The Oahspe Bible

Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih

Published: 2 Dec 2024 | Updated: today


  1. In Horub, an etherean world on the borders of the arc of Aza, in the procession of Sayutivi, Cnod and Gorce, a region of light, of ten thousand earth years, and one hundred vesperes, where reigned Fragapatti, Orian Chief of Obsod and Goomatchala one thousand years; God of Varit, God of Lunitzi and Witchka, and Schleinaka, and Dows, thirty thousand years; Surveyor of Gies, roadway and trail of Fetisi, and Mark, seventy thousand years; Prim of Vaga, Tsein, Loo-Gaab and Zaan, forty thousand years.
  2. Fragapatti said: To me Jehovih spake in the Council of Obsod, capital of Horub, where sat my million Gods, our throne itself an arc of light, and there came from the Almighty’s throne a greater light, all brilliant, and, with it, the Matchless Voice. Jehovih said:
  3. My Son! My Son! Go to the red star, the earth. She come thy way; her coat is red with mortal blood!
  4. Fragapatti said: The Father saith: The red star come this way; her coat is red with mortal blood!
  5. To their tables the Gods and Goddesses turned, to mark the time; and now, quickly, the whisper ran to the million ears: The red star! The earth! You**** recollect, it was the little star where Sethantes stood man upright, now agone some sixty thousand years. And Aph crushed in her walls, and pruned her to the quick.
  6. And then they overhauled the earth’s history, these Gods and Goddesses; measured her course to learn just when she would pass; and they found five years and fifty days would be her dawn of dan, her time to cross the arc of Aza. And as yet she roamed two hundred years away.
  7. Fragapatti said: That this sudden light hath given such long warning, so, great work come anon. Let my swift messengers come; I will speak to them.
  8. Then the marshals ushered in the swift messengers, saluting, before Jehovih’s throne.
  9. Fragapatti said: Autevat, my son, the All Light fell upon me, saying: My Son, go to the red star, the earth; her coat is red with mortal blood! Now, by her time, she stand more than two hundred years beyond the boundaries of Horub. For this, I called you* and thy attendants. How long will it take you* to go thither and survey the earth and her heavens, and return here?
  10. Autevat, well trained in such matters, said: Of the earth’s time, forty days. Fragapatti said: What number of attendants wilt you require for so great a distance? And Autevat said: Twenty thousand.
  11. Fragapatti said: Provide you*, then, all you requirest, and go at once. And if you should find the inhabitants of the earth suitable for sacred records, commission you the God or Lords to send loo’is to raise up an heir for Jehovih’s kingdom.
  12. Autevat said: Thy will and Jehovih’s be done. And, duly saluting, he and his attendants withdrew, and, coming to Gat-wawa, ordered an arrow-ship of twenty thousand gauge. In two days it was completed; and, during the time, Autevat had chosen his attendants. And so he departed, swiftly, like a ray of light, Autevat and his attendants, for the red star, the earth. To see what was the matter, that a God so far away as Fragapatti was, could feel and know the flow of human blood!
  13. For such is the all perfection of Jehovih’s Sons and Daughters. Even mortals can sense things a little way off; but Jehovih’s upraised Gods feel the breath of the stars, and know when they are disordered.


  1. Fragapatti and the Council were deeply engaged in the Sortiv of an Orian arc, through which the phalanx of Inihab and her constellation pass every thousand years; an etherean region where the star, Unhowitchata, was dissolved, some twenty days agone, and cut loose thirty thousand million bound spirits, wrapped in corporeality, by the chief, Avaia, and his band of etherean Gods, who had drawn largely on the inhabitants of Ful, a garden of Horub, in Fragapatti’s dominions.
  2. And Avaia had quartered the dismembered hosts near Sortiv, where the light of the arc fell sharply on them; to deplete which concourse, taxed the Gods for more help than was at hand. To remedy which, Fragapatti’s hosts were extending the ji’ay’an fields of Uth and lowering the grade suitable to the spirits of darkness rescued from Unhowitchata, a prolific world, bringing forth imperfect human souls too abundantly for the quality.
  3. And Inihab was near at hand, to pass the arc of Sortiv, with her hundred stars, many of them larger than the earth, to seventy of which the inhabitants of Horub would need go as redeeming Gods and Goddesses for the dawn of dan upon them. To apportion all of which, Fragapatti and his million Council had work on hand, so that not seriously the condition of the earth and her heavens weighed upon them.
  4. But in forty days’ time, or in such period as would be forty days on the earth, Autevat and his attendants, twenty thousand, with the arrow-ship of fire, returned from the earth and her heavens, speeding close to Obsod, where the marshals received them, and announced them to the Council. Fragapatti said: Let Autevat and his attendants approach the throne.
  5. And Autevat went in, saluting, and stood before the Chief, Fragapatti. Autevat said: In Jehovih’s name, and by His power and wisdom, am I here to proclaim of the red star and her heaven: First, then:
  6. It is three thousand one hundred years since great Osire sowed the seed of mental culture amongst mortals, and it hath grown to be a giant, and a most merciless tyrant. To learn whereof I speak, even God and his Lords, to honor you*, O Fragapatti, gave me voice and word, and opened the libraries of their heavens, and accompanied me around about the earth, to all nations, tribes and wanderers. To me, the God of earth said:
  7. Greeting to Fragapatti, in the name of the Father! And to thee, His Son! Take you this record to Him, and His Council, in Horub. For I am powerless through my Lords and hosts against such odds.
  8. God said: From the time great Osire ascended to his etherean realm, our heaven yielded ample harvests for one thousand five hundred years. And God and Lords succeeded in regular order for every dan put upon the earth.
  9. But then came a change, for the a’ji’an fields pressed close on every side of heaven, and the souls of angels and mortals turned down to the gross earth. After which time, only such as were already within the second resurrection came and strove for the upper worlds.
  10. These depleted the constant rise, and left our colleges, schools and factories vacant; for the hosts of es’yans, newborn from the earth, were stubborn in their much earthly learning, spurning wise counsel and association.
  11. And there were born from the earth into atmospherea, millions and millions of spirits, who could not believe they were dead, but maintained they were confined in dark dungeons,1 howling and cursing day and night.
  12. For the seed of corporeal knowledge had taken root in the I’huan race. They had learned the motions, names and places of the stars, the moon and sun; and from these, prophesied the affairs of nations and men. And duly marked out, with maps and charts, the destiny of things, according to the dates of corporeal births and movements, attributing the highest central cause to the sun and stars in conjunction.
  13. And thus they cast aside all spirit, even Jehovih, reasoning, that if the sun made winter and summer, and grass to grow and die, so it ruled over animals and men. And so, the temples built to observe the stars, before which men once fell down and worshipped Jehovih, became the places of decrees to horrid deaths of all who taught of or believed in spirit.
  14. And now rose a mighty nation on earth, of the I’huans, and called, Parsi’e, and they ignored the decrees of Gods and Lords to build no city larger than two thousand souls; forsooth, declaring the Lords and Gods to be but inspirations from the quickening power of the sun and stars, made dark and personal by the credibility of past ages.
  15. And so, in representation of the solar phalanx, they built Oas, a sun city, which stand to this day of a million souls, sworn to make it the central governor over all the earth, and all other places tributary and paying for its glory. And over Oas they made a king, and called him, KING OF THE SUN, to be to him and his heirs, successors forever.
  16. And Oas was embellished and adorned above all other places that had been on the earth; the fame of which spread abroad over Jaffeth and Shem and Ham, between which it lie centrally. Its colleges became famous, and its observatories were of such magnificence that their roofs were covered with silver and gold. The mirrors and lenses and dark chambers within the towers were so constructed that the stars could be read as well in the day as at night; and the records of observation covered more than a thousand years, by men of great learning.
  17. But now, alas, Oas aspires not only to be the central sun in knowledge, but in power and dominion, over the whole earth. And so, from her ample treasures, she send forth armies to conquer and destroy, to gather and plunder, to build still greater her magnificence.
  18. So Jaffeth and Shem and Ham run red with human blood, whereat, I raised my voice to high heaven, that Jehovih would send deliverance for the souls of men.
  19. For of the millions slain, whose spirits still lie on the battle-fields in chaos, or madly fighting some unseen horror of hallucination, none can be persuaded to come to holier places in heaven; whilst hosts of them rush madly into Oas, to find even their souls accursed by mortals.
  20. God said: So the heaven of the earth hath fallen to the earth, save the I’hins and the far-off I’huans, whose spirits my Lords gather in and prepare for the after resurrection. But amongst the Parsi’e nation, none more believe the dead should rise, nor that spirit is; but that with the mortal death there is the end, to which the king hath made a decree that never more should man teach or preach of a heaven for spirits of the dead, nor proclaim a Great Spirit, a Creator.
  21. Autevat said: In such manner God disclosed the affairs of earth and heaven, now dead-locked in everlasting destruction; which things, in fuller details, I with my attendants, beheld in every land and kingdom. And as we sat in Vibhraj, in the sacred circle, a light, a single star, appeared before us, even at the throne of God; and from its center the book of heaven fell, as if to send broadcast before mortals the plan and will of Jehovih, near at hand.
  22. At this, God said: Tell me, Autevat, you that travelest across the mighty heavens, and art stored with the knowledge of Gods ruling over other worlds, what is the signal of this light and sacred book? To which I replied: This, O God: The time hath come to earth to prove to mortals the things whereof the Gods and Lords have taught. History should no longer be locked up privately with the chosen race, the I’hins; but it should stand before both saints and sinners.
  23. You should prove the resurrection before these stubborn kings, the slaughterers of men, that they may say, not as the I’hins, we believe the soul immortal, because handed down from the ancients, but because it hath been demonstrated before our eyes.
  24. God said: How should this be? To which I replied: Not I, great God, can tell, for that department is not in my keeping. But this much I know: You should send loo’is into the city of Oas, and they should raise up a su’is�sar’gis of the fourth grade. All else leave thou till Fragapatti come.
  25. God said: To reach the fourth grade, will require five generations, which should spring from the I’hin race commingling with the I’huans. Go, then, O Autevat, to your*** etherean home, before the Council of Obsod, to Jehovih’s throne, and say to great Fragapatti: An heir to the light of resurrection should be born ere the dawn of dan of Horub.
  26. Autevat said: On learning these truths, I took my leave, and rose and came swiftly back to your*** realm.
  27. Fragapatti said: It is well. In the time of the next dawn of dan on the earth, I will take a resting spell in which to fulfill Jehovih’s plan on earth and in her heavens.
  28. So, saluting Autevat, who retired, Fragapatti proceeded with his Council in the affairs of other worlds, making a memorandum of the time and place the earth should near the plains of Horub, in the etherean worlds, some two hundred years yet to come.

1 One of the first surprises a novice in Su’is receives, is to see and hear so many spirits in the spirit world who do not know they are dead; or rather, that they have left their mortal bodies. And they very generally believe they are confined in a dark chamber, from which they cannot escape.


  1. But the dawn came; and in the wing of Goomatchala, home of Fragapatti, Orian Chief in the etherean worlds high standing, came the Voice, Jehovih’s word, saying: My Son! Behold, the dawn of dan near”’ the border of Horub. The wailing earth, the red star, come apace. And God and Lords call out the name of My infant Son, Zarathustra.
  2. Fragapatti rose up, hearing the Voice, and saw the time fulfilled, the two hundred years and more, for the coming world, the time for the revealed word to mortals. To You*, O Jehovih! he said, Boundless! I come with my hosts, ten million strong.
  3. Fragapatti went into the etherean Council of Gods and Goddesses. He said: The time hath come; the red star borders on the plains of Horub. Jehovih call”’!
  4. Then the Council rejoiced, for the weighty matters of hundreds of etherean worlds were settled for a space of time, with promised rest and recreation in corporeal fields. First spake Ad’ar, God of many worlds, a decreer of time in a’ji’an vortices, in the regions of Hispiain sons saying: O Jehovih, give to Thy Son, Fragapatti, five years’ rest, the dawn of earth in dan. Only the earth and her heavens to deal with!
  5. Next spake Fivaka, Goddess of three etherean worlds, the white-haired Wielder of the Scimetar of Bars, period of Os, Carbon fashioner for the arcs of Job and Sawl. She said: O Jehovih, Almighty! What should be the prayer of Thy Daughter, Fivaka? What can her love devise for the rest and glory of our high God, Fragapatti, Orian Chief! Then spake Che’sin, marshal in chief for seven etherean worlds, small man, with flowing beard, brought forth from the star, Indr. He said: O Jehovih, make me contributor of my much love to the rest and glory of our Holy Chief, Fragapatti!
  6. Thus spake ten thousand Gods and Goddesses of their love and high esteem for the worker, Fragapatti, rich in power and wisdom and love, above all etherean Gods in Horub.
  7. Fragapatti said: Ten millions strong my hosts should be. On the earth, and her heavens, during her dawn of dan, five years and fifty days, we should have no other labor, thus making it as a holiday for Gods and Goddesses to redeem the fallen world!
  8. Fragapatti had spoken. So the proper officers and workmen proceeded to their parts; and in seven days the Yattal announced the fire-ship, the beyan float, ready for the journey. Meantime, the selection of the ten million Redeemers had been made, and they came, every one like a brilliant star, to take their rooms in the monarch vessel.
  9. Fragapatti made Huod Commander in Chief, and gave him ten thousand aides. For the curtains and tallij, he made Metrav, Goddess of Rook, Mistress to the Flowing East. And for the spires, he made Iata Mistress of Restless Morn. She was Weaver to Ga’ing, in Reth, four thousand years, and much loved, with black eyes, piercing. Of music, Fragapatti made Theritiviv conductor. She was Goddess of Helm, an etherean world in the roadway of Zi and Olus, four thousand years Mistress of Ne’alt and Exan; one time companion to Etisyai, the Vruiji, loved in Wan and Sangawitch, for her mirth in adversity. Of the trumpeters, Fragapatti made Boan conductor; he was God of Ixalata, now on leave of absence. For Chartist, he made Yan the Chief; he was Surveyor of Oatha, an etherean sea in the Orian arc of Wede and Hollenpoitchava, also on leave of absence during the red star dawn. Of the libraries, he made Hetta Chief Mistress; she was Goddess of Vitia in the Wails of South Eng; thirty thousand years Teacher of Imes, and ten thousand years Counselor of the Orian Chief, Erris, of the arc Wiamesse.
  10. Besides these, Fragapatti distributed the minor offices of the float to such Gods and Goddesses whose most exalted states were the extreme opposite, that the great journey through etherea be the transverse of all serious purpose. And thus they started on their course, amidst the applause of thousands of millions of ethereans, wishing them love and joy on their mirthful cruise in furtherance of Jehovih’s will.
  11. Speeding swiftly across the swamps of Ull, where seven corporeal stars were dismembered a thousand million years ago, now set with a’ji’an fields, and forming nebulae; whereto they bring, at times, the drujas, the dark spirits of other worlds, that they may take on the semblance of corporeal forms to complete their neglected good works in times past; the ship rose freely, and then shot into the pastures of Ze, where Lepsa, God of the corporeal star, Tessa, four hundred years, feed seventy million es’yans, colonizing them to truth and good works. Lepsa knew the float was coming, and so had called a thousand million spectators, to look on, knowing they desired to see great Fragapatti; and they sang and blew their trumpets, rejoicing; to which the Gods and Goddesses of the float cast out myriads of arc’ian flowers, and sweet perfumes, mementoes of love.
  12. To Evul, now, the ship made way; where seven etherean worlds bordered in the arc of Nu, pastures of Elim, God of Ooh’sin, where congregated another host of two thousand millions, to see them pass, cheering with singing, and with trumpets and stringed instruments; and to this God, Elim, Fragapatti caused the banners of the float to salute on the sign, JEHOVIH�S NAME, being friends for ninety thousand years, and Elim answered him with a million posts of light, amidst the waving of innumerable banners.
  13. Onward moved the float, the fire-ship, with its ten million joyous souls, now nearing the borders of Horub, the boundary of Fragapatti’s honored regions, known for hundreds of thousands of years, and for his work on many worlds. Here, reaching C’vork’um, the roadway of the solar phalanx, near the post of dan, where were quartered five hundred million ethereans, on a voyage of exploration of more than four millions of years, rich stored with the glories of Great Jehovih’s universe. Their koa’loo, their ship, was almost like a world, so vast, and stored with all appurtenances. They talked of going home! Their pilots had coursed the firmament since long before the earth was made, and knew more than a million of roadways in the etherean worlds, and where best to travel to witness the grandest contrasting scenes.
  14. By their invitation, Fragapatti halted here a while, and the hosts interchanged their love, and discoursed on their purposes, rejoicing in the glories of Jehovih’s everlasting kingdoms; and though they had lived so long, and seen so much, every one had new and wondrous works to tell of; for so great is the inventive power of the Great Spirit, that never twice alike will one find the scenes in the etherean worlds; radiant, differently; moving into everlasting changes, as if each one were to outdo the former in beauty and magnificence.
  15. And then again they sped onward, now richly stored with the awe-stirring wonders they had just heard from strange travelers. Presently, now, the float neared the borders of Chinvat, the earth’s vortex, just beyond the orbit of the moon. Here Fragapatti halted for a day, sending swift messengers down to the lower heavens, and to the earth, to resolve where he should anchor during dawn.
  16. And, the next day, he ordered the lights lowered, and now slowly moved toward the rolling earth; down, down, till he reached the third grade of plateaux from the earth’s surface, called Haraiti.


  1. Jehovih said: Here, O My Son, Fragapatti! Here, in Haraiti, have I laid the foundation of your*** kingdom. Make fast here the fire-ship, five years and fifty days.
  2. Call forth your* hosts; build you a throne of My throne; the voice of your* Creator is with thee. Fragapatti said: Throne of Thy throne, O Jehovih, here will I build. Haraiti should be my headquarters for the dawn of dan. Come forth, O you* Gods of dawn! Come forth, O ye Goddesses of dawn! Hear the voice of the Son of Jehovih. Bow down, O you* heavens!
  3. The ship was anchored, and the ten millions came forth and assembled in a living altar. Fragapatti raised his hand, saying: Throne of Thy throne, O Jehovih! And the hosts raised their hands, and the elements took shape and majesty, raising into a throne brilliant as fire. Then Fragapatti ascended and sat on the throne, saying: Glory be to You*, O Father, the Highest!
  4. A light came down from the etherean firmament, and covered the throne over with a canopy, wide enough for five million men to sit under; and at the borders of the canopy, the ethereans, whose work it fell to, sat up columns of crystals, opaque and transparent, illuminated in all possible colors and shades and tints.
  5. Fragapatti said: From Thy Council Chamber, O Jehovih, will I build to You* forever! And now the hosts, Gods and Goddesses, held up their arms, lifting and casting in; and, lo and behold, there rose and stood the habitable Mouru, council chamber and capital of Haraiti.
  6. Then to prayers all hands turned, glorifying the Father; then in singing with praise.
  7. After which, Fragapatti said: In Thy name, and by Thy Power and Wisdom, O Jehovih, will I now establish heaven anew over the earth. My marshals should now proceed down to the earth and command the presence of God and his Lords, and all such others as can endure this light. They should hear my voice, and learn my decrees.
  8. Ten thousand marshals, saluting, departed for the earth and regions below.
  9. Fragapatti said: Meanwhile, I will appoint my High Council of the first house of Mouru, Gods and Goddesses of dawn. Hear me, then, in the name of Jehovih, the All Light:
  10. Caoka, God of Airram; Ata-kasha, God of Beraitis; Airyama, God of Kruse; Pathema, Goddess of Rhon; Maidhyarrya, Mistress of Karyem; Gatha-Ahunavaiti, Goddess of Halonij; Rama-quactra, God of Veres; Vahista, God of Volu; Airam-ishya, God of Icisi, the Myazdas; Haptanhaiti, God of Samatras; Yima, God of Aom; Sudhga, God of Laka; I’ragha, God of Buhk-dhi; Elicic, Goddess of N’Syrus; Harrwaiti, Goddess of Haut-mat, in a’ji; Dews, Goddess of Vaerethagna; Wettemaiti, Goddess of Dyhama; Quactra, Goddess of AEgima; Ustavaiti, Goddess of Maha-Meru; Cura, Goddess of Coronea; Yenne, Goddess of Aka; Caoshyanto, God of Aberet; Rathweiska, God of Huri; Cpentas, God of Butts; Vairyo, God of Nuga-gala; D’Zoata and her brother, Zaota, God and Goddess of Atarevasksha; Ratheweiskare, God of Nece; Yatha, God of Ameshas, and Canha, God of Srawak.
  11. Fragapatti said: O Jehovih, behold the glory of my house! I have chosen only such as have ruled over whole worlds. Was ever a God so favored, with such a Council! Was ever so great a light sent to so small a world as the red star?
  12. Jehovih said: As I have created man to need relaxation at times, so have I carried the same conditions to be desired by My highest of Gods. Neither have I exalted any God so high but the most menial office is his glory. Neither should the autocrat learn sympathy till he live with a beggar; nor the highest best man learn love and tenderness without taking a season in the depths of misery.
  13. Fragapatti said: Should the strong man forget he was once a child; can an Orian Chief forget he was once a slave; can he that is in the light forget them that are in the dark?
  14. Mighty are You, O Jehovih! I came to the earth and her heavens to rest myself in Thy service; but You wert here before me; Thy voice rise up to rebuke me; yea, I am still but a child to You*!


  1. When Fragapatti had selected both departments of his Council, which comprised one hundred thousand souls, he said:
  2. When a God espouse a new kingdom, it is customary for him to create his own capital, and affix the boundaries of his lights and hall of audience; but when he hath Gods and Goddesses for his assistants, it is meet and proper for them to help in the buildings. In this case, I give into your hands to provide this realm.
  3. Hardly had his words gone forth when the Gods and Goddesses stretched forth their hands unto Jehovih, and, lo and behold, the elements of the plateau took shape, and there stood the canopy of a new kingdom; then again they stretched forth their hands to Jehovih, and there came the walls of the house of heaven; and yet again they stretched forth their hands to Jehovih, and there came the floor and foundation.
  4. And the house was called the House of Mouru, the place of the throne of Fragapatti, in the lower heavens. On the plains beyond the house, Fragapatti created a thousand fields and pastures; and in each and every one he created ten thousand mansions, and every mansion was capable of one thousand souls. With roadways from one to another Fragapatti created them, his hosts being the workmen, in the wisdom and power of Jehovih.
  5. Whilst this work was going on, the marshals who went down to the earth returned, bringing God and his Lords with them, and also bringing with them twelve hundred thousand spirits of the second resurrection. Fragapatti commanded them to bring God and his Lords into the House of Mouru, and they were so brought.
  6. Fragapatti said: In the name of Jehovih, I salute you, O God, and your** Lords, and thy hosts.
  7. God said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, am I, and my Lords, and my hosts, blessed with great joy. That you, O Fragapatti, hast come to redeem the earth-born and the spirits of these heavens, is a joyful period in the time of worlds.
  8. The Lords said: For ourselves and our hosts, O Jehovih, do we thank Thy Son, Fragapatti.
  9. Fragapatti said: That you, O God, mightst know my decrees, I commanded you* and thy Lords, and your*** exalted hosts, here. Hear me, then, and to whom I send you*, do thou my commandments, in the name of Jehovih: The time hath come when mortals on the earth should begin their lessons in spiritual things proven, being themselves made part in the building of Jehovih’s kingdoms.
  10. Through you, the present reigning God of the earth and her heavens, must be carried out the death and resurrection of your** chosen heir, Zarathustra; to prove, first, that man on the corporeal earth can live All Pure and without sin; second, that corporeal death belong”’ to the earth-body of man, and not to the spirit; and, third, that after death, the same person can rise in spirit and appear to mortals, to be seen and known; after which, he should show his final ascent toward the upper heavens, in the arms of his God.
  11. Whilst this come upon you* in person to carry out, you should also, through thy ministering angels, prove to mortals the advantage of virtue and truth over sin and darkness. For you should cause also to be stricken in death two evil men who are all impure; and they should suffer death at the same time with your*** heir, Zarathustra; but these should not appear before mortals after death. For mortals should hereafter be a testimony to one another of the reward of virtue, and the power of being one with the Gods, Sons of Jehovih.
  12. But since all attestation by spirits can be set at defiance by the craft of philosophers, you should not wait till after the death of your*** heir, to teach the truths of the Father’s kingdoms; but beforehand. Causing Zarathustra, whilst yet mortal, to write down rules of mortal life, and doctrines, and faith, and repentance, and praise of the Great Spirit; and of prophecy, and all manner of righteous gifts, and the power of miracles, and the triumph of the spirit of man over corporeal elements.
  13. And when you hast completed these things, you should bring the spirit of Zarathustra to this House; but the druks who suffer death with him, you should deliver in the usual way to the places prepared for their resurrection.
  14. Tell me, then, how stand your*** heir; and ask you of me whatsoever you wilt, to assist you, to carry out these, my decrees, and it should be granted unto you.
  15. God said: Zarathustra hath attained his twentieth year, and comprehend the destiny put upon him. He is pure and wise, with faith and gentleness; but he is larger and more powerful than any other man in the world. He is instructed, both in the spiritual and corporeal senses, having a knowledge of the books of the ancients, and of writing and making tablets.
  16. Fragapatti said: Five years should you have in which to complete your* labor. Depart, therefore, to your* place, taking with you* such of your* Lords and hosts as you mayst require. I will appoint a thousand messengers to travel between your* place and this, that every day you should ask for this or that, it should be granted unto thee. To which God replied:
  17. I will go now and cause Zarathustra to write a book of wisdom, and give him prophecy over the kings and nations and tribes of men. What I do should be proven to you* in Mouru. Thus saying, God withdrew a little, and selected his Lords and such other assistants as he desired; and, after this, Fragapatti granted a day of recreation, in which time the ethereans were made well acquainted with the conditions of mortals and of the thousands of millions of spirits still lingering in the first resurrection, and in darkness and chaos.
  18. On the next day God and his hosts departed for the earth, well attended by thousands of volunteers from the etherean sojourners of Haraiti.


  1. Fragapatti said: The voice of Jehovih come to me, saying: My Son, appoint you an assistant chief to sit on your*** throne, and go you around about atmospherea, taking surveyors and inspectors with you*; for you should see with thine own eyes the condition of thousands of millions of spirits in hada.
  2. Fragapatti said: In Jehovih’s name, I announce Athrava my assistant, God of Mouru. There was great rejoicing in the Council at this. Then came Athrava forward, and ascended Jehovih’s throne and sat on the right hand of Fragapatti. Etherean lights fell upon the place from every side, and Fragapatti gathered from the elements and made a crown for Athrava, and crowned him.
  3. Officers and workmen were sent to build a conveyance for Fragapatti, and for such attendants as he might take with him. So, the next day, Fragapatti chose his companions, thirty thousand, making Verethragna speaker, and he and they departed for their inspection of hada and the earth.
  4. His ship was built without lights or curtains, so they might travel unobserved. First he inspected the plateau of Haraiti, which, prior to this, had never been inhabited; and he found its distance from the earth was equal to ten diameters of the earth; and its east and west and north and south diameters corresponded in size to what the earth would be were it that volume; that is to say, the superfice of the plateau was five hundred and twenty-eight thousand miles in every direction. And in the ratio of the number of mortals on the earth, this plateau would inhabit five hundred and twenty-eight thousand million souls. And yet this was not the thousandth part of the number it could sustain, in fact, within and without.
  5. Fragapatti said: Such is Haraiti, O Jehovih. And yet there have been, till now, no spirits to come and inhabit it! Who can survey Thy works, O Father! Who should fear for the limit of Thy handiwork!
  6. Verethragna said: And yet we should find in the lowest hadas spirits huddled together like bees in a hive. And yet wherefore, O Chief, for is it not so with mortals also? They cluster together in cities and tribes, warring for inches of ground, whilst vast divisions of the earth lie waste and vacant!
  7. Fragapatti said: Is this not the sum of the darkness of mortals and of spirits in the lowest realms—. They know not how to live? A spider or an ant is more one with the Creator than these!
  8. Next they visited Zeredho, six diameters of the earth distant. Here they found a colony of two thousand million spirits, that had been founded by Osire three thousand three hundred years before. But not the same people, but such as came up from the earth afterward. They had a God named Hoab, an atmospherean from the earth, two thousand one hundred years. And he was upright and wise, and of good works most excellent; but knowing nothing of etherea, had no ambition to rise thither. And his content had visited itself on the colony, and they were contented also.
  9. Fragapatti said: To remain here forever, is this the extent of your*** desires, O Hoab? And Hoab answered him, saying: Yea, Master. What more is life than to reach the highest place and remain there? To which Fragapatti said: Is this the all highest? And Hoab said: Yea, Master. Any place and condition is the all highest, if man make it so. None can attain higher than I; no people higher than my people. We are freed from the earth and hada; and we desire not to return thither, nor to go to any other place.
  10. Fragapatti said: Let us walk a little, that I may see your* kingdom. Hoab consented, and they walked along, seeing the inhabitants lying at ease, some amusing themselves weaving threads of light, then unraveling them and weaving them over again; others playing with crystals and lenses and opaque and transparent elements, but not doing anything for another; nor, in fact, needed they, for all were capable of doing for themselves. Now, after they had traveled a while, Fragapatti said: Hast thou not, O Hoab, a desire to return to the plateaux below you*, where the inhabitants are in misery and darkness, and bring them into your own realm? To which Hoab said:
  11. Nay, Master. Let them shift for themselves. Even if we helped them up they would be thankless. Nay, my doctrine is: Man is the all highest of all things. The elements are dumb; the worlds are many and wide. Let man choose a corner for himself, and there settle forever. Fragapatti asked: Because a man chooseth a corner, is it necessarily his own? Hoab said: Our place was bequeathed us by our forefathers; of course it is ours, and to remain so forever. Neither suffer we any other spirits to settle in our dominions. Being far away from the rest of the world, we are not much molested.
  12. Fragapatti said: How came you**** here? Hoab said: Long ago there came a God here, named Osire, bringing six thousand million drujas up from the earth. With them he founded a colony here; with factories, colleges, hospitals, and all things necessary to enlighten the people, giving them ample teachers. In course of time, many of the inhabitants migrated away from this place, and it was almost depleted of its people. But the Gods below this sent new supplies of inhabitants, of which we are the second and third installments; so we inherited the place with all its factories and educationals, and other places.
  13. Fragapatti said: As you**** were raised up by the Gods of other places, would it not give ye joy to raise up others, who are still in darkness? Hoab said: Nay, Master. We are pure and refined; the atmosphere of drujas is unpleasant to us. They would vitiate our own happiness, besides entailing toil and responsibilities upon us. We cannot mix with any people but the refined and holy. We take care of ourselves; let others do the same, and all will be well.
  14. Fragapatti said: Who thinkest you I am, and my people with me? Hoab said: Visitors from some far-off realm, who are either discordant with yourselves, or bent to meddle in the affairs of other peoples. We have had visitors before, and we never grieved when they left us. To which Fragapatti replied:
  15. You are strong in your* philosophy. Had no nation or people such ambition as this, there would be no content in the world. To be satisfied with one’s own self and behavior is to be a God in fact. Hadst you nothing to fear from immigration coming to your* shore, or to fear from some new philosophy undermining your* long-established convictions, you mightst indeed be the happiest of Gods, and your* people the happiest of people.
  16. Hoab said: True! You perceivest wisely. O that there was nothing to fear; nothing to dread, forever!
  17. Then Fragapatti said: And I declare unto you, Hoab, that that condition can be attained. For I have seen kingdoms in heaven so fortified. And wert you and your** people prepared to receive the sacred secrets pertaining thereto, I would most willingly unfold them before you*. Hoab said: You are a wise God; tarry you and teach us.
  18. Fragapatti said: I am now on a journey, and cannot remain longer; but, on one condition, I will return here and disclose these matters, so that never more should thou fear for immigration into your* country, nor for any philosophy which any man or God may teach: Exact a promise of secrecy from all your* people. Hoab said: It should be done.
  19. And Fragapatti and his hosts withdrew, and departed out of that plateau, promising to return when notification had been served on his people. But Fragapatti inspected the whole superfice, and found it capable of educating and providing for ten hundred thousand million spirits; whereas, there were but two thousand millions in Hoab’s kingdom; and they inhabited only a small corner of the plateau; nevertheless, Hoab laid claim to the whole.
  20. After this, Fragapatti descended to the next plateau, the first grade plateau above the earth, called Aoasu, signifying, land and sky world, for the first spirit life after mortal death. Aoasu hath its foundation on the earth, and it undulate with mountains and valleys, like the earth, having seas over the corporeal seas. And the outer superfice of Aoasu is from twenty to a hundred miles above the earth’s surface; and it is habitable within and without, after the manner of all spirit worlds. But the first resurrections were within it and on the earth surface; and the second resurrections, mostly, on its superfice; though all atmospherean plateaux are also made for the second and third resurrections. On the roadway between Aoasu and Zeredho, next ascending, it was that Osire established Vibhraj, which was now so depleted of its people that Fragapatti halted not to examine it, but proceeded to Aoasu direct.
  21. Here lie the mountains of Morn and Eve, and mountains of the Moon and Sun and Stars; chief of which groups are:
  22. Ushidaho, Ushidarena, Erezifya, Fraorepa, Ezora, Arezura, Tudae, Bumya, Doitya, Raoidhita, Mazassavao, Autare, a place of light, inhabited by Hura, Lord of Vouta; Ereasho, Vata-gaiko, a place of Uz, signifying torments, because of its darkness.
  23. This group of mountains is ninety miles higher than the earth mountains of Jaffeth. South of these are Adarana, Aayana, Isakata, Somya, Kanaka-tafedrhao, Vahra, and the double mountain, Hamanakanna; eight ranges of the round mountains, Fravanku; the four peaks, the Vidwaana.2
  24. These extend over the earth mountains of Shem, and have an altitude above the earth of one hundred miles. These are the oldest inhabited spirit worlds, since the submersion of Pan, whose spirit worlds were carried up to a higher heaven, which hath since been called Haraiti.
  25. Extending east and west lie the group called the Red Men’s group: Aezaka, Maenaka, Vakhedrakae, Akaia, Tudhakkae, Ishvakhaya, Draoshisvao, Cairivao, Nanhusmao, Kahayuyu, Autarekanhae, Karayaia, which were the first places in heaven for colonizing the spirits of the I’huan race.
  26. The next group lie to the west and south, which are: Gichindava, I’huana-Varya, Raegamna, Akaya, Asha-cteambana, Urinyovadidhkae, Asnahovao, Ushaoma, Utsagaerenao, Cyamakhama, Cyamaka, Vafrayaotso, Vafrayao, Vourrusha, and Uasoakhao.
  27. To the south of this group are the Towering Eagles, which are: Ijatarra, Adhutuvavata, Ceptimavarenao, Cpentodata, Asnavoaya, Kairogakhaivacao, Tauraiosa, Baroyo, Barocrayama, Fraayapoa, Udrya, Usayaokhava, Raevao. All of which groups were named by the Gods and Lords of the intermediate worlds during the time of the Yi-ha language amongst mortals, being named after the amalgamation of the tribes of I’hins, every syllable, in former ages, being one tribe, whereof the Gods have made this testimony to endure from before the time of Fragapatti and Zarathustra, wherein it may be proven to mortals and spirits that this division of the spirit world was revealed to man at the time language was carried to its highest compounding.3
  28. Besides these mountains in the lowest heavens, there were four thousand others, the names of which were duly registered in the libraries of heaven, by Thor and his sub-Gods; but more than two thousand of them were uninhabited, owing to the fact, that Jehovih had not as yet created a sufficient number of people for them. But the mountains here mentioned above were those, chiefly, where, at the time after Apollo, the false Gods and false Lords sat up kingdoms of their own; and the names of the mountains are also the names they espoused unto themselves.
  29. Fragapatti said: Alas, these heavens! Who can measure the vanity of men and angels, that cut loose from the Great Spirit, endeavoring to set up kingdoms on their own account! Their places perish; sorrowful histories! Behold these vagrant spirits, strolling about, or hiding amidst the ruins! Ashamed of their rags, and nakedness! Prowling around; millions of them; hundreds of millions!
  30. Verethragna said: I thank You, O Jehovih, that I am once again amongst the lowest! Keep me, O Father, amidst this darkness, till I should never again forget the lowest of my brothers and sisters. I behold Thy Wisdom, O Jehovih! But for these cycles of time, in the dawns of which Thy ethereans can come down to witness the bounden in hell, they would themselves forget the horrors. O that You wilt not suffer me to rest till I have helped to raise them up to know You, and to be a glory within Thy works!

2 Many of the names of these spiritual mountains are still retained in the Vedic Scriptures.
3 All these divisions in the spirit heavens are still found in the Vedic Scriptures. Some corporeal mountains have been named after them.

Plate 10. ETHEREA.

E, E, E, Etherea. All that lie between the dotted line and the earth is atmospherea. H, Haraiti, highest lower heaven, founded by Fragapatti. F, Zeredho, second highest lower heaven founded by Fragapatti. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, third lowest heavens founded by Fragapatti. These seven were called the Seven Heavenly Mountains, and known by the name Aoasu. (See Vedas.) not available

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