numbers faster than the Oralites. The Leviticans worshiped the Great Spirit under the names, Lord and God.
- As for the Oralites, so called, because their doctrines and teachings were secret and only spoken, being taught , man to man and woman to woman, orally; they were non-resistants, and they owned nothing, giving all things to the rab’bah for the public good. Their practice was love and harmony; doing righteously in all things, and trusting to Jehovih, Whom they worshiped under the name E-O-Ih. All the prophets and seers were born of the Oralites.
- And so great was the spiritual power of the Oralites, that during all these hundreds of years the Faithists, six millions, had lived without king or governor. Being as a multitude of communities.
- Of the Faithists of Guatama, they were little learned, but were peaceful and industrious. And they comprised all the inhabitants, save the I’hins, in all the land. And they also lived without kings or governors. And every town was ruled over by a rab’bah, and a combination of towns by a chief rab’bah. And the tribes were made into states, with chief rab’bahs as representatives, and these states were united into a great government called, THE ALGONQUIN. And all the government were made and maintained for the benefit of tribes that might suffer by famines or fevers. And yet there was not amongst all these millions of people one tyrant or dictator.
- And now came earth and heaven into the a’ji’an forest of Aghanodis, and the pressure was upon all sides of the earth’s vortex, even beyond Chinvat.
- And the heavenly kingdoms were stirred up; and the nations of the earth were in trial.
- In the great city of Paradise, heavenly seat of God, were the multitudes of angels, the thousands of millions made to look upward, outward, to know the Almighty.
- As a’ji drive the weak angels of heaven to seek a lower field, so doth it on earth drive polluted nations to war and to avarice and to death.
- When yet but the second shower of a dozen years had fallen, mortals in many nations of the earth rushed into war. And even the Faithists began to clamor for kings and standing armies, with great captains and generals, to lead them on to mortal dominion.
- The Israelites made a mortal king, and by their behavior , said: Rather man than Jehovih. Behold, we will have the Lord with us to fight our battles!
- And Baal, God of the idolaters, heard and saw, and gloried in the course; and he hastened to the scene with millions of his angel slaves to inspire the Israelites to glory in the Lord and God, whom he assumed to be.
- And millions of the Israelites fell beneath his power and became his spiritual slaves. The others, still steadfast in the secret oral rites, remained true to the secret name and Person, Jehovih (E-O-Ih).
- The which Ashtaroth saw; and, first time of all, after two thousand years friendship to Baal, she became jealous and filled with vengeful wrath.
- She said: I see now how this traitorous God hath planned to beat me in the regions west of Heleste and Uropa. By the flesh of my thighs am I sworn, this thing should not be! I will send a hundred million warring angels down to Babylon and Tyre and Yedmon and Luce, and inspire their mortal kings to make war on the westward cities, the strongholds of Baal. And as to impoverished Egupt, I will send thither mortal armies sufficient to destroy everything in the land thereof.
- Yea, I will send my legions also amongst the Israelites, and inspire them that I, Ashtaroth, am the only true Lord and true God. I will divide them up as a broken bundle of straw, and cast them to the four winds of heaven.
- On the other hand, Baal said: Because of my success, I know Ashtaroth will be jealous and full of anger; therefore, I will place a standing army between her heavens and mine; and if she but dare to molest me, I will send my millions against her heavens and despoil her utterly, that she may be cast in hell!
- God, Son of Jehovih, through his Holy Council, in Paradise, his heavenly seat, now decreed:
- To the Faithists of Arabin’ya, Ebeneezer captain, with five million angels as a protecting host. To the Faithists of Chine’ya, Luiwatha, captain, with ten million angels as a protecting host. To the Faithists of Vind’yu, Li Chong, captain, with eight million angels as a protecting host. To the Faithists of Guatama, Manito, captain, with ten million angels as a protecting host.
- And to each of the captains I give authority to draw additional armies from the Lords who hold dominions in the regions where they may be.
- But it so happened that the lowest heavenly plateaus were also engaged in wars.
- And in less than a hundred years of a’ji many of the Lords were without kingdoms, and, with a few chosen friends, were become involuntary wandering spirits, scattered about in all the heavens of the earth, or upon the earth.
- God saw this, and he called out to them; through his messengers he called unto them, saying: Having lost your kingdoms, why will you lose yourselves? Is it not better that ye fall to, in the remaining kingdoms and by your steadfastness, help to maintain faith in Jehovih in the hearts of the less learned?
- But satan (self) gained access to their souls, saying to each one of them: Thou, who hast been Lord of the hosts of heaven! You, take a place like a common laborer! You wouldst be laughed at! The non-resistant policy is good enough in times and places of peace. But now is war. And war can only be overcome by war. If great De’yus was overcome and cast into hell, why not our God also? So they heeded not God.
- And there came to Paradise, of Lords and high officers, whose heavenly places had fallen, different companies of tens and twenties and even hundreds, from various heavenly regions around about the earth, and having secured audience before God and his Holy Council, they said:
- Since we have been faithful in all things, and dutiful servants to Jehovih, what have we gained? Our kingdoms and high places have fallen to pieces from no fault of our own. Yea, our angels have gone off into anarchy. Where, then, is the justice of Jehovih?
- God said unto them: Of what profit under the sun is discussion?
- If you**** fail in one way, try another; and in no case seek to justify yourselves before Jehovih. He is Judge!
- There are already hells that have been standing for years. Is it not wiser that you* join together, and go and deliver them? Behold, Jehovih hath furnished us roadways beforehand; and His Voice came to us prophesying that this same darkness would come upon us. And you* were advised, and had sufficient time to provide for the worst.
- Go you**** forth, then, not complaining, but rejoicing, and in Jehovih’s name doing with all your wisdom and strength, regardless of favor.
- Thus they came, group after group, for years, before God; but were forever rebuked in the spirit of Jehovih, and they went away, but not to work righteously, but to sympathize with one another, and to complain against God and against the Holy Council of Paradise.
- In groups they assembled in places of their own, and began to philosophize on the ways of heaven and earth. And every one was sworn within himself to do no evil thing, but to find some more respectable way of serving Jehovih, than by going amongst the ignorant and depraved.
- And they became habituated in their meetings, in three places in hada; in Haractu, over Vind’yu, in Eta-shong, over Chine’ya, and in Hapsendi, over Egupt. And these became like great heavenly cities, because of the congregating of the angels of heaven, which continued for many years.
- Now, finally, they resolved to organize each one of these three places with a distinct head, and to unite the three heads as one confederacy; and the whole to be dedicated to the service of Jehovih. Thus was founded the CONFEDERACY OF THE HOLY GHOST. And by acclamation, three angels were raised to the three capitals, namely: Kabalactes, of Haractu; Ennochissa, of Eta-shong; and Looeamong, of Hapsendi. And each and every one of the three took the title, SON OF THE HOLY GHOST. These three had all been Lords, and were high in grade.
- Ennochissa selected seven angels, and gave them the rank of Lord, namely: Haptu, Vazista, Mira, Erasigi, Adamon, Amesh and Cacpa.
- Kabalactes selected seven angels, and gave them the rank of Lord, namely: Li Wan, Amatar, Wenates, Howickam, Shong Tsee, Massaqactus and Enniseabab.
- Looeamong selected seven angels, and gave them the rank of Lord, namely: Petubusetta, Rodi, Monulithens, Zitullia, Miriam, Zestes and Abarothmes.
- Such, then, was the established confederacy, which was to play so great a part in the history of heaven and earth. And it differed from all other confederacies, because its members all professed to serve Jehovih. And it required of all its people an oath of allegiance to Jehovih, but under the name, Holy Ghost, for they denied His Person as such.
- And God admonished them, saying: Though you* be wise in your own conceit, yet should ye fail. For, having denied His Person, then will you* yourselves become the Person in the understanding of the multitude. And herein will you****, soon or late, come to grief.
- But nevertheless, the confederacy heeded not the words of God. And God was grieved at heart, for Jehovih’s sake.
- God said: Behold, three conditions are now within the heavens of the earth; Anarchy by the false Gods and their slaves, the confederacy of the Holy Ghost, and the Faithists in Jehovih and His resurrections.
- Now, therefore, let my chief loo’is come before me, and hear the decree of God.
- The Lord said: When the chief loo’is had come before the throne, God said unto him:
- Know then, O Thoanactus, you should go down to the earth, to the land of Chine’ya, and by inspiration bring forth a birth, capable of the All Voice, but not capable of su’is. And you should accomplish this service so that he should be born into the mortal world at the time a’ji cease to fall upon that land.
- And you should provide him with great learning and great adversity and great experience withal. For he should establish the fundamental doctrines of the nations of Chine’ya. For his followers should become the most numerous and peaceful inhabitants on the face of the earth.
- And as you preparest for his birth by your* mastery over the generations of mortals, so should you, through these, your* hosts, raise up such as should become disciples. For however great a man you mightest raise up, it is wisdom to have also born into the mortal world, at the same era, such hosts of philosophers as should follow him, and indorse his doctrines.
- For by this means the establishment of Jehovih and His light amongst mortals should extend the whole length and breadth of that land. How sayest thou?
- Thoanactus said: Jehovih’s will and your** be done. This is a most welcome labor, O God. And I know, the voices of my hosts are with me.
- God said: In Jehovih’s name, you* I crown, CHIEF OF THE HOSTS OF LOO棚S, for the land of Chine’ya, for the birth of an heir for the All Voice of the Great Spirit.
- Thoanactus was then crowned, and his hosts were provided with badges by God, for they were filed before the throne, and hosts saluted, and departed with due ceremony.
- Such, then, was God’s labor for having born into the mortal world, after many generations, one that hath become known to the uttermost regions of the earth as KA’YU. Of him, more anon.
- Again God called before his throne a million loo’is, and appointed Etchessa chief over them, saying:
- You, O Etchessa, should go down to the earth, to the land of Vind’yu, taking these hosts with you. And you should establish a heavenly place of worship, which should be your** headquarters.
- Behold, I have given you* many generations in which to bring about the desired result. Survey you, then, the generations of Faithists in that land, and take your*** choice as to place and caste and family.
- He, whom you should bring forth for this purpose, should be of some royal family, a prince of high estate.
- I should prove through him, that for love of righteousness, and to serve Jehovih, he will forsake his kingdom and family and friends, and all earthly things and desires, and make himself as a poor man, dwelling with the poor, laboring with them, teaching them, and instructing them.
- For, because of the idolatries that will be amongst these people, they will be bound in caste; but he, whom I will teach through, should prove unto the world that the service of Jehovih require of men, that Jehovih should stand uppermost, even above kin and caste. In the example of which willing sacrifice, man should be taught, that all the evils of the earth can be overcome.
- And you should provide unto this man many disciples, and roadways for him to travel, and places to preach; and provide followers unto him, to go about with him. For without these, his preaching and practice would be of little avail. See to it, then, that your*** hosts control the generations of men, that there may be born in the world a sufficient number, to be disciples and followers of his doctrines, that he may be a power in the world for reestablishing the Faithists in the Great Spirit.
- And you should so provide these births, that they will be of the same period of time. What sayest you, Etchessa?
- Etchessa said: In Jehovih’s name I am your*** servant, with rejoicing. And I answer you* also for these my hosts, that this is a joy unto them, for Jehovih’s glory.
- God said: To which end I crown you*, CHIEF OF LOO棚S, for the land of Vind’yu! And God crowned Etchessa; and he gave badges to the other loo’is.
- And thereafter Etchessa and his hosts filed past the throne of God, duly saluting, and they also departed, going to the earth, to the land of Vind’yu. Thus were loo’is empowered of God, to bring into the world the heir. SAKAYA. More of him anon.
1 Sakaya is often called, Gotama Budha, but incorrectly, as will be seen further on.
- Hamonastas, one of the chief marshals of God, and for the heavenly city of Paradise, came before the throne, duly saluting, and saying:
- O God, Son of Jehovih, I would speak before you*! God said: Speak you, my son.
- Hamonastas said: There stand without the city of Paradise, beyond the pillars of fire, and in company with your*** high-raised captains, one, Nu-ghan, delivered from one of the hells of Hassa, over Egupt, and he cry out continually: O God, Son of Jehovih! Deliver me! Deliver you me! O Moses! Moses! Moses!
- He is distracted, continually using the same words over and over, without ceasing. Now behold, the nurses and physicians have tried all remedies they can invent, but failed utterly to break the spell upon him.
- For seventy days have they labored, and, as a last resort, they have brought him here, that they might learn from you*.
- God said: Nu-ghan! Is this not one of the Pharaohs, who took up arms against the Faithists of Egupt? Return you, Hamonastas, to the keepers of this man, and cause him to be blindfolded, that he may endure the light of the throne; after which you and his keepers should bring him before me.
- Hamonastas saluted and departed, and after a certain time, returned with the keepers and with Nu-ghan, who was crying out unceasingly, even as had been said.
- And now, when he was quite before the throne of God, God said to him: Behold me, I am God, Son of Jehovih: what wouldst thou?
- But the man heard not what God said, but kept crying out as before. Whereupon God said unto the keepers: Remove you**** the blinds a little, that the light may come upon him.
- And they removed the blinds a little; but, lo and behold, the light made him more distracted than before. And when God saw his deplorable suffering, he inquired of his keepers, how long the man had been in hell, and they said: Seventy and six years, and in a knot, three years!
- God said: I know that this is Pharaoh, who persecuted the Jews. Take him again without the walls, and there retain him. I will send one of my swift messengers to Lika, in etherea, who know the abiding place of Moses. Perhaps Moses put a curse upon him! If so, only Moses can deliver him.
- And the keepers took the spirit, Nu-ghan, without the city, as commanded by God. And God sent Haeroponitis, sister of Raban, a swift messenger, in an arrow-ship of fire, to the etherean worlds, to Gussawanitcha, to Lika’s sojourning place at that time, commanding her to lay the matter before the Nirvanian chief, Lika.
- Hereupon the report continue in the words of Haeroponitis, that is, these are her words, to wit: In not many days’ time I came before Jehovih’s throne, whereon sat Lika, through whose etherean provinces the solar phalanx was now traveling, and I told him the story of Nu-ghan.
- Whereupon Lika, Son of Jehovih, said: Let my reporters of destinations go find Moses: and it if be that Moses put a judgment on Nu-ghan, then must Moses return to the lower heavens, and deliver him. The justice of Jehovih reach”’ to all time and place.
- Haeroponitis continued: Whereupon I saluted before the throne of Jehovih, and in company with the reporters of destinations, started forth again in the etherean realms, and after passing through seven worlds, and upward of three hundred Nirvanian kingdoms, we entered the plains of Sapeas, where are situated the colleges and schools of Embassies, belonging to the Ghiturpsan board of Ritivius. And here we found Moses!
- Who no sooner looked upon us, having been told that he was inquired after, than he prophesied the cause.
- Moses said: Alas me! Because you hast come for me, you hast awakened in me that which slept all these hundreds of years. Yea, it is true, I put a curse upon Pharaoh; for I said unto him: You should yet call upon me to deliver you* out of torments. And I added thereto, afterward, saying of the blood of the sacrifice of the lamb: This should be the testimony of innocent blood against thyself and your*** people for what the Hebrews have suffered.
- Instead of this, I should have forgiven him. O Jehovih! Jehovih! I have sinned before Thee! And You hast searched me out after all these years, and brought the matter home to me.
- You are just, O You Almighty! In Thy name and by Thy wisdom and power will I return to the lower heavens, and take in charge the man and people I adjudged!
- And Moses wept; and he gave command to the builders to provide him at once with a suitable boat of great fleetness. And then Moses procured thirty thousand volunteers to go with him.
- And when all things were in readiness, Moses took leave of his companions, and he and his hosts entered his fire-boat, and presently our two vessels were underway, as if in a race, for the red star, the earth. And, after some days, we arrived in the heavens of the earth, even at the city of Paradise, the abiding place of God.
- Such is the brief heavenly report of Haeroponitis, for, on her arrival in Paradise, her mission was completed for the present.
- When it was known in Paradise, that Moses was coming, great joy was manifested, for God and the Holy Eleven and the Holy Council, all desired to see Moses. And God commanded the full board of marshals and also the musicians to go without the capital, and meet Moses, and escort him before the throne. And they accomplished these things; and Moses came before the throne of God, saluting in the sign, JUDGMENT OF TIME! And God answered him under the sign, THY LABOR IS OUR JOY AND GLORY!
- And God said: In Jehovih’s name, O Moses, come you, and honor my throne.
- And Moses went up, and sat on the throne, on the right hand of God. And Moses said unto the Holy Council and to the Holy Eleven:
- Your God should be my God. In his love and dominion am I cast by Jehovih’s will, to deliver those that have suffered from me and my words.
- God said: Should we not have a day of recreation first?
- Moses said: Nay; till I have delivered Nu-ghan, that was Pharaoh, there can be no peace. Suffer, therefore, your*** marshals to go to the keepers of this man, and bring him before this throne.
- And now again, after awhile, Nu-ghan was brought in, all muffled up, to keep the light from hurting him. And he was still crying out: O God, Son of Jehovih! O Moses! Moses! Moses!
- And when Moses beheld this, he was nigh overcome by the pitiful scene. And Moses brushed away his tears, and rose up, raising his hands to Jehovih, saying: Light of Thy Light, O Jehovih. Power of Thy Power, O Jehovih! Deliver You him, whom I accursed! Put his griefs and sorrows upon me, that hath sinned against him!
- A mantle of yellow light, cloud-like, descended upon Moses, as he stood transfixed before Jehovih. All the place was still as death!
- The blinds and muffles on Nu-ghan fell off, and he stood silent and motionless, gazing with fixed awe upon the holy scene, and upon Moses on the throne of God!
- The spirit of Jehovih moved upon the holy place, and the musicians felt the power. It was the light of one who was mighty, from the etherean worlds!
- Gently, then, the music of ten thousand voices fell upon the holy audience. First mild, as if far off, then louder and louder, as if coming near, till soon the words of the anthem proclaimed Jehovih’s praise.
- Nu-ghan turned not his eyes from the glory of Moses and the etherean mantle, for he knew Moses, even as it were but yesterday they parted in Egupt, on the earth.
- Slowly, now, Moses lowered his up-stretched arms, and his hands were brilliant, like yellow fire. And Moses said, solemnly: All praise to You*, Jehovih! (Eloih!) You art just, You Almighty Creator!
- Nu-ghan added: For through Him is all deliverance, worlds without end. In Thy praise will I sing forever, O Jehovih. You, Most High God of Moses, my Deliverer. Make me strong, O Jehovih, that I can look upon him, whom I persecuted and abused.
- Then Moses looked upon Pharaoh (Nu-ghan) and said: These things had to be. You wert the last of the pyramidal age of man, and I the first founder of the migration of the righteous. All things are done by Jehovih, in His own way and time.
- As, by my curse upon you* and your* people, have I been bound to come back to deliver thee and them; so, by your* curse against Israel, should you now return down to the earth, and labor to lift up Israel.
- For Israel hath fallen from communities, and hath taken to kings, after the manner of the heathen and idolater. Her people are divided and broken up, and many of them have become worshipers of the false Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth.
- Yea, they are forgetful of my commandment of peace and love, and have taken to war and to earthly aggrandizement.
- And you should take with you* ten thousand angels of exalted grades, and go down to the earth, to the habitations of the Israelites; and, by inspiration, you and your*** hosts should select and inspire such of the Israelites as are within reach of inspiration, and you should take them away from all other of their people, and from the heathen and idolatrous tribes, that are around about them.
- And you and your*** hosts should abide with these mortals hundreds of years; reestablishing them in peace and non-resistance, after the manner of the doctrines in the es’sean worlds. And you should call them, Es’seans, that they may be distinguished from all other peoples.
- Nu-ghan said: Thy decree is most just, O Moses, and I know of a truth your*** words are Jehovih’s. I pray you*, how long should this labor be for me and my hosts?
- Moses said: Some hundreds of years! Until you hast raised a light sufficient unto Jehovih, that peace and love and the doctrine of good for evil be again re-established from the blood of the Israelites, even as by the blood of the lamb, I delivered Jehovih’s people out of Egupt.
- And when you hast perfected the generations of the Es’seans, you should have sent to thee from the throne of God certain loo’is, and they will labor with you* until an Israelite is born into the mortal world capable of the Father’s Voice.2
- Nu-ghan said: Hear me now in my plea, O Moses, you, Son of the Most High: When I died, as to the earth, and entered heaven, as to these worlds, I found my kingdom, as to what was before me, in heaven waiting for me.
- And they were miserable, being beggars and slaves and idiots, because of the slavery I had put upon them in the earth-life. And I could not escape them, or put them aside. If I went away objectively, then subjectively I remembered them, and was drawn back to them.
- Yea, I was like a young colt that first being haltered, pull”’ away, but fail”’; then pull”’ again, and fail”’, and so on, until he find he can not escape, then tamely submit; even so was I bound to my kingdom, and obliged in the end to yield and become a slave unto them, to provide for them. For I had so despoiled them of their talents, they were as helpless as infants; and many of them wicked in the extreme.
- Nevertheless, I accepted that which I could not escape; I toiled with them hundreds of years, restoring them as well as I could. And in time a ray of happiness came to me, in the hope that in hundreds of years to come I should find my way out.
- But, alas me! darkness (a’ji) came upon my already dark heaven. My evil ones, such as I had had slaughtered on earth, came upon me for vengeance sake. Anarchy overflooded me and my people. They became very demons of madness, and they seized me, and bound me, and bruised me and suffocated me with their horrid smells. Millions of them! And their curses pierced me like poisoned arrows. Long I fought them; and I cried out unto you* and to Jehovih! But, alas! I was in hell. None could hear my prayers. For days and months and years I held out, but only to experience new and more terrible horrors!
- How long this woe was upon me, I know not. I only remember, that my soul sickened within me; and I felt a sinking and a fainting, like an endless death, that could not extinguish me. To me it seemed ten thousand ages!
- Suddenly I find myself here! Distracted before you*, you holy Son of the Great Spirit! Whence came I? What hath occurred? Or is this but a spell of delirious dream? And will I relapse again into yonder terrible nightmare of horrors? How can I go hence, that mine old kingdom come not upon me?
- Do they not wait hereabout somewhere? To seize me again, for renewed torments? O teach me, you, Moses! How can I fulfill your*** righteous judgment? And not be entrapped again, and, perhaps, forever!
- Moses said: I will give you* a new name, and I will clothe thee in garments of mine own making, so they will rather flee from you*, than come to thee.
- And Moses gathered up of the yellow, cloud-like mantle, and made a mantle, and clothed Nu-ghan; and he named him, Illaes, signifying, Servant of Light. And after that, he was provided with ten thousand co-laborers, assisted by Gafonaya, and sent back to the earth, on his mission.
- And God appointed one hundred messengers unto Pharaoh, that word might be transmitted every month to Paradise.
2 When this word is used in heaven, it is usually pronounced, Es’sean; but when on earth, Asean. Some interpreters called these tribes, Esenean Jews.
- God proclaimed a day of recreation in Paradise, that the inhabitants might meet Moses and his hosts, and rejoice therewith. And great was that day in Paradise.
- On the following day, Moses departed for the Eguptian people, that had been in hell with Nu-ghan, going to the place of deliverance. And there were of these spirits, eleven millions four hundred thousands. And Moses conferred with the inspectors as to places, and having decided on a convenient region, Elaban, he ordered their removal thither.
- And Moses went with them to Elaban, an isolated region on the Aratesaian plateau, and remained with them one hundred and twelve days, establishing them with nurseries, hospitals and factories; and he appointed officers for them, to every group and series, going amongst them in person and ministering to tens of thousands of them, and providing them places of worship.
- After that, Moses appointed Salesmon as captain over them. Thereafter, Moses departed, and returned to Paradise, where he remained two days more, and then took leave, and departed for his own heavenly place in Nirvania. But ere he departed, he said: When the a’ji’an forest is past and gone, and it be Jehovih’s will, I should return again to look after my hosts.
- And now was God’s attention directed to the Hebrews, the Faithists of western Arabin’ya, where the God Baal had gained access and power; having affiliated with one, Dagon, a false God, located in those regions, who maintained six earthly oracle-houses and a small heavenly kingdom of his own.
- And it came to pass, that the Hebrews were a divided people. A small minority of them still worshipped Jehovih, having colleges of prophecy and places of learning. But the great majority of them were worshipers of the Lord and God, believing the Great Spirit was only a large man in heaven, after the manner of Baal, or Dagon, or Ashtaroth, or any other God.
- God said of them: Though they pretend to be of many kinds, I see but two: Those who worship the Ever Present, Jehovih; and those who are drifting into heathenism.
- Mine eyes behold the true Faithists with colleges and with books of learning; but, as for the others, they are becoming consulters of the oracles (spirits), the same as the heathens.
- How can they remain a united people? The Gods of one city and temple teach one doctrine, and the Gods of another place teach another doctrine.
- God had previously sent to Ebeneezer one, Jerub, with ten thousand assistant angel strategists, to be with the king of the Faithists. Jerub now asked for other ten thousand, and God sent them to him. And God said unto Jerub:
- A war will presently result between Baal and Ashtaroth and Dagon and Haughak; and these Gods will not only war in heaven, but they will carry their battles down to mortals.
- And the Israelites will not only forsake their ancient doctrine of peace, but will become great warriors, both against other nations and peoples, and against one another.
- Take you heed, O Jerub, of the words of your*** God; and whilst Baal and Ashtaroth are in conflict and neglectful of the temples and oracles, possess you them.
- Better is it, that these false Gods win unto themselves as dutiful subjects, five angels, than one mortal.
- Guard you well all the colleges of prophecy against the emissaries of these false Gods. And see to it, that the worshipers of Jehovih have born unto themselves a goodly number of prophets.
- There came to Paradise, God’s heavenly place, one, Taenas, a messenger from the chiefs of the so-called Holy Confederacy. God’s chief marshal conducted him before God, and, being commanded to speak, he said:
- Greeting to you, O God. In behalf of the Three Sons of the Holy Ghost I come before thee to proclaim their words. I have been instructed by them, what to say, and I declare unto you, O God, my words are their words.
- First, that you mayest hear us before we are adjudged; second, as you claimest liberty to think and to speak for thyself, so do we all. And wherein error come of our proceedings, it is our own matter, and not your**.
- As you sayest: Behold the All Person, so do not we say; but we say: Behold the all expanse; it is but a shadow, a ghost. And for convenience sake, we name it, Holy Ghost.
- Is not this our privilege? Who can deny us? Hath one man rightful dominion over another? Or one captain, or one God?
- God said: Proceed.
- Taenas said: And we be right, then should we of our own selves judge what we will do. But if you be right, and this thing be an All Person, you art then His servant to do His will. Are these points true?
- God said: It seem”’ so.
- Taenas said: And liberty to both sides?
- God said: Yea.
- Taenas said: When I was a child, I was helped to walk; but now I am strong, I walk alone. Wherein then should not my judgment also walk alone?
- God said: Proceed you, and I will speak afterward.
- Taenas said: We have seen in ages past, that peace hath been forever proclaimed by the followers of Jehovih; and that both on earth and in heaven such people become the sufferers and victims of tyrants of earth and of false Gods in heaven.
- We propose war, in the name of the Holy Ghost, both on earth and in heaven. We can have no war with you* or your* people, on earth, or in heaven; for you and your* people, angels and mortals, are all peace, warring not.
- Our wars can be only with warriors. I put the matter thus: You hast a virgin daughter, and a villain assail her; your*** doctrine is, to rush in and take thy daughter away from him; our doctrine is, to beat him away from her.
- We behold evil Gods and evil spirits, assailing virtuous people on earth and in heaven. We propose to war them to destruction, for righteousness sake. More then are we to your*** favor, O God, than against you*.
- We dip our hands in blood, for sake of peace and virtue, for sake of liberty and knowledge. We should say to the man of earth: You should become learned: To the es’yan in heaven: You should not return to mortals, but remain in your*** place, and become learned and virtuous.
- For which reason we come to you*, O God, that you mayest know our foundation.
- God said: Who then sayest you, men and angels should worship?
- Taenas said: In this, we command them not. But we give them liberty to worship whomsoever they will.
- God said: You hast said: Our doctrine is, to beat the villain away from the virgin; but what wilt you, or your*** example, teach?
- Taenas answered: That an assailant deserve punishment.
- God said: And wilt you say to the peaceful and virtuous: Take up arms, give your enemies torments?
- Taenas answered: Yea, verily.
- God said: And by what authority, if they inquire of you*?
- Taenas said: By authority of the Holy Ghost, and the Father (the Confederacy), and by the Son, that is, each and every Lord of the Confederacy.
- For we should teach mortals and angels that all things are by law; and the word, law, should take the place of the term, Great Spirit, or Jehovih.
- God said: Hear me, then, O Taenas, and in love bear my words to your*** so-called Triune Confederacy, and to the high leaders, saying to them: thus saith God of Paradise, Son of Jehovih, according to the light of this throne:
- You**** should triumph for a long season on earth and in heaven; but not in the way ye suppose.
- For you**** will be forced to provide a worshipful head for mortals and angels. And it will come to pass, your three heavenly places will become known on earth and in heaven as the Triune Gods, or Trinity!
- And the people will worship an imaginary figure of three parts, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And this will become their idol; and he will be accredited with love, anger, jealousy and favoritism, war and destruction.
- Because you* say: Give punishment to the wicked, you* open the door of all evil. For he, who hath a quarrel with his neighbor, will accuse him as deserving punishment. They, that are in darkness, and being mighty, will fall upon the weak, and slay them.
- A quarrel will ensue in your three heavenly kingdoms, and ye will become as three false Gods. And since you**** profess not the All Person, each of ye three Gods will be forced to announce himself as such.
- For the rule applie to all men and to all angels, that they, who deny an All Highest Person in the Creator, become establishers of idolatry unto themselves.
- You hast said: We should leave mortals and angels to worship whom they will. Why, then, is it not well to worship Baal? And Dagon? And Ashtaroth? And yet, these Gods make slaves of their subjects, that worship them.
- Taenas said: Nay, they are evil Gods. We will deliver their slaves into freedom.
- God said: Who is master, and who is slave? Either on earth, or in heaven? Why not abolish your Triune Confederacy, lest you**** rule over others? And you profess liberty, why not practice it?
- Because you* proclaim liberty as your chief object, you* will entice the unlearned and the truant and the idle and the lazy; for all these claim their weaknesses as the boon of liberty.
- It should come to pass, in the far-distant future, your kingdoms will be made up of the lowest grades. And they will pull you all down from your present high resolves; and ye will become tyrants and evil Gods yourselves, and meet the fate of all your predecessors.
- The earth and the heavens thereof were given into my keeping, for the resurrection of all the inhabitants; but I have neither commission nor desire to accomplish dominion by violence. As you**** have withdrawn from my kingdoms, it is an act of your own.
- Even mine own grief at your secession showe me, how short I am in comprehending Jehovih’s ways. For I declare unto you, O Taenas, and through thee to your** chiefs, that though your course seem”’ evil in my sight, yet will it be proven in the distant future, that Jehovih will appropriate your labors to an ultimate good.
- Thus said the God of heaven and earth: Go you therefore with my words to the chiefs of the Triunes. I part with you all, as a father part”’ with a son, that go into a consuming fire.
- Taenas said: In reverence to you, O God, I go to them, that pity you for your*** too peaceful ways.
- Thereupon, Taenas saluted in reverence, and departed, going his way.
- God called up Erastes, prince of messengers, and he said unto him: You hast heard the words of your* God and of Taenas. Take therefore thirty thousand and four hundred messengers, that is, one for each and all of my remaining kingdoms, and go and proclaim the same unto them, that they, having due notice, may manage their affairs with wisdom and foresight. Erastes said: Jehovih’s will and your be done! And he saluted and withdrew, going to the palace of the messengers, and choosing his hosts, whom he instructed in regard to the message. And he gave to each of them power to choose their own officers, and to provide their own vessels of travel. And in not many days thereafter, they all departed.
- Now it came to pass, that the following kingdoms soon fell to pieces, and drifted into the Triune Confederacy, namely: Sho’e’gan, and her twenty-eight sub-kingdoms, all in the hadan regions; Ghi’e’wan, and her forty-four heavenly hadan kingdoms; Haotus, with seven heavenly hadan kingdoms, and five sub-kingdoms; Tuwahtal, and thirty kingdoms in the first resurrection in the plateau Theovrahkistan; Livragga, and seventy-one heavenly sub-kingdoms, of which thirty-eight were ready to enter the second resurrection; Jahkin and Mouru, with ninety-seven heavenly hadan kingdoms, of which eighty-seven were promoted to the second resurrection; Ganzoe, with four hundred hadan kingdoms, of which many were below the first resurrection; Hapsu, with four heavenly kingdoms of seventy million angels in the second resurrection; Iturba, with twelve heavenly kingdoms of one hundred and four million angels in the second resurrection, half of whom were as high as fifty in the grades; Wantawacha, with thirty heavenly kingdoms, with three hundred million angels in the second resurrection, three-fourths of whom were upward of grade fifty.
- Of the seven lower kingdoms of the second sphere, there were eight hundred million angels of the first resurrection, who migrated from their provinces to the Triune regions, Amesha; and they destroyed the road behind them.
- Now, when God saw the great secession of his heavenly kingdoms, and their allegiance to the Triunes, his soul was filled with sorrow. And the Voice of Jehovih came to him, saying: Why takest you sorrow to your*** soul for these things? Should a God grieve, because his burden is made lighter? Behold, in this day and hour the Gods and Lords of the Triune are rejoicing with great joy, because of these accessions. Yea, they perceive not, what a load they are taking on their own shoulders.
- But you should send agents amongst the Triunes, especially into their capitals and their chief kingdoms.
- So, God appointed many agents, different from messengers, for they were to be under the command of none but God. God said unto them: You**** should go to the places I appoint unto each one of you, as travelers and sojourners in your own way, and observe the doings of the Triunes, especially the chiefs and leaders, Lords and Gods, and their teaching and government, and in your own good time depart out of the place and return hither and inform my Holy Council and my Holy Eleven.
- And the agents went forth as commanded.
- The Lord said: The three heavenly kingdoms, Haractu, Eta-shong and Hapsendi, of the Triunes, were independent, but allianced for offence and defence against the evil Gods, Baal, Dagon, Shulleth, Ashtaroth and others, whose angel subjects were kept in slavery, and for evil purposes.
- Now, therefore, the Triunes jointly declared war, to the end that peace might be secured in these heavens.
- Nevertheless, each of the Triunes had charge of his own heavens and over such part of the earth as was covered by his heavens.
- For they had divided up and appropriated both, the earth and the heavens, into three parts, one to each of them.
- Here follow, then, the history of the wars of the Triunes:
- First, of Looeamong and the false Gods he overthrew:
- A triangular was was going on in hada and on earth between the angel armies of Baal, Dagon and Ashtaroth, in which ten thousand million angels were engaged under them.
- Looeamong declared war against the whole of them, and impressed into his service eight thousand million angel warriors.
- Ashtaroth, the most vengeful Goddess, had previously sent hundreds of millions of her warring angels down to the apostate Jews, to inspire them to wars and cruelties on one another, hoping, to exterminate them, lest they become Baal’s subjects. And yet other millions of warring angels had she sent to the Parsi’e’an cities, and to the Eguptian cities, Daskrath, Babylon and Gonassah and Tyre and Romaxain and to the kings and queens of many other great cities, to inspire them to send forth armies to destroy, not only the worshipers of Jehovih, but all people that worshiped Baal, or Dagon, or any other God.
- Baal, on the other hand, had sent hundreds of millions of his warring angels down to the earth, to Heleste and the west regions, and to the Israelites as well, inspiring mortals to war against the east kingdoms, especially Babylon and Daskrath, two mighty cities in the dominions of the Goddess Ashtaroth.
- And the armies of mortals were moved forth by the armies of angels, whom they saw not; war raged east and west and north and south.
- Looeamong, the Triune, said: I will spoil them both. I will send an angel army of warriors down to the middle kingdoms, to the great tyrant, Cyrus. I will possess the oracles and direct Cyrus to march against Parsi’e. He should make an alliance with the Argos’yans [Greeks].
- Hatchesan [Media] and Karsoka should be my countries. And the cities of Hemia and Babylon and Nine’vah and Gassakad and Hannedan and Saluem should bow down no more to Baal and Ashtaroth, forever.
- Belus should be mine, and the cities and temples of Hina and Maroth [Heliopolis and Bubastis] and Hovan and Torres and Delfi; and the habitations of Phires and Simak [Phrygia] and Macedon and Thues [Corinth], and the great oracle-houses of Myrsilus and Myrsus and Gyges and Candawles and Haerkus [Clazomenae] and Simon [Miletus] and Gamma [Minerva] and Fabiyan [Arion] and Sulus [Atys] and Craz’ya [Croesus] and Wakadya [Juno] and P’hrid [Phrygia] and Gemnae [Busiris] and Ma’zan and R’hodae.
- By force will I possess them; yea, by force drive hence all other angels and Gods. And my warrior angels should possess these temples, so that whoso come to consult the Gods should receive mine own answers. I will drive mortals to war in mine own way, and to whatever place I determine to subdue or destroy.
- Equally menacing were the boasts of the Goddess Ashtaroth; she had said: Whether I despoil heaven and earth, I care not. If I can not possess them, I will destroy them, so that no God should possess them.
- Into festering knots and hells will I cast tens of thousands of millions of angels, in case I do not succeed in winning all.
- I will send millions of warring angels down to Xerxes, the Parsi’e’an king, and to his kingdom, and they should obsess every man, woman and child to desperate madness against the Argos’yans [Greeks] and the middle and west nations.
- I will lead Xerxes forth with the mightiest army that has ever been on the earth. And they should despoil all regions, whithersoever they march.
- For I will make Xerxes and all the Parsi’e’ans believe, they are doing these things for their own prosperity and glory, and for despoiling their own enemies.
- And, after Xerxes hath despoiled and conquered all the earth regions, Baal and all other Gods should be driven away from the oracles and temples. Xerxes should issue a decree, abolishing all other Gods but me, Ashtaroth.
- And, when I am thus well anchored on the earth, I will turn my legions against this new upstart God, the Triune, Looeamong. And I will cast him into a hell, from which he should not escape forever.
- So, Ashtaroth concentrated her heavenly warriors into this great and desperate work. For she had been maturing her plans, even before Xerxes came to the throne of Parsi’e. And, since, in those days, the kings and rich men in all those countries consulted the spirits [oracles and pythians], in reference to all important undertakings, it was not a difficult feat for Ashtaroth to obsess the millions of Parsi’e’ans to carry out her project.
- Accordingly, Ashtaroth commanded her marshals to summon two thousand million angel warriors, men and women, for the work in hand. And when they came to Neabissa, a heavenly region to the north, over the earth-mountains Afflo’yagga [Caucasus], she caused Mateus, her chief orator, to prepare a speech in her behalf, and have it declaimed before the angel warriors.
- Mateus, a one-time Lord to Osiris, nine hundred years previous, now made the speech, and this that follow is a synopsis, to wit:
- I, Goddess of all the heavens and of the whole earth. Behold, me, Ashtaroth! The earth and the heavens are mine, saith Ashtaroth! I clove the sun in twain; for it is mine. I clove the pieces again; for they were mine. From these I made the stars and the moon. But the great earth I made as my foot-stool; for it was mine, and ever should be.
- I peopled it over with all the living; they were my creation. And you**** also are mine. I peopled the stars, and gave to the inhabitants thereof great delights. And the earth and my heavens were places of great delight. For I gave bountifully to all my children.
- But the inhabitants of the far-off stars quarreled because of an evil God, Baal. And they cast him out. And he came here to despoil me and my heavenly places. Witness ye my beloved. I could destroy him with my little finger. But he is unworthy of your Goddess. To you I give the glory to capture him, and cast him into hell, and torture him forever.
- But lest other evil Gods take possession of his earthly places, they should also be destroyed. Hear you* then the command of Ashtaroth, which is, that you* should go down to the earth, and obsess and inspire the Parsi’e’ans to march forth and destroy all other people on the earth, beginning first with the stronghold of Baal, in Argos, where he hath many sub-Gods under him, where the Argos’yans, not knowing him, call him, Zeus.
- And to whoso prove valorous amongst my angel warriors, will I give great promotion and glory, and thousands and millions of slaves. For when Baal is overcome and cast into hell, you**** should take his angel slaves, and possess them yourselves, according to your valorous deeds.
- Ashtaroth then officered her angel hosts, and sent them down to the earth, and they were distributed by the captains and generals around about Parsi’e. Being directed to preside in the presence of mortals by day, inspiring them to war against Argos, and to be with them at night, and talk to them spiritually in dreams and visions.
- And it came to pass, that Xerxes and the people, the Parsi’e’ans, were moved to go forth and destroy the Argos’yans. And king Xerxes took two and a half million soldiers with him for his army. And so great was the inspiration and obsession of Ashtaroth’s angels, that they caused another two and a half million of Parsi’e’ans to go with Xerxes’ soldiers. So that Xerxes’ whole army was five millions of souls, which was the largest army on earth, that ever had been, or ever should be.
- Baal, God of the Argos’yans [Greeks], called together two thousand million angel warriors, and after properly officering them, caused them to assemble in Bethhagas, a sub-kingdom of heaven over the Tillag mountains, to the north of Macedon, and he said unto them:
- Behold, your Creator, who I am! By my breath upon the earth ye came forth. I am he, who was of old called, De’yus [Zeus], Lord God of heaven and earth. All places are my places, all dominion is mine.
- My heavens gave I unto you for your inheritance forever. But an evil Goddess, Ashtaroth, hath come to despoil you.
- And she hath sworn upon her thighs to cast you into endless torments.
- Behold, I have sworn a new oath on the sun and moon and stars! You**** should capture her, and cast her and all her angels into hell, to so abide forever.
- For I will clear the heavens and the earth, and they should be clean and full of delight.
- Hear you, then, the commandment of your God, Baal, ruler of heaven and earth: You should go down to the earth, to the Argos’yans, and obsess them, man, woman and child, and inspire them to terrible deeds of blood and havoc and death against the Parsi’e’ans who are coming against them.
- And whilst you**** are thus providing corporeal destruction for this evil Goddess, my heavenly hosts under Yaawochad, my Lord of Agansetha, should attack her angel armies in every quarter of these heavens.
- And as fast as her drujas are captured, they should be cast into the hells of Gotha, which I have prepared for them. And to all my valorous workers will I give great promotion and power. You**** should have servants and slaves without number.
- Now, it came to pass, that many years of war and destruction ensued; but Baal’s hosts were too powerful for Ashtaroth. And so Baal not only overcame her angel warriors on the earth, but in her heavenly capital also. And his legions rushed upon her, and captured her. Whereat her own angels turned against her, perceiving now that she was an imposter, and not the Creator.
- And they bound her, and carried her and her Lords and Gods off to Toosemmes, a heavenly place of foul smells, in Gotha, and they built here a place of torment for her and them, and cast them in. And they brought here tens of thousands of her officers, and cast them in, and also the spirits of kings and queens and of generals and captains who had been her devotees, who were slain in battle, and who were yet in chaos.
- Thus ended the God-ship of Ashtaroth. And there were thus cast into this hell, voluntary and involuntary, two thousand million angels.
- Looeamong, the Triune God, said: This is the end, number one; next should fall Baal; and him will I cast in hell also.
- As to mortals, Xerxes’ mighty armies lived not to return to Parsi’e, but were scattered and destroyed. As to the Argos’yans, they were a ruined people.
- And all those countries were covered over with the spirits of the dead, in chaos.
- For these wars had been going on for many, many years.
- Hear you****, next of Kabalactes, Triune God of Vind’yu and her heavens.
- Kabalactes said: Since Vind’yu and her heavens are to be mine, forever, I will take mine own time, and make a sure foundation. First, then, I will build me a heavenly city, Haractu, above the mountains of Yammalaga, twelve miles high, and the wings thereof should spread out, broad as the land of Vind’yu.
- And I will build me a heavenly palace in Haractu, and adorn it in splendor; and it should also have wings on every side; and the wings should be the habitations for my officers, my select and Holy Council.
- And when Haractu is thus completed, I will send word into all the heavens of the earth, saying: Come and see Haractu, the heavenly seat of the Holy Ghost; the most glorious city of the Holy Confederacy of the Triune.
- And then should my legion of angel warriors go forth to battle in these my heavens; and they should despoil all the false Lords and false Gods worshipped in Vind’yu. One of the two choices will I give unto them, to bow down in obedience to me and to the Triune and to the Holy Ghost, or to be cast into hell.
- One by one should Gods and tyrants fall by my hand; I will destroy them utterly and forever.
- Kabalactes then organized his heavenly kingdom; creating his officers and apportioning his angels amongst them, according to the labor allotted to them.
- And he build the heavenly city, Haractu, and adorned it in great splendor. And he provided hospitals for the sick and imbecile, and nurseries for es’yans, and factories for workmen and schools and colleges for great learning.
- Look, he said, I have provided places for the poor, the sick, the unlearned, the helpless and the imbecile, even before I provided a place for myself. There is a God for you. Behold, I am the servant of the Triune, the Father and the Holy Ghost.
- My doctrine is: To labor for others first, and for one’s self afterward. And since ye perceive that my doctrine is a holy doctrine, you**** should establish it, come what may. For, though I am good, I am also power and majesty, in great anger to overcome evil, and establish righteousness and liberty.
- These, then, were the chiefs of Kabalactes’ staff, to wit: Pedmon, Laer, Yodava, Craosha, Varaga Sin Tse, Karapa (the false Mithra), Haekiha, Yutobis (the false Christna), Lumbothia, Doravva, Etchwalactcha (the false Vishnu), Myrrhes, Sepia, Tidon (the false Ari), Onatuhu, Durhea (the false Durga), Indra, Kali, Hosanne, Wahtissa (the false Agni), Owella (the false Rana), Gur (the false Siva), Hiak, Cassavragga (the false Trimurthi), Howgotha and Ithra. And as captains: Sarama, Janessa, Anatheia, Thodica and Janurs.
- But all the foregoing assumed many false names, both on earth and in heaven, so that no history could reveal who they were, or by their names distinguish where their dominions lay.
- Kabalactes had said unto his chiefs: Behold, mortals have many favorite names for worship. Go you**** down to the earth, to Vind’yu, and possess the temples of spirit communion, the oracle houses and whatever places mortals come to worship in, and these places should be yours.
- And to whatever Lord or God, mortals most incline to bow down, take you**** the name of that Lord or God.
- For I give this law unto you, that you**** should possess the land of Vind’yu, not with new names, but with the old, but all unto one end, which is the establishing of the Triune Godhead.
- Kabalactes then made Pedmon commander-in-chief over his angel warriors, and dispatched them down to the earth, to Vind’yu.
- After this, Kabalactes raised an army of two thousand million angels to fight his heavenly battles. Over these he crowned Yettaba, Lord in chief.
- In addition to the heavenly attractions of war, Kabalactes provided six groups of musicians of half a million to each group.
- He also instituted times and places for tournaments, processions and the display of great pageantry.
- He said: I will not only be powerful in might, but powerful in attractions, above all other Gods.
- Now, even as hath been told of the wars of Looeamong, even so, but in a different place, were the terrible conflicts in the heavens of Kabalactes, which were also manifested on the mortals of Vind’yu.
- So it came to pass, in a few hundred years, that that country was but a land of ruins, but over it, in every direction, were hundreds of millions of angels in chaos, being the spirits of those slain in the wars.
- Kabalactes said: Now will I clear away the ruins, and build my everlasting edifice on the earth.
- Behold, I will remodel the sacred books of mortals in mine own way.
- In these signs will I rebuild: The triangle, representing the three lights, the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost.
- I will re-establish the tau (bull), as the sign of my power. And because my heavens are The All Pure, the tau should be white.
- The wheel (jaugernot) should be my road-mark.
- These signs should be given unto my mortal subjects, to be theirs forever.
- And whoso parad my signs, should know that they are my covenant which I have made unto mortals.
- Kabalactes then appointed twelve thousand four hundred and eighty-eight angels, to go down to Vind’yu, to re-write the sacred books of mortals.
- And he crowned Gaonaza chief of the inspiring host.
- To write the five great books, five mortals had been previously chosen from before their birth, by the guardian angels appointed for the purpose.
- These men were: Harritza, to write the Avesta; Vraghettes, to write the Vendidad; Royhoh, to write the Vispered; Yathavah, to write the Yacna; and Uzariah, to write the Khordavesta.
- The angels chosen by Kabalactes in heaven, were sent down to these mortals in infancy, to guard them for the time of their birth upward. And the angels were divided into watches, sufficient to keep away all other angels, to be with their mortal wards day and night, to converse with them in their dreams, to give them visions and good habits and virtue and truth and wisdom.
- And it came to pass that when these mortals were grown up, and the time came for their work, they were with their guardian spirits as one, knowing and comprehending the voice of their master, Kabalactes, whom they were inspired to call Ahura’Mazda, because this name was pleasing to mortals.
- Gaonaza, commander of the inspiring hosts, distributed the twelve LIGHTS OF THE THRONE, the angels in rapport with the five mortals, to each of them, save to Harritza, and to him he gave four.
- And now, when the writing was to be done, the following was to be the manner of inspiration, to wit:
- The writer was previously inspired to be at his post at dawn in the morning, and to have all things in readiness for writing half an hour before sunrise, and to write until sunrise.
- And the angels in rapport stood beside him, lying their hands upon him. Next to these angels stood another angel, with hands upon them; and, after that one, stood another, and so on, for one thousand angels in a line, extending in a direct line toward Haractu, the heavenly seat of Kabalactes. And from the extreme thousandth angel in line on, up to the heavenly throne, were stretched three cords of es’ean light, even to the Holy Council, before whom spake the chief of the ten thousand, as previously instructed by Kabalactes.3
- And, as this chief spake in heaven, the es of his voice passed down to the mortal, who framed in earth-words that which was spoken in heaven.
- Jehovih hath said: Two kinds of spiritual inspiration have I created for mortals: To the individual man, individual spirits; but, to him that labor”’ for the resurrection, a line of angels extending to the kingdoms in heaven.
- And it that line have a good work on hand, I break it not; but if it be for self, it will break of its own accord.
- Thus were written the sacred books of Vind’yu, the mutilated remains of which survive to this day. And copies of these books were written on cloth and on paper and on stone; some of which were carried in different directions over Vind’yu.
- In eighty-seven years Kabalactes completed the sacred books, and disbanded the inspiring hosts.
- So far Kabalactes had destroyed nine million men, women and children in the wars. He had also destroyed four thousand heathen temples, and more than three hundred cities. And he suppressed over two hundred languages, and banished six thousand two hundred false Lords.
- He also commanded all languages to be hereafter made out of Vedic, Yi’ha and Zend, from which Sanscrit descended, as it is to this day.
- Hear you**** next of the Triune God, Ennochissa, of the heavenly place, Eta-shong, over Chine’ya.
3 See plate 51, Book of Cosmogony.
- Ennochissa said: According to the splendor of a kingdom, so is the ruler thereof glorified: this I have learned. Therefore Eta-shong should surpass all other heavenly places. Thus spake he before his Lords.
- Vazista said: Thy Lords are of the same mind. As for Looeamong and Kabalactes, they are more bent on the affairs of earth than of heaven.
- Ennochissa spent two hundred years in building and beautifying his heavenly city, Eta-shong, employing more than two thousand million slaves for that purpose.
- And, as to his heavenly palace, and the palace of his Holy Council, in grandeur and magnificence, the like had not been before in any of the lower heavens.
- The circuit of the columns of fire, of which there were one million, was equal to half the breadth of the land of Chine’ya. In the front of his palace were four hundred thousand arches and pillars, and leading up to the foot of the throne, seventy rises (stair-steps), with a breadth of one thousand lengths. In front of the arches was an arena, four thousand lengths across, and this was ornamented with one hundred thousand fountains of fire and water. Interspersed, here and there, on the walls and arches, were hanging gardens of flowers, and drapery of gold and silver.
- And as to the workmanship displayed, it was so fine that no language can convey an idea thereof to mortal understanding, save, indeed, it be said, everything was represented that is on the earth and in the heavens thereof.
- The officers of the palace, next in grade below the Holy Council, the Lords, marshals and recorders, were generals, captains, inspectors, surveyors, receivers and builders, and these were all above grade ninety.
- There were maintained within the palace arena half a million es’enaurs and trumpeters, four million fire and water servants, and three million bearers of burdens; and yet, beside these, there were six million caterers and servants.
- Only officers of rank could cross the arena, or approach the arches by walking upright; all others had to crawl on their bellies in approaching the throne, saying prayers the while.
- Now, although the other Triunes had great capitals and palaces, they were not to be compared with Ennochissa’s.
- Thus labored this Triune, even to the neglect of his earthly dominions.
- And it came to pass that God, Jehovih’s Son, in Paradise sowed the seed of faith in Chine’ya in favor of the Creator; so that, by the end of two hundred years, nearly all the spirits of the dead went not to the Triune, but to God in Paradise.
- And God’s angel missionaries went into this Triune’s heavenly kingdom, and won many converts to Jehovih.
- So that Ennochissa discovered, indeed, that his heavenly kingdom was losing ground.
- Thereupon he resolved to enter the field of war, and to destroy all mortals in Chine’ya that worshipped the Great Spirit. And he also resolved to drive out from his heavens all angels who believed in Jehovih, or who were missionaries unto the kingdom of God.
- Of all the Triunes, Ennochissa was the first to declare war against Jehovih, which was exactly in opposition to his own professions, when the Confederacy was first formed.
- From this time on, Ennochissa was called by the Faithists in heaven, a false God.
- As yet, the other two Triunes had fought more for Jehovih than against him.
- After this, both mortals and angels in Chine’ya, knew no peace. And when no war existed between any two or more cities or states, and the people were Jehovians, Ennochissa, with his hundreds of millions of angel warriors, obsessed such mortals, and plunged them into war, to make them destroy one another.
- From these scenes of horror turn you**** now, and learn of the kingdom of God, Jehovih’s Son.
- Sakaya was born in Hagotha, province of Nao’wan, on the borders of Nepal; but because his birth had been foretold by the Faithist prophets, and that he would reestablish the doctrines of Capilya, the place of his birth was afterward called Capilya’wahtu.
- Sakaya’s father’s name was Metanga, and he was of the twelfth generation of Suddhodana (that is, of pure vegetable food). During which time, none of his forefathers ate fish or flesh, or of anything that breathed the breath of life.
- Metanga was very old when Sakaya was born, but the wife of Metanga was but fifteen years old; for which reason, the people nicknamed the child, Sramana Gotama, that is, passionless from father and mother.
- Metanga was High Father [king] of the province of Nao’wan; consequently, Sakaya was born a prince, as commanded of Jehovih, in heaven, he should be. Wherein He said: He that I will raise up, should have the glory of the earth before him; and he should grow up as learned as a king and a priest, and he should re-establish peace and good will on earth.
- Now there had been bloody times in Vind’yu for four hundred years; during which time a warring sect, who falsely called themselves Brahmins, had overrun the land with sword and spear, lance and fire, destroying temples, oracles and languages.
- These were the destructions, previously mentioned, done by the God Kabalactes, mortals supposing, they were under the God Brahma.
- God, Jehovih’s Son, had said to Etchessa, chief guardian angel over Sakaya: Thou should cause your*** ward to learn Brahminism, asceticism, and all other religions.
- Thus was Sakaya educated; and at twelve years of age, he took vows of Brahminism.
- At fifteen, he desired to acquire the ecstatic state, and he joined a band of seven Brahmin priests, and went about for three years with the alms-bowl, begging for the poor, living as the poor, and fasting and praying, and studying with his teachers and priests.
- And, yet for other four years, he excluded himself from speech, save to the Holy Ghost, dwelling out of doors, night and day.
- But Jehovih suffered not the ecstatic state to come to Sakaya. And one night, his guardian angel, Etchessa, spake to him in a dream, saying:
- Behold, I am Jehovih, and not the Holy Ghost! Why hast you put Me off? Did I not create you* alive, and make you* a person also? You are born of the race of Suddhodana. Thy labor is not to seek the ecstatic state for thyself, which is selfishness, but to renew My light on earth.
- Therefore, give up this, your* most useless life of going about praying, and return thou to your* father’s house, and take you* a wife. For how can you attain the wisdom of the earth, without becoming a husband and father?
- Sakaya awoke, remembering his dream, and he told it to his priests, and asked them to interpret it. And they said unto him: This was not a dream, but the voice of satan; put thou it aside.
- But Sakaya was more convinced of his dream than of his priests; and he, therefore, gave up his fasting and praying, and returned to his father’s house, saying: Father, thou art wise after the manner of your* generations. Henceforth I will be no more a priest, nor in fact a Brahmin, for that matter, but pursue your* doctrines, which are of deeds more than words. You should, therefore, choose me a wife, for I will wed and become a father.
- So Sakaya wed, and his wife bore him a son. When he looked upon the child, he said: You are the greatest of sermons.
- Now, because of the strange life Sakaya had lived, being a prince, he was the wonder of the city of Hagotha, and was much loved by the people, especially the poor, for his alms-bowl had oft relieved them from hunger.
- Consequently, when it was known he was a father, there came before the royal palace thousands of the poor, singing songs of praise to Sakaya and his child and his wife. And the poor women had infants in their arms. When Sakaya saw the infants, he burst into tears, and came out before the multitude, and spake to them, saying:
- This day I have sinned before heaven and earth! Behold my tears! Would that they were drops of blood, and I could shed them to do you good! For I have looked upon mine own son, and said within my soul: This is mine! And I considered how my son was born a prince and above want; but I considered not this great multitude of babes, who have no assurance against starvation.
- Why, then, should I remain with one, who hath sure provision, and glut myself in ease and the selfish joy of my own house? And leave this multitude of babes to the hazard of precarious life?
- Is not Sakaya of broader soul than this? Have I any right to bring more children into the world, until I have provided sure happiness to them that are already born? What is my family and my kingdom, though I win the land from Yaganosa to the ocean, if this burning within mine own soul will not away, but cry out forever: Heal you the sick earth!
- From this time forth do I covenant with You, You All Light, to give up all the earth, and to serve You! Beasts can bring forth young; and they do set their hearts on their begotten only! Thy Light move me to a more noble course!
- This day I quit the earth and the passions for earthly things; I will be Thy Son, O Jehovih! And all my days henceforth on the earth, labor to ameliorate Thy abundant offspring! Behold these young babes turned upon me, with Thy smile, O Jehovih, in their innocent faces! calling to me: Help! Help!
- Etchessa, angel chief of the loo’is, that brought forth Sakaya, seeing the resolution of Sakaya, departed at once to Paradise, before God on the throne, to receive the commission of Jehovih, and to establish a line of es’ean light to the mortal sphere.
- And thereupon, God caused his officers to select from the volunteers the highest grades, and to arrange them in a line of light down to the earth, to Sakaya, that the voice of God and his Holy Eleven might speak through Sakaya, with the wisdom of Jehovih. The hosts to be under the direction of Etchessa.
- The million loo’is were also summoned to their places in the line; and in five days’ time, the light of the throne of God was made one with the soul of Sakaya, and he began preaching, even from the steps of the palace of the king, his father.
- In the meantime, the loo’is of the hosts of Etchessa inspired their mortal wards, men and women, who had been born into the world to become disciples and followers of Sakaya, to come before him.
- And it came to pass, that presently, there assembled in Sakaya’s native city, to hear him preach, men and women from remote distances. So that people said, one to another: Such coming of strangers, prove that the Great Spirit is with Sakaya.
- These, then, that follow, are the substance of the doctrines preached by Sakaya, being a re-establishing of the Zarathustrian law, that is to say:
- I am but a man; worship not me. Neither honor you**** me for my words; for they are not my words in fact.
- All men’s wise words are the accumulation of things previous; nothing is new. Nor do I proclaim any new doctrine or new rites and ceremonies.
- On the contrary, I declare my follies publicly before you. Inasmuch as I have been an example of folly, learn you**** to be wise by not following my past footsteps.
- In my youth, I was quickened to see the miseries and sorrows and afflictions of mortals. And I cried out unto Ahura’Mazda, as the priests had directed me, to find some sure way to do great good in the world.
- But in the legends of the ancients I beheld that certain signs and miracles had attended Capilya and Zarathustra. So I grieved to attain to signs and miracles.
- You**** know the rest. I fasted and prayed and tortured my flesh, to make the earth abhorrent in my sight, even according to the rules of the Brahmin priests.
- But nothing came to me more than to the commonest magician.
- So I declare unto you, I have renounced Brahminism and asceticism, and taken up the Zarathustrian religion, which is, that good works are the only salvation.
- To know, then, what are good works, and to apply the same unto the inhabitants of the earth, should be the chief study of a preacher.
- And, since most crime and misery come because of poverty, and because of the division of the affairs of men, it is wise to devise, first, a remedy against poverty, and second, a means of attraction to bring about a brotherhood between men.
- To accomplish which, the association of families of tens and twenties and hundreds and thousands, with rab’bahs (priests), unto each, as Capilya taught, is the highest and best plan.
- In which families, there should be neither buying nor selling, nor ownership, nor divisions, nor castes, nor privileges of one above another, nor rich, nor poor.
- When Sakaya was asked: How about such as can work fast, and are strong, and can accomplish much, should they not have preference over those that produce little?
- Sakaya said: A certain man had two sons, one was strong, and the other weak, and yet that father distinguished not between his sons in his will. Was he then just?
- They said: A most just father.
- Sakaya said: So declare I unto you the Ormazdian law: to give unto one another all things required, and without distinction as to strength, or as to expertness.
- Sakaya said: You**** cannot associate with all men; for many are of diverse tastes and habits.
- Nevertheless, refuse you**** not all association because of this, for there are such, as are consonant with you. And such, as are disagreeable to you, are nevertheless compatible to others.
- Ormazd hath created a large field; His people are numerous, and there are many in the world so like unto others, they are as one in all things.
- Choose you* such, and as you* are one with one another, so are ye one with the Creator.
- But most of all, will virtue and industry and good works come into the world by the examples you**** place before the young. Better is it to hide and subdue your temper in presence of the young, than to conquer a whole state by force of arms.
- The young are your angels given you by the Creator; and you* are their Gods. Consider ye, then, what kind of a kingdom you* raise up.
- Happiness on earth is answered by happiness in heaven; and that which is planted on earth, is reaped in heaven.
- Touching charity: I say, it is good to take the alms-bowl, and go about begging for the poor; and yet, in the same breath, I say, it is an evil.
- This I have found of all charity: It hath two great evils: First, it flatter”’ him that give, that he hath done a good work, and this is an injury to his own soul; second, charity injure the poor, because it destroy manhood, and give good caste to a beggar.
- Though this kingdom is filled with hospitals and houses of charity, it is none the less free from vagrants and helpless ones.
- And though you**** build a thousand houses for the poor, and feed them withal, yet ye will have just as many still unprovided for, as when there was but one poor-house.
- The law is unalterable in heaven and earth, that, whatsoever you**** nurse, will grow.
- I also declare unto you an equally severe law, which is: That if you* do nothing to benefit the afflicted, distressed and helpless, you* can not escape the damnation of earth and heaven.
- To remedy which, it devolve upon you, to find a remedy in society itself, whereby there should be no rich and no poor.
- For it is also law, that where there are rich, there must be poor. Where there are masters, there must be servants.
- In which the rich man is a sinner before heaven and earth, even more so than the poor man.
- Some of them asked Sakaya: Suppose a rich man do not feed the poor and helpless, but he give employment to a thousand hired servants; is he not good?
- Sakaya said: A man may feed his cattle, caring for the sick ones, but still he treat”’ them as cattle. A man may employ many cattle, but still he treat”’ them as cattle. And he who do this to his brothers and sisters, the curse of the Creator is upon that man.
- But if he give up, what he hath, and make himself a father over them, to develop himself in manliness and wisdom and virtue, then his charities are as virtue.
- In whatsoever a man do, and his own self receive prestige over others, that man offend in the sight of Jehovih (Ormazd).
- Yet these things are not new in the world; they were the doctrines of the ancients. And in this day, the Brahmin priests preach them in languages you**** understand not. Behold, I break away from their languages, and preach the truth in your native tongue, and it sound new to you.
- I have tried, and proved in mine own person, and I declare unto you, that preaching alone is of little avail in the world. Spoken words are a breath of air. They blow away. Written words lay in silence. they are dead.
- I am not come to preach, nor to build up a new order of preaching, but to found a practice in life, whereby crime and misery and starvation may be averted.
- Capilya covered the earth over with families of communities, and the earth became as a garden, rich in fruit and flowers. Pauperism was taken away from this land. Then came cruel wars and the destruction of harmony and of learning.
- Purification is the first law I give unto you, and is the same as with the ancients, in which:
- You**** should not eat the flesh of any creature that breathed the breath of life; nor of fish that lived in the water nor under the water.
- You* should bathe once every day from the crown of the head to the sole of the feet. And before bathing, you* should say: Before You, O Jehovih (Ormazd) I will put away the filth of my body and the evil of my spirit. And after bathing, you*** should say: As I have with water washed clean the outer man, O You Jehovih, help me to make clean my spirit.
- In the morning, when you wakest, you should say: Help me, O Jehovih, to keep my thoughts pure this day; and my soul full of love and tenderness.
- In the evening, before sleeping, you should say: Whilst my corporeal body sleep”’, O Jehovih, help my less encumbered spirit to see the ways of Thy righteous judgment.
- Without purity, no man can see the Creator; with purity, all men can see Him, and hear Him.
- It is easier to purify the corporeal body than the spiritual. For diet and baths can accomplish the former, but pure thoughts are required for the soul.
- A man may be clean as to the flesh; but if he have impure thoughts, he is impure in spirit. Whoso speak cruelly or unjustly of his neighbor, is foul in spirit. If he speak of the short-comings and deceptions of his neighbors, he is foul in spirit.
- Whereas, first of all, purification is the first law of man’s own self.
- The second law is, after being purified, to strive constantly to do good unto others.
- Some of the multitude asked: What meanest you, by doing good unto others?
- Sakaya said: To inspire others unto purity first; and then to attain individuality. It hath been said, from time without end, that to help the poor, to give to them, to serve them, is good works done unto others. But I say unto you, this is but half-way to that which is good. For you**** should not only help them, but should go and teach them, how to help themselves. This is doing good unto others.
- It hath been said: Whoso saith the ordinances of the priest, repeating a certain number of prayers daily, do a good work. But I say unto you, whoso teach”’ a man to invent prayers of his own, hath done a greater good.
- To put a man in the way, to be his own salvation, this is the best good work. As ye have depended on the priests to pray for you, I come to teach you, to pray for yourselves.
- The third law is: To abnegate one’s own self; being willing in heart, to sacrifice one’s own desires, possessions and opinions for sake of peace and the good of the family. This is the most difficult law. For the selfishness of man cause him to say: I have such a love of liberty. Let me be the dictator, and do you my decrees.
- But for this evil amongst men, they could dwell together in peace, the world over.
- The fourth law is: To love all men, women and children, as brothers and sisters.
- The fifth law is: To return good for evil; to give pleasure to those, that give pain.
- To practice those things, holding all things in common, is sufficient unto the redemption of the world from darkness, war and evil, unto peace and light and happiness to all the living.
- Sakaya said: Without rites and ceremonies, a people is like a collection of musicians, with every one playing a different tune.
- Without pledges to general rules, a community is like a farm without fences, where cattle roam about, destroying the harvests.
- Two things stand prominently before all men, about which there need be no dispute, Light and Darkness. Whether you* call the Light, EOLIN, or ORMAZD, or GOD, or SUDGA, it matter”’ little, provided the idea eliminated hath reference to that which is THE HIGHEST CONCEIVED OF, Who is Ever Present, and is the Person from which all persons sprung. And whether you* call darkness SIN, or EVIL, or SATAN, it matter”’ little, provided the idea eliminated is that which is the extreme opposite of light.
- Without these two entities in view, to shun the one, and strive for the other, a community is like race-horses striving for a prize by running in circular capers, instead of going on a well provided track.
- Take no man nor woman into the family till first pledged to serve the All Person, Jehovih (Ormazd), with a full and willing heart.
- To shun satan and his emissaries, be circumspect.
- And when you* are come together, choose you* the oldest, wisest, best man, to be the father of the family (community).
- When matters come up for discussion, whoever speak thereon should speak in the direction of light, and not of darkness.
- When asked further explanation on this, Sakaya said:
- There are two modes of discussion before all men: One is to impart light, and the other is to abuse the opponent. The first is Jehovih’s, the second is satan’s method. In the family discussion, the latter method should not be tolerated by the father.
- After the discussion is finished, the rab’bah should decree according to the light of the Father in him.
- Sakaya was here asked: Why not decree according to the majority vote?
- Sakaya said: That is the lower light, being the light of men only.
- For I declare unto you, you**** can not serve both Jehovih and men. It is incumbent on every man in the community that enter”’ the discussion to speak from the higher light, as he perceive it, without regard to policy or consequences. And the same law should be binding on the rab’bah; and though nine men out of ten side the other way, yet the rab’bah’s decree should stand above all the rest.
- When the discussion turn”’ upon rites and ceremonies, which the community may adopt, or the music, or the discipline regarding funerals, or marriages, or births, the speakers should remember that a family is composed of old and young; of sedate and jocose; and that every talent is created for the glory of the whole, and for the glory of the Creator; and they should enlarge their understanding, to embrace the whole. Remembering, it is easier to walk beside a bull, and turn him in his course, than to come against him for the same purpose.
- One man hath joy in sacrifice (worship) by clapping his hands and dancing; another, in poetry; another, in singing; another, in silent prayers. And yet, one hath no preference over another in sight of Him Who created them, for they are His own handiwork.
- Consider, then, that you* provide a time and place in the community for all of these in their own way, directing them holily. For if you* strive to bind them, that are of exuberant spirits, not to dance and clap their hands, they will find vent in secrecy and to an evil end.
- Herein have the Brahmin priests been aiders and abettors of bawdy houses and of drunkenness and licentiousness; because they have sought to make you ascetics by overthrowing your natural talents.
- Sakaya said: Of a truth, I declare a new thing to you, but which was old thousands of years ago.
- That religion is nothing more nor less than rites and ceremonies in the discipline of a community. As when an army of soldiers are in training by their captains, when certain commands and maneuvers cause the soldiers to be as a unit in movement; so is religion in a community, through rites and ceremonies, made as a unit to carry out works of charity and harmony and love and righteousness.
- And every member of a community, that take no part in its religion, is like an idler mixing in with a company of soldiers, where his presence tend to evil.
- Brahmin priests go about preaching, singing and praying before audiences, making great show in the temples; yet none of these practice what they profess.
- From these evils learn you****, to do good; first, by living only in families, where all the members practice what they profess.
- As the worldgo, it is easy to preach and call it religion; but the fruit must be measured by the city or the state, that is saved from sin. Who then, of all the priests in the temple, can say: Here is a community saved from sin!
- If they can not do this, then they are themselves hypocrites and blasphemers.
- Satan call”’ out from a dark corner, saying: Remain you within the wicked world, and leaven the whole mass.
- Again he call”’ out from a dark corner, saying: Go you away from the wicked world, and live as an ascetic, praying alone, living alone.
- Again he call”’ from a dark corner, saying: You and your* friends are too pure to mix with the world; go you** away privily, and let the world take care of itself.
- Now, I say unto you: Do none of these things; and, in the same breath, I say: Do all of them.
- Let your community remain within the world, that it may be a proven example that love, peace, plenty, and happiness are possible on the earth. Let the community be sufficiently ascetic to attain the beatific state, which is the triumph of spirit over the flesh.
- And, as to the third proposition: Take you* no part in the governments of men, of kings, or queens. Neither fight you* for them, nor against them.
- For they live under the lower law; but you**** should live under the law of Jehovih as He speak to the soul of man.
- Neither should you**** have kings, nor queens; these belong to the world’s people.
- Lastly, and above all things, live not for the corporeal man, but for the spiritual man; remembering you**** are not yet born, but are in embryo, shaping yourselves for the everlasting life.
- Whoso practice not the higher law, will not escape the tortures in hell; but whoso live the higher law will pass on to Nirvania, where dwell Gods and Goddesses of endless light.
- Flatter not yourselves that you* should suddenly reform all the world. You* can at most but reach an arm’s length.
- Three doctrines have been, now are, and ever should be on the earth; they are: First, the Faithists’, who know the All Person, Ever Present; second, the idol worshipers’, who make the Creator into a man in heaven, and not present but by proxy of certain laws; and, third, infidels’, who believe in nothing they cannot take up in the hand, and weigh.
- The Faithists beget Faithists, the idolaters beget idolaters, the infidels beget infidels. For these three conditions are but outward manifestations of the spirit; the infidel is nearly devoid of spirit; the idolater hath one grade more of spirit; but the Faithist hath spiritual ascendancy.
- Since the highest best good things done in the world, come of the order of Faithists, be you**** circumspect as to marriage, that your offspring incline more to spirituality than to earthliness.
- But such matters come under the higher law, and can be understood only through the soul.
- Also, hath practice proved that the laws of a community must die with the death of the rab’bah, and that new laws must be made by the new rab’bah. And, in no case, should the law of precedent, of things past, apply to things present. For this is making slaves of the living, to those that are dead. It is making the wisdom of the dead greater than the wisdom of Jehovih.
- When a rab’bah retire from office, it should be considered the same as a death, for it is the termination of his rule.
- Nor should a rab’bah have any privileges or emoluments, over and above any member of the community; nor one man above another; nor one woman above another; for there should be no partiality, even in favor of the learned and good, over and above the ignorant and the less good. For you**** are all brothers and sisters; children of One Father, created by Him in His own way and for His own glory.
- For four years Sakaya preached, traveling from the east to the west, and from north to south; and wherever he went, great multitudes came to hear him, for God had so prepared them.
- And there went with him seventy-two disciples, who were also inspired of God, to learn the wisdom of Sakaya’s words. And the people of Vind’yu were stirred up as they had not been from the time of Capilya.
- And it came to pass that the priests and magicians of Brahma sought to condemn Sakaya, saying: The oracles and the spirits of the dead declare, his words are not true words. Moreover, if he were of the Holy Ghost, he could show signs and miracles.
- So God gave Sakaya signs and miracles, even to showing the spirits of the dead, who came and stood beside him whilst he preached; and the spirits spake also, declaring Sakaya’s words were of Jehovih. And the multitude saw the spirits, and heard them speak.
- Sakaya said: Of a truth, I do not come of the Holy Ghost; I come of the actual Person, Jehovih (Ormazd).
- Then God gave to Sakaya power of the DEATH CAST [swoon] whereat his own spirit went out of his corporeal body, and stood in the presence of many men, and was seen by them; and his spirit spake to them, and they heard his words.
- And whilst his spirit was thus out of his corporeal body, another angel of God came and inhabited it, and spake before the multitude.
- Now, after these signs came to Sakaya, he preached again, and traveled four years more, showing these things wherever he went.
- And on these occasions he explained the spirit of things, and the different heavens which he had visited. And he showed unto many that it was not imagination; for he left his corporeal body, and went in spirit to far-off cities and country places, showing his spirit in regions hundreds of miles remote, and he was recognized in the communities where he appeared.
- For there were learned men in those days, and they traveled to the places named to see his spirit, to witness if such a thing could be; and hundreds and thousands of them testified it was true.
- Sakaya said: Of these matters be you**** most expert in observation; for though they be proved to you, yet I declare to you, they are as nothing. For even magicians and spirits of darkness can attain to the same miracles.
- Nor is there in such wonders one single virtue, that would contribute to make the world better, or happier.
- For the spirits of the lower heavens, like mortals, have multitudes of doctrines; and, for the most part, they know nothing of the higher heavens, Nirvania, which I proclaim unto you.
- Nor is the testimony of a spirit more valuable to you than is the testimony of a mortal.
- But consider you**** the words and doctrines of spirits and men; for that only is good which providefor ameliorating the condition of the family and the state.
- For it is given unto you by the Father, that you**** can begin your own resurrection whilst ye are here in the corporeal body.
- Consider, then, what you* can do that will raise you in spirit; for this is resurrection. First, to purify yourselves; second, to do all the good you* can; and third, to affiliate. Without these, there can be no resurrection.
- Or, having two of them, and lacking in the third, there can be no resurrection.
- To live the highest best one know; to practice sharply the convictions of the heart: these are the working-tools of resurrection. To live not the highest best one know; to practice not what one is convinced of, is hypocrisy; these are like stones tied to the neck of a man in deep water.
- In all, Sakaya preached and practiced fourteen years; and he founded seventy-two communities.
- And all the members thereof were sworn against war, and against caste, and against idleness, and to worship only the Great Spirit, Ormazd. And he gave them many rites and ceremonies.
- And then Sakaya said unto the Creator: I know You hast in some mysterious way inspired me to do all I have done. Therefore, all the glory is Thine. How best, O Father, may these great truths be impressed upon mortals, that they will not soon forget Thy words through me?
- Then answered God to Sakaya, saying: By your*** death by the hand of the idolater.
- Sakaya said: Then, O You, Who createdst me alive, provide You my death as Thou desirest.
- Then God cut asunder the cord of light that extended to the heavenly throne in Paradise. And suddenly now the Brahmins conspired against Sakaya, and they went privily and poisoned his food with the blood of swine, killed with poison.
- And Sakaya ate thereof, not perceiving it; and he was taken with a bloody flux and died.
- And his disciples took his body, according to the custom of the country, and burnt it, and scattered the ashes thereof to the four corners of the world.
- And in the night thereafter, God sent a million angels into the field of ashes, with a heavenly ship of fire, and they took the spirit of Sakaya therein, and bore him up to the throne of God.
- Thoanactus, Chief of the million loo’is sent by God down to the earth, to Chine’ya, to raise up an heir capable of the voice of God, sent word to God in Paradise, saying:
- Greeting to you*, O God, in the name of Jehovih. Thy Son is born! And his name is Ka’yu. He is son of Heih, who is sub-king [governor] of Te’sow. Behold, thy son Ka’yu is k’te’sune4 in the borders, whose mother, Ching-tsae, is not fifteen years old. And Heih was father to twelve children previously.
- Let us rejoice before Jehovih, who hath quickened into life this tree of universal knowledge.
- Also my hosts have brought about more than three thousand births, who should become his disciples in time to come.
- God returned answer to Thoanactus, saying: In Jehovih’s name all praise to you* and thy hosts. Thy words have been proclaimed in Paradise! There is great joy in heaven. Send the grades of mortal resurrection in Chine’ya, with doctrines and rites and ceremonies and the dominion of the spirits of the dead.
- Thoanactus then applied to the angels who had charge of the numerating and appraising of mortals as to their grades and spiritual intercourse; and having obtained the reports, he made selections, and reported as follow, to wit:
- Thoanactus, greeting to God, Son of Jehovih: Ling, sun king of Chine’ya, with twelve sub-kingdoms, one to represent every month of the year. Four hundred and six millions of mortals; twenty-seven hundred million angels, not fettered by angel tyrants. Of the angel emissaries of the Triune God, fifteen hundred millions.
- Mortal grade, eight; maximum, eighty; minimum, nothing. Of fifties, one to seven. Of twenty-fives, one to three; of tens, one to one; but of seventy-fives, on to forty, mostly guardian births.
- The rise in the eleventh year, two; in the twenty-third, five; in the hundredth, twelve.
- Of rites and ceremonies, seventy-two; of sacrifice without compunction, thirty-five.
- Funeral rites, ninety-eight; observances in full, forty-five.
- Perception in su’is, one to three hundred and sixty-two; in sar’gis, one to six thousand two hundred and eight.
- Of spirits in sar’gis, one to thirty-three thousand; of first and second resurrections, mostly ashars.
- Thoanactus saith: Because Chine instituted reverence for the dead, the funeral rites have become worshipful.
- After the body is put away, either buried or burnt, mortals read prayers on three succeeding days, at sunset, chanting the virtue and love of the dead; and oft the spirit return”’ to them in the house, taking on sar’gis, like a mortal, and talking to their mortal kin.
- Of drujas, not attained to live alone, seven hundred millions. Of these, thirty per cent are in declension, and seventy in ascension.
- Of mortals in druk, sixteen per cent; of mortals in idleness, including druks, twenty per cent.
- Of such as are addicted to secret evils and pollution, seventy per cent; of abortionists one per cent, of one half.
- Thoanactus saith: Owing to the veneration for, and to the rites of the dead, is speug’s increase attributed.
- Furthermore, your*** servant herewith send to you*, for the libraries of heaven, a full record of the cities and country places of Chine’ya; and the grade and rate of every mortal.
4 The term, k’te’sune, in Chinese is the same as, et’e’su, or, iesu, in English. That is, a person of no sexual desires. Confucius’ father was a very old man and his wife but a young girl. Passionless children are said to result from such marriages. To be in the borders of k’te’sune is to be next-door neighbor to being no sex at all.
- Ka’yu grew up to be a man, in every way adapted to the work for which the loo’is had had him born into the world by command of God.
- And it also came to pass, that disciples were also born, and duly prepared by the angels of God to become co-workers with Ka’yu. Of these disciples, seventy-two were called, chief disciples, that is, six from each of the twelve kingdoms and sub-kingdoms of Chine’ya.
- God had said: Suffer not Ka’yu and his chief disciples to know they are instruments in my hands. Neither suffer them to know that my angels inspire them, nor suffer them to know that they come from their respective kingdoms by my voice through my angels.
- In one age, to say a matter come by inspiration or by the angels, is to render the matter impotent; and yet, in another age, to not profess inspiration or angel-presence, is to render the matter impotent.
- The latter condition is now upon Chine’ya. Let my angels heed this.
- When Ka’yu was ready for the work of God, there came to him from the twelve provinces of Chine’ya seventy-two men and women of great learning, having heard of Ka’yu’s wisdom. None of these knew, they had been inspired to come.
- Ka’yu said unto them: Why have you**** come? Some gave one reason, and some another.
- Ka’yu said: These great happenings are the work of the Ever Present.
- Let us conduct ourselves as Gods; the Great Spirit will then answer us.
- Let us sit in crescent, after the manner of Gods.
- God established a line of light from his throne in heaven down to Ka’yu; by the presence of half a thousand million angels maintained he this light of heaven with mortals.
- That which was inspired of God, came to the soul of Ka’yu; what God spake, that spake Ka’yu.
- And God so spake through Ka’yu, that man might not know it was God speaking; for he desired to inspire men to self-culture, instead of relying on Gods and angels as heretofore.
- In the language of Ka’yu, the Great Spirit was called Shang Te; but the word, Te, was God; the words, the Shang Te, were the Gods.
- Ka’yu said: Behold, man hath blockaded the road to wisdom. In one place he hath heaped up thousands of books of the ancients; in another place, he wast”’ time in rites and ceremonies.
- Our labor is to remodel the whole, by choosing from all the past that which is the best. Te will guide us in this.
- We must, therefore, make one book acknowledging the EVER PRESENT GREAT SPIRIT, and His one, SHANG TE [True God] And this book must contain all the glory and beauty now contained in the seven hundred sacred books of the empire.
- And since there are four hundred and eighty-six books on the intermediate world [atmospherea], which no man can learn, we must take from them all their soundest parts, and make one book thereof.
- And in the same connection, there being twelve hundred and seventy books on the spirits of the dead, and their testimonies of the lower and the higher heavens, we must make one book thereof.
- And of the two thousand two hundred books on magic, and on conjuring spirits, and on second sight and second hearing, we must make one book thereof.
- Of books of families,5 there are more than four thousand, which should also be condensed into one book.
- Of histories, there are more than four thousand books, which should be condensed into one book.
- Of law books, there are more than twelve thousand books, and of the precedents of judges’ decrees, there are more than thirty thousand books. All of these should be condensed into one book.
- Of provinces, and of the empire, and of the governors and emperors thereof, there are two thousand seven hundred books, which should be condensed into one.
- And of government, there are seven hundred books, which should be condensed into one.
- Of caste, there are four hundred and ninety books, and of proprieties, three hundred and twenty, and all of these should be condensed into one book.
- Ka’yu, continuing, said: My work is to bring confusion to a termination. Of doctrines and laws and rites and ceremonies and philosophies, of both heaven and earth, we have had enough.
- In a dark age, Shang Te (True God) give his commandments in injunctions; he showe the people, what is right, and what is wrong. In my day, the people know these things, but they do not practice them.
- Even the preachers and conductors of ceremonies in the temples, who proclaim righteousness and charity and good works, do not practice what they preach. They live in ease and luxury, but tell us to go give to the poor. Yea, and they threaten us with hell, if we do it not.
- Of these different doctrines, there are seven hundred kinds in the sacred books; and they all condemn the followers of the others. Whereupon, to escape the damnation of hell, a man would need to do sacrifice more than four thousand days every year! This is not possible to any man. For there are but three hundred and sixty-five days in a year!
- Nor is it possible for any man to learn all the books; nay, a thousand years would not suffice.
- God (Te) forbid that I may add more to the burden we have already. And I know he will preserve in our abridgement all that is good in the whole of them.
- Since we can not live according to the multitude of doctrines and philosophies, we must abridge them within the scope of man. Neither must we cut any of them off entirely, or we lead the followers thereof into rebellion.
- Since we have so many law books and so many judges’ decrees, all of which a man must learn before he can become a judge of the court, the which is impossible, we must cut them down into a few simples, but sufficient to cover the rules of discretion in judgment. Better is it to throw the judge of the court partly on his own judgment and responsibility, than for him to be a blank as to judgment, simply reading the decree of a preceding judge.
- And as to the religion of this man, or that man; behold, it hath come to pass, that each, in his own order, perform”’ his rites and ceremonies and sacrifices and prayers, like a trained horse in a showman’s circle, going round and round, and knowing not the meaning thereof.
- For it is come to pass that the religions have made machines of the worshippers; the law books have made machines of the courts; the books of government have made machines of governors and emperors.
- I am sent into the world to make men of men, and women of women.
- There is no religion to suit me, therefore I make one. There is no government of the empire to suit me, therefore I devise one. There is no system in society, therefore I make one.
- I am not sent into the world to destroy what is, or what hath been; there are enough evil men to do that. I am sent to cull the harvest, and to gather choice seed from what now is, and what hath been.
- For the seed I plant is selected, not to be planted in the ocean, nor on the moon, nor in a far-off country; but to be planted in Chine’ya, and in Chine’ya I will plant it.
5 The term, families, here means, communities. At the present time in China, there are a number of surnames, or family names, which were in the ancient times the names of communities. Amongst the Hebrews the term, HOUSE, answers to the term, FAMILY, amongst the Chinese. Each family was a patriarchal community, but what we, in America and in England, now call a family, that is, husband, wife and children, was not by the ancient Hebrews or ancient Chinese called a family or a house. There was no collective name for such.
- What were the old foundations?
- To dwell in families (communities), with a father to each and every one.
- And what of the ancient states?
- The fathers had families, with chief fathers over them.
- What of the empire?
- The chief fathers elected one over them, and he was called, the Sun Father. Because, as the sun is the glory and beauty of the phalanx, ruling over the planets, so was the emperor the sun of mortals.
- What was the scope of responsibility?
- As a father is responsible for the behavior of his own child, so was the rab’bah responsible for the behavior of his family; so was the chief rab’bah responsible for the behavior of his family of rab’bahs; so was the emperor responsible for the behavior of his empire.
- What was the responsibility of a child to its natural father? of a man to the rab’bah? of the rab’bahs to the chief rab’bahs? of all the people to the emperor?
- The child should be taught to love, to revere and to obey its own father (and its mother, who is its vice-father); the man to love and revere the rab’bah; the rab’bahs to love and revere the chief rab’bahs; the whole people to love and revere the emperor.
- Why this order?
- It is the doctrine of the ancients, handed down from generation to generation, and hath proved to be a good doctrine for an empire.
- How knew the ancients these principles?
- The Creator taught them. The Creator sent His high angel, Te, who hath charge of the intermediate world, down to mortals to teach them.
- How is this proved?
- By the sacred books of the ancients.
- Who wrote the ancient sacred books?
- Men inspired by the angel of the Creator.
- How is this proved?
- It is proved negatively, because men can not write so beautiful nor in the style.
- What were the fundamental doctrines of the ancient sacred books?
22.To worship none but the Creator.
- To have no images nor idols.
- To keep the day of the change of the moon as a sacred day, and to do no work on that day, but to practice rites, processions and ceremonies, for the glory of the Creator.
- To love the Creator above all else.
- To love one’s parents next to Him.
- To kill no living creature maliciously or for food.
- To tell no lies, nor to steal, nor to covet anything, that is another’s.
- Do not unto others what we would that they should not do unto us.
- To return good for evil.
- To feed and clothe the stranger, the sick and helpless.
- To be not idle, but industrious.
- To say no ill of any man nor woman nor child.
- To practice the highest wisdom one hath.
- To respect all people, as we desire to be respected.
- What were the ascetics of the ancients?
- That heaven and earth are warring elements, one against the other.
- That all men must choose to serve one or the other, and at once engage in the battle.
- If a man desire everlasting life and bliss in heaven, then must he battle his earthly parts with great vigor.
- He should torture his flesh, by fastings, and by lying naked on sharp stones, and by flagellations, and otherwise showing before the Gods how displeased he is with his corporeal body.
- He must live alone, deny himself all pleasures, sleep not in a house, nor eat cooked foot.
- What is the extreme of great learning?
- To devote one’s whole life to learning what is in the books. To cultivate the memory, that one may repeat all the words in four thousand books is a great learning. But it is greater learning, to be capable of repeating eight thousand books, word for word.
- What is the extreme of loyalty?
- To love the emperor, so one can not see his faults; to love the rab’bahs, so one can not see their faults. To love discipline, so that one hath no time for anything else; and, on the contrary, to have no time for discipline nor rites nor ceremonies.
- What is the law of life?
- The spirit of man is the man; to live for the growth of the spirit, this is the highest of living.
- What manner is spirit communion?
- The spirit of one person can commune with the spirit of another, if they be not encumbered with grossness. The spirits of the dead can commune with the spirits of the living, even without one’s knowing it.
- What is the destination of the souls of men?
- When man die, his spirit is born into the air of the earth, which is the intermediate world, whither it sojourn”’ until sufficiently purified, and is reverential to the Creator; and then it is taken up by His angels to dwell in the higher heavens forever.
- What should mortal man do for the benefit of his own spirit?
- He should love the Creator with all his soul, and strive to emulate Him in good works and gentleness and love.
- But if he do not this, what then?
- His spirit will be bound in hell after death; he will become a victim for the delight of demons.
- Ka’yu said: Such is the base the ancients have given into our hands, but who could follow them into detail?
- I was not born into the world for this; but to choose from each and all of them, what all of them will accept.
- In the ancient days our country was sparsely settled; families were a good convenience. But, behold, the land is full of people. I have not to deal with a few scattered barbarians.
- I have to deal with a learned people, who have scarcely room to stand. I am only one man; and you****, but seventy-two.
- Of ourselves, we can do nothing. Shang Te (the true God) hath shaped the times to our hands. Whether we live to see it, it matter”’ little. The time will surely come, when the emperor will be obliged to destroy the books of the ancients.
- Let us therefore take the cream of them, and provide for their preservation while we may.
- Ka’yu then divided up the labor amongst his seventy-two disciples; apportioning the books of the ancients justly amongst them.
- And so great was the wisdom and scholarship of Ka’yu, that in twelve days’ time some of his disciples were ready with their reports to begin. And from these reports Ka’yu dictated, and the scribes wrote down his words.
- And it came to pass, that when a committee presented a revision before Ka’yu that he even knew it before it was read in the Council. And he dictated thereon, making the necessary alterations. After which, the subject was given to the scribes to re-write out in full.
- Now the whole time of the first sitting of the Council was eight and a half years, and then they had been over all the work.
- But so great was the wisdom and memory of Ka’yu, that he called out from the missings of his disciples sufficient to require yet two years’ more deliberation.
- And there were thus produced, from the lips of Ka’yu, twenty books, which contained the digest of upward of eighteen thousand books. Nor had any man in all the world ever done the one-tenth part so great a feat of learning.
- The scribes wrote six copies for every one of the disciples; and when they were thus provided, and were ready to depart, Ka’yu spake to them, saying:
- What say you****, is the highest, best satisfaction? And when the disciples had answered, some one thing, and some another, then the master said:
- To know that one hath done the highest thing within his power, this is the highest, best satisfaction. For what is any man at most, but an agent of the Most High?
- To be true to one’s own highest idea, is this not serving the Father? To be neglectful in such conviction, is this not the sickness of all the learned?
- What honor say you**** hath any man? The disciples answered, some one thing, and some another. After a while, the master said:
- If those beneath him honor him, then it is no honor to him. If those above him honor him, then it is a reproval of his other deeds. But if he honor himself, he hath great honor indeed. But who can honor himself, save he is perfect in his own sight? He can not do this, therefore he hath no honor in extreme. To choose little honor, to choose a medium line, is this not the highest, any man can attain to?
- To grieve with one’s own self, because of imperfection, this is great folly. To eat fruit and herbs and rice, these are the purest diet, but only a fool would starve rather than eat flesh. Rites and ceremonies are useful, but even these a man had better dispense with, than to go to war for them.
- To rest on the ancients only, this is great folly. To honor the ancients only, and to believe that they alone received revelation, these are the extremes of a foolish understanding.
- To remember that the Creator is Ever Present, and with as much power and love and wisdom today as in the ancient days, this is wisdom.
- To try to find some good thing one can do, this is creditable. But to do nothing good, because one can not do it in his own way, this is execrable.
- He who find a good work to do, and do it, hath much satisfaction. But he should not exult therein; for he hath only done his duty. I have no honor in these twenty books.
- Two kinds of men I have found; those who are predestined by the Gods to accomplish a certain work, and those who are born with no predestination. The first are erroneously called the highest, because they are at the head of great undertakings; but they are nevertheless but instruments in the hands of the Gods. The others, who are born without a predestined work, never can understand the former.
- To be born near enough to the Light [Creator] to see it, and believe in it, and have faith in it, this is a great delight. To be so far from the Creator that one can not believe in His Person and Presence, this is pitiable.
- I divorced my wife because I discovered she could not bring forth heirs to belief or faith. No man should be bound to a woman whose desires lay in the corporeal self. And women should have the same privilege.
- He who is wed to the Great Spirit, how can he dwell with one who is wed to the earth?
- To one man, celibacy is the highest life, because he hath joy in his Heavenly Father. But to one who hath not this joy, celibacy is a great punishment. The society must admit both conditions.
- There is no mean between these two; therefore, both must be provided for.
- Those who desire celibacy, approach the termination of the race; those whose desires are the other way, are of a breed not so far on.
- There need be no quarrel between them. The destiny of both must be completed some time.
- When a country is sparsely settled, those of extremes can go and live aside; it is nothing to govern such a state. Or to proclaim extreme doctrines before them. But when a country is full of people, the two extremes and the mean must dwell in proximity. It is not an easy matter to govern them wisely.
- Whatever people can dwell together in great numbers on the smallest piece of ground, and yet have peace and plenty, such a people are the highest of all peoples.
- Where an extreme doctrine can not be carried out, it is better to have a less extreme doctrine. People, like a drove of sheep, are much inclined to follow a leader. Herein, politicians and lawyers and judges run the state into war.
- To legislate in such a way, that leaders can not lead the multitude into evil, this is wisdom. Were all leaders dead, the people themselves would not be very bad. Yet it is wrong to take any man’s life, for life is something man hath no property in. Life rest”’ with Jehovih only; it is His.
- Before the ignorant, and before fools, we speak by commandment. Chine’ya hath passed that age; our books must go persuasively, yea, in the mean.
- To dictate to the learned, is to cast one’s treasures into the fire. By asking them questions, we can often lead them.
- Coaxing, with effect, is greater than dictation unobeyed. We preach to the rich man, that he should give all he hath to the poor, and he walk”’ away, giving nothing. When we say to him: Give a little, he do it. Herein the higher doctrine is the lower, and the lower doctrine is the higher, because it hath potency.
- The ancients said, the first best thing was to love the Creator. I think so too. But when a philosopher ask”’ me to prove that the Creator is a Person, and is worth loving, I am puzzled. To accept Him as a Person, and as All Good, without criticism, this I find give the greatest happiness.
- I have seen men who would pull the Creator to pieces and weigh His parts to know His worth, but such men end in disbelief in Him. One such man who accomplished any good in the world, I have not found. He is in the presence of goodly men like a fly that delight”’ in breeding maggots; pretty enough in himself, but a breeder of vermin in the state.
- Yet he who saith: Let the evil practice evil, because the Creator created them, is of a narrow mind. Or, if he saith: Jehovih sent the rain-storm to destroy the harvest; or, Jehovih send fevers to the dirty city; such a man lack”’ discretion in words and judgment.
- But he who perceive that man is part of the creation, in which he must do a part of the work himself, or fevers will result, such a man hath his understanding open in regard to the Father.
- Between the two, much casting of all things in Jehovih’s face, and too little belief in Him, lie the mean, which work”’ the perfection of man.
- To try to find the Creator with love and adoration, instead of with a dissecting knife; this lead man on the highest road. To trust in Him, wherein we strive to do our best; this is good philosophy. To lay about idly, and not plant our fields, trusting in Him; this is great darkness.
- A wise man, perceiving the defects of the society, will not censure it, but turn to and find a remedy. It is for such purpose the angels of the higher heavens raise up great men in the world.
- I have seen many people in many different kinds of worship, and they go through their parts in the sacrifice without perceiving the spiritual idea of the founders, and they are neither better nor worse for it. The infidel, with little discretion, seeing this, abuse all the doctrines, but a wise mango between them to find the good which others lose sight of.
- To find all the beauties in a man or woman, or in their behavior: this is God-like. To find their faults and speak of them: this is devilish. Yet, consider the man reverently, who speak not of persons. Who know, may not all men be as automatons, some in the hands of Gods, and some in the hands of devils?
- Such a doctrine would make us less severe with those who err, or who do evil. We hope for this.
- I have seen the criminals being whipped, and I have said to myself: Only by a mere circumstance of birth, the wrong ones are being lashed. Otherwise, they had been governors of the states.
- I once helped a bad man to elude his pursuers, and he escaped whipping, and he reformed himself. Since then, I have been a convert to great leniency.
- The time will come when bad men will not be whipped nor tortured, but be appropriated to benefit the province; to shape our laws for such interpretation, is the beginning of wisdom in the government.
- To appropriate all men to the best use; this is the wisest governor. To punish a bad man for vengeance sake; this is devilish.
- If a man slay my sister, I raise my sword up before him, that he may run against it but I strike him not. To reform a man is better than to kill him; to lock up a bad man where he can do no harm, is sufficient for the state.
- I have watched the soldiers in drill, and I said: This is a beautiful sight! For I saw the colors of their clothes, and the poetry of their maneuvers.
- But I watched them again, and I said: This is wicked! For I looked into the object of the drill, and I beheld blood and death. The state use power by violent means, but the soul within us desire to accomplish peacefully.
- The standard of a wise man, to judge wisely, require of him to imagine he is a God, high up in heaven, and that all men are his children. He should consider them as a whole, and beneficially.
- This I perceive: There were a few wise men among the ancients, as wise as the wisest of this day. But today there are more wise men than in the ancient times. Doth this not lead us to believe that a time will come, when all people will be wise?
- I should like to see this; it would settle many vexed questions. The seers tell us the soul of man is immortal; moreover, that they have seen the spirits of the dead. I tried for many years to ascertain if this were true, but I could not discover.
- Nevertheless, I said: It is a good doctrine; I will appropriate it. The Creator must have perceived it also. It is reasonable, then, that He created man immortal.
- The priests have appropriated this doctrine also. Moreover, the ancients say, the good are rewarded in heaven, and the evil punished in hell. The people have been told this, and yet they will not be good.
- Chine said: To deny one’s self, and to labor for others with all our wisdom and strength: this is the highest doctrine. I saw a man on a mountain, calling to his flocks in the valleys, but they understood him not, and came not. Then he came mid-way down the mountain, and called, and the flocks heard him, and understood, and they went up to him.
- It is easy to plan out high doctrines, but not so easy to give an efficient doctrine. He, who is mid-way, is the most potent. I have observed, that all peoples have higher doctrines, than they live up to. Yea, the boast of one religion over another is relatively of its superior height in the doctrines enunciated. And yet, they, who boast thus, practice neither virtue nor sincerity, for they live not up to the commonest doctrines.
- On the other hand, the boast of a government is not of its virtues and goodness, and its fatherly care of the helpless, but of its strength in arms, and its power to kill. And these are the lowest of attributes.
- To reach the government, and make it virtuous and fatherly, I was born into the world. This can be done only through the family, then to the hamlet, then to the province, and then to the empire.
- But I could not do this without sincere men, who would faithfully practice my doctrines.
- That you**** are sincere, it is proved in your being with me; that you are virtuous and discreet, with propriety, is proved in you giving ear to my words. Yet, in this, how can I be sincere? I say, my words, when, in fact, I feel that no words I utter before the Council, are my words in fact.
- Is this not true of all good men? wherein they are mouth-pieces for the Gods, or for the circumstances surrounding them? We open our mouth and speak, but where do our ideas come from?
- When the sun shine on the field, the herbs come forth; is it not the Creator’s light falling upon us, that cause our ideas to come forth? And if we keep away the grass and weeds, we receive a profitable harvest.
- I would that all men would write a book on the Creator. Thought, directed in this way, will not go far from the right road.
- To feel that He is with us, hearing all our words, seeing all our deeds: is this not the surest foundation to teach our children? To make them sincere, and to behave with propriety, what is so potent as faith in the Creator, and in His Son, Shang Te?
- The following are the books of Ka’yu, to wit:
- OF THE CREATOR, the Great Spirit, Eolin, and His Creation.
- OF THE PLAN OF CORPOREAL WORLDS, the sun and earth and moon and stars, and their sizes and motions, and their power to hold themselves in their places, by the velocity of rotation.
- OF LIGHT AND HEAT and thunder and lightning.
- OF THE UNSEEN WORLDS; the upper and lower heavens; the habitations of the Gods.
- OF THE INTERMEDIATE WORLD, or lower heaven, which rest”’ on the earth.
- OF TE [Shang Te, or True God] who hath charge of this world and her heavens.
- OF FALSE GODS, and their kingdoms in the lower heavens; and their power to catch the souls of men after death.
- OF HELL, where the spirits of bad men are tortured for a long season.
- OF THE HIGHEST HEAVENS, the Orian worlds, where the spirits of good mortals dwell in everlasting bliss.
- OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF GODS, and drujas over mortals; how nations are built up, or destroyed by the Gods.
- And these ten were such as in after years were recorded as the BOOKS OF GREAT LEARNING, and were made by the Sun Emperor THE STANDARD of the empire.
- The following books of Ka’yu were such as were called, THE LESSER SCHOLARSHIPS, to wit:
- AXIOMS [texts, or Ch’un’Ts’en] being the simples of problems.
- THE MEAN MAN [that is, conservative].
- PURIFICATION; to purify the flesh; and to purify the spirit (or soul).
- DIVINATION; consultation of spirits; legerdemain; sar’gis; su’is; power of the spirits to give man dreams and visions.
- MAXIMS, propriety, sincerity, rites and ceremonies, reverence to age, respect to the dead.
- LOVE; to love the Great Spirit; to love the parents; to love discipline and industry; marriage; marriage for earthly sake being wicked; marriage for spiritual redemption of the world by generations of holier men and women.
- BOOK OF HISTORIES, of Gods and Saviors, of kings and emperors, of wise men, of lawgivers, of the rise and fall of nations.
- BOOK OF HOLIES, in six parts: Omnipotence, Worship, Jehovih’s (Eolin’s) Judgments, Progression, Reverence to the priests, and Obedience to the sacred commandment.
- BOOK OF GEMS, also in six parts: Proverbs, Poetry, Morning and Evening Devotion, Association, in the family, the community, the state and the empire, Confession of Sins, and Praise and Rejoicing in Eolin, the Great Spirit.
- Such were the twenty books of Ka’yu, which were the pith and cream of the eighteen thousand books of the ancients, together with all the light of the latter days added thereto. And in not many years, these also became the standard books of the Chine’ya empire.
- And the Council of Ts’Sin’Ne came to a close, and the disciples of Ka’yu departed to their respective provinces, taking copies of the books with them.
- God had said to his inspiring angels: Suffer not Ka’yu to know he receive light from heaven, for he should be as an example to men, to inspire them to perfect the talents created withal.
- And it was so; and during all these years of labor, Ka’yu knew not that he was inspired.
- And God looked upon the empire of Chine’ya, and he said: Behold, my son should write other books, but less profound.
- And God inspired Ka’yu to write:
- And a BOOK OF INVENTIONS. And these were all the books Ka’yu wrote.
- Nevertheless, his fame became so great that many men followed him about, even when he traveled into distant provinces, and they watched for the words he spake, and they wrote them down, and these were also made into books.
- Because of the presence of God and his angels, Ka’yu saw clearly and heard clearly; nevertheless, his inspiration was God by proxy, and not like the inspiration of Chine, to whom God came in person, dwelling with him. Wherein, on many occasions, Ka’yu did things of his own accord, and committed some blunders.
- When the Triune Gods perceived the great work accomplished by God, Jehovih’s Son, in Vind’yu and Chine’ya, thus going to the root of the resurrection, they were sorely troubled for the ultimate prospect of their own heavenly kingdoms.
- Ennochissa, Triune of Eta-shong, the heavenly kingdom over Chine’ya, sent an invitation to his two brother Triunes, to come to his heavenly city, to confer as to what should be done.
- Accordingly, Kabalactes and Looeamong went to Eta-shong, where they were received in great grandeur, by one thousand million angels, and conducted to Ennochissa’s heavenly capital and to his throne.
- After due salutations and ceremonies, the Triunes all took seats on the throne. Whereupon the Holy Council retired from the presence, leaving only the Lords-in-attendance and the chief marshals within the crescent of the throne.
- Ennochissa said: My brothers, peace be with you, because of my great joy for your presence.
- Behold, Chine’ya, my earthly kingdom is being sapped in the foundation by the Ka’yu’an (Confucian) doctrines. What more will these people care for the Trinity? Jehovih is triumphant.
- Kabalactes said: As you hast spoken of Chine’ya, so say I of Vind’yu: The doctrine of the Trinity is being entirely destroyed by the Sakaya’yan doctrines. Our heavenly kingdoms will lose their base of supplies for subjects. Jehovih is triumphant.
- Looeamong said: My brothers, it is not my place to point out the mistakes of others. But you**** twain have built great heavenly capitals and palaces. Your kingdoms are embellished, as these heavens never were before, with magnificent cities.
- Now, whilst you**** were thus building, behold, I went with my legions down to the earth to war. I have not only overthrown many of the false Gods and Lords, but driven the worshipers of Jehovih to death.
- Therefore, I have done little to beautify my heavenly kingdoms; but I rest above fear and apprehension. Nevertheless, whatsoever you**** would, that I can do, to assist you out of your dilemmas, that will I do.
- Now, after many suggestions and proposals, which were not accepted, Ennochissa said: As God, Jehovih’s Son, hath taken an earthly course to insure his success, why should not we also?
- Behold, let us seek out a number of mortals also, and through them, establish our doctrines with mortals.
- Looeamong said: A most wise suggestion.
- Kabalactes said: This have I seen, since a long time, would be necessary to accomplish.
- Thereupon a coalition was entered into by the three Triunes to give to mortals forty-nine Saviors, in order to establish the Trinity.
- Which labor should be accomplished within two hundred years.
- And it was also stipulated, that the whole forty-nine Saviors should be put to death ignominiously in order to win mortal sympathy.
- To accomplish which, the Holy Confederacy provided, that each kingdom should supply one million angels for the army of inspiration, and that the same doctrine should be enunciated through every Savior, raised up for the work. And, accordingly, the three million inspiring angels were selected, all being above grade eighty, and these, being in three armies, were provided with one general officer to each army, called captain of the hosts.
- For Looeamong’s hosts, Thoth was made captain.
- For Kabalactes’ hosts, Yima was made captain.
- For Ennochissa’s hosts, Satree was made captain.
- Accordingly, these three, Thoth, Yima and Satree, with their three millions, were sent down to the earth, to cover it around about in their own way, to raise up amongst mortals the required Saviors.
- And there were thus given to the earth, in the space of less than two hundred years, forty-nine Saviors, to wit:
- Rita, Gibbor, Gaal, Efrokin, Gargra, Thules, of the house of Thules, Etrus, Gadamon and Shofal; and all of these were of Egupt, and performed miracles, such as healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and hearing to the deaf, and raising spirits of the dead to life; and they preached the doctrine of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And the angels inspired their enemies to put them to death, that their doctrines might be sealed in blood. And this was done.
- Of the land of Parsi’e, the following men: Adakus, Mithra, Bali, Malopesus, Gonsalk, Hebron, Belus, of the house of Belus, Megath, Yodman and Beels. And these preached the same doctrines, and were also put to death in order to seal their words in blood. Some of them were boiled in oil; some given to the lions in the dens, and some nailed on the ugsa [wheel], and left to perish.
- Of Vind’yu, the following: Indra, Yuth, Sakai, Withoban, Aria, Devatat, Chrisna, Laracqu, Hagre, Anathia, Jannassa and Janeirus. And these performed the same kind of miracles, and preached the same doctrines, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And they likewise suffered ignominious deaths, through the inspiration of the angel hosts.
- Of Chine’ya, the following: Sam Sin, Ah Wah, Ah Chong, K’aou’foor, King Shu, Shaou and Chung Le. And these performed miracles, and preached the same doctrines. And they were also put to death ignominiously, being killed on the fetes, in order to seal their doctrines in blood.
- Of Heleste and Uropa, the following: Datur, Promethus, Quirnus, Iyo, Osseo and Yohannas. And these taught the same doctrines, performing miracles also. And they were killed on the fete in like manner, that their teachings might be sealed in blood.
- Of Guatama, the following: Manito, Quexalcote, Itura, Tobak and Sotehooh. And these performed miracles, taught the same (Triune) doctrines, and were all put to death ignominiously, that their doctrines might be sealed in blood.
- By the same army of angels that inspired these priests and magicians to miracles and the preaching of the Triune doctrines, were they also betrayed, suffering death by enemies who were inspired by the same angel hosts to that end.
- Now so far as the Triune doctrines affected mortals, it related chiefly to war. The confederate Gods had said:
- War for righteousness sake is just. We go to the earth to put swords and spears in the hands of the innocent and upright, saying to them: Defend yourselves! Establish yourselves! There is no Ever Present Person. All things were created out of the Holy Ghost. Depend upon yourselves. Rise up and be men, mighty to do the will of the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost!
- When God, Son of Jehovih, saw the work of the Triunes, he bewailed the ways of heaven.
- Jehovih said to him: Bewail not, My Son, nor grieve for what they have done. But make you a record of their works; for mortals will preserve a history of this period, which should be called, the Era of Saviors. And it should stand as the darkest era in the cycle of Bon.6
- But it should come to pass on the earth, that the Triunes will cut themselves off in a way they see not. For mortals will worship the Saviors. Whereupon the Triunes will become divided in their heavenly kingdoms.
- So God bewailed no more, but prepared a new army of a thousand million angels, to go down to the earth, to provide for receiving the spirits of such as were sure to be slain in wars near at hand.
- Of these hosts, Eyodemus was given command, and he appointed the following officers (to each hundred million), to go with him to wit:
- Sogothwich, Yutempasa, Loo Wan, Thagaik, Maratha, Wein, Shuberth, Le Shong, Taivi and Duraya.
- Nor did they reach the earth any too soon, for war soon circled the whole earth around, and every nation and tribe and people were immured in bloody carnage.
- This period was practically the end of the good works of the Triune, but equally so the beginning of their mighty kingdoms in heaven, which were destined, ere long, to overshadow the whole earth.
- The war, they set on foot on earth, extended into their own kingdoms. And these three Gods, the Triunes, saw, that only by might and desperate vigor, could they preserve their heavens from anarchy.
- Five of the sub-Gods of Kabalactes, of Vind’yu, revolted within his own kingdom, and set up places of their own. And they falsely assumed the names of the Saviors, who had been put to death, in order to establish the Trinity.
- Kabalactes summoned his remaining chief officers to Haractu, his heavenly city, before his throne. And when they were before him, he said unto them:
- This is the emergency of the Gods. My voice and my strong arm are raised up. Miscreants, whom I elevated to official positions in heaven, have betrayed their trust. With their legions they have seceded, and set up kingdoms of their own.
- I have called you before me, that you* may jointly hear my decree, and obey. I will have order and harmony in my heaven. Neither should there be but one God in my dominions, even myself. It is my will, therefore, that you* pursue these rebellious captains down to the earth, to their heavenly kingdoms, and despoil them utterly.
- And if need be, you**** should capture them and their chief leaders, and cast them into hell. For they should understand that I am not a God of peace, like the Jehovihian Gods, but a God of war.
- For this purpose, I appoint Yima as my Holy Embassador and Earth Warrior. And I give to him two thousand million warriors, that he may make quick work of my rebellious chiefs.
- My marshal should select, therefore, for you, Yima, the two thousand million angel warriors; and you should appoint your* own generals and captains, and go at once down to the earth regions of these miscreants, and carry out my commandments.
- Yima and his hosts did as commanded, but not suddenly; for an angel war ensued which lasted forty-six years, before the five rebellious Gods were beaten from their strongholds. And, even then, they were not captured and cast into hell; but they escaped, taking half a million angel warriors with them, and they migrated to Uropa, to the city of Roma [Rome], where they established themselves in security. Thus the deposed Vind’yu Gods became Gods of Roma.
- Immediately after Yima succeeded in clearing Vind’yu, Kabalactes summoned him again to Haractu, his heavenly seat, before his Holy Council. When he had thus come, Kabalactes spoke from the throne, saying:
- Because my wisdom hath triumphed in heaven and earth, I now take unto myself a new name, BUDHA.7 And from this day and hour I should be called by no other name forever. And my heavenly place, my city and my heavens, should be known henceforth, forever, as Haractu, the Budhist heavenly kingdom, the All Highest Heaven of Heavens!
- You, Yima, should repair again to the earth with your*** two thousand million warring angels, and establish me, as the Budha. By fire and by sword, by blood and death should you establish my name on the earth.
- And you should find a way to teach mortals, that I was Sakaya, and Sakaya was and is the Budha, Son of the Triune, Son of the Holy Ghost.
- Jehovih had said: Behold the time will come unto both Gods and men who deny My All Person, when they will espouse even falsehood for sake of their own selfish ends.
- And Kabalactes should falsely assume, that he was Sakaya, and that Sakaya was and is Budha.
- Jehovih spake to God, saying: Behold, he command himself to be called Budha. Now I say unto you*, suffer this also to be, neither accuse you him before heaven or earth of his falsehood.
- Nay, but you should also henceforth call him Budha, signifying ALL KNOWLEDGE, for it is his choice.
- So it came to pass from this time after, Kabalactes was called Budha in heaven. And his angel hosts under Yima, who descended to the earth, inspired mortals, both through the oracles and by direct contact, to call Sakaya, Budha, and Budha, Sakaya. And these things were so. And in not many generations, mortals forgot that they were two persons; but they accredited all things to Budha of the spirit, and all things of the flesh to Sakaya, although the whole matter was false in fact.
- Wherein, it came to pass, that the followers of Budha professed peace, but practiced war and conquest, setting out by blood and carnage and destruction to establish Budhism in Vind’yu.
- Jehovih said to God: Even this should you suffer them to do. For herein will they lay the foundation of the final overthrow of this false God, Budha. For they will put aside the Trinity of their own accord, retaining Budha and the Holy Ghost. Yea, they will ultimately teach, that Budha is itself but a principle, and that the Holy Ghost is but as nothing. They will say: War for Budha, and you should attain Budha, which should be followed by Nirvana, which they will also call nothing. And these things came to pass.
6 These are historical facts, within the two hundred years mentioned, no less than forty-nine Saviors were born on earth, and put to death.
7 The meaning of the word Budha is KNOWLEDGE or ALL KNOWLEDGE. We see here how a God or angel becomes false in fact. I have used the privilege here accorded to me to spell this word, as applied to this spirit, BUDHA, in contra-distinction from Budah, so the student might easily distinguish the false from the true. Therefore, where it is spelled Budha, it is the name of the impostor God, who assumed it. These are differences in spelling, which I made in order to prevent the too frequent use of the adjectives, false and true.
- Not less were the trials of Ennochissa; for his sub-Gods also revolted, and many of them assumed the names of the Saviors he had given to Chine’ya. And he also sent an army of two thousand million angel warriors down to the earth to destroy them, and break them up, and if need be to capture them, and cast them in hell.
- Of these hosts, he made Ya’deth chief captain, giving him power to select his own captains and generals. And it came to pass, that a heavenly war ensued on the earth, in Chine’ya, between the hosts of Ya’deth and the rebellious sub-Gods and their hosts, which lasted seventy years.
- And Ya’deth gained the victory, clearing away all the rebel angels of the sub-Gods, and putting them to flight. Four of these rebel Gods fled into Argos, to Athena [Athens], where they established themselves securely.8
- Ennochissa now summoned Ya’deth and his victorious army to Eta-shong, his heavenly kingdom. And when he was before the throne, Ennochissa said unto him:
- You hast beholden the machinations of my brother Triune God, Kabalactes, who hath falsely assumed the name, Budha, and proclaimed himself the All Highest God, and his heaven the All Highest Heaven of Heavens. Two things do I decree, this day and hour: An army of angels, for the earth, of two thousand millions; and you Ya’deth , should be their commander, to do my will. And another army of angel warriors, for my heavenly kingdom of Eta-shong; and for my kingdom of DamayaDamaya, over Guatama.
- For my heavenly army, you, Loo Wan, should be commander for Eta-shong; and thou, Biwawotha, should be commander for DamayaDamaya.
- And to you* of heaven, I assign the care and protection of my kingdoms with your armies. And you* should wall your places around, and fortify me on every side with angel warriors. Yet, menace not the angels of Budha, nor of Looeamong. Nevertheless, if they offend, or are disrespectful of me and my kingdoms, you**** should arrest them, and provide places of torment for them, and cast them in.
- But as for you, Ya’deth , you and your** hosts should return again to the earth, to mortals, and establish me as BRAHMA, which should be my name on earth and in heaven from this time forth forever. And you should possess the oracles, and by all possible means establish me amongst mortals, as well as in Vind’yu and Chine’ya. And all who profess Brahma hereafter, should be my subjects on their entrance into heaven.
- And if it come to pass that Budha’s mortal warriors fall upon the mortal Brahmins, to destroy them, then should you consider that Budha is my enemy.
- And you and your*** angel warriors should obsess every Brahmin to take up arms, and war to the death every aggressing Budha. For Budha should learn that I, Brahma, rule these heavens in mine own way.
- So it came to pass, the four thousand million warriors of Ennochissa (now falsely named Brahma), were selected, and apportioned and marched off to their several places in great pomp and glory. To describe even one of these armies, with their music and their implements of war, their manual and procession, would require a large book. Then their vessels of war; their implements of fire and water; their banners and flags; and, above all, their enthusiasm. For many of them had been warriors in earth-life, and knew no other trade, and now exulted in the prospect of mortal blood and death.
- Of the sub-Gods of Vind’yu and Chine’ya, Jehovih said: For this, alone, these things are good. For, in time to come, man of the earth will look abroad over the earth and say: How came the Vind’yu Gods in Roma? How came the Chine’ya Gods in Athena?
- For, since they will not be able to answer their own questions, they will perceive, there must have been a heavenly cause that mortals knew not of.
- For in time of the fulfillment of My revelations, it will not be sufficient unto either heaven or earth to re-establish spiritual communion; but it should also be shown unto them that there are kingdoms and principalities in heaven. And they are ruled over by both good and bad Gods. Moreover, they should understand that of a truth whoso worship Budha should go to Budha to be his slaves; and whoso worship Brahma should go to Brahma, and be his slaves.
- I will make it plain to them that to worship a spirit, though he be a God, is but the giving of their own souls into bondage. For they should in that day understand that the Great Spirit, the Ever Present, is not an idol in the figure of a man, sitting on a throne.
- Moreover, spirits and mortals should perceive that to deny My Person, will, soon or late, bring the doer into a trap from which he can not escape. Give then to Ennochissa the name Brahma, for it is his choice. And you should perceive that the time will come, when he will seek to throw aside even this name, and even his own person, in order to escape hell.
- Thus was established the two false Gods, Budha and Brahma. And at once there was a war in heaven, as well as on earth. And this was virtually the end of the schools and colleges in these heavens, and also the beginning of the breaking up of the factories and places of industry in the two kingdoms, Eta-shong and Haractu, in atmospherea.
- As to the earth regions, Vind’yu and Chine’ya, this is how they stood in that day:
- Chine’ya was so well established in the doctrines of Chine and Ka’yu [Confucius], that the people shunned war and idolatry. The Saviors had gained but little footing. And now, when the Gods sought to inspire the people to war, in order to establish themselves, Brahma and Budha, only the most barbarous regions could be influenced.
- Brahma, the false God, now perceiving the potency of Ka’yu’s books, sent his angel warriors to inspire the Sun King [Emperor], T’sin, to have all the books in Chine’ya destroyed, in order to reduce the empire to ignorance. Accordingly, the Sun King, T’sin, issued a decree, commanding all the books and tablets of Chine’ya to be destroyed.
- Brahma said: I will have all, or destroy all. My angels should not let sleep in peace, any king or governor in all this land, until he engage in the work of thus destroying mine enemy, Learning.
- And there were destroyed, in one year, more than five million books, and one million tablets of stone and copper; being the destruction of the books of the ancients, for upward of twenty thousand years. Besides these, there were destroyed many of the books of Ka’yu, but not all of them.
- In the meantime, the anti-war spirit of the people had cried out to the Creator: O Father, what should we do to avert war, and to preserve the revelations of Thy holy ones of old?
- And Jehovih answered them, through God of Paradise, Jehovih’s Son, saying: Build ye walls against the barbarians. And your walls should stand as a testimony of what you**** are willing to do, rather than engage in war, even for self-preservation.
- Because you**** have faith in Me, I will be with you even unto the end.
- And it came to pass that the Faithists of Chine’ya built stone walls, the greatest buildings in all the world. And they stand to this day.
- Jehovih said: Behold the works of My chosen. As long as these walls stand, they should be testimony of the struggle of My people, to maintain themselves, by means of peace instead of war. And the walls should be monuments to the Faithists of this land, who have perished by the false Gods, Brahma and Budha.
- Yea, the testimony of these walls should be stronger, in time to come, against Brahma and Budha, than though every stone were a sword and spear. And the followers of My Son, Ka’yu, should loathe them with pity and hate.
- In Vind’yu also, did the machinations of Budha and Brahma work sore mischief on mortals. In this country both of these false Gods decreed the destruction of all books and tablets, save such as looked favorable to their own doctrines. And there were here destroyed more than two million books and one million tablets, of stone and copper.
- And the schools and colleges of the people were well nigh destroyed, the whole length and breadth of the land.
- And in both, Chine’ya and Vind’yu, were there slain in war, in order to establish the names of these Gods amongst mortals, more than one hundred and forty millions of people, men, women and children.
- By the angel warriors of these two Gods were mortals thus inspired in the work of destruction. Not only against the Faithists were these Gods, but against each other also. And mortals were their victims, for the glory and exaltation of the two heavenly kingdoms, Haractu and Eta-shong.
8 And these Chinese Gods became the Grecian Gods of a later date.
- God said: Hear you, O earth, and you, O heaven, of Looeamong, the other of the Triunes, the founders of the doctrines of the Holy Ghost and Trinity.
- My word is gone forth; the kingdoms of the spirit of the dead should reveal through me unto all men; their libraries should be as an open book to Jehovih’s Sons and Daughters in heaven and earth.
- Because Looeamong pursued Ashtaroth in conjunction with Baal, and overthrew her and her kingdom, and cast them into hell, he became as a lion, savage at the taste of blood.
- And I cried out unto him, saying: Hold, hold; enough! But he said: Nay, till I have Baal also cast into hell, I will not cease the carnage of mortal blood.
- And he cast about in Hapsendi, his heavenly place, calling up angel warriors, tens of millions, hundreds of millions. But Baal, the self-God of Heleste, called his mighty legions in heaven, and sent them down to the earth, redoubled, to inspire mortals to bloody deeds.
- Baal said: Mine is an easy doctrine to understand. All mortals that worship not Baal should be put to death. The worshipers of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, are my enemies. Such mortals should die! Such angels should go the way of hell.
- The Faithists, the worshipers of Jehovih, are also my enemies. Such mortals should be tortured and sawed in halves.9 Such angels should be bound in knots in hell, and suffocated forever! I will have them know that Baal is the All Highest God of heaven and earth.
- All the land of Arabin’ya, Heleste and part of Uropa, was as one great seat of anarchy and war.
- Looeamong said: I come not to bring peace, but war! I come to set nation against nation, people against people, man against man. For righteousness sake will I purify the earth with human blood.
- I will not have a half-way peace; I will destroy my enemies, east and west and north and south. By the Holy Ghost have I sworn it!
- And the kingdoms of Egupt, and of Media, of Armenia [Oceas], and Phrygia [Boa], and Argos [Greece], and Scythia [Semia] and Noamedia, and of all the regions of Arabin’ya and the west, should know no peace till I have destroyed the worship of all Gods but the Triunes.
- And it came to pass, that there was no peace in any of those lands. Neither was there system to the warfare, looking to any important result.
- Jehovih hath said: Let this stand as a testimony unto coming generations. For they should look back to these times, and behold, that the wars raged without purpose on the part of any king. And that mortals were the instruments in the hands of the angels, who ruled over them. And it should be testimony unto them of what come upon peoples, who deny My Person. For they should compare the peace and rejoicing of My people, whilst they had no king, but kept My commandments, with such as put Me away, and tried to make themselves strong in kings and standing armies.
- Baal now established two more heavenly kingdoms, one over Jerusalem, and one above the Apennine mountains, off from Roma. And in the latter kingdom, which he called Arkoli, he made an alliance with the Vind’yu Gods that escaped from their own heavenly regions and fled to the mortal city, Roma. And near Athena, he founded a subkingdom of five hundred million angels, and made an alliance with the Gods that escaped from the Brahmin kingdoms.
- In this emergency, Looeamong, the Triune God of the Holy Ghost, beheld, with fear and trembling, his formidable enemy, Baal. And so he determined, to send to Buddha for assistance. Thus he solicited, to wit:
- To the Triune, the Holy Budha, Son of the Holy Ghost, greeting in love and majesty.
- By the power of the Triunes are we sworn to each other, to establish the Holy Ghost in heaven and earth. By which confederacy are we three Gods powerful above all other Gods.
- Now behold, Baal, the most fiendish of all Gods, wage war against our holy doctrines in all the regions of my heavenly kingdoms and on my dominions of the earth also. But my forces in heaven and earth need re-enforcement. And I come to you, according to our original compact, asking you for a thousand million angel warriors.
- By messengers Looeamong sent this to Budha, who answered him as follow, to wit:
- It is said that great trials are the making of angels and mortals. I need my hosts for mine own purposes. Nevertheless, if you wilt cede Egupt to me, you should have the army you ask”’ for, for the space of one hundred years.
- Insulting as was this proposal, Looeamong was obliged to accede to it, or to have his kingdom destroyed by Baal.
- Accordingly, such an alliance was entered into; and so, Looeamong removed his heavenly city, Hapsendi, westward, and cast it over Naomedia. And immediately thereafter, Budha established a heavenly kingdom in Egupt, and called it, Celonia, giving its management into the keeping of Thoth, the Bertian, an angel, so named, because he was cunning, like a fox.
- With these additional forces, Looeamong now renewed the assault on Baal on every side, even more violently in his heavenly places than on the earth.
- And it came to pass, that Looeamong routed Baal from his heavenly kingdom, and from his sub-kingdoms also, but he did not capture him, or subdue him. And the angels of Looeamong obtained Jerusalem and Athena, besides two hundred small cities with their oracle-houses and temples also. And Looeamong’s angel warriors took possession of them, so they could answer the oracles, the magicians and priests, in their own way.
- Baal still maintained an army of three thousand million angel warriors; and he established himself in the city of Roma and Hieadas, that is, Bizantium [Constantinople], but used most of his army as rambling marauders.
- Now, when Looeamong beheld, that the other two Triunes had taken new names falsely, and that they had gained power thereby, he resolved to adopt for himself the names, Lord and God.
- Thoth, his chief warrior angel, fighting against Baal, had said: Most Holy Triune, I must give mortals a name to fight for. The term, Holy Ghost, is not potent.
- So, Looeamong falsely assumed to be God, the Lord of heaven and earth.
- He said to Thoth: Go tell mortals I am the same, who wrought wonders for the Israelites. And, forsooth, the Israelites will fight for me.
- Thoth did this. And furthermore Looeamong inspired one, Ezra, to gather all the records he could, to be proof of his labors for the Israelites.
- To accomplish this, Thoth employed seven hundred thousand angels, to be with Ezra and the numerous scribes whom Ezra employed. And by their inspiration were the books of the Ezra Bible written and compiled, according to the commandments of Looeamong. And there were thus collected seventy-two books, and they were put on file in the king’s library in Jerusalem, after the manner in which the ancients preserved important records of events, and these books were named by Ezra, The Holy Library [Holy Bible], of which number fifty-four remain to this day.
- But, of all these, not one book was inspired of Jehovih, or His Son, God of heaven and earth. Nevertheless, there are many things within them, that were of Jehovih and His angels. Howbeit, though they were put on record by men, and interpreted by men.
- Looeamong, in these things sin not against Jehovih, for he did not cause his own name, Looeamong, to be made worshipful.
9 The prophet Isaah was sawed in twain. In those days the persecutions against the Faithists in Jehovih were fearfully cruel.
The position of the earth that led to the building of the Chinese Wall. It came to pass, in those days, that the spirit of the Father dwelt in mortals, and they were turned away from the shedding of blood. And when the earth came into Lo’iask, in etherea, His etherean angels penetrated the darkness and inspired the chosen of China to build a wall to protect themselves from destruction. And a wall was so built, the greatest on the whole earth. Jehovih said: Since these, My chosen people, have achieved the age of peace on earth, let them shut themselves in, away from the barbarians without, and they should endure as a secluded people till the coming of kosmon. And it was so.
- God, Jehovih’s Son, was wise above all these trials, for he had the light of Jehovih’s kingdoms with him.
- And it will be shown, presently, how much further ahead are the plans laid out by Jehovih’s Sons, than by His enemies.
- Because Pharaoh persecuted the Israelites, Moses put a curse upon Pharaoh. Now, after hundreds of years in the lower heavens, behold, Pharaoh was cast into hell, and then into chaos, and none but Moses could deliver him, as hath been previously described.
- So, Moses descended from the higher heavens, and delivered Pharaoh, and he provided Pharaoh a new name, Illaes, and sent him back to earth to labor with the Israelites, in order to fulfill his shortness in righteous works. Illaes, therefore, became a willing volunteer, and many angels with him.
- And these angels inspired seven hundred Israelites to separate themselves from all other people, and to go and live by direction of the angels of Jehovih. Moreover, the angels inspired these people to call themselves Es’eans [Esseneans], as commanded by Moses in heaven.
- These Es’eans were, therefore, a separate people, pledged to Jehovih, to have no king nor earth-ruler, save their rab’bahs. And they dwelt in communities and families of tens and twenties and hundreds, holding all things in common. But in marriage, they were monogamic; neither would they have more than one suit of clothes each; and they lived on fruit and herbs only; nor ate they fish nor flesh of anything that had ever breathed the breath of life. And they bathed every morning at sunrise, and worshipped before the altar of Jehovih, doing, in all things, after the manner of the ancient Faithists. By virtue of the angel hosts, who were with them, did they these things. And they held communion with the angels of heaven, every night before going to sleep.
- Illaes had said: Because I persecuted the Faithists, and raised up my hands against them and against Jehovih, I was instrumental, in part for their fall. Now will I labor with them, to re-establish them in purity and love. And he so labored.
- And Illaes and his angel hosts made the camps of the Es’eans their dwelling places, watching over these few Israelites, day and night for hundreds of years. Yea, without leaving them, these faithful angels guarded them from all the warring hosts of angels, belonging to the armies of Baal and Ashtaroth, and to the Triune God, Looeamong, and his hosts.
- And, though the Es’eans lived in great purity of body and soul, yet they were evilly slandered by the world’s people around about them on every side.
- But Jehovih prospered the seed of the Es’eans, in holiness and love, for many generations.
- Then came Gafonaya, chief of the loo’is, according to the command of God, to raise up an heir to the Voice of Jehovih. And, in four generations more, an heir was born, and named, Joshu, and he was the child of Joseph and his wife, Mara, devout worshippers of Jehovih, who stood aloof from all other people, save the Es’eans.
- And, because of the extreme youth of Mara, the child was of doubtful sex, whereupon the rab’bahs said, the child was an iesu, signifying neutral.
- The time of the birth of the child, was three days after the descent of a heavenly ship from the throne of God. And many of the Es’eans looked up and beheld the star, and they felt the cold wind of the higher heavens fall upon the place and around about the tent, where the child was born. And they said, one to another: Jehovih, remembers us.
- Gafonaya, the chief angel of the loo’is, knew beforehand what the birth would be, and he sent out around about the Es’ean encampments extra guardian angels; and these notified the descending hosts of heaven of what was near at hand.
- So the messengers from heaven tarried until after the child was born, acquainting Illaes of the time ahead when Moses and Elias, with their hosts would come to complete the deliverance of the spirits of the Eguptians, whom Moses had colonized in atmospherea.
- Illaes said: Thank Jehovih, I should once more look upon Moses’ face.
- When the birth was completed, the angels of heaven re-entered their star-ship and hastened back to Paradise, God’s heavenly seat.
- When Joshu was grown up, and ready for his labor, God provided a host of one hundred million angels to make a line of light from his Holy Council down to the earth; and they so made it.
- And God provided a guardian host of two thousand million angels to protect the line of communications; for it was war times in heaven and earth.
- Then came Moses from his etherean realms, accompanied by Elias and a sufficient host. And he came to Paradise, to God on the throne, where due preparation had been made for them. For the heavenly kingdoms of God were stirred from center to circumference, when it was heralded abroad that Moses and Elias were coming.
- And Paradise was like a new heavenly city, being acceded by an influx of more than a thousand million visitors for the occasion.
- And heralds and receivers and marshals and musicians extended every way.
- A whole book might be written on the glory of the occasion, when that etherean ship descended from the higher heavens. Suffice it, Moses was received according to the custom of Gods. And God said to Moses and Elias: Come you****, and honor my throne; and I will proclaim a file before the throne, to be followed by two days’ recreation.
- Then Moses and Elias went up, and sat on the throne of God, that they might look upon Moses’ face. And Moses stood up before them. Moses said: I remember standing on the earth whilst the hosts that came out of Egupt passed before me! Great Jehovih, what symbols of things You givest. And ever with a new thrill of joy to the soul. O Thou Almighty!
- That was all he said; but so great was the love and glory in his face as he stood on the throne of God that every soul that passed said: Moses, blessed Son of Jehovih!
- And God granted two days’ recreation, during which time the ethereans mingled with the atmosphereans in great delight. After that, Moses, with his hosts, went to Elaban, his colony of Eguptians, who were now raised high in the grades. And Moses had them removed to Aroqu, where they were duly prepared and adorned as Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih. And, after suitable preparation, Moses provided for their ascent to the Nirvanian fields of Metapotamas, in etherea, sending them in charge of his own hosts.
- After that, Moses and his remaining hosts descended to the earth, to Kanna’yan, to the tribes of Es’eans, which had been raised up by Illaes (Pharaoh). And great was the meeting between Illaes and Moses. The former broke down with emotion. He said: All praise to You*, O Jehovih! You has remembered me at last.
- Moses came to him, and said: I have come for you, O Nu’ghan! I have a place prepared for you and your*** hosts in my etherean kingdoms! You hast done well!
- Then Moses and his hosts drew their otevan down to the angel camp, which was near the camp of the mortals, the Es’eans, and they made the light to fall upon the boat; and it came to pass that many of the Es’eans looked up and beheld the otevan, calling it a chariot.
- And Moses and Elias went and stood before Joshu, and he saw them.
- Moses said unto him: My son! my son! The light of Eloih is upon you*. Israel, through thee, should regain the All One, which was lost.
- Thereupon, Moses and his hosts, together with Illaes and his hosts, went into the otevan, and immediately took course for Paradise, God’s heavenly seat, where they arrived in due season. And, after three days, they again entered the fire-ship, and took course for Moses’ etherean realms.
- God said: These were my doctrines, as I taught through Joshu:
- You should keep the ten commandments of Moses.
- You should not engage in war, nor abet war.
- You should eat no flesh of any animal, or fish, or bird, or fowl, or creeping thing which Jehovih created alive.
- You should dwell in families, after the manner of the ancient Israelites, who held all things in common.
- You should have no king nor queen, nor bow down in worship to any, save your*** Creator.
- You should not call on the name of angels to worship them, nor to counsel with them on the affairs of earth.
- You should love your* neighbor as thyself, and do unto your* fellow man as you wouldst have him do unto you*.
- You should return good for evil, and pity to them that sin.
- It hath been said: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; but I say, return good for evil.
- And if a man smite you* on one cheek, turn the other unto him also.
- The man should have but one wife, and the woman but one husband.
- As the children honor the father, so will the family be blest with peace and plenty.
- Remember, that all things are of Jehovih, and you**** are His servants, to help one another.
- And as much as you* do these services to one another, so serve you* Jehovih.
- Behold only the virtues and wisdom in your*** neighbor; his faults you should not discover.
- His matters are with his Creator.
- Call not on the name of any God or Lord in worship; but worship Jehovih only.
- And when you prayest, let it be after this manner:
- Jehovih, who rulest in heaven and earth, hallowed be Thy name, and reverent amongst men. Sufficient unto me is my daily bread; and, as much as I forgive those that trespass against me, forgive You me, and make me steadfast, to shun temptation, for all honor and glory are Your**, worlds without end. Amen!
- To visit the sick and distressed, the helpless and blind, and to relieve them; to provide for the widow and orphan, and keep thyself unspotted before men; these are the way of redemption.
- You should take no part in the governments of men, but observe the will of Jehovih, being obedient unto all governments for His sake.
- All men are the children of One Father, who is Jehovih; and whosoever choose Him, and keep”’ His commandments, is His chosen.
- To preserve the seed of His chosen, you should not wed but with the chosen.
- Contend not with any man for opinion’s sake, nor for any earthly thing.
- And let your* speech be for other’s joy; nor open not your* mouth, if your*** words will give pain.
- Therefore, be considerate of your*** speech; teaching others by gentleness and love, to be respectful toward all men.
- Preserve the sacred days of the rab’bahs; and the rites and ceremonies of emethachavah.
- For three years, Joshu traveled amongst the Israelites, preaching, and restoring the ancient doctrines.
- And there were gathered in groups, of tens and twenties and fifties, more than two thousand Israelites, of the ancient Order of Moses, who became steadfast followers of the teachings of Joshu.
- But, because of persecution, by the apostate Jews, they kept themselves aloof from the world, having signs and pass-words, whereby they knew one another.
- First, the God, Baal, and after him, Thoth, inspired the kings and rulers, against these Faithists.
- And they proved them by commanding them to eat flesh, even swine’s flesh, the which, if they refused, was testimony sufficient before the laws, to convict them of being enemies against the Gods.
- So, they were scourged, and put to death, whenever found.
- Now, it came to pass, that Joshu went into Jerusalem to preach, and in not many days thereafter, he was accused of preaching Jehovih.
- And he was arrested, and whilst being carried to prison, he said:
- You* are hypocrites and blasphemers! You* practice none of the commandments, but all the evils of satan.
- Behold, the temple should be rent in twain, and you**** should become vagabonds on the earth.
- At that, the multitude cast stones upon him, and killed him!
- And Jehovih sent a chariot of fire, and bore his soul to Paradise.
- The Lord said: Now, behold, Looeamong stood no longer upon the practice of righteousness, but upon might.
- Neither considered he more the resurrection of mortals or angels.
- The craft and wisdom of Baal baffled Looeamong, in both his heavenly battles and his battles for mortals.
- Behold, the whole of the countries of Egupt, Parsi’e, Heleste and Uropa were in war; and the heavens of these countries were also in war, with hundreds of hells within them.
- Looeamong fought no longer for the Trinity nor the Holy Ghost, but to save his heavenly kingdom, lest he be captured, and cast into hell.
- And even more desperately was Baal situated against him.
- In the meantime, the other two Triunes began to war against each other in their heavenly kingdoms, contending for boundaries and subjects.
- Thoth sent the following message to Looeamong, to wit: Greeting to you*, you Most High Triune, in the name of the Holy Ghost.
- Wherein I am embarrassed, I pray you, give me leniency. My suit is not without due deliberation and through prayers to the Holy Ghost. Long have I fought your** battles, and I have gained great power and authority in many kingdoms, in heaven and earth.
- But, behold, I labor against Gods who have the advantage of me. The Chine’ya rebel Gods and the Vind’yu rebel Gods, that fled from the Triune kingdoms in the east, have taken upon themselves names popular with mortals. Witness these names: Nestor, alias Puith; Neptune, alias Poseidon; Oileus, alias Pendre; Priam, alias Hogath; Phoebus, alias Onewakax, alias Apollo; Pales, alias Shugansitha; Pelides, alias Peleus; Saturn, alias Kronos; Thaleia, alias Musae; Thestor, alias Suko, alias Bayrith, alias Calchas; Thetis, alias Arama, alias Mi, alias Mara, alias Achill’ya, alias Argos; Venus, alias Seinalt, alias Vishnu, alias Mira, alias Thor, alias Theo; Vulcan, alias Anawahah, alias Ir, alias Agni, alias Hefaste’yan; Calianessa, alias Vritta; Hecla, alias Jah, alias Tyronia, alias Nileus; Nemertis, alias Itra, alias Prometh’ya, alias Ari, alias Mithra; Opsendes, alias Miletus, alias Brahma, alias Ishaka, alias Davetat, alias Sakaya, alias Morototha; Pherna, alias Holasa, alias Iao, alias Crite, alias Thammus; Spieo, alias Pelides, alias Hecla, alias Vulcan; Thor, alias Padua, alias Hermes, alias Belus, alias Hiroth, alias Yossammis; Thoa, alias Thor, alias Neptune, alias Orion, alias Aph, alias Thulis; Quiurnus, alias Vishnu, alias Ahambre, alias I’isna, alias Atys, alias Etus.
- Thoth continued: And yet these are not all. For these Gods have no fear of the Holy Ghost, and they choose any name that will be flattering to mortals. And the magicians and priests, and such others as have power to hear the voices of spirits, are led to believe that they hear the very Gods whose names are given.
- This, then, is my misfortune, you most Holy God of the Triune: I am commanded to give but one name, even the Holy Ghost, or the Father, to mortals. Or, whether my angel hosts speak to the oracles or to persons capable of hearing spirits, and say to them: Fight ye for the Holy Ghost, or fight you**** for the Creative element, mortals heed us not. Or, they irreverently mock us, saying: What care we for a God that is but a ghost, a shadow, a creative element? Give us Gods that talk, and of themselves. We want no angels from the Holy Ghost. Bring your Gods, and let the oracles tell us what they say.
- Looeamong then sent messengers and a suitable escort to Jerusalem, on the earth, where Thoth was stationed at the time, with an angel host of warriors, commanding his presence before his Holy Council in Hapsendi, Looeamong’s heavenly city and kingdom.
- Now, after Thoth went thither, and they held a Council of many days, a disturbance arose in the Council in consequence of the heat of the debates.
- For the Gods of the Council, for the most part, said: What better are we than the Jehovians? What greater power have we than the Jehovians? Who can answer the philosophy of Thoth? It is a truth, mortals have never been satisfied with AN ANGEL FROM THE GODS. . They want the God himself.
- Was not this forever the weakness of the Jehovians? Such angels could give no name that mortals knew, save they falsely assumed a name. Hence their weakness, compared to such angels as unscrupulously assumed to be Gods.
- We all knew these things before our Holy Confederacy was formed. Yea, one of the chief reasons for forming a confederacy in heaven was that we might more effectually overcome the power of evil spirits over mortals.
- In that day, we said: The three persons, the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost, would enable us to appear in person and with authority unto mortals.
- Behold, it hath now come to pass mortals desire a more definite God, one known unto them. We can not truthfully take the name of any God Thoth hath named, nor of any other God worshipped by mortals.
- Looeamong then drove hence from the palace his Holy Council, that he might have an opportunity to reason with himself, as to what he should do.
- Hear me, O you most upright of Gods. Mine is a tale of pity and of horrors for thy people.
- Behold, your*** one-time brother Triunes have had great advantage of you* from the start.
- They had more populous kingdoms and subjects of higher grades.
- Nevertheless, wherein they have prospered you should be wise.
- They also found it necessary to have a name, that mortals could call unto.
- And they took upon themselves the names, Brahma and Budha, both of which signify knowledge, no more nor less.
- This hath satisfied mortals.
- Now, you should chose the name, Kriste, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge also.
- In this, then, you should have truth on your* side in heaven before your* Holy Council, and on earth you should have a personal embodiment.
- The Lord said: Behold, it came to pass as had been foretold by God, Jehovih’s Son: The Triunes will all become false Gods, because they have denied the Almighty.
- God said: There is but One, who is All Knowledge. Whatsoever angel or God announce himself to be All Knowledge, is false in presence of Jehovih.
- Nevertheless, Looeamong had it proclaimed in heaven and earth that he was The Kriste, which is the Ahamic expression for All Knowledge.
- The Lord said: Now, therefore, Looeamong was from this time forth a false God in heaven and on earth.
- And Looeamong commanded Thoth, his angel warrior in command of his earthly dominions, to raise up tribes of warriors amongst mortals.
- And, by the inspiration of said Thoth, these warriors were induced to call themselves Kriste’yans (Christians).
- God said: That man may know, this is true, behold, the followers of Jehovih are not warriors, nor have they ever been.
- Jehovih said: This mark put I upon man from the time of Cain to the present day, that whoso raiseth his hand against his brother, raiseth his hand against Me also. And this mark should distinguish My servants to the end of the world. Behold, I alone, am All Knowledge.
- Now, it came to pass, that from this time forth great success attended the wars of Looeamong for the glory of his heavenly kingdoms.
- And, for the space of three hundred years, Looeamong gradually gained on Baal and his alliances, both on earth and in heaven.
- And Looeamong captured and cast out of his dominions more than seven hundred false Gods and false Lords.
- And he broke up six hundred and eighty oracle-houses and temples, used for consulting the spirits, who called themselves Gods, whose only service was to advise on war, conquest and destruction.
- So, that, even in Looeamong’s falsity to himself, he rendered a great service to Jehovih, against whom he was doing battle.
- For three hundred years more, Looeamong, with upward of six thousand million angel warriors, pursued war in heaven and on earth; and he had captured mostly all the earthly strong-holds of other false Gods. Baal, however, still maintained himself in Roma, and as God of the Roman empire, but under many names.
- God, Son of Jehovih, said: Now, behold, even Looeamong, the false God, bewailed the wars, and he also bewailed his own doctrines.
- Looeamong cried out in his despair, saying: To whom should I pray, O you Holy Ghost? You shadow, you nothing, you void?
- Should I say: O you all nothing? You inconceivable? You unknowable? You all hidden?
- Or should I say: O you nature? You God of nature? You senseless? You scattered?
- You that hearest not? You that knowest not? You that seest not?
- You essence? You fountain, that is dumb? You accident? You shapeless?
- You imperson? You shortness in all? That beguil”’ us to come here, to find you? Or to go thither to find you?
- And find of a truth, that we find you* not? Yea, to understand that you are the waste and desolate of all that is?
- And, as for the Father, which we three built up, is He not dead? A divided kingdom, with three astrayed sons? And every one for himself?
- O you Brahma, you hadst a peaceful division. And you Budha, a place of great profit.
- But I, your equal, with an unprofitable division of these western heavens. Mine are warriors in heaven and on earth. Yours, peace and profit. How can I embellish Hapsendi, my heavenly seat? And make it a place of grandeur, like unto yours?
- Behold, my thousands of millions of angels are needed for warriors. How have I time to embellish my throne, and my heavenly city? No wonder, you**** twain point the finger of mockery at me, for the poverty of my heavenly kingdom.
- Have I not been fighting battles with satan all these hundreds and hundreds of years? Did I not find heaven, even from the first, a place of war?
- Should these things continue forever? Who should I inquire of? Have I not declared, I am one with the Father, and one with the Holy Ghost?
- Why, then, should I not look to myself? And is this not the sum of all? Every one for himself? Was not myself a self from the first? And to continue a self for itself forever?
- Henceforth, I go not down to send peace on earth; I go not to send peace, but a sword.
- I go to set man at variance against his brother and father, and woman against her sister and mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
- I will make the foes of a man, they of his own household.
- He that love father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that love son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me.
- And he that will not take up his sword and proclaim me, is not worthy of me.
- My signs should be a sword, a skull and cross-bones, and a bull.
- My edicts should be bulls; by these should mine enemies be destroyed.
- Before me should every knee bow down, and every tongue confess me, Lord of all.
- Behold, I will give them a book and a guide, whereby they should know me; in blood will I seal them to the end of the world.
- The Lord said: Whilst Looeamong, the false God, was yet bewailing, behold, Thoth, his chief warrior God, came upon him, saying:
- Alas, O master, your*** followers have no king or queen on earth to protect them.
- Thy mortal Kriste’yan warriors, who drew the sword to establish you*, have been slaughtered in Cardalia, Cyprus, Aitina, Thessalonica, Dalmatia, Lacaonia, Napla, Selucia, Macedon, Galati and Scythia.
- In Thebes, six thousand Kriste’yan warriors were massacred by the armies of the emperor Maximum, inspired by Baal.
- In Eocla, the Gods Jupiter and Ira inspired the king Hoethus to slaughter three thousand seven hundred Kriste’yan soldiers.
- In Utica, the God Jupiter, with seven thousand angels caused three hundred of thy soldiers to be burned in a lime kiln. And they were soldiers battling for you*.
- In Damascus, two thousand seven hundred of your*** warriors were cut to pieces with the sword. And the only charge against them was their fighting for thee. Yea, their sacred bull was taken from them and roasted alive. And their bloody cross, which you gavest them as a sign of the battle-cry, was broken and burnt.
- In Crete, one thousand eight hundred of your*** warriors, who had served you* well in slaughtering pagans, were walled around with fire, and roasted alive.
- On the plains of Agatha, where your*** soldiers, three hundred and eighty of them, were returning with their booty, having done you* great service in destroying heathen temples, they were set upon by the Gath’yans and destroyed, and for no other cause than that they served you*.
- Looeamong cried out: Enough! Enough, O Thoth! I, too, will have a mortal emperor.
- Descend you again to the earth, to Hatuas (Constantine), and inspire you him to raise a mortal army of forty thousand men, and move upon Roma.
- Behold, I will prove myself before Hatuas, and he should covenant unto me. Through him will I drive Baal out of Roma. And, as I make myself Kriste of heaven, so will I make Hatuas (Constantine) emperor of the whole earth.
- Thoth then descended to the earth, to Hatuas, who was a su’is, and could both see angels and hear them talk; and Thoth induced Hatuas to raise an army of forty thousand soldiers, and set out for conquest.
- And when they had come to the plains of Agatha, even where the Kriste’yans had been massacred many years before, behold, Looeamong and his angel hosts appeared in the heavens above Hatuas’ army, so that all the soldiers thereof beheld the heavenly visitors.
- And Looeamong showed unto Hatuas, in the air of heaven, a true cross, on which was written in letters of blood: IL’KRISTE.
- Nevertheless, there was no man present who could read the inscription; and many were the conjectures thereon. In the evening, Looeamong descended to Hatuas, and said unto him: This is the interpretation of the sign and the cross I showed you*:
- IN THIS THOU SHALT CONQUER! And when you arisest in the morning you should cause to be made a cross, of most excellent workmanship; and you should have it inscribed: THE KRISTE, OUR LORD, SON OF THE HOLY GHOST.
- And this cross should you cause to be carried at the head of your* army. And your* edicts should you call, bulls, and they should be written with lamb’s blood, in remembrance of the sacrifice of the Jews in Egupt, through which sacrifice the Father in heaven delivered them. For I am Lord of heaven and earth.
- Accordingly, a cross was made, and highly decorated, and inscribed as commanded, and Hatuas and his soldiers went forth with renewed courage. And so great was their zeal, that everything fell before them.
- And now, that Looeamong’s angels had an anchorage on earth, they were in all respects the equals of angels of the pagan Gods. So that, whilst Hatuas was victorious on earth, Gabriel, otherwise Thoth, was victorious in heaven.
- And it came to pass in not many years, that Looeamong, through Gabriel, captured Baal and all the false Gods in all the regions far and near. And Gabriel took, along with the captured Gods, seven million and six hundred thousand warring angels, and carried them altogether to Makavishtu, in hada, and cast them into hell, where there were already more than ten millions who were in chaos and madness.
- And Gabriel had the place walled around with fire and noxious gases, so that none could escape.
- Such was the end of the earthly dominion of Baal, who had ruled over mortals for evil, for upward of three thousand years. And, in fact, it was the final termination of the earthly Gods that ruled over mortals through oracles and pagan practices.
- The earth was now clear of evil Gods, whose chief labor had been for thousands of years to capture the spirits of the recent dead, and make slaves of them for the glory of the hadan kingdoms.
- Thus had Looeamong done a good service; for the earth and lower heavens had now nothing to suffer from any Gods, save the Triunes.
- Looeamong inspired Hatuas, the mortal emperor, to call together a council of wise men from all the kingdoms of Arabin’ya, Heleste, Parsi’e and Uropa, to select from all the religious doctrines in the world, that which was the wisest and best, that it might be established by kings, emperors and governors by the sword and spear, so there should never more be but one religion.
- And, in course of time, there assembled a council of seventeen hundred and eighty-six learned men from all the regions named, and they placed themselves under the rules and presence of Hatuas. And he selected from them one hundred and forty-four speakers.
- As for the others, they were divided into groups of twelves, besides a goodly number being appointed scribes and translators. But many, having the appearance of Jews, were rejected altogether.
- Now, the council had brought with them, in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one books and legendary tales of Gods and Saviors and great men, together with a record of the doctrines taught by them.
- Hatuas, being under the inspiration of Looeamong, through Gabriel, alias Thoth, thus spake:
- Search you* these books, and whatsoever is good in them, that retain; but, whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite you* with that which is good in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together should be called, THE BOOK OF BOOKS. And it should be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there should be no more war for religions’ sake.
- Thoth (Gabriel) and his angel hosts formed a circle around about the mortal council, a thousand angels deep on every side, and extending upward densely for a long way, and thence, by a line of light, extending to Looeamong’s throne, in Hapsendi, his heavenly kingdom.
- By day and by night, Thoth and his hosts watched over the mortal council, overshadowing their every thought and word.
- For four years and seven months the council thus deliberated, and selected from the two thousand two hundred and thirty-one books and legendary tales.
- And, at the end of that time, there had been selected and combined much that was good and great, and worded so as to be well-remembered by mortals.
- As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted, in order to determine that matter. And the first ballot gave prominence to the following Gods: Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla and Phernes.
- Besides these, there were twenty-two other Gods and Goddesses, that received a small number of votes each.
- In seven days thereafter, another ballot was taken, and the number of Gods was reduced to twenty-seven.
- In seven days thereafter, another ballot was taken, and the number of Gods was reduced to twenty-one.
- Thus was the number reduced each ballot, but slower and slower. Six days in the week were allotted to discuss the merits and demerits of the Gods. But many weeks elapsed towards the last, when the number was not reduced.
- For one year and five months the balloting lasted, and at that time the ballot rested nearly equally on five Gods, namely: Jove, Kriste, Mars, Crite and Siva. And here the ballot changed not for yet seven time more, which was seven weeks.
- Hatuas spake before the council, saying: Ours is a labor for all the nations of the earth, and for all time. I know the angels of heaven are with us in this matter. We have found five Gods, good and acceptable before the world. What say the council, that the angels give us a sign? For we all do know the angels’ signs of these Gods.
- The council said: Well said, you wisest of men! Such a God should be ours, now and forever.
- And immediately, there and then, LOOEAMONG AND HIS ANGELS GAVE A SIGN IN FIRE, OF A CROSS SMEARED WITH BLOOD, AND IT RESTED ON A BULL�S HORN, even as a cloud of fire on a cloud of fire!
- Whereupon Kriste was declared GOD AND LORD OF ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH.
- And the council agreed thereto, unanimously, and, moreover, to reject all the other Gods.
- The next question was, what mortal representative should be chosen?
- The first ballot brought out the following men: Zarasthustra, Thothma, Abraham, Brahma, Atys, Thammus, Joshu, Sakaya, Habron, Bali, Crite, Chrisna, Thulis, Witoba and Speio. Besides these, there were included in the ballot, forty-six other men, who received a small number of ballots each.
- God, Son of Jehovih, said: Behold, the Council of Nice balloted for a twelve-month, as to what man heard the Voice? Sayest you, Jehovih send His matters to a council of men?
- Hatuas said: The Gods will not let us choose any man. Now, therefore, hear me: All the law-givers chosen by the Gods, have been iesu. Now, since we can not make preference as to a man, let us say: THE MAN, IESU?
- Thereupon, the name, Iesu, was adopted, and the sacred books were written accordingly.
- God, Son of Jehovih, said: The Council of Nice sinned not, for the doctrines set forth, as Iesu’s, were for Jehovih.
- But, wherein their words made worshipful the names of Kriste and the Holy Ghost, behold, that matter was with Looeamong.
- God said: My testimonies were previously with Abraham and Brahma and Moses, and I spake not of Kriste nor of the Holy Ghost, I spake of God and of the I AM.
- They have said: Whosoever speak a word against the son of man, it should be forgiven him; but, whosoever speak against the Holy Ghost, it should not be forgiven him.
- Therefore, suffer you**** Looeamong to bear his own testimony to the kingdom whence it sprang. The Holy Ghost was his labor.
- Jehovih said: Had I weakened since the time of Moses, that I need to incarnate Myself, in order to make man understand Me?
- God said: Sufficient unto a time is the work of Jehovih; because the Triunes over threw the oracles and hundreds of false Gods and hundreds of sacred books full of error and evil, behold they fulfilled their time.
- Sufficient unto another time, even the present, is another work of Jehovih, which is to establish His Presence with the living generation.
- Jehovih said: Behold, I created; and I am sufficient unto all men.
- In the olden times, man worshipped all the spirits of the dead, and I cut him short, giving him many Gods; and, again, I cut him short, and gave him three Gods, and then, three Gods in one.
- This day, I cut him short of all, save his Creator. Behold the signs of My times, My preachers are legions.
- The Lord said: After Looeamong had cast out all other false Gods in his earth dominions, he set to work enriching his heavenly home, employing no less than seven thousand million angel slaves for that purpose.
- Now, the place and extent of his heavenly capital was from Hasetus to Roma, and thence northward to the Aquarian Mountains.
- His palace was modeled after Ennochissa’s, at Eta-shong, and of equal magnificence.
- His greatest warriors were now exalted as Lords, generals, marshals, and so on. And he provided rites and ceremonies, and tournaments, and all manner of heavenly diversities.
- But he made the rules of entrance to his palace so rigid, that only his highest officers and visiting Gods could gain access to him.
- Now, for upward of a thousand years, the angel warrior, Gabriel, alias Thoth, had been to Looeamong his most faithful sub-God.
- And Looeamong had promised Gabriel that, when he overthrew Baal, and cast him in hell, he would give to Gabriel a great heavenly kingdom, with an earthly base.
- Accordingly, Gabriel applied for Jerusalem (his station), and for the heavens thereunto, and for one thousand million slaves.
- But Looeamong postponed the matter from time to time, for more than six hundred years.
- Thoth, alias Gabriel, then sent this message to Looeamong, to wit:
- By virtue of mine own worth before the Gods of heaven, I greet you* in peace and love. First, in remembrance of your*** many promises to me, in which you hast kept no part thereof faithfully.
- Second, that you are not Kriste, which is All Knowledge, but a usurper and pretender.
- Third, that I made you* what you are; and by mine own hand helped you* to cast out Baal and Ashtaroth, and all the Roman’yan and Argos’yan Gods. Of which matters it is known in these three great heavens, you didst promise me for more than seven hundred years, to give me a kingdom of a thousand million subjects.
- And, fourth, since you are safely raised up above all Gods within these regions, thou hast affected to not know me. Yea, and in your*** great heavenly recreations and tournaments and receptions, you hast not commanded my presence, or in any way shown more remembrance of me than as if I were an es’yan.
- And, fifth, you didst long promise me that, if you shouldst succeed in establishing a sub-kingdom on the earth, or in hada, near the earth, you wouldst hand the same over to me, to rank you* in all things. But you hast greedily kept both kingdoms to thyself, making either place your*** residence, according to the times and seasons most propitious to thine own glory and ease.
- And, lastly, that you sacrificest the liberty of your* subjects, making them your* laborers to embellish your* kingdom, and making them little better than slaves, in forever parading in the ceremonies given in your* applause.
- These things have I often desired to speak to you* about; but you ever affectedst to be overrun with other matters, so as to put me off from my opportunity. Whereupon I have prayed to the Holy Ghost, for hundreds of years, to have my suit just and honorable and holy.
- But I should search no further. Hundreds of millions of your* highest grades, who went down to the earth with me to fight your* battles, and who know the justness of my cause, will, at a word from me, withdraw from your*** kingdom, and join me in an enterprise of my own.
- I should await patiently for your*** reply.
- But Gabriel received no reply to his message. And so, in course of time, he called together ten thousand angel warriors, and they assembled in a place called, Kalla-Hored, the place of seven steps, in hada. Gabriel spake before them, saying:
- Here will I establish my kingdom of heaven, and forever. I will show this false Kriste, what I can do. Mark you****, the great power of a God is to establish a good foothold on the earth. The natural increase will soon populate a heavenly kingdom.
- I will raise me up a prophet and seer of mine own on the earth, and establish a new doctrine amongst mortals. Behold, I have a sword that will cut to pieces Looeamong’s kingdom on earth. For, listen! In the old Eguptian libraries are books and tablets and manuscripts, that will show the perversity of the Constantine bible.
- Now, when I have established my prophet, I will cause mortal legions of Arabin’yans to possess these libraries, especially Alexandria’s. And I will raise up mortal scholars, who should establish the truth of my prophet’s doctrines, and the falsity of this false Kriste’s doctrines; and I will thus overturn his earthly kingdom, and possess all these mortal regions myself, to be mine forever!
- After that manner, the angel, Gabriel, boasted. And he made the ten thousand his Holy Council, and from amongst them he appointed marshals, captains, generals, heralds and officers in general. And they built a throne in heaven unto Gabriel, and called it, the THRONE OF KALLA-HORED; and he went and sat thereon, and then crowned himself, GABRIEL, GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.
- And then he crowned ten Lords, to wit: Ateiniv, Le Chung, Tudol, Raim, Hakaya, Wochorf, Yademis, Stu’born, Wolf and Gussak. And Gabriel thereafter commenced the initiation of members to his kingdom. And there thus acceded to his heavenly place upward of five hundred thousand angels every day, and this continued until Kalla contained more than eight hundred million angel subjects.
- Of these, certain selections were made, according to grade, who were appointed as officers over the rest; and immediately they were put to work, building heavenly mansions, and constructing streets and roads, and all things required in an exalted heaven, and in the meantime Gabriel’s palace and throne were extended and beautified beyond description.
- Gabriel knew the power of rites and ceremonies, and he provided unto his heavenly kingdom accordingly, so that his people were kept in a constant state of excitement, because of his wonderful inventions. So that millions and millions of them truly believed he was the veritable Creator of heaven and earth, thus in form of an angel.
- Gabriel perceived this, and for these he provided places of trust and nearness to him, that his miraculous power might be the better strengthened with the unbelieving.
- Now, the time came when Gabriel’s kingdom was sufficiently established, and he began to provide for his great scheme to establish himself with mortals, that their spirits after death might be brought to his kingdom. For such is the order of Jehovih’s creation, that whosoever man worship whilst he is on earth, to that God will his spirit float after death; and without resistance become a dutiful slave, not knowing there be other Gods and other heavens.
- And Gabriel made Ateiniv Chief Lord of Lords to go down to the earth, and find a mortal capable of the required inspiration. And he gave to Ateiniv to be his co-laborers, Yademis, Stu’born, and Wolf, and with them, at their call, three hundred million warrior angels.
- And with this host, Ateiniv departed for the earth, for Arabin’ya; and as he went forth he dropped of his hosts, at certain distances, groups of angels, which formed the line of light from Gabriel down to the earth.
- The Lord said: Gabriel raised upon the earth one Mohammed, and inspired him through his angel hosts. And the angels inspired Mohammed to go once every month in the year into the cave of Hara; on which occasions, Gabriel came in person, and talked with Mohammed, who had su’is in great perfection.
- Twelve years in peace did Gabriel inspire mortals through Mohammed. But, at the end of thirteen years, Mohammed attained to sufficient strength to draw the sword for Gabriel’s doctrines. And Gabriel, through inspiration, caused the Mohammedans to commemorate this as the beginning of his kingdoms on earth. And they, therefore, consecrated the said period of time.
- And, on this first meeting of the faithful in Gabriel, Mohammed, being under inspiration, spake before the multitude, saying:
- There is but one God, and he is God. Heaven is his. The earth is the Lord’s, through the angel, Gabriel. This is the sum and substance of all things. This was the doctrine of Abraham and of Moses, our forefathers.
- But evil men have invented other Gods, which have no existence. They are idols, which exist only in superstition and ignorance.
- Revere me not, nor call me wise. I am not wise; I have little learning. Knowledge come to me from the Unseen. My eyes are open, my ears are open. I see and hear spiritual things. The angels of heaven tell me things of wisdom.
- I do but repeat them. Therefore, I am not wise, nor great. I strive to be honest and upright before God, but I am weaker than a child in these respects. Therefore, worship not me, nor bow down before me. I am nothing.
- As I am an instrument in the hands of God, through his angel, Gabriel, so also were Abraham and Moses and many of the prophets. They could work miracles. I can not. Therefore, I am the least of God’s prophets.
- That you* may become exalted before God, I am sent into the world. Should I reveal what Gabriel hath told me? Or do you* believe God is dead, or gone afar off? Believe you****, that he can not raise up a prophet in this day? Is God weak? Or hath he forgotten the world he created?
- Why hath this thing come at this time? No man can answer that. Gabriel saith: There is a false God in heaven, and he hath falsely called himself, Kriste. Gabriel saith, that he himself, Gabriel, provided the way for the gathering of the lost sheep of Israel, through an iesu.10
- Brothers, I will tell you why I am chosen of God: It is to circumvent the Kriste’yan’s idolatry from coming into Arabin’ya and the countries north and south and east.
- These countries were given by God to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and thence down to Moses, and thence down to us.
- There is but one God, and Gabriel is his angel of all the world.
- And God raiseth up a prophet from time to time, to bless his chosen people.
- He put this matter upon me; I know only to serve God.
- The Kriste’yans are merciless warriors. This false Kriste and his worshipers are working for the Romans, and not for salvation. Wherever they go, they destroy the libraries and all manner of learning.
- Will you**** submit, like slaves, to have them despoil you? Is there no Arabin’yan blood in your veins?
- When asked to state the Mohammedan doctrines, he said: To tell no lies; to not commit fornication; to preserve the ceremonies; to give to the poor freely; to observe the sacred days; to aggress not; but to war for the innocent and oppressed; to maintain the liberty of the people; to steal not, and to deceive no man.
- Mohammed, being under inspiration of the God, Gabriel, and his angels, collected together thousands and tens of thousands of warriors, and went forth to conquer. And the angel hosts of Gabriel went forth with Mohammed’s army, and inspired them to such degree that they were without fear or hesitation. And Gabriel’s hosts of angels went into the armies that fought against Mohammed, and inspired them with fear and cowardice and panic.
- And it came to pass, that wherever Mohammed went, there was sure victory, the like of which had not been for many centuries.
- Now, Looeamong, the false Kriste, had previously destroyed, for the most part, the Alexandrian library, having inspired a mortal priest, Coatulius, to do the work.11
- And Looeamong, now perceiving the triumph of Mohammed, inspired three hundred monks and priests to go throughout Heleste and Arabin’ya, and destroy the ancient state records and libraries. And they went thither, and accomplished the destruction.
- Mohammed was shown this by Gabriel, and he used it as a battle-cry for his soldiers.
- Looeamong now declared war in heaven against the false God-Gabriel; and, in not many years they both carried their war down to earth, contending for certain localities on the earth.
- As for the other two false Gods, Kabalactes, alias Budha, and Ennochissa, alias Brahma, they had been in war against each other for over six hundred years.
- Now had these four false Gods possession of the whole earth, at least, wherever there were mortal kingdoms and empires.
- Now, in reference to the Faithists: In Chine’ya and Vind’yu, they were no longer identified with the kingdoms or governments, but lived about in scattered families. In Arabin’ya, Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all directions. From the time of Joshu’s death, in Jerusalem, they began to migrate, mostly toward the west.
- And these called themselves, Israelites and Jews.
- Nevertheless, many of the Israelites and Jews, so-called, were apostates in fact; eating flesh, and marrying with other peoples.
- Now, after the fall of the great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Galic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day.
- Now, when the Faithists were moved by the inspiration of God to have no more kings, and to flee away from the Kriste’yan warriors, they came amongst the people above mentioned. (The apostate Faithists married with them, and their offspring were the forefathers of those now called, French, German, Russian and English.)
- God, Son of Jehovih, had said: Suffer the apostates to so marry, for here will I find a way to raise up disbelievers in the false Kriste; and they should ultimately become believers in Jehovih only.
- For, inasmuch as I have suffered them to become scattered, so will I appropriate them as seed to quicken all the races of men to comprehend the All One.
10 The Mohammedans call the Christiana blasphemers, in saying: “Mary conceived of the Holy Ghost.”
11 Immediately after Constantine founded the Christian religion, Christian emissaries were sent to all the eastern countries, to contrive the destruction of ancient records. In the year 390, a large portion of the Alexandrian library was destroyed at the instigation of a Christian priest, Coatulius; but it was rebuilt and stocked. In 640, it was again destroyed, and totally, at the instigation of three Christian monks, to keep it from falling into the hands of the Arabs, Mohammedans. The Caliph was urged to have the destruction stopped, but he said: “If the writings of the Greeks agree with the Books of God, they are useless and not worth preserving; if they disagree, they are pernicious, and ought to be destroyed.” In this, we see how spirits rule over mortals.
- For five hundred years more, the wars lasted between the four false Gods, Looeamong, Thoth, Ennochissa and Kabalactes. And then they came to terms, and ratified a division of the earth and her heavens into four great parts, with fixed boundaries.
- And it was stipulated by them, that the spirits of all mortals at time of death, should go to the heaven which reigned on the portion of earth where they had lived. (Unless carried away by God, Son of Jehovih, to Paradise.)
- So comparative peace reigned in the heavens of the earth. And after this, there was nothing in common between them. Their respective heavens and their earth possessions were under each one in his own way.
- And they now fell to work in earnest to adorn and glorify their heavenly kingdoms, their cities, their palaces, and thrones. And each of them exalted their great war captains who had fought so long for them, and they all had councils of millions and millions; and marshals and heralds, and masters of ceremonies, and musicians, hundreds of millions.
- And they all had thousands of millions of subjects; but as for themselves, they kept aloof from their people. The private palaces of these Gods, and their private heavenly seats of splendor were exclusive to themselves and their favorite Lords and high officers.
- And all angels else, who desired to see these Gods, were obliged to pass through rigid examinations, and solemnly bind themselves in oaths and castigations before they were permitted to pass the outer columns of fire. After this, they were permitted to walk on their knees to the second columns of fire.
- Here they were obliged to repeat a thousand prayers and a thousand anthems ere they could pass within. And now, when within the arena, they were obliged to crawl on their bellies; and, for every length crawled, they had to repeat seven new prayers. And it was a thousand lengths from the inner pillars of fire to the arches of the palace, especially of Kabalactes’ and Looeamong’s. Of these arches, there were three million three hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three in number. And there were four marshals for each arch, and these four had two relief watches for each twenty-four hours.
- To pass the arches, another examination had to be undergone; and, after this, the person must again crawl on the belly till merging into the under arch, where stairs began, of which there were seven steps. On each of these steps he must lay one day, repeating prayers and praises to his God. On the upper step, however, he was not required to pray, but might look in silence at the throne, on which, at times, his God came and sat, his Holy Council sitting to the west, facing to the east, to the throne.
- From the place of the person on the upper step to the throne, was five hundred lengths, nearer than which none were permitted to come, save by the God’s special decree.
- And, if the God was not on his throne, and his Holy Council sitting, then the person must wait, not moving from his place, perhaps for a day, or more.
- But, after he had observed his God, he was not permitted to remain longer than to say seven prayers. After this he must return, and depart in the same way he came.
- Now, as to the throne and its brilliancy and grandeur, no mortal words can convey a knowledge thereof to mortal understanding; for it was so vast, and withal adorned with elements not found on the earth. Thousands of millions of which gems had been captured from the dispossessed false Gods of centuries before, and even from heavens from other star worlds.
- And equally astonishing and overwhelming were the seats and places and robes of the Holy Council, which also baffle mortal words to convey an idea of. Only to look on, to be overcome with emotion, to remember what great effects can be accomplished by concentrated labor, and to feel the insignificance of isolation, one’s wonder was swallowed up in silent awe before the scene.
- Such was the magnificence of each of the four heavenly places of the four hadan Gods, and not differing but little from one another.
- In order to obtain the privilege of thus going to look upon the throne and the God thereof, one had to first serve a hundred years in the labors of that heaven, and to have his record good during all the while.
- If, in the mortal life, a man had served his God, by preaching and praying, or by fighting battles for him, and had thus attained a good record, one hundred years’ servitude in heaven entitled him to visit his God on the throne, at the distance named above.
- But if the mortal had been an enemy to the God during his earth-life, he could not attain to approach the throne in less than three hundred years’ servitude. Which servitude consisted in laboring in building mansions, or in paving roads in heaven, or in bringing produce up from the earth, or in bringing up other atmospherean elements for the gratification and glory of the God and his tens of millions of high officers.
- So great and grand and far-reaching were these four kingdoms, that angels dwelt therein, hundreds of millions of them, never even hearing of any other heaven than the one they were in.
- Now, for the most part, the Brahmins of the earth, on entering the es world, went to the Brahmin heavens (Eta-shong), ruled over by the false Brahma, alias Ennochissa.
- And the Budhists of the earth, on entering the es world, went to the Budhist heavens, ruled over by the false Budha, alias Kabalactes.
- The Kriste’yans of earth, on entering the es world, went to the heavens of Looeamong, the false Kriste.
- The Mohammedans went to Gabriel’s heavens.
- God, Jehovih’s Son, said: Behold the stubbornness of the angels of the heavens! To whom they bound themselves on earth, they were bound in heaven. Neither would they admit they were bound, though they were slaves. Their priests and monks and bishops, arch-bishops and popes, marched in the processions of heaven, praying, singing, and even carrying burdens, hundreds of years, for the privilege of ultimately approaching the throne of Ennochissa, or Kabalactes, or Looeamong, or Thoth, honestly believing they were to look upon the very Creator.
- God said: Their minds were in bondage to so great an extent, that even after they had attained to view their God (at such a distance and in such artificial splendor), they could not receive truth.
- And when an angel of Jehovih came to the, and said: Behold, this is only one heaven, of which there are millions, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, this heaven, with all its magnificence, is only one of the lowest of heavens, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, this God, with all his glory, is only one God, of which there are many, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, there are higher Gods than this, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, the All Highest God is not thus, but One not in shape of man, they would not believe.
- These subjects would say: I want not your Jehovih! Behold, I can see my God; he is the Creative element personified. This is the all highest heaven; here is the place and person of the Lord!
- God said: Man sinned not in this; neither sinned the angels of the heavens.
- The fault was with these false Gods.
- Because they had taught men that the Creator was in the image of a man, and sitting on a throne, behold, their subjects would not believe otherwise.
- And it came to pass, on earth, when a man died, his neighbors said: Behold, he hath gone to see the Lord, who sit on the right hand of God.
- The Lord said: Hear, O you* of earth, and you* of the heavens thereof; hear you**** of the labor of God, Son of Jehovih.
- For what was given me by Jehovih, to be in my keeping for the resurrection of men and angels, was gone away from me.
- My kingdoms in heaven were scattered and broken up.
- I, the God of the heavens of the earth, sent my appeal unto the four false Gods, saying:
- In the name of Jehovih, greeting unto you. Behold, what you**** have done, and also what hath come to pass!
- Wherein you* have copied after my ways, you* have gained dominion; but of what profit unto mortals or angels?
- Because you* knew that Jehovih’s God appointed ashars unto mortals, you* have also appointed ashars unto them, though not for their resurrection, but to raise up mortals with faith in yourselves.
- You**** have thus built on the earth for the glory of your own kingdoms; for your ashars teach mortals not of eternal resurrection, but of attaining unto your heavens only.
- Where and when I send angels to inspire mortals to obtain education and knowledge, ye send contravening angels, and they incite mortals to destroy their own libraries and places of learning.
- You* persuade mortals that the only good and necessary knowledge is contained in your sacred books; for you* desire to prevent mortals from knowing there are other heavens than your own, and other Gods than yourselves.
- When I have gathered together wandering spirits and chaotic spirits, and provided ways for their resurrection, you**** have sent angel emissaries to thwart my labors.
- You**** have provided wicked heavenly pastimes, and disgusting tournaments, within your heavenly places, in order to win subjects for your dominions.
- You**** provide excursions from your heavenly places down to mortals, for your angels to witness battles between mortal warriors, that these angels may satiate their own evil curiosity.
- You**** thus degrade your own angel subjects by causing them to rejoice in the havoc of mortal flesh and flowing blood.
- You**** thus call away from my heavenly schools and colleges angels who had begun resurrection, flattering yourselves that you are thus augmenting your heavenly kingdoms by additional subjects.
- On mortal battle-fields, where there are hosts of chaotic angels, the spirits of the slain, I send my angels with heavenly ships to gather them up and restore them. But your emissaries come and destroy my ships for wickedness’ sake, calling it glorious sport.
- Of these great evils you* have been notified times and times again, but you* put not forth your hands to remedy the wickedness.
- You* sell indulgencies to your angels to engage in wicked practices; and you* suffer your ashars to inspire mortal priests to sell indulgences to their followers in the same way.
- Thus do you**** compound sin.
- You**** profess to confess the sins of your angels in your heavens, exacting servitude of them as a purchase of your excuse.
- And your ashars inspire mortal priests to do the same things for their mortal followers, for stipulated prices in money.
- Thus do your ashars prepare mortals to become slaves in your heavenly kingdoms, that they build unto your own personal glory.
- For you* take advantage of the infant mind, to bend it away from Jehovih, and away from eternal progress, that you* may inherit it as your dutiful subject.
- In the name of the Almighty, greeting unto you.
- A thousand years ago, the grades of your heavenly subjects were from thirty to fifty; now, they are fallen to fifteen.
- As you* have declined the grades of the angels in your heavens, even so have you* declined the grades of mortals within your dominions.
- Instead of well-tilled fields and good orchards, you**** have given them war, widows, orphans, paupers, debauchees, thieves and murderers.
- Instead of giving them good harvests, you**** have given them famines and pestilences.
- For your ashars inspire the priests, and they in turn entice their followers away from the fields, to come and dwell in the cities, where they can be conveniently absolved from neglect in not confessing you.
- Thus have you* set aside good works and instruction and the desire for the knowledge, both within your heavenly kingdoms and on the earth also; and, instead thereof, you* have given them rites and ceremonies, leading angels and mortals as if they were cattle for your markets.
- Instead of teaching angels and mortals to think for themselves, you**** have prohibited them from thinking, save as your leaders think for them.
- Thus have you**** thwarted, with all your might, the cultivations of the talents Jehovih created with all.
- Say not, that I, Jehovih’s Son, desire subjects or worshipers; behold, I prohibit both angels and mortals from worshipping me, or announcing me or my kingdoms, as the all highest.
- I teach them, One only is the All Highest, even Jehovih.
- I teach them, that I am but Jehovih’s servant, working for the resurrection of mortals and angels.
- I teach both angels and mortals, they should not worship any one born of woman.
- And behold, my foot-prints can not be mistaken; I raised up Zarathustra, and the man Brahma, and Abraham and Moses and Po and Chine and Capilya.
- Yet, not one of these, with all the wonders they accomplished, was worshipped by their followers
- Yet, who was greater than Moses? that stretched forth his hand, and said: Come! Come!
- And four millions of people, in bondage, marched out of Egupt!
- Yet none worshipped Moses.
- Behold, the seventy colonies founded by Zarathustra, and yet they worshipped not him.
- Behold Chine, who named the empire, who turned three hundred millions of warriors to a people of peace.
- Behold Capilya, who overturned the laws of thirteen kingdoms in Vind’yu, and gave peace and plenty to a hundred millions of people.
- Yet, not Chine nor Capilya were worshipped.
- But you**** harp on the idle tales of obscure magicians, and teach mortals to worship them.
- Nevertheless, you**** have caused to be preached, in your heavens, that I am a God like unto yourselves, working for mine own glory.
- Now, behold, I prepare my angel hosts in wisdom and virtue, that they may go away from me, and inherit the etherean heavens above.
- For this was my labor for which Jehovih, through His exalted Gods, made me God of the earth and her heavens.
- And I have sent thus away, as Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, thousands of millions of angels, whom I had raised to grade ninety-nine.
- Yet, in all the time of your dominions you**** have not raised one angel to the emancipated grades.
- Such as are wise within your dominions, tire of your pomp and splendor, and, in course of time, come to my heavens, and renounce all Lords and Gods, and betroth themselves to Jehovih only.
- And I give them places in my schools, colleges, hospitals and factories, and thus educate them, that they may, indeed, in time, become fit companions to Gods and Goddesses.
- Thus are your kingdoms forever depleted of your highest grades. So that your heavenly kingdoms and your earthly dominions have chiefly the ignorant and depraved as your idolaters.
- In Jehovih’s name, greeting unto you*, Looeamong.
- You hadst a warrior angel, Thoth, alias Gabriel, who labored for you* more than a thousand years, in order to make you* under your*** false names worshipful on earth.
- And you didst promise Thoth, that when he overcame Dagon, Ashtaroth, Baal and other false Gods, you wouldst give to him a heavenly sub-kingdom, with a thousand million subjects.
- And Thoth did thus accomplish your*** desire, but you didst not give him anything.
- But you didst further exact of him the destroying of idol worship amongst mortals, and the destroying of the oracle-temples for consulting spirits, re-promising him, that when he had fulfilled these things, you wouldst give unto him the promised heavenly kingdom.
- And Thoth did accomplish these things also; but you didst refuse again to fulfill thy promise.
- Whereby Thoth rebelled against you*, and set up his present heavenly dominions, inspiring his followers under the name of Mohammed.
- And now, behold, you hast since that day tried to destroy him in heaven and on earth.
- But Thoth was anchored in earthly possessions, in Jerusalem and Te-theas and Egupt.
- And you didst inspire mortals in western Uropa to made crusades against Thoth, in order to possess Jerusalem and Te-theas, whereby millions of mortals were slain, and vast regions of country laid desolate.
- Behold, you hadst pretended you wert the all highest God, and yet you wert unable to take a small earthly kingdom.
- You didst also inflict dire punishment and torturing of the flesh on Jehovih’s worshipers and on infidels, against your* doctrines. With red-hot pincers pulled the flesh from the bones; or in boiling oil slowly dipped them; or from precipices hurled them; or in boxes lined with pricking spikes of iron bound them, thus to blot all knowledge and learning and opposition. Millions and millions hast you thus cast in death in your* earthly regions.
- In Es’pan (Spain) and Itius (Italy), you hast thus put to death more than seven million mortals.12
- Nevertheless, these angels will come home to you* in after-time, with vengeance in their souls.
- Behold, your* false promises to Thoth are already visited upon your* kingdoms.
- But, as for Thoth, who became your* willing tool to do destruction for your* glory, what merit hath he?
- How should I judge you*, O Thoth?
- Because you hast a heavenly kingdom, and withal are master on earth, of Jerusalem and Te-theas and Egupt and Punjaub, you flatterest thyself you are a great God.
- But your*** heavenly kingdom hath become a place for lusters and foul-smelling spirits in the lowest of grades.
- And your*** heaven is surely and steadily declining in grade.
- Now, as to you, Kabalactes, though you hast destroyed a thousand mortal libraries, and put to death sixty millions of people, in order to establish thyself as Budha, still thou hast steadily declined in grade, and your** kingdoms with you*.
- You has fashioned many sacred cities, and framed many tales as to who you wert in mortal life.
- You hast falsely called thyself, Budha; and doubly false hast you taken the name, Sakaya Muni.
- You hast tortured to death millions of mortals who rejected you*.
- And when my heavenly ships rescued their distracted and chaotic spirits, you didst wantonly connive with your*** drujas to despoil my ships, and cast these helpless spirits into darkness.
- You hast done these things for pastimes and diversities for your*** falling heavens.
- And even so hath it been with you*, Ennochissa.
- Never had a Lord a fairer opportunity in all the earth’s heavens to do a good and great work, than what fell into your*** hands.
- But, behold how you hast harvested your*** heavens!
- A thousand years ago, your*** grades were from forty to sixty-five; and this day, they average but ten.
- It need no prophet to foretell that your*** declension will lead to destruction in the end.
- Now, lastly: O you* false Gods, you* deceivers and hypocrites, ye have divided the earth and the heavens thereof between yourselves, and re-confederated together for a balance of power.
- You**** have also persuaded mortal kingdoms to divide the earth into sections and regions, and to clamor for a balance of power between different kingdoms.
- You* have thus caused mortals to provide standing armies to protect themselves, kingdom against kingdom, after the manner you* protect your own kingdoms in the heavens.
- Kriste’yans against Kriste’yans; Brahmins against Brahmins; Budhists against Budhists; Mohammedans against Mohammedans; yet all of these four have you* arrayed against one another. In very likeness of your heavens, have you* built on the earth.
- You**** have inspired mortals to keep, as standing armies, forty million soldiers.
- You**** have inspired mortals to build military schools and colleges, where the young may be trained in the are of war and destruction.
- You**** have inspired mortals to build monuments to their generals and captains, because of their courage to destroy.
- You* have inspired the wickedest of mortals to believe that, if they would read your sacred books, and call on your names, you* would surely save them, and, after death, take them to the highest of heavens.
- And, yet, when they die, your hosts are not there to receive them.
- And when they call out for you, your emissaries kick them, and beat them,
- And they return with vengeance, to afflict mortals.
12 In Spain and Italy alone, there were thus put to death, and by the wars to establish Christianity, upward of seven million people. The inquisition in many parts of Europe was so severe that it staggers belief. Yet it is a historical fact. During the same period of time, great and equally severe iniquities were going on in India and China, for Brahma and Budha.
- God said: In the name of Jehovih, wherein should I find an excuse for your behavior?
- When my angels taught man how to make a capstan and a screw and a telescope and a compass, behold, your emissaries inspired my chosen to be tortured, or put to death.
- When my angels inspired man to comprehend and announce the glory of the stars and planets, you**** put my chosen to death; through your vindictive angels against Jehovih were these things accomplished.
- When my angels taught man by inspiration that the earth was round instead of flat, ye sent spirits of darkness to inspire the death of my philosophers.
- Because, forsooth, my inspiration agreed not with the sacred books which ye compounded for your own glory.
- Yea, you**** palmed off your compilations from other false Gods as being Jehovih’s; and ye played upon the honest innocence of man’s understanding, contrary to the will of the Almighty.
- You**** have holden your sacred books up, and said: Here is the ultimate; beyond this, no man should go!
- And you**** knew, the while, that any fixed revelation could not be true, because all the universe is in constant progress.
- You**** have holden up your own sacred books, and said: Here are rules and a sure guide to reach the all highest heavens!
- Knowing the while that your heavens were the lowest of the bound heavens of the earth.
- Now, behold, the same rules apply unto you as to the least of Jehovih’s children; which are, that whoso set up a mark, with himself as the highest, and he, the interpreter thereof, is already on the downward grade.
- And whoso seek”’ to glorify himself by his kingdoms, or by the magnificence of his possessions, take a burden upon his shoulders, that will, soon or late, fall upon him, and crush him.
- And whoso fortify himself by armies, whether in the heavens or on the earth, bind himself therewith for his ultimate sorrow.
- And whoso turn”’ away from Jehovih, and saith: I will go not after Him, nor search to find Him more; but I will build unto myself, plan an edifice that will tumble down upon him in time to come.
- In the name of the Almighty, my brothers, look at the glory ye boast of!
- You**** say: Behold, we have scattered Jehovih’s Faithists into all the places of the earth; they are without a kingdom; they have not left one community to themselves on the whole earth!
- Think you****, Jehovih hath appropriated them?
- Behold, it is true, you**** have despoiled them, and scattered them abroad.
- You**** have hunted them down in Chine’ya, Vind’yu, Arabin’ya, Parsi’e, Heleste and Uropa.
- You**** have denied them the right to own lands, the right to follow their choice of avocations.
- You**** have denied them justice, and even a hearing, in courts of trial [justice].
- And your accusation against them was: They worship not Gods born of woman.
- But behold the wisdom of Jehovih; because you**** thus dispossessed His people, and they were scattered abroad, they have sown the doctrine of the All One over all the earth and in the heavens thereof.
- They have been as a leaven, to work in the foundations of mighty kingdoms and empires.
- They have given learning [education] unto all peoples, to show the magnificence of Jehovih’s universe.
- Behold, inhabitants of the earth now look upward, and ask: May there not be other worlds? How long hath been the earth standing? Could the Creator of thousands of millions of worlds, which have stood for thousands of millions of years, be so young as any one of these pretended Gods? And descend to earth, and do a work so imperfectly that only one small kingdom heard of him?
- God said: In the name of the All Highest, greeting, my brothers.
- When you* first established your Holy Confederacy, behold, you* professed to be in service of Jehovih, and that your confederation was to raise up sons and daughters for the etherean heavens.
- But, even before you* had completed your organization, you* modified the name, Jehovih, signifying the All Person, to the name, Holy Ghost, signifying no person, but a principle only.
- Thus, in the very outset, you**** prepared your kingdoms without distinctive purpose, and resurrection guided toward unity:
- For, to declare, all things are not parts and principles comprising one universal All is to found a base for discord.
- (As the players, when each one turn”’ away from the tune, playing a strain on his own account.)
- Whereas, what you* declared of Jehovih, will also be declared of you, as you* denied His Person, substituting that which was void; and, as an incomprehensible state, so should the same judgment come upon you all.
- As you**** put away Jehovih, so will mortals put you away.
- As you**** declare the Creator to be but a principle, a nonentity, without sense or unity of purpose, so should mortals declare of you all.
- They will say: Behold, Brahma is not a person, but a principle; Budha is not a person, but a principle; Kriste is not a person, but a principle; God-Gabriel is not a person, but a principle.
- Because you* labored to pull down Jehovih’s name, behold, the names which you* falsely assumed, will be pulled down, and cast out also, both on earth and in heaven.
- Because you**** have sought to confine in Jehovih’s firmament the spirits that rise up from the earth, your kingdoms are falling lower and lower.
- Because you**** sought to confine the talents of mortals to your sacred books, your sacred books have become worthless before Jehovih.
- Mortals, as well as angels, will repudiate you and your books. Only druks and drujas will be your followers.
- And you, Thoth, should be the first to be cast down, and thy heavenly kingdoms with thee.
- And you, Ennochissa, should be next, and your*** heavenly kingdoms with you*.
- And you, Kabalactes, should be third, and your*** heavenly kingdoms with you*.
- And, last of all, you, Looeamong, should go down, and your*** heavenly kingdoms with thee.
- Nevertheless, you should conquer all the earth, and trail it round with mortal blood. And, after that, you should be hated above all other false Gods, that have ever been.
- God said: In the name of Jehovih, greeting unto you.
- Hear the plea of God, Jehovih’s Son.
- Like one that is whipped and beaten in a great contest, I cry out, because of the Almighty, whom I serve.
- What is the fault of Jehovih, that you**** have turned away from Him?
- Behold, I will plead for Him. Was not His name good enough? What name is greater than the word, Creator?
- If you* rejoice that you* live, then are you**** not beholden to Him?
- Why have you**** substituted other names? Who was to be the gainer thereby?
- Certainly not Jehovih.
- What excuse can you* assign, that you* have made other names than Jehovih’s worshipful on earth and in heaven?
- Mortals will ask these questions in time to come.
- Did not the Almighty, before your times, find a way to reveal Himself and his commandments?
- Why have you**** persecuted, abused and put to death mortals for worshipping Jehovih?
- Behold, all you* four profess to be the Prince of Peace; but ye carry concealed daggers, and you* strike to death those who glorify the Creator.
- I run after my children, as a father would, to snatch them away from a serpent; but ye slaughter them before my eyes.
- I weep for them.
- In shame, I look upon the earth and the heavens thereof, and I say unto myself: O thou God, to whom these were given in charge, how incompetent you art against the flood of evil!
- And I pray unto Jehovih, that your hearts may be turned to pity. I see, before you all, certain ruin and terrible hells; and I cry out to Jehovih, to give me the means to save you.
- I pray, that I may be even unmolested in rescuing and saving the helpless and distressed, but you**** frustrate all my inventions.
- I am weary with my labor, and with the great kingdoms given into my keeping.
- Alas, I am shut off on all sides from doing good, and yet, that is all I desire to do.
- Now, I beseech you, O you* false Gods, make you* concessions unto Jehovih.
- Save yourself from certain destruction, and Jehovih’s Son from humiliation, before the high-raised Gods of other worlds.
- In the names of the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost, greeting unto You*, God, Jehovih’s Son.
- In confederation assembled, we reply unto you*, with patience and mercy.
- We sat not up our kingdoms for self-glorification, but righteousness and good works.
- Behold, the firmament was overcast with falling a’ji, and our former Lord-doms were broken up and gone.
- And we chose our several places in uninhabited heavenly regions; therefore, we took nothing from you*.
- We admit the goodness of your* heart and the honesty of your* purpose, but we do not acknowledge your*** wisdom a sufficient guide unto heavens like our own.
- The wise and exalted may rise in wisdom, purity and power, by the policy of love and non-resistance and by the example of good works.
- But where such inhabitants, either on earth, or in the heavens thereof, comprise but a small per cent of the population, they become the victims of the lawless.
- And this is the reason your*** followers, both on earth and in heaven, are persecuted and abused.
- We admit the declension of our grades, as you hast said; but, behold, your*** emissaries carry off our highest grades.
- If you would carry away our drujas only, we would not interdict the travel of thy ships in our heavenly dominions. But, as soon as your*** ships come, behold, our highest grades rush for them.
- For which reason, we have been obliged to prohibit your*** laborers within our midsts.
- Touching our slaves, of whom we have more than eighteen thousand millions, without slavery they would do nothing in heaven, and, for the most part, would inhabit mortals as vampires, familiars, demons, engrafters (re-incarnators) and familiars.
- Only by holding them as our slaves can we restrain them from these vices.
- Forget not, that ere our heavenly kingdoms were established, the earth was covered over in many places with oracles and temples used to consult the spirits.
- And these spirits were in darkness, holding mortals down in darkness.
- We broke them all up, and thus cleared the earth from innumerable self-Gods and self-Lords.
- Touching the matter of the name, Holy Ghost, have we not freedom, as well as thou, to choose a name to please ourselves?
- You hast prophesied our downfall, and yet pleadst for us to prevent it. If we are to be overthrown, how, then, could we avert it; then your*** prophecy would not realize truth.
- Nevertheless, we propose unto you*, if you wilt renounce the Person of the Creator, and style it, the Holy Ghost, we are prepared to treat with thee.
- Otherwise, no more!
- The Lord said: In the same hour, when God, in Paradise, received the epistle from the four false Gods, a light appeared in the firmament above, descending from the etherean heavens.
- It was a star-ship from the Nirvanian heavens of Chia’hakad, only four hundred years from the dawn of the arc of kosmon, of the era of kosmon.
- Like a crescent, made of stars, with a sun between the horns, it came, a very world of light, swiftly coming toward Paradise.
- Down came the ship of fire far below the moon’s orbit, and then halted. For two whole days it halted, as if to warn the false Gods, the pretended Saviors of angels and mortals, that Jehovih had spoken in the higher heavens.
- Then came again the star-ship, till it anchored near the throne of God.
- And the lights and the etherean waves of higher worlds were opened, and there came out of the midst of the arches of ships, a million angels, well trained in the management of worlds, and they were headed by Hyaponitissa, Goddess of Vaigonataj, in the plains of Myagoth.
- And God of Paradise raised the lights of his heavens, and opened his palace and throne to the approaching Goddess and her hosts. God’s Holy Council made way, and Hyaponitissa and her hosts entered the palace of God.
- God said: Hail, Daughter of Jehovih! in His name, welcome to my throne!
- And God saluted on the sign, THE CIRCLE AND TRIANGLE. Hyaponitissa answered in the sign, CHAIN OF THE CIRCUIT, saying: All honor and praise to you*, O God, Jehovih’s Son.
- Then she went up, and sat on the throne of God; and her hosts filed in front in a crescent, maintaining the chain of etherean light to the ships, and thence to the worlds above.
- The es’enaurs chanted an anthem to Jehovih, and, after that, the Goddess rose up on the throne of God, and said:
- Praise be unto You*, Jehovih; mine eyes have beholden a Son of Thy love; the glory of the red star and her heavens, You hast uncovered before me.
- The toils and trials of your*** God, You has opened as a book is opened. And the dark ages of hundreds of years You hast made transparent by the light of Thy countenance.
- You hast appropriated those, that labored for their own glory, to sweep from off the earth and her heavens, oracle worship and idolatry; and these curses should return not again forever.
- The prayer of Thy God reached up to the heavens Chia’hakad; the Gods of other worlds hearkened unto his voice.
- And Thy Voice, Jehovih, came upon me, saying: Daughter of Vaigonataj, haste thou quickly to the red star; My God is calling!
- And You gavest into my hands a million of Thy Holy Sons and Daughters, with a great ship of fire.
- And I sped through Thy etherean seas and wide roadways, glorying in the work Thou gavest me.
- Now, behold, I am honored before You* and before Thy God and his Holy Council.
- My love is to them, like a sister’s, who had found a long lost brother; the glory of Thy handiwork, You hast manifested in them.
- Thereupon, the Goddess gave the sign, LOVE TO ALL, and she sat down. Then, God rose up, and said:
- Because You hast blest my people, O Jehovih, I am abashed before Thy Goddess, who hath come so far to see me.
- Behold, in the last hour of my trials, You sent unto me; in the time I was heartbroken, You thrust into my kingdom the chain of Thy etherean light.
- How can I be unmindful of You*, Jehovih; how can I doubt the triumph of the Almighty. You hast dwellers in Thy Orian realms, whose presence are as a power to overturn a world.
- And You hast found one that rush”’ forth at Thy command to show me the way of succor.
- Thereupon, God gave the sign, A GRATEFUL HEART, and he also sat down.
- Again the es’enaurs chanted; and, presently, a ray of light passed over the head of Hyaponitissa, the Goddess, and it formed above the throne like a brilliant star.
- And the Voice came out of the star, saying: My Son, God of the red star and her heavens, all honor and glory be unto you*.
- The measure of your*** labor is known to My Sons and Daughters in the higher worlds.
- From this time forth, concern not thyself more about the four false Gods; sufficient unto them is the work they have undertaken.
- Behold, they have appropriated four great divisions of the earth unto themselves; and the heavens thereof have become their dominions. Suffer them, therefore, to keep what they have taken.
- Because they have bound mortals by their religions, and established themselves by mortal laws, and by force of their standing armies, you should give unto them even all they have bound on earth and in the heavens.
- But, behold, I have another continent, laying beyond the ocean, Guatama, where My people know Me, and worship Me.
- Thither should you inspire mortals to go from the east and find Guatama, and inhabit it.
- And thither, it should come to pass, none of the false Gods should establish their doctrines by mortal laws, and bind My people.
- And, as for the spirits of such mortals as the false Gods caused to be slain in the inquisitions, leave them to those Gods that took them.
- And, though such spirits have vengeance in their hearts, and will be the means of ultimately casting the false Gods into hell, yet you should not go near them.
- But you should look to the mortals whom you should take over to inhabit the western continent.
- And you should send loo’is thither, and raise up, by birth, certain mortals, who should ignore the doctrine of enforced worship for any God or Lord or Savior.
- For the people of that land should be free, not only in body, but in spirit also.
- And it should be guaranteed unto them to worship in My way, that their conscience may dictate.
- And, when the dawn of the arc of kosmon come, behold, I will open up My heavens unto mortals, and prepare the foundation of My kingdom on earth.
- The Voice ceased, and now God declared a day of recreation, that the ethereans and atmosphereans might mingle together, and rejoice before Jehovih. And this was done also. And on the next day Hyaponitissa departed, leaving the requisite etherean laborers with God.