
This allows them to traverse space instantly, without the need for physical movement or vehicles.

This allowed them to create shifts in time-space, effectively enabling them to control or alter reality at a fundamental level. 


Yima and the Vara

Yima's vara was described as a paradise-like space, with its own light source, abundant resources, and a controlled climate that would remain unaffected by the severe weather outside.

The seven Schemes are shown in Diagram I, around the central sun and at any one period of time only one of the rings in each Scheme will be active ; each ring of each of these seven Schemes is composed of seven globes; these are not figured separately but form what we here have drawn as a ring, in order to save space.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

In the space (quite correctly calculated) between Mars and Jupiter there appeared no temple, but a number of columns, each ending in a tiny dome of the usual hemispherical shape; these we presumed to be intended to represent the asteroids.

Its main plan was cruciform, with a vast circular space (covered by the hemispherical dome) where the arms of the cross met.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Other large towns, built on the plains, were protected by immense banks of earth, sloping towards the town, and sometimes terraced, while, on the outward side, they were faced with thick plates of metal, clamped together; these were supported on great beams of wood, the uprights being driven deeply into the earth; when these were in place, and connected with heavy crossbars, the plates were attached to them, overlapping like scales, and then the space between the earth-work and the barrier was filled with earth, solidly rammed together.

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Seven Levels of Existence

Astral Body: Experienced during dreaming, where there is no time or space.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Jesus’s story is part of a huge family of stories within the Bible.[1:03:08] It doesn’t stop there—go to the stories around the mother of the Yellow Emperor in China, or the Pasi Buddha, the 22nd incarnation of Buddha before Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, or to the stories around the mother of Laozi.[1:03:26] Again, close encounter, anomalous experience of light shining upon them from an object in space, and then they have a baby who’s very significant and highly intelligent.[1:03:40] Some people might say, "Look, these people needed a story like that.

Hanns Hörbiger

The World Ice Theory

According to Hörbiger, space is filled with giant masses of ice, and these ice masses are responsible for the creation of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies.

Half male, half female

Adam Stories

and with one of his fingers having touched the earth, he put it to the tip of his tongue and perceived the same to be deliciously sweet; from that time, all the Brahmas ate of the sweet earth for the space of 60,000 years.



Its day is longer than its year, with each day lasting 243 Earth days and each year lasting about 225 Earth days.Venus has been a target for several robotic missions, primarily by NASA and the Soviet space program.



Known for its red appearance, which is due to iron oxide or rust on its surface, Mars has been a subject of human fascination and the target of space exploration for decades.

The book suggested that ancient gods might have been visitors from outer space.

Recent excavations at the site, specifically in an area known as "Space 66," revealed the remnants of an oven alongside grains such as wheat, barley, and peas, suggesting the presence of bread-making activities.

Their beliefs and stories inspire us to keep exploring the unknown, whether it’s space, other dimensions, or the depths of our planet.

Written Communication: Humans are the only species that has developed a system of written communication, allowing for the storage and transmission of information across time and space.

Exploration and Colonization: Humans have a history of exploring and colonizing new territories, including every continent on Earth and, more recently, outer space.


Who is Enlil?

He further theorizes that these ancient beings could observe Earth from space using devices similar to modern satellites, providing them with detailed information about human populations, agricultural conditions, and more.Additionally, Carson discusses how these ancient narratives and technological implications tie into modern UFO phenomena and governmental transparency regarding extraterrestrial life.


Who is Enki?

Sumerian Mythology: In Sumerian mythology, the Abzu (or Apsu) is the primeval sea below the void space of the underworld (Kur) and the earth (Ma).

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

Individuals possessed the ability to travel by bending space and time, enabling them to move anywhere on or off the planet without external machinery.

Time and Space are illusions.

(But your experiences within Time/Space are “real”.) There is only Here/Now.

Adam had lain stretched in the same place for the space of about forty years.

This shift is characterized by the realization that individuals "occupy more space" than just their physical forms, leading to a greater sense of connection to other realities and dimensions that they are part of through their consciousness.

Polarity to move time and space - a movement of polarity

No time and space

Space/Time dimension

4th dimension is about knowing how to manage the shapes of that dimension (no time, no space).

Fabric of space/time - matrix

And they will live in a certain time, in a certain space.



Influence and Legacy: The influence of Atlantis is portrayed as extending beyond its own time and space, with its ideas, principles, and wisdom being passed down through figures like Thoth to new civilizations.

When the planet starts to vibrate different, or the sun starts to vibrate different, the waves of time and space switch a little bit the magnetical realities of our worlds.

Hollow earth theory

Is the earth hollow?

The Hollow Earth theory is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space.

Lunar seismology experiments since then have shown that the lunar body has shallow moonquakes that act differently from quakes on Earth, due to differences in texture, type and density of the planetary strata, but there is no evidence of any large empty space inside the body.

One-Dimensional Space: This dimension is represented as a line, where the only measure is length.

Two-Dimensional Space: By adding another dimension to the one-dimensional line, we create a plane, characterized by two measurements: length and width (referred to as the X and Y axes).

Three-Dimensional Space: This is the space we are familiar with, having length, width, and height (X, Y, and Z axes).

Four-Dimensional Space: While often related to time in physics, here it's discussed as a spatial dimension in addition to the three spatial dimensions we experience.

A being from a four-dimensional space could view all three dimensions from a new perspective and interact with them in ways we can't comprehend, similar to how a three-dimensional being can view and interact with a two-dimensional plane.

For instance, a four-dimensional being could perform "dimensional surgery" without making physical incisions in our three-dimensional space.

Its propulsion systems are so powerful that they leave a turbulent trail in space, resembling churning waters.

When the Leviathan moves, it alters its surrounding environment, indicating a significant impact on space-time or gravitational fields.

In this reimagined summary, the Leviathan spaceship stands as a colossal, technologically advanced vessel, embodying the pinnacle of power, defense, and autonomy in space, inspiring awe and fear with its mere presence.


5th Dimension

Space-Time Dimension

Physicists refer to the fourth dimension as the space-time dimension.

Space and time form a fabric, or matrix, holding our coding in the third dimension.