Robert Nelson

Andromedans 7th.Pt.1/2.We got Abducted. Pole Shift. Cali Fires/F. Flag.Cabal Failing.Trump.

February 3, 2019: Communication with the Andromeda High Council

The seventh communication with the Andromeda High Council was initiated on February 3, 2019. The interaction began with the speaker describing their presence in space above the Atlantic Ocean, observing an Andromedan battle cruiser.

Abduction Incident

The Andromedans were questioned about their failure to prevent an abduction by the Greys. Despite earlier assurances, the abduction occurred, and the Andromedans explained that they had been unable to prevent it due to the unexpected technology used by the Greys. The Greys had threatened to destroy their ship, making intervention dangerous.

The speaker suggested that in future incidents, if the Andromedans are unable to act, they should contact Archangel Michael for assistance. The Andromedans agreed to this suggestion, stating that contacting Archangel Michael would be part of their contingency plan.

Earthquakes in Southeast Asia

The Andromedans confirmed their earlier warning regarding potential tremors in Southeast Asia. Earthquakes, reaching magnitudes of 5 and 6, had occurred, attributed to natural tectonic shifts and pole shifts. These events were further influenced by celestial bodies passing through the solar system. The Andromedans noted that they had caused minor tremors as a warning, as China had made agreements with them but had been slow to provide assistance to those affected.

California Fires and Directed Energy Weapons

The conversation shifted to the devastating fires in California, which were reportedly caused by directed energy weapons. The Andromedans stated that there were multiple reasons for these attacks:

  1. Targeting Tall Whites: The attacks aimed to harm Tall Whites and their allies living in California.
  2. False Flag Alien Invasion: The fires were also intended to create fear, potentially leading to global unification under one world government.

Although the plan to trigger a false invasion had mostly failed, the Andromedans noted that efforts to push this agenda were ongoing. They praised elements within the military who were actively fighting against the forces behind these events.

U.S. Government, Trump, and the Global Military Situation

Trump’s Role

The Andromedans commented on the role of U.S. President Donald Trump, describing him as someone who was not elected by the people, but rather placed in office by a secret government backed by the military. The military had considered a coup if Hillary Clinton had remained in power. Ultimately, Trump was selected due to his willingness to challenge the established order and his interest in reducing business constraints caused by dark forces.

Military Influence

While Trump has faced difficulties trusting certain factions within the military, the hidden military continues to work toward restoring the country. This effort is not isolated to the U.S., as other nations are also distancing themselves from the international banking system.

Shutdown and Wall Discussion

The Andromedans briefly addressed the government shutdown and Trump’s insistence on building a border wall. They implied that there were larger, undisclosed issues behind the wall debate, possibly involving government and financial system resets, as well as secret indictments.

UFO Sightings and Global Shifts

The Andromedans revealed that UFO sightings would increase, particularly over the speaker’s region. They assured that there was no need for alarm, as Earth was preparing to take its place among a federation of worlds. This process of integration and education would extend over 2019 and 2020, potentially involving discussions on religious issues.

Religious Movements and Concerns

The speaker raised concerns about right-wing Christian movements within the underground patriot community. They warned that such groups could push for extreme measures, including the violation of human rights, and urged the Andromedans to monitor these developments closely to prevent negative outcomes.


The communication concluded with a reference to an unnamed television series that serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of civil unrest and the potential for martial law. The speaker recommended watching the show to understand the risks of such scenarios, should societal changes spiral out of control.

Home > Andromedans 7th.Pt.1/2.We got Abducted. Pole Shift. Cali Fires/F. Flag.Cabal Failing.Trump.

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