
Understanding the Ancient African Calendar

Deity: Thoth, the God of Wisdom, symbolizes intelligence and the nurturing energy needed for growth.

Deity: Nephthys symbolizes maturity and the peak of summer, where the sun is closest to Earth, providing the maximum energy needed for crops to mature.

The energies of this season are conducive to slowing down, conserving energy, and reflecting on one's life and actions.

Activities: Begin hibernation, focus on introspection and rest.Practices: Deep meditation, journaling, spiritual reflection, conserve energy.Focal Points: Rest, introspection, processing past experiences.

Deity: Sekhmet's energy aids in healing and self-reflection, strengthening the community during the coldest period.

Practices: Meditation on healing, energy work, maintain health routines.

The agricultural cycle starts in September, planting seeds nurtured by the energy of Thoth in October, which encourages root development."

For example, Aries energy, experienced in September here, is opposite to its northern counterpart."


The African Calendar

They didn't have the modern understanding of God as a man; rather, God was a creation system containing both masculine and feminine energy.

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

7:51He says these walls were some kind of energy-generating device.8:03Look at this man.

Our Predeluvian History

Matter and energy condensed from subtle forms in earlier rounds to the physical in the Terrestrial Round.



Those who work with or invoke Poseidon's energy can seek his protection and strength, especially in matters related to the sea or emotional depths.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Atlantean Peruvian Civilization

Naturally the idea will at once occur that a tax which is equivalent to half a man's income, or which takes up half the time and energy that he expends (which in this case is the same thing) is an enormously heavy and most iniquitous one.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Energy Manipulation: The Atlanteans possessed knowledge of forces that could repel gravity, facilitating the construction of large structures.

James Croll

Climate and Time

These factors alter the distribution of solar energy, impacting climatic conditions over tens of thousands of years.

The Ahnenerbe

First Root Race: The Astral Race - Etheric beings that were more energy than physical form.


The History of Our Solar System

Souls from Orion found a new home on Earth to transform dark energy.

This transformation requires embracing and radiating love, light, and positive energy.


In numerology, 0 amplifies the energy of other numbers, acting as a magnifier.

Map of Consiousness

The Map of Consciousness is a logarithmic scale ranging from 1 to 1,000, with each level representing a different state of consciousness or energy field.

Levels around 200 represent a critical threshold, where the shift from negative (destructive) to positive (constructive) energy occurs.

Numbers 1,2,3

Transport of the Ark of the Covenant

Imagine the tabernacle as an ancient, highly sophisticated alien energy device central to the Israelites.

They ensured this potent energy source was respected and protected, with severe consequences for any unauthorized access.

Thus, the tabernacle was not just a religious artifact but a crucial conduit for energy and guidance.

This metaphorical interpretation allows us to see the ancient practice of using specific materials for the Tabernacle’s coverings in a new light: as an early form of managing and containing a "divine energy" or power.

Just as modern EMR shields are designed to protect and enhance the functionality of electronic devices by controlling electromagnetic energy, the coverings of the Tabernacle were meant to concentrate and maintain the sacred "energy" or presence, ensuring it remained potent and uncontaminated by external elements.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

It was central to a global network of sacred sites designed to alter planetary consciousness and energy.

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945)

Atlantis: Cayce's readings often referenced the lost civilization of Atlantis, describing it as an advanced society with sophisticated technology, including energy crystals and flying machines.

Who is god?

Cosmic Consciousness: God is viewed as the ultimate Cosmic Consciousness, an energy construct beyond any language, including the Atlanteans'.

Start with why

The concept of chakras, or energy centers in our bodies, comes from ancient beliefs.

The Earth, much like our bodies, is thought to have energy centers, or ‘chakras,’ that affect both the planet’s and our well-being.

Ancient civilizations, like those in Egypt, built temples along natural energy lines, like those of the Nile River, to align with these powerful earth energies.

Do human genes come from another planet?

Brain Size: Humans have exceptionally large brains relative to body size, which consume a lot of energy.

This has led to complex thought, language, and culture but also makes childbirth more difficult and energy-intensive.

This can be a source of energy but also makes humans predisposed to obesity in environments with abundant food.

The Venus Project

The project focuses on confronting global challenges related to energy, materials, and the overarching issue of overshoot, building on Fresco's foundational work.

Orgone Pyramid

An Orgone Pyramid is a type of pyramid-shaped object that is part of orgonite, a material believed by some to balance and harmonize bio-energy, also known as orgone, chi or prana.

Reich proposed that orgone was a universal life force responsible for health, energy, and weather phenomena.

The belief is that this combination of materials can effectively attract, accumulate, and amplify orgone energy.

Reducing negative energy in the environment.

His work focused on the concept of orgone energy, which he described as a universal life force responsible for various physical and emotional phenomena.

Reich's research and theories, developed in the 1930s and 1940s, were centered on the properties and applications of this energy, rather than on the pyramid shape that is popular among some orgone enthusiasts today.

Reich experimented with devices he called "orgone accumulators," which were boxes designed to concentrate and harness orgone energy for both research and therapeutic purposes.

These accumulators were made of alternating layers of organic and metallic materials, which he believed could collect and store orgone energy from the environment.

The concept of Orgone Pyramids, as they are known today, seems to be a more modern adaptation of Reich's work, combining the ancient symbolism of pyramids with Reich's theories about orgone energy.

The pyramid shape is often thought to focus and amplify energy, and when combined with Reich's principles of organic and inorganic materials to accumulate orgone, it is believed by some to be especially potent for healing and energy work.

During his five years in Oslo, he had coined the term "orgone energy"—from "orgasm" and "organism"—for the notion of life energy.

Orgone accumulators, developed by Wilhelm Reich in the 20th century, are devices designed to collect, store, and distribute orgone energy, which Reich proposed as a universal life force.

Reich, originally part of the psychoanalytic movement in Vienna and later a researcher in bioenergetics, believed that orgone energy was the building block of both organic and inorganic matter, and that it played a critical role in health, weather, and even cosmic phenomena.

The organic layers typically consist of substances like wool or cotton, which are believed to attract and hold orgone energy.

The inorganic layers usually involve metals such as steel wool or aluminum, which supposedly reflect the orgone energy within the accumulator.

The innermost layer is often lined with metal to facilitate the concentration of orgone energy inside the box.

Reich suggested that sitting inside an orgone accumulator could have various therapeutic effects by allowing the body to absorb excess orgone energy.

He theorized that orgone energy could treat a range of conditions, from physical ailments to mental health issues, by restoring the body's orgone balance.

Reich's work with orgone energy and accumulators was highly controversial and met with significant skepticism from the scientific and medical communities.

Despite the controversy and the lack of empirical support for Reich's theories in mainstream science, interest in orgone energy and orgone accumulators persists.

Some individuals and alternative health practitioners continue to build and use orgone accumulators, claiming various health and energy benefits.

During this meeting, Reich introduced the concept of a "specific biologically effective energy," distinct in its properties and behavior from all known forms of electromagnetic energy.

He postulated that this energy, which he identified as "orgone," held the potential for significant applications in medical treatment and could serve as a deterrent against fascist regimes.

Reich posited that if it were possible to induce a rise in temperature in an object without an identifiable source of heat, as suggested by his orgone energy experiments, such a phenomenon would be of profound scientific and practical importance, akin to the discovery of a "bomb."

The meeting represents a significant, though controversial, episode in Reich's career, highlighting his dedication to exploring and advocating for the potential benefits of orgone energy, amidst a landscape marked by scientific skepticism and the looming shadow of global conflict.


Thermoregulation: Bats can control their body temperature and go into a torpor state to conserve energy, especially in cold climates.

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

Composed of high-energy photon plasma, the Elohim comprises twelve dyads (or 24 linked beings on 3 levels).

Whales and dolphins

Some theories suggest that Pleiadians communicate with whales or dolphins, or that these marine animals are somehow linked to Pleiadian energy or consciousness.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Construction of pyramids by levitation

While not scientifically recognized, in this theory, these leylines could be imagined as channels for enhanced geomagnetic energy.

The final piece of the puzzle would be achieving a harmonic convergence where the acoustic energy from the sound perfectly syncs with the magnetic field fluctuations.

Such a feat would likely require a tremendous amount of energy and precise control over the sound frequencies and the magnetic field.

Ancient or hypothetical technologies might be imagined to achieve this, possibly drawing energy from natural sources or using an advanced understanding of sound and magnetic fields.

Sheila Gillette

A new United Nations

As humanity advances in awareness and consciousness, new innovations and technologies are emerging daily to assist the planet and utilize new forms of energy.

The energy of war and suffering, rooted in control by a few over the masses, is being challenged by a collective recognition of individual and collective power.

The appreciation for the sensory experiences available on Earth underscores the importance of the physical human experience in the broader context of universal energy and consciousness.

Matias de Stefano

Vibrational change on this planet

So all the information and all the energy flowed better in that region.

But the way it could be downloaded and understood here on Earth was through the energy of the moon (in-ku).

The main technology that they used to have wasn't the light and energy.

Matias de Stefano

Angelic Hierarchy

The Time Lords, tasked with overseeing physical creation, work alongside the Spiritual Hierarchy to regulate energy transfers across dimensions.

This form includes seven chakras, symbolizing different energy centers.

This form includes thirteen chakras, indicating an expanded energy system.

These energies then integrate into the 3rd-dimensional stellar energy patterns, forming the physical universe, including the solar system and Earth.

They oversee the energy exchanges between dimensions, ensuring the continuous evolution and sustenance of the cosmos.

This unique composition allows them to act as intermediaries in the energy exchange process, bridging the gap between the spiritual and physical realms.

This system of guardianship involves various celestial beings, including angels and archangels, who distribute the love and light energy of creation throughout the universe.

The Time Lords, with their control over physical creation, and the Spiritual Hierarchies, with their command over spiritual energy exchanges, work in unison.

Job 41

The Leviathan spaceship

It features a formidable exterior with rows of armor and impressive, light-emitting elements, possibly energy shields or weapons, that resemble fearsome teeth and eyes emitting bright light.

Next Level Soul Podcast

5th Dimension

We often put responsibilities onto divine figures, but no entity in their correct energy wants a worship-based relationship.

Or living in the middle of an Internet cable – you are just energy flowing constantly.

Matias de Stefano

The arc of the covenant

The Ark was seen as a conductor of divine energy.