Next Level Soul Podcast

5th Dimension

Published: 10 Jan 2024 | Updated: 1 month ago

Space-Time Dimension

Shamanic and Masonic

Themes of light versus darkness and good versus evil reside in the fourth dimension

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Sara Landon

I once said that the fourth dimension is both shamanic and masonic, and many people asked me to elaborate. Today, I will explain what the fourth dimension is and why it’s both shamanic and masonic.

The Nature of the Fourth Dimension

The fourth dimension is the widest of the energetic domains, with the largest bandwidth of frequency. It consists entirely of subset realities, making it the most multi-dimensional of dimensions. It can be divided into the lower and higher fourth dimensions, each with vastly different characteristics. Heaven and hell both reside in the fourth dimension, occupying different levels.

Belief Systems and the Fourth Dimension

Most religious belief systems are located within the fourth dimension. They cannot go higher because they are subjective subset realities that do not reflect the truth of our infinite nature. These belief systems are mental constructs with their own energetic parameters, existing at different levels in the astral plane.

Esoteric Names and Concepts

The fourth dimension is known by many names, such as the realm of the gods and the archetypal realm. The godheads of every religion, ascended masters, and deities reside here. We often put responsibilities onto divine figures, but no entity in their correct energy wants a worship-based relationship.

Masonic Themes and Duality

Themes of light versus darkness and good versus evil reside in the fourth dimension. The duality we experience is central to this dimension, depicted in religious imagery and metaphors.

Higher degrees of knowledge lead to more exalted positions relative to their godhead, making the fourth dimension hierarchical, unlike the spherical nature of the fifth dimension and beyond.

Transition to the Fifth Dimension

In the fifth dimension, the cosmic Christ figure becomes an awakened cosmic consciousness within the sovereign being. The false light resides here, challenging ascending souls.

Hermetic Axiom and Correspondence

The hermetic axiom “as above, so below” refers to the fractal nature of reality. The fourth dimension is the most relevant to our physical experience because it projects the third dimension. Understanding our nature helps us comprehend higher dimensions.

Physics and the Fourth Dimension

Physicists refer to the fourth dimension as the space-time dimension. Space and time form a fabric, or matrix, holding our coding in the third dimension. The chakra system is a fourth-dimensional projection, reconfigured into a heart center during our evolution.

Shamanic Journeys and Healing

Shamans traverse the fourth dimension to heal the soul, whether journeying into the underworld, recalibrating the chakra system, or invoking nature spirits. Their methods engage with the fourth dimension.

Fragmentation of Consciousness

The fourth dimension is where universal consciousness fragments into the concepts of god and the devil. Beyond this dimension, god is known as source or universal consciousness. In lower dimensions, consciousness manifests as separate, dense, and divided expressions. Ultimately, god and the devil are divided personas of universal consciousness.

Matias de Stefano

5th Dimension is about understanding the creation. It’s like being a proton. Or living in the middle of an Internet cable – you are just energy flowing constantly.

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