
The Northern and the Southern Hemisphere

A table showing the corresponding months between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere based on the ancient African calendar:

Southern HemisphereNorthern HemisphereCharacter of the DeitySignificance
SeptemberMarchAsa (The Green God)Renewal, planting season, new beginnings. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the start of spring.
OctoberAprilThoth (The God of Wisdom)Nurturing growth, intellectual development. In the Northern Hemisphere, it supports the growth of new life.
NovemberMayAnubis (The Guardian of the Dead)Protection, guidance, and nurturing. In the Northern Hemisphere, it focuses on growth and development.
DecemberJuneNephthys (The Goddess of Mourning)Maturity, first fruits celebration, peak of summer. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the peak of summer.
JanuaryJulyKepra (The God of Transformation)Growth and transformation, nurturing energy. In the Northern Hemisphere, it continues to support summer growth.
FebruaryAugustMa’at (The Goddess of Truth and Balance)Successful and balanced harvest. In the Northern Hemisphere, it signifies the main harvest period.
MarchSeptemberOsiris (The God of the Underworld)Preservation and preparation for winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the beginning of autumn.
AprilOctoberHorus (The God of the Sky)Vigilance, readiness for winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, it ensures protection and preparation for winter.
MayNovemberSekhmet (The Goddess of Healing)Purification and healing, preparation for hibernation. In the Northern Hemisphere, it focuses on reflection and preservation.
JuneDecemberSet (The God of Chaos)Introspection and hibernation, longest night. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks introspection and the longest night.
JulyJanuarySekhmet (The Goddess of Healing)Continued introspection, healing, and self-care. In the Northern Hemisphere, it continues the focus on introspection and healing.
AugustFebruaryHapi (The God of the Nile)Emergence of new life, preparation for new cycle. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks readiness for the new planting season.
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