The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks
He was also master of an agricultural people; "the ram with the golden fleece for which the Argonauts sailed was the offspring of Poseidon." He carried in his hand a three-pronged symbol, the trident, doubtless an emblem of the three continents that were embraced in the empire of Atlantis.
Selestor’s Men of Atlantis
A symbol in the temples to that god they designated "Ram." Aye, it was born in mind of one who woke to consciousness of God's creative force, not form, and also man's great part in distribution of the gifts of Him—the Mighty One.
"We wed these scions of the house of Ram (or Ses)," whichever god the parents claimed.
It was the cry of Ram and Phenox, Ses and other gods "who victory gave."
The galley slaves who rowed with wondrous skill, made boats as rams that fight and drave the foemen far, some overturned, some cleft by axe so sharp that steel itself was bitten; rent in twain the stoutest timbers by the Atlantian's spik’ed sides and valves of fire at prow, that men ne’er dreamed were heated by a force drawn from the air, but showed not fire, was keen surprise indeed which boded death to every man who made a point of entry where the balls hung low from iron caskets, but ornament in truth they seemed.
But one God is there, though others swear that Ab-Dallah, Soam, Phenox, Ram and Ses have equal power with Him, but I say nay, for I have sought in Nature all the tongue that teacheth wisdom.
"And I forebode the doom that doth befall, for hither cometh on the 'wings of Ram' the water's mighty sledge of Death," and folding calmly to his breast the cross—prophetic symbol of his age and mind—he knelt and sought to pray.
The Story of Atlantis
Now this was apt to destroy the equilibrium of the ship so struck and to turn it upside down—a situation sure to be[55] taken advantage of by the enemy's vessel to make an attack with her ram.
The worship of Crawling things
God Amun: Rams were associated with Amun, a major deity who was considered the king of the gods during the New Kingdom.
Amun was often depicted as a man with a ram's head or simply as a ram.
The Argonauts and Mount Pelion
The Golden Fleece was a magical artifact, the skin of a golden-haired, winged ram, which was kept in a distant land, Colchis, and guarded by a never-sleeping dragon.
Ta Seti, Africa’s Early Powerhouse
He was often depicted as a ram-headed god and believed to fashion humans on a potter's wheel.
Michael prevented Isaac from sacrifice by his father by substituting a ram in his place.
Daniel 8:15-16: When Daniel has a vision involving a ram and a goat, Gabriel is instructed to explain the vision to him.
Anunnaki gods list
She set up vipers and dragons, and the monster Lahamu, And hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men, And mighty tempests, and fish-men and rams; They bore cruel weapons, without fear of the fight.
Hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men, And mighty tempests, and fish-men and rams = Constellations/universes
And mighty [tempests], and fish-men, and[rams];
The constellation that is referred to as "rams" is Aries.
In Greek mythology, Aries represents the golden ram that rescued the siblings Phrixus and Helle from being sacrificed by their stepmother.
The ram carried the siblings away to a distant land, but Helle fell off and drowned in the sea, which is why the area where she fell became known as the Hellespont.
In some cultures, Aries is also associated with the ram-headed god of fertility and rebirth, which may have led to the reference to "rams".