Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth
John, the revelator!
Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih
These were: Rochus, Estella, Coceicas, Martin, Ajedio, Burton, Gardener, Oguier, Isagades, Thornton, Wincelaus, Hepburn, Autonus, Hague, Bothna, Hijas, Sedasius, Prague, Septullus, Thilinae, Portia, Fussa, Barm, Donia, Sarekka, Solomon, Jolif, Gallilleo, Sega, Spinola, Sutton, Jinuthes, Sirach, Obenaes, Pelachon, Berttimo, Feirdonas, Puberttas, Quidonatus, Paglia, Suzarathga, Wotchganheim, Givier, Dospastonitus, Leiberanz, Jasman, Orolf, Meyer, Litz, Herman, Dolche, Mogan, Ruchtevolt, Yokamsteimer, Bolch, Calas, Radby, Yan'tos, Le'chaim, Fetch, Bliney, Catherine (queen), Lambert, Holt, Renn, Savicht, John, Barnes, Sanwalt, Biers, Drumfoldt, Nekairo, Hemsted, Wight, Thuce, Kerby, Askew, Wolfe, Bartholf, Brown, Wishartd, Mille, Sadarak, Gaepon, Hutton, Somerset, Railif, Bedford, Wehlen, Gaison, Darcy, Wallace, Tudon, Taylor, Farrar, Jones, White, Myers, Henry, Atino, Percy, Alies, Flower, Joseph, Milne, Warne, Simpson, Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer, Lang, Pesth, Bradbridge, Walstein, Allin, Jesse, Ormes, Staveson and Donald.2 And this is the substance of what they said:
God’s Book of Eskra
Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Galic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day.
The Oahspe Bible
It was authored by John Ballou Newbrough, who claimed to have received the content through automatic writing—a process where he acted as a medium under the influence of divine forces.