The Oahspe Bible

Book of Ah’shong, son of Jehovih

Published: 2 Dec 2024 | Updated: today



  1. When God and his Lords of heaven and earth had lost their heavenly dominion, the swift messengers, that constantly ply through the atmospherean and etherean worlds, bore the report to Jehovih’s kingdom in etherea.
  2. The earth had passed the ji’ayan eddies at Shrapah, in the etherean roadway Hi-abalk’yiv, and was heading for the eastern fields of Anakaron, having entered the dan’haian arches of Vehetaivi, where lay the great kingdoms of the Orian Chief, Hieu Wee, with his millions of Gods and Goddesses and high-raised ethereans.
  3. Before Hieu Wee, came the swift messengers, fresh from the heavens of the earth, with their pitiful tales of woe that had befallen the inhabitants thereof.
  4. Hieu Wee said: I behold the red star, the earth, O Jehovih! I have heard the tale of horror. What should be done, O Father?
  5. Then spake Jehovih, saying: Call your*** tributary Chief, Ah’shong. Let him hear the will of Jehovih!
  6. Then sent Hieu Wee for Ah’shong, who had dominion over the fields of Anakaron in etherea, through which lay the roadway where the earth was to travel for three thousand years.
  7. And when Ah’shong came before the Holy Council of Hieu Wee’s million Gods and Goddesses, the All Light fell upon the throne like a sun; and the voice of the Creator spake in the midst of the light, saying:
  8. Hieu Wee, My son! and Hieu Wee answered: Here am I, Thy servant, O Jehovih!
  9. Jehovih said: Behold the red star, the earth; she enter”’ the fields of Anakaron. She is dripping wet and cold in the ji’ayan eddies. Her God and Lords are powerless in the spell of darkness. Send you your*** son, Ah’shong, to deliver the earth and her heavens. For behold, I will bring them to his door.
  10. Then spake Ah’shong, saying: Thy will be done, O Jehovih. Though I have been long honored in etherea, with many etherean worlds to command, I have not as yet redeemed one corporeal world and her heavens from a time of darkness.
  11. Jehovih said: Go then, My Son, to the laboring earth and deliver her; but first appoint you a successor for Anakaron.
  12. Then spake Hieu Wee, who was older than the red star, who had seen many corporeal worlds created; had seen them run their course, and then disappear as such. He said to Ah’shong:
  13. Send you to Wan, and to Hivigat, in etherea, and get the history of the earth and her heaven; and obtain you also an account of her harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. And you should call from my realms as many million etherean angels as your* labor may require, and with them proceed to the earth, and you should have a line of swift messengers established between this place and your, and, by the power of Jehovih, I will answer your*** prayers in whatsoever you should need.
  14. Then Ah’shong went back to Anakaron, his etherean kingdom, and before his Holy Council made known Jehovih’s will and his. And Ah’shong called for sixty million volunteers, to go with him on his mission; and they came presently: Some from Yohan; some from T’seing; some from Araith; some from Gon Loo, and from various other places in Anakaron; came in millions; came as many as Ah’shong called for.
  15. So Ah’shong raised up a successor to Jehovih’s throne in Anakaron, and he was installed and crowned according to the discipline of the etherean heavens.
  16. And Ah’shong sent swift messengers into the former roadway of the earth to obtain its history; its harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms.
  17. Then gazed Ah’shong toward the red star; and his sixty million volunteers also gazed, and watched her as she coursed along in the arches of Vehetaivi.
  18. Thus Ah’shong, well skilled in the course and behavior of worlds, gathered together his millions of angels, trained in arduous enterprise and furtherance of Jehovih’s will. Quickly they framed and equipped an Orian port-au-gon, and illuminated it with firelights and bolts. And these sons and daughters of Jehovih embarked and sped forth. A half a million miles, even on the outskirts of Anakaron, and they stood close above the earth, almost so near that the sweeping moon would touch the down-hanging curtains of etherean fire. And here they halted, that both mortals and angels belonging to the earth might behold and fear; for such Jehovih made man, by unusual sights, to become weak and trembling, to change him to new purposes.
  19. Jehovih’s voice spake to Ah’shong, saying: For three days and nights stand you in the firmament that man on earth and in atmospherea may behold the power and majesty of My chosen in heaven.
  20. Ah’shong said: On the fourth day, O Jehovih, I will cross Chinvat; on the fifth, descend toward the earth. Bring me, O Father, Thy messengers from the lower heaven. I will converse with them.
  21. Jehovih sent the angels of the earth and lower heaven up to Ah’shong; disheartened they came, to know Jehovih’s will.
  22. Ah’shong said unto them: The Father’s hosts are come from their high estate and glorious ease, to redeem these fallen heavens, and man on the earth. It is our labor to come in love to the helpless, and teach them how to sing in Jehovih’s praise. Then the swift messengers answered:
  23. In the All Person’s boundless love, find you recompense for your* holy words, most honored God. Down in darkness, long and earnestly, have the Lords of earth labored conjointly with heaven’s God, whose kingdom fell. Alas, our God, who ministered over the lower heaven, is crushed and humiliated. The enemies of high heaven, exulting in their spoil of Jehovih’s kingdom and His name, mock us, saying: Where now is Jehovih? Whence come the Higher Light? O you** Faithists in an All Person boundless!
  24. But now your* high-shining sun, your* ship of etherean fire, make the sons and daughters of the earth and her heaven look, and fear, and tremble. And when your*** Light appeared we made all haste in hope of succor. Our souls are more than filled with thankfulness; and in Jehovih’s name, we will back and employ a million trumpeters to proclaim around the earth and heaven: JEHOVIH IS COME!
  25. After due salutation the swift messengers departed; and Ah’shong made all things in readiness for his descent when the proper time should arrive.

A, Atmospherea; B, Ethereans; E, Earth; C, Distance: 20,000 miles (32186.8 kilometers).


  1. Jehovih spake to Ah’shong, saying: On the evening of the third day should you move thy etherean ship toward the earth. And when you arrivest within an arrafon1 you should halt for another three days, that your*** magnificence may awe the men and angels of earth with the power and glory of My emancipated sons and daughters.
  2. Ah’shong proceeded as commanded, and when he came within an arrafon, halted for three days, and the magnificence of the scene overcame the stubbornness of men of earth and angels in atmospherea. Again Jehovih said:
  3. Proceed again, My son, and when you are within half the breadth of the earth, halt once more and make in the place thereof a plateau, and it should be the place of your*** abiding for the time of dawn, which should be seven years and sixty days.
  4. And from this time forth My etherean hosts should not remain in atmospherea more than eight years in any one cycle. This, then, that I give to you* should be like every dawn of dan, some of one year, some of two or three or four or more (years), as the time require.
  5. And you should dwell in your*** kingdom seven years and sixty days, and the time should be called the first dawn of dan, and the next succeeding should be called the second dawn of dan, and so on, as long as the earth bring”’ forth.
  6. And the time from one dawn of dan to another should be called one dan’ha; and four dan’ha should be called one square, because this is the sum of one density, which is twelve thousand of the earth’s years. And twelve squares should be called one cube, which is the first dividend of the third space, in which there is no variation in the vortex of the earth. And four cubes should be called one sum, because the magnitude thereof embrace one equal of the Great Serpent.2
  7. Ah’shong proceeded again, and moved within four thousand miles of the earth, and the voice of Jehovih commanded Ah’shong to halt in the place, and found a new kingdom, using all things requisite to that end. Jehovih said:
  8. Thy place should be a distance away from the earth, that your*** dominion be not disturbed by the confusion of the fallen angels thereof. So also, to as many as you should redeem away from the earth and from mortal contact, the distance of thy kingdom will prevent them returning.
  9. Ah’shong perceived, and he proclaimed what Jehovih had spoken to him. And the hosts cast out fastenings to the plateau, that the kingdom together with the etherean sea of fire might rotate with the earth and its atmosphere. Jehovih said:
  10. Make strong the foundation of your* place, and erect ten thousand pillars of fire around about; and in every direction provide roadways and mansions; but in the midst you should build the house of council, wherein should sit your* host of dominion during dawn.
  11. Ah’shong built the place as commanded by Jehovih, and when it was finished, Jehovih said: You should call the place Yeshuah. And it was so called, because it was a place of salvation. Again Jehovih said:
  12. Choose now your* council, My Son, and also your* sub-officers, and when you hast completed the list, leave in Yeshuah the sub-officers and proceed you, and your* council of one million men and women with you, down to the earth and heaven thereof, and cast thine eyes upon the inhabitants, for they are in distress. And when you comest to the place of My Lords and My God, deliver you them and bring them to Yeshuah, for they need rest. And as many of the I’hins in heaven as are capable, bring you also away with thee, and give them into the care of your people.
  13. Ah’shong did as commanded, first selecting his council and his officers, and then he and his hosts proceeded to the earth as had been commanded.

1 An arrafon is about 20,000 miles (32186.8 kilometers).
2 Philosophers have long known that some certain measure of ethereal space must be equal to the density of the planets for a balance of power. See tablets of cosmological prophecies at the latter part of Book of Ben.


  1. Up to this time the ancient names of the division of the lands of the earth had been maintained, and God and his Lords being driven from the place of Hored, which had gone into dissolution, dwelt part of the time in Waga and part in Jud and Vohu.
  2. And God and the Lords had established three kingdoms, one in Waga, one in Jud, and one in Vohu; and within these kingdoms of heaven there were two hundred millions of redeemed angels capable of the second resurrection, and one hundred millions of es’yans and unlearned apprentices. Chief of the three heavens was Waga, and thither had God and his Lords congregated with their chief officers, as soon as the sign of the descending sea of Jehovih’s kingdom appeared in the firmament above.
  3. To God, Jehovih spake, saying: Make ready your* places, O My son, and your* Lords with thee. Behold, I come in a world of fire, and My faithful workers should find rest and happiness.
  4. Ah’shong will redeem your*** sons and daughters; yea, he will girdle the earth about with new, etherean light and great power.
  5. Call together your*** people, O God, and bid them rejoice and make merry, for the time of deliverance is at hand.
  6. Then God communicated to the Lords, and they again to others, the words of Jehovih; and at sight of the sign in heaven, the faithful began to rejoice and to gather together in their respective places. But of the unbelieving angels dwelling on earth, and with mortals, and in other abodes, of whom there were hundreds of millions, this is what happened:
  7. They were overcome by the sight of the ship of fire in heaven above, and in fear fled in all directions. And by their great numbers, in the presence of mortals, caused mortals also to fear and flee in search of some secure place. And many of these spirits of darkness came beseechingly to be admitted into the kingdoms of the Lords, whither they had been invited for hundreds of years, but would not come.
  8. But God and the Lords encompassed their places about with walls of light and would not receive the unbelieving. God said: Till such time as Ah’shong should arrive, let order be maintained within my kingdoms. So it came to pass that for six days and nights the fear that prevailed on earth and in heaven was such as had never been before since the earth was.
  9. And God and the Lords brought their es’enaurs out, and they sang and danced before Jehovih. And on the approach of Ah’shong’s hosts, with his musicians and heralds, and the great multitude, arrayed in shining raiment, even God and the Lords were overcome by the splendor and magnificence.
  10. They sat down on the improvised throne, and the etherean marshals approached and divided, first into single columns, then double, then quadruple, and so on till the fifty thousand marshals had enclosed all sides, save the east, where was an open space through which Ah’shong came, attended by his chief counselors, of which there were five thousand. After these came the council of one million, inter-broken here and there with groups of thousands of es’enaurs, who were chanting hymns of praise to Jehovih and his kingdoms.
  11. The lower heaven above the continent of Waga and parts of Jud and Vohu was illuminated by the hosts of Ah’shong, the like of which had never been in atmospherea before. Nor was there any more work being done on earth or in heaven, because of the fear and great stirring up.
  12. But now Ah’shong approached before the throne of God and the Lords, saluting with the sign of the second degree of Jehovih, saying: In Jehovih’s name and by His Power, Wisdom and Love, am I come to give you joy.
  13. God said: In Jehovih’s name, all hail! Ah’shong, chief of Anakaron, all hail! And God went forward to the foot of the throne and received Ah’shong, whereupon the Lords came forward saluting also. The es’enaurs ceased singing, and Ah’song proceeded to the throne and sat thereon, and God took off his own crown and gave it to Ah’shong, and also gave him the triangle, which was called the heirloom of the heavenly kingdoms of earth, bestowed by command of Jehovih.
  14. The All Light was abundant around about Ah’shong, and the voice of Jehovih spake out of the midst thereof, saying: Inasmuch as these things are done in My name prayerfully, and in faith, so do I dwell with you all. My Son should wear your*** crown, O God.
  15. Behold, I am come in might and swiftness, for it is the spring time of the earth. My Son, Seffas, is afoot on the earth; he hath stirred up the earth-born. But I will establish anew My light in these heavens.
  16. Have I not said: I brought the seed of everlasting life to the earth? I gave God and his Lords to teach mortals and spirits of My glories in the upper heavens. And I commanded that they that come up out of the earth should be My God and My Lords in these realms.
  17. You**** were installed by My hand, and have done a good work. Think not that I curse because Hored and Moeb are fallen! Knew I not beforehand that these things would be? Behold, I have provided all My works so that man should be forever making new things. Had Hored stood, there had been no heaven to rebuild on earth in this day. How, then, could My newborn Gods learn? Think not that I come to teach with Mine own labor; I provide My people that they should teach one another.
  18. What is so conceited as man? And yet I bring him into life the dumbest of animals. Man prid himself in his power and wisdom. I send the drought, the rains and winds, the weakest of My members, and they show man he is nothing. So also do My Gods and Lords of the lower heaven become conceited of their power and wisdom; but a turn of a word, and their heavens fall. Thousands of millions of souls turn from order and high estate into confusion and anarchy. Thus do I confound men and angels, and in their seeming misery lay the foundation for an everlasting good. The voice ceased.
  19. Ah’shong said: In the name of Jehovih, I announce my presence over earth and the lower heaven.
  20. The marshals said: ALL HAIL! AH’SHONG, GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH! Proclaim him in Jehovih’s name.
  21. Hardly had these words gone forth when the voice of the entire hosts joined in proclaiming: ALL HAIL! O GOD! SON OF JEHOVIH!
  22. Ah’shong, now God, said: Thy crown should be my crown, for under this should Jehovih’s power triumph; otherwise people would say: Behold there is no virtue in Jehovih’s crowns. So, he placed it on his head and rose up and saluted the retired God and Lords, saying to them:
  23. I have a place for ye; and it is called Yeshuah. Retire thither with my proper officers, and partake of rest and the freedom of the place until I come also. But the retired God and Lords said: We pray unto you, put us to labor. Whereupon God (Ah’shong) said:
  24. Jehovih’s sons must not be humiliated; how, then, can you**** labor under me? Were ye not Jehovih’s God and Lords.
  25. They perceived, and, after due salutations, were provided with an escort of five hundred thousand men and women; and they departed on their way to Yeshuah.
  26. God (Ah’shong) said: Let M’ghi come before me, and Bing-fo and Nest. They should be my Lords of dawn in Jehovih’s name.
  27. The three came and stood before the throne. God said: I announce the presence of Jehovih’s Lords of the earth. The marshals said: ALL HAIL! O M’GHI and BING-FO and NEST, JEHOVIH’S LORDS OF EARTH!
  28. These were also proclaimed by the voice of the assembled hosts. God said: In Jehovih’s name, go your ways, O Lords of earth.
  29. Whereupon the Lords crowned themselves and at once departed, saluting reverently.
  30. God said: Bring the atmospherean marshals before me. They were brought and stationed in front of the throne. God said: Glory be to You, O Jehovih! I have looked upon Thy sons and daughters who have withstood a great darkness, but retained faith in You. In Thy name, and by virtue of Thy power, do I deliver them. Let him who is chief, answer me: How many angels are prepared for the second resurrection?
  31. Sawni, chief marshal, said: Two hundred millions. God said: Retire you and thy companions, and gather together Jehovih’s harvest of souls, and I will send them to Yeshuah.
  32. The atmosphereans were then duly arranged as commanded, and God called a hundred swift messengers and one thousand etherean marshals, and they provided abattos; and the hosts, prepared for the second resurrection, departed for Yeshuah, as commanded.
  33. God said: I have now remaining my etherean hosts and the atmosphereans in darkness. Of the latter, let them remain as they are for three days, for I will travel around the world, and my etherean hosts with me, observing mortals and spirits in their places and habits, that I may the better judge them and provide accordingly.
  34. So God and his etherean angels provided an abattos, and they embarked and started on their journey, traveling imperceptibly to mortals.


  1. The Council of Yeshuah, of which there were one million members, was formed in groups, and these again represented in groups, and these in still other groups. Consequently, a group of one thousand had one speaker, who became the voice of that thousand; of these speakers, one hundred had one voice in council; and of these, ten had one voice before God, and he was the voice of the whole, and Jehovih was his voice. Thus was the whole council represented in all its parts. And this was the manner of proceeding, to wit:
  2. God commanded the subject; the council deliberated in thousands, and each speaker became aware of the voice of his group. Then these speakers assembled in hundreds and deliberated, and they again centered into one voice; and each ten of these had one voice before God. Thus it came to pass that the decrees of God were both the wisdom of men and of Jehovih. Hence the saying: When God said this, or God commanded that, it was the word of Jehovih expressed by men and angels.
  3. After God and his hosts visited the earth and the lower heaven, they returned to Yeshuah and sat in council on the affairs of mortals and atmosphereans.
  4. God said: Behold, the heavens and earth have become like gardens grown foul and rank, producing nothing. I have come with a pruning knife and a consuming fire.
  5. God said: I withdraw from the druj and the druk the beneficence of Jehovih’s chosen; I leave them destitute. Who can approach the beggar with wisdom, or the king with inspiration to be good? A drowning man will try to swim; but the reveler in lust must perish before his soul can learn Jehovih.
  6. Better is it to labor with a child from infancy, and thence to maturity, to teach it aright, than to strive with a score of conceited adults, and fail to redeem one. Who is the mocker of charity more than they that give to such as can help themselves but will not? Wisdom and uprightness of heart are but bread. Preach not to unwelcome ears; are sermons of wisdom to be forced into men’s souls?
  7. Blessed Jehovih! He made hunger, and so men love bread. Without hunger they would not eat. A wise God drive home to man’s understanding his helplessness in spirit when Jehovih is denied.
  8. Pursue the earth, O my beloved; bring hence all light. Pursue the lower heaven of the earth also; bring hence all light. I will leave the earth and heaven in darkness one whole year. They should cry out; their conceit in the dumb wind should fail.
  9. Have not the spirits of heaven despoiled Hored and Moeb? Do not evil spirits and evil men say: Behold, there is enough! Let us divide. But they produce not. They are devourers; living on others’ substance. The Great Spirit made man to exert; by exertion growe he in wisdom and strength.
  10. They seek ease and comfort; helpless and more helpless they fall; they are on the road to everlasting destruction. Happy is the God who can arouse them.


  1. God said: Blessed is the surgeon’s knife; its burn is the capital of health regained; but yet a fool will cry out: Hold! hold! enough! you inflicter of pain!
  2. Who hath an eye like Jehovih? His whipping-posts are on all sides, but there is a clear road between them. Yet man follow it not.
  3. Withdraw all good men and good angels, and there is no person left; they would not be half made up. A man without an arm or a leg is but part of a man; a man without perception of the All Person is a deformity in soul. He seek”’ a home for his own ease and glory; but the Son of Jehovih seek”’ to find the severest labor that will profit his brethren.
  4. Yeshuah should be my homestead; here will I bring the fruit of heaven below; here build my training schools. Seven years should be my service; and they should learn the ways of etherea. Build me a house of brotherhood and fill it with willing pupils sworn to labor. I will make them Gods and Lords with power and wisdom.
  5. Behold a man make a factory and turn”’ out fabric for sale. I make a college and I turn out sons and daughters of Jehovih, to give away. Bring me such material as will stand in warp and filling; Jehovih’s fabric should endure forever. Search me out the seed of I’hin, and house them with care, for they should redeem the earth-born after I ascend to the Father’s kingdom.


  1. All the first best angels of atmospherea were brought away from the earth and housed in Yeshuah, being placed at school and in factories new made in heaven. These were I’hins.
  2. The second first-best spirits were brought also, but placed in hospitals and nurseries.
  3. Of those who had advanced to receive the second resurrection, God said: Build an etherean ship and take them to Theistivi, in etherea.
  4. So it came to pass there were two hundred millions raised to the second resurrection, of the grade thirty-five. Theistivi lie between etherea and Seven A’ji, which is the lowest of the etherean heavens next to an atmospherean abode.
  5. God said: Two qualities have I left in Yeshuah, first and second. These should be the new kingdom after I am ascended. From these I will raise up a God and Lords, and they should rule over the lower heaven and the earth; and they should bequeath to others after them to rule in like manner.
  6. Thus was founded the second light of Jehovih on the fruit of the earth. God’s etherean hosts became as a training school to raise up a God and Lords and marshals and es’enaurs, and all other officers, and men and women, for a lower heaven. God said: Yeshuah should not approach nearer the earth; nor should it be as Hored, where spirits of darkness might easily approach.
  7. One hundred millions of spirits did God and his Lords and fellow-laborers bring from the earth to Yeshuah, and they were placed in a brotherhood apportioned in the places suited to their talents. And God divided the time of study, and of recreation, and of music, and of discipline, marching, and so on, suited to all the people; and it was a place of order and glory.
  8. For without discipline there is nothing; and discipline cannot be without ceremony; nor ceremony without rites, and forms, and established words. Is it not a foolish soldier that saith: Behold I am wise! I need no discipline nor manual of arms. What more is he than one of an untutored mob?
  9. God said: As I drill them in heaven to make them a unit, so give you**** to mortals rites and ceremonies, that, coming into heaven, they go not back to their old haunts and fall in darkness. Whatever tend to harmonize the behavior of individuals is of the Father; the opposite tend to evil. Better is it that men march to the sound of one monotonous word, than not to march at all; the value lie not in the word, but in bringing in unison that which was void. A fool saith: I need not pray, there is no virtue in words. But his soul growe up at variance with Jehovih. Neither is there more virtue in the prayer or the words, than in marching (sacred dance) before Jehovih; for whatever tend to unite men in one expression of soul in harmony, is Jehovih’s.
  10. Sacred dances and rites and ceremonies were established in Yeshuah in the name of Jehovih; and the new heaven became a place of delight.
  11. God said: Teach my chosen to labor hard and wisely; and to dance with energy, and to sing with strength and fullness of soul. For what more is there in any man or woman than to learn to put forth? And what more pitiful thing is there in heaven than a man or woman who hath but dragged along?


  1. When all the first best spirits of the lower heaven, and such as dwelt with mortals, were taken away and domiciled in Yeshuah, there were left only druj (spirits of darkness) on the face of the earth. For one whole year God left the earth void of Jehovih’s light.
  2. Mortals loved more to commune with the spirits of their kindred, who knew little of heaven, than they did with ethereans who were wise and holy.
  3. God said: What man or what woman have you* found who saith: Come you* angels of Jehovih, tell me wherein I can do more good works, for I thirst, and am hungry to serve Jehovih with all my wisdom and strength in doing good to my fellows?
  4. Rather do they turn away from such, and drink in the tales of the strolling druj, and so wrap themselves in darkness. For this reason should they find darkness in heaven and earth; and they should be as one who is sick and broken down in conceit.
  5. When the year of darkness was ended God sent pruners around about the earth and in the lower heaven of the earth. Two millions of pruners sent he forth, saying to them: Find all the evil spirits dwelling with mortals, whether they be fetals or familiars, and gather them into one place. Then find the spirits and fairies who have taken up caves and waterfalls on earth as their abode, and bring them to the same place. Then find the idiotic and chaotic spirits who dwell on battle-fields, and bring them to the same place. Then find the lusters, who dwell in old castles and ruined cities, and in houses of evil, and when they are going out for raids on mortals, seize them and bring them to the same place.
  6. The ethereans went and collected all the evil spirits and the spirits of darkness belonging to the earth, and brought them to a place in atmospherea, and there were of them nine hundred millions.
  7. God said: Prepare a ship suitable to transport them to Hudaow, in Ji’ya, and there provide them a kingdom to themselves, giving them a God and Lords and proper officers to discipline and educate them for Jehovih’s kingdoms.
  8. Thus were they removed, and the earth and its lower heaven were purified from evil spirits by the decree of God in Yeshuah, in the second year of the first dawn of dan.


  1. In the second year of Yeshuah, God (that is Ah’shong) caused to be established in his heaven all requisite places of learning and industry, whereby and wherein es’yans might be educated to good works, and to a general knowledge of Jehovih’s kingdoms (universe), and there volunteered a sufficient number of ethereans as teachers and practisers of work for all that was required.
  2. God said: Now that the earth and heaven are purified from evil, my Lords should deliver the es’yans to the asaphs, and enjoin them to deliver in Yeshuah, which I have established a short distance from the earth as a barrier against their returning to mortals. Jehovih said: Suffer not the blind to lead the blind.
  3. And it was so; at the time mortals died, their spirits were taken by the asaphs to Yeshuah; and to make this an acceptable labor to the es’yans, God said: Tell my Lords of the earth to teach mortals by inspiration and otherwise of my kingdom, Yeshuah.
  4. And it so came to pass through the Lords and the ashars, that is, the guardian spirits with mortals, that the name, Yeshuah, was established on the earth. God said: In the time of kosmon, men should say: Whence came the name of heavenly things? But Yeshuah should lie hid away, and Jehovih will in that day stretch forth His hand and disclose all.
  5. But mortals were thick in tongue, and could not say Yeshuah, and they said I.E.Su; hence came the name of many men, Iesu,3 signifying, without evil, which is the ultimate salvation of the soul.
  6. Jehovih spake through God, saying: The time of the end of dawn come, and My emancipated sons and daughters should return to their places, taking the resurrected with them. But that the earth and lower heaven may not be left in darkness, provide you**** a God and Lords and marshals and messengers, and all other officers, to rule and teach in My name.
  7. From the born of earth should you**** make them, and they should hold office for two hundred years, and four hundred years, and six hundred years, according to the atmospherean cycles.
  8. Suffer not My etherean hosts to remain longer than dawn, either on the earth or within atmospherea, for I should take the earth into dark regions in order to build it up to a higher state for the time that come after.
  9. The voice departed. God said: Let the voice of the council deliberate on this matter, and speak before the Father. For I will provide also a heaven in the ancient place of Hored, and it should be called Bispah, for it should be a place of reception for the spirits of the dead preparatory to their being brought to Yeshuah.
  10. In course of time there were raised up many of the earth-born, and God selected them and appointed them to fill the places; and he founded Bispah, and officered it according to the command of Jehovih. After God established rites and ceremonies, and processions and dances, with sacred words, in Yeshuah, he commanded his Lords to give the same things to mortals, and they so fulfilled all that was designed from the beginning.
  11. In the seventh year of dawn God commanded his council to select another God and Lords, and other officers; and the council proceeded after the manner of the ancients, selecting the most learned and the purest and holiest; according to their rank in Godliness chose they them, and a record was made of these matters and deposited in the library of Yeshuah.
  12. So it came to pass that God called in his own Lords of the earth, and sat apart the first day of the new moon as the day on which he would consecrate the God and Lords, his successors; and he called the day Mas, the name of which endur”’ to this day of kosmon. Furthermore, God established the moon’s day (mas) on the earth as a time of consecration. (And this is the origin of saying mass).
  13. When the chosen were in place before the throne, God said: By command of Jehovih are you* brought before me, His Son; in His name will I consecrate you* to the places commanded of Him.
  14. The marshals then conducted him that ranked highest up to the seat of the throne. God said:
  15. In the name of Jehovih, and by His Power, Wisdom and Love, do I ordain you* God of heaven and earth. He that receive from my hand receive from my Father, who raised me up.
  16. The initiate said: All power come from the Father. All wisdom come from the Father. All love come from the Father. In His name and by virtue of His commandments through His Son, receive I all that is put upon me, for His glory, forever!
  17. God then said: Give me a crown, O Father, for Thy Son! A scarlet light descended from above, and God reached forth his hands and wove it into a crown and placed it on the initiate’s head, saying: God of heaven and earth, you* I crown. And now should thou receive also the sacred triangle, which is the heirloom of the Gods of earth. And he hung it around his neck, adding: And since there can be but one God on earth or in this heaven, I herewith uncrown myself in Jehovih’s name and salute you*, O God, GOD OF EARTH AND HEAVEN!
  18. Ah’shong now stood to the right, and God, who was ordained, went and sat on the throne, and there descended red and blue lights from above, enveloping him completely, and he was quickened. He said:
  19. Let the initiates for Lords of earth approach the throne of the Most High Jehovih!
  20. The five Lords came forward. God said: Join hands and receive you**** from the Father. By virtue of the Power, Wisdom and Love of Jehovih, vested in me, receive I you* as the highest chosen; and I proclaim you* Lord4 of earth, in Jehovih’s name! Accept this crown from heaven above, the like of which cannot be woven from earthly things; by its power should you remain in accord with Yesuah and the kingdoms above.
  21. God fashioned the crowns and then crowned them Lords of the five divisions of the earth. God said: Retire you aside and choose your*** messengers and officers, and after ordaining them, depart to the kingdom prepared for you*. The Lords said:
  22. In Thy name, O Jehovih, do I accept that which You hast put upon me. With all my wisdom and strength and love will I serve You*, O my Father, Jehovih!
  23. The Lords retired; and the es’enaurs sang, more than a million of voices in concert!

3 The original of iesus, or jesu, or jesus. See tablet, Se’moin Saphah, and v. 34.
4 Where hands are joined the persons are addressed as one person.


  1. Now had the time come for the end of the first dawn of dan after the creation of man. And this was known in the etherean heavens, where lived countless millions of Jehovih’s sons and daughters emancipated. And, as might be expected, they determined to descend from all sides to witness the labors of Ah’shong, and to receive his works as a profitable lesson for their own future on other new worlds.
  2. Consequently, there began to appear in the firmament far-off stars, approaching; and these were the etherean ships in remote places, where the name of Ah’shong had been known for thousands of years. From all sides they came, growing brighter and brighter, larger and larger.
  3. Ah’shong spoke to his companions, saying: Make ready, O my beloved. My friends and your friends are coming. Put our ship in order. Light the pillars of fire and spread out the sails, shining, that they may be glorified in Jehovih’s name.
  4. The proper persons accomplished these things, and to the eastward of Yeshuah the etherean ship of Ah’shong was anchored; and so great was the size thereof that there was room for the ethereans of Anakaron and upward of three hundred millions of the redeemed of earth besides.
  5. Ah’shong said: When our friends arrive, we should join them and make an excursion round the earth, discovering its rank and glorious promises; but as to the nine hundred millions of drujas which I sent off to Hudaow, in Ji’ya, we should pass thither on our way to Anakaron.
  6. Brighter and brighter grew the descending stars, the etherean ships from far-off worlds; and larger and larger, till in majesty they neared Yeshuah. Ah’shong then came down and sat at the foot of the throne, according to the custom of Gods. God came down and took him by the hand, saying: Son of Jehovih, that make thyself the least of men, arise, and take your*** hosts, and embark in Jehovih’s ship, going whithersoever you wilt. Ah’shong rose up. The es’enaurs and trumpeters played and sang. Then Ah’shong said:
  7. One more love have I in the world, O Jehovih. I go from Yeshuah, but my love remain”’. To you, O God, will I look back in hope and love, for you wert raised by me. And to your** Lords what less could I say? Yea, and to all the hosts I leave within these realms.
  8. Ah’shong touched God’s right hand, and then saluting, with the third sign of emeth to Jehovih, departed, and the marshals conducted him off to the ship.
  9. Ah’shong and his etherean hosts rose up in curtains of light; and presently the ship was loosened from its anchorage and floated upward, and all the angels entered into it; and the sails were spread out, and the mantles suspended on every side, till the whole vessel, with its thousands of masts and arcs, looked like a world on fire. The inhabitants of Yeshuah feared and trembled for the mighty works of the Gods and Goddesses; and yet, as the es’enaurs on the departing ship chanted, more than a million of voices, the Yeshuans sang with them, amidst their tears, with souls overflowing, with awe and love and admiration.
  10. And in this same time the descending stars of other Gods and Goddesses, the etherean ships from far-off worlds, were drawing nearer and nearer; and, on every side, the firmament was as if alive with worlds on fire.
  11. Presently they came, first one and then another of the ethereans, and they made fast to Ah’shong’s ship, until thus more than five hundred were united into one mighty vessel, and yet so near to Yeshuah that all could be seen.
  12. And when they had united there were countless millions of angels thus in close proximity, many who had known one another for thousands of years; and some who were older than the earth, and knew its history. And these had companions as old as themselves; and they were ripe in experience with corporeal earths, stars and suns in other regions of Jehovih’s kingdoms.
  13. So great was the wisdom of these Gods and Goddesses that to come within the earth’s atmosphere was sufficient to enable them to read all the souls and prayers of mortals, and all the thoughts and desires of the spirits of the lower heaven belonging to the earth. To each and all of them the voice of Jehovih was ever present, and their power was like unto their wisdom.
  14. Jehovih hath said: To the corporean I have given power to hear one or two things at the same moment of time; but My Gods can hear intelligently tens of thousands of men speaking at the same time. Yea, they can find a way to answer them also.
  15. When the ships were ready for departure, Ah’shong said: Let us pass low over Yeshuah, and you**** should hear and see those I have founded in a new heaven. His companions said: Jehovih’s will be done. Thereupon they proceeded; and after they had visited Yeshuah they descended to the earth, and round about the places of the Lords; and when they had seen all, and heard the explanation, from those with Ah’shong, of the state the earth was in, and of the heavens of the earth, they rose higher and higher, and sailed toward Anakaron, whither Ah’shong had invited them for repast and social intercourse.
  16. Thus departed the ethereans from the earth and atmospherea. This, then, was the beginning of the cycles of dan; and the first dawn was closed and past.
  17. And the earth Gods, that is, the Lords, who were now called Adonya, were such as had been brought forth out of the earth. And God, who had dominion in the atmospherea of the earth, was also an earth-born; and so were all the angels in atmospherea the product of the earth.
  18. And in Jehovih’s name were the Lords and God appointed and crowned to rule in their respective places, and they thus became the instruments of Jehovih for His glory.
  19. Jehovih said: Whoever serve Me, in My name, is My son, or My daughter. The Light of My Judgment fall”’ upon them sufficient for the time and place. Inasmuch as ye honor them, you**** honor Me also. Through the flowers of the field I express Myself in color and perfume; through the lion and mastodon I express Myself with power and voraciousness; through the lamb and the dove I express myself in meekness and docility. Through man I express Myself in words and actions; and all men, the wise and the ignorant, are channels of My expression. Some have thick tongues and poor speech, nevertheless they are My babes, My sons and daughters.
  20. Jehovih said: After the Se’muan age I gave to the earth from My etherean heavens sons and daughters, and they abode with mortals for three thousand years. And My ethereans established loo’is on the lands of the earth; and they commanded the loo’is, saying to them: Your office is to lead mortals by inspiration to dwell together, man and woman, as husband and wife; and in such adaptation that their offspring should rise higher in wisdom, love and power, than the father and mother.
  21. Jehovih said: I will confound the wise man in the latter days; for he should not discover why man and woman lived not indiscriminately, as the beasts. Yea, I will show him that they who profess Me are led by Me, that they who deny Me go down to indiscriminate communion. Out of My works, should the lessons of the early days of the earth show the presence of My hand from the beginning. By My loo’is was man and woman inspired to raise up such sons and daughters as would glorify Me and My works; by My loo’is have I maintained My foothold amongst mortals.
  22. Such as could comprehend Me, having faith that My presence in Person should ultimately triumph for the highest and best, I commanded to be called FAITHISTS. Since the beginning, have I kept a thread of this line inhabiting the earth and her heavens.
  23. At the end of the second cycle there were in atmospherea six thousand million angels, who were for the most part in darkness; not knowing who they were, or where they dwelt; nor knowing nor caring whether there were other heavens or not.
  24. And now began wars in atmospherea; thousands of angels against thousands, and millions against millions.
  25. For the possession of sections of the earth, and the mortal inhabitants thereof, went forth these millions of warring angels. And it came to pass that mortals also fell to war; and, by the obsessing angels, were made to destroy their own cities and kingdoms.
  26. And the attractions of this great wickedness caused other angels of heaven to desert their schools and factories, and descend down to mortals.
  27. Thus again were the kingdoms of God and his Lords set at nothing; the harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms had long since ceased to be.
  28. The first harvest was two hundred years, and the number of Brides and Bridegrooms was six hundred millions, of grade ninety-two.
  29. The second harvest was two hundred years, and was eight hundred million angels, of grade eighty-nine.
  30. The third harvest was six hundred years, and was two thousand million angels, of grade eighty-three.
  31. The fourth harvest was five hundred years, and was twenty-three hundred million angels, of grade seventy-four.
  32. The fifth harvest was three hundred years, and was six hundred million angels, of grade sixty-two.
  33. The sixth harvest was four hundred years, and nine hundred million angels, of grade fifty-one.
  34. And this was the last harvest; for none were of sufficient grade to abide in the etherean heavens.


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