
Graham Hancock

Elohim, The powerful ones

It's an evolution of steps, from energy to vibration, to patterns, to dimensions, to matter.

Huna Flash

Mu & Atlantis history

Both cultures heavily utilized the sacred breath (or spiritual energy) and light language (a form of pure, high-vibration communication) for various rituals and daily life activities.

Rudolf Steiner

Steiner’s Atlantis and Mu

Etheric Energy: Steiner described a form of energy called "etheric" or "life force" energy that Atlanteans could manipulate.

This energy was fundamental to their technology, allowing them to influence the growth of plants, the movement of objects, and even the weather.

He suggested that Atlanteans used crystals to harness and focus etheric energies for various purposes, including healing, energy transmission, and possibly even for power generation.



It's portrayed as having a deep understanding of natural laws, energy, and consciousness.

Edgar Cayce

Famous channelers

Atlantis: Cayce's readings often referenced the lost civilization of Atlantis, describing it as an advanced society with sophisticated technology, including energy crystals and flying machines.

These include disciplines like focus, meditation, and energy work, aimed at expanding consciousness and achieving spiritual awakening.

Interview with Reptilian Woman

(Even your species is intelligent enough not to believe this) Do you know how much mass the sun needs to produce light and energy over long periods of time through fusion?

Including copper for use in their technology, water (or perhaps it would be better to say hydrogen in water, which is an important energy source in advanced nuclear fusion processes) and several chemical elements in the atmosphere.

Being in a plasma state is a special state of matter that straddles the realm of reality and sphere of influence, in which it is completely devoid of weight and is a pure accretion of various forms of energy, in which matter is "pushed out and dug out"

It is simply the result of shaking and concentrated energy.

Everything you see, every living thing, every planet and star in this universe has an "information-energy correspondence" value within the sphere of influence where the main field is located - on a general level {of all things}.

This is essentially endless; It is woven into countless information-energy layers and a wide range of levels.

There are no worthless levels within its sphere of influence; Everything is the same, but semantically separated according to their energy states.

From a human religious perspective, your soul, perception or consciousness, in this case, is a simple energy matrix divided into different layers within your sphere of influence.

The reason this special high-energy system works is that the atmosphere does not appear clear; It can survey and influence the environment around it.

It is based on fusion and supplies energy to the entire colony and its “suns”.

Celestial being or Angles

They are often connected to the realm of fire and light, symbolizing divine radiance and energy.

Channeling: The Lemurians

Ropes of energy

Epic of Gilgamesh: Tablet I

      Do not be restrained--take his energy!

She was not restrained, but took his energy.

Genesis and Atlantis

All the energy of the network destroyed the main island – the pulses come back in one time.

Khem – Zep Tepi

Djed - energy fields

16,000 - 10,500 BC

Characteristics of Atlantis

Incal – The sun god, who represents the source of all life, energy, and divine order in Poseidii spirituality. Incal is the central figure in the religious practices of Atlantis, symbolizing the divine force that governs the universe.

Use the energy of the Protecta

All the energy of the network destroyed the main island - the pulses went back in one time

The North Pole and the South Pole moved faster - Pyramids and temples left in places without energy

The Galactic Confederations

Additionally, beings from Arcturus may project energy forms perceived as crafts.

Kʼiche people

Popol Vuh – Creation story

These deities, helped Heart of Sky, also known as Hurakán, create the Earth.Their spirit essence and their miraculous power gave the Earth its creative energy.

Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda

The term khrafstar or khrafβtr appears 3 times in the poetic gathas and in all 3 instances has been translated as “khiradö staredö” or “a conscious energy/force with a scattered or misplaced power of manifestation.” In the third rhymed verse line, second stanza of Yasna 34.9, the designation khrafstar comes right after monstrous and bestial powers.

Aessir Anunnaki

Harvest energy (fear and frustration) -> Greys

Modern-day technology has now confirmed the existence of high-energy particles in these caves…particles that come from a binary star known as Cygnus X3.

This new chapter would not only affect Earth but also project its energy out into the cosmos, establishing Earth as a beacon of stability and enlightenment.



Energy vibrations

Dolores Cannon

The Arcturians

In this belief system, Arcturians are seen as Earth's guardians, actively involved in healing the planet and raising its vibrational energy.