
J. J. Hurtak

Atlantis’ crystalline technology

The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.

The reactivation of previous Atlantean fields of crystalline energy is seen as a possibility for future developments (Pages 412-413).

Greek Mythology

Uranus – The primordial Age

In the beginning, the cosmos was a swirling chaos of raw energy and untamed elements.


The blood of the bull was believed to carry vital energy and divine power, transferring these qualities to the initiate.


Atlantean legacy – the Arc of Covenant

The white powdered gold, a monatomic isotope of gold, which soaks up energy much faster than normal matter, was placed in the ark of the covenant which would then be charged with energy in the center of the pyramid.

They also know that the pyramid once had the ancient fire crystals or resonators which we're supposedly turned up too high and extracted too much energy from The ether, eventually causing the desertification of Egypt and the sinking of Atlantis possibly even the freezing of Antarctica.

Research into ancient technologies shows evidence of sophisticated engineering, astronomy, and possibly energy manipulation.


Linga in Türkiye – 4,700 years ago

Temple Practices: Traditional eastern temples were places to sit and absorb spiritual energy, not to pray or perform rituals.

Icon of Energy and Potential: It embodies the cosmic pillar of energy and consciousness from which the universe originates and into which it will dissolve.

Unity of Existence: It symbolizes the union of the dual principles of the material and the spiritual, the manifest and the unmanifest, often interpreted as the union of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy).

Consecrated Spaces: Temples housing lingas were often consecrated spaces designed for meditation and spiritual absorption rather than ritualistic worship, serving as energy centers that benefited those who visited them.

Spiritual Energy: According to spiritual traditions, a properly consecrated Linga radiates powerful spiritual energy, enhancing the well-being and spiritual progress of individuals who come into its presence.

Subtle Craftsmanship: The creation and consecration of Lingas require precise and subtle craftsmanship, ensuring that different points on the Linga interact differently with the energy fields, as demonstrated by Sadhguru with the Rudraksh beads.

Pamela Aaralyn

Hathorian Technologies

Crystals as Energy Conduits: Hathorians invigorated crystals to be used as conduits for various energies.

Crystalline Structures: They created structures and technologies involving quartz and other crystals to aid in healing, communication, and maintaining energy balance.


Leanna, the Atlantean Ambassador

Crystals as Energy Conduits: Hathorians invigorated crystals to be used as conduits for various energies.

Crystalline Structures: They created structures and technologies involving quartz and other crystals to aid in healing, communication, and maintaining energy balance.

6th Dimension

The Weaver or Spiders

Represents the vibrational energy and patterns of creation.

1st Dimension: Physical structure and foundational energy (minerals, basic elements).

2nd Dimension: Biological energy and growth (plant kingdom, simple life forms).

4th Dimension: Emotional energy, time, and the astral plane.

5th Dimension: Mental energy, higher consciousness, and thought forms.

7th Dimension: Vibrational energy, cosmic sound, and light.


Principal deities of Hinduism

Attributes: Surya is worshipped as the source of life, energy, and illumination.

Samael Aun Weor

Our Hidden Connections to Atlantis, Lemuria & Beyond

We study the gnostic teachings on what are commonly called the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, and Atlantean Root Races -- but interwoven with teachings about the astral body, how matter and energy manifest into the cosmos, and much more.

Matter and energy condensed from subtle forms in earlier rounds to the physical in the Terrestrial Round.

Paa Taraq

The Master’s Secret Birth of Earth

So, it would be a with energy surrounding it.

By the time you reach a center with 24, which is proton, which means first an elementary particle in the nucleus of an atom carrying a unit of positive charge of electricity and nuclear is nuclear energy and nuclei.

As they move in a circular motion of energy.

Number three: material dark energy.


Ancient Egypt: 144,000 Souls

Their presence and energy are essential for bringing in this convergence point.


The Laman form, the original human prototype

Energetic Imprint: The concept of energetic imprints is emphasized, suggesting that every being has a unique energy signature, more significant than physical identifiers like names or social security numbers.


Inner Earth

These portals are guarded and can only be accessed by those with the right frequency and love energy.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

This method enhances mitochondrial function and overall cellular energy, aiding in the body's natural healing processes.

Within 3 days, there was an 80% increase in her brain energy production.

Effective in treating viral infections and enhancing mitochondrial function, thereby boosting overall cellular energy.

The Lemurians were said to have a deep understanding of consciousness, energy, and the multidimensional aspects of reality.

These temples used a combination of energy work, geomagnetic forces, and advanced spiritual practices.


Legend of Nandi’s Birth

Nandi's Construction and Energy:

Unique Nandi statues are often filled with sacred materials like sesame seeds, turmeric, sacred ash, and oils to radiate a specific energy.


Stage of Lemuria and Atlantis

Both Lemuria and Atlantis placed a high emphasis on spiritual practices, including the use of sound and light languages, sacred breath, and advanced energy work.


Atlantean – Lemurian War

Natural State: Their society once experienced a time dominated by divine feminine energy, devoid of divine masculine influence.


Extraterrestrials See Humans as ‘Containers of Souls’”

Howe and David Icke, who believe extraterrestrials consume human souls or energy.

Monroe asserted that these beings have been manipulating humanity for millennia, feeding on negative human emotions and spiritual energy, referred to as "loosh."

She reported that these beings sought her energy and soul essence, often leaving physical marks on her body.

Monroe’s research indicated that these beings have been manipulating humanity for millennia, feeding on negative human emotions and spiritual energy, referred to as "loosh."

She claimed these beings sought her energy and soul essence.

Joy Kingsborough

People of Atlantis were not human

These ancient sites were not just tombs but had deeper purposes related to energy manipulation and communication.

Sites had purposes related to energy and communication.

Graham Hancock

Pyramid of Giza

It was designed to leverage and amplify specific frequencies and was likely used as a form of communication or energy device.

The text concludes by emphasizing the importance of direct experience through Gnostic practices, such as meditation, energy transmutation, and using mantras to awaken spiritual centers (chakras).

The pyramid was possibly used to cultivate and amplify the Earth's frequencies, serving as a form of ancient technology for harnessing and manipulating energy.

Joy Kingsborough

Explanation of the 5D

This transition involves adjusting to the increased energy and consciousness, which can sometimes impact health as the body adapts.

Joy Kingsborough

Historical Context and Lessons from Atlantis

Atlantis, along with Lemuria and Egypt, represents ancient advanced civilizations with significant knowledge of frequency, energy, and consciousness.

Atlantis was primarily driven by masculine energy (focused on technology and outcomes), whereas Lemuria was driven by feminine energy (nurturing and emotional balance).

Pamela Aaralyn

2033 Predictions

By 2033, there will be cures for various cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and leukemia, along with advancements in biodegradable plastics and plasma energy sources.

Free Energy Adoption:

Free energy will be adopted worldwide, starting in Europe and spreading to other regions, including the US by 2030.


Crystalline Attunement - The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.

They created structures and technologies involving quartz and other crystals to aid in healing, communication, and maintaining energy balance.


Egyptian Gods

Governs the month of January, focusing on transformation and energy nurturing.