
And the waves that the thinking, the thoughts are doing in the universe create this oceans of thinkings that then we call time and space and every other dimension.

There was no space.

And suddenly, you can travel through time and space, from being in just one spot.

The reality of this universe is that there is no time and no space because everything is just one.

There is no split in space.

The length of the ark thus formed a space of two cubits and a half between one stave and the other so that two men who were carrying the ark could walk with ease between on the same side.

6th Dimension (architects) was the most important dimension, the 6 spheres, the main structure of creation, and by polarity, living in time and space.

The book delves into the 'as above, so below' concept, linking deep space findings to the cosmic structure known as the Preferred Axis in Cosmology, which resonates with ancient myths of the Tree of Life.

He described how consciousness is not limited to physical form and how it transcends time and space.

Vortex of Creation: The 'Vortex' is described as a metaphysical space where all of an individual's desires and intentions are held until they align with them emotionally and vibrationally.

It was caused by a war between extraterrestrial groups that took place in the Earth's upper atmosphere and in space orbit.

For this reason, the two races attempted to take over the copper on Earth, and the war that took place in space and orbit did not last long.

The bomb exploded in outer space above what is today called "Central America."As the explosion reached the sea, a fusion reaction with hydrogen occurred, causing the impact of the reptilian aliens.

It was able to destroy ground installations and space bases.

{Translator's note: In the original text, 'Feldraum' There was a word; "Feld" means "Feild-field", and "Raum" means "space, room, place" Since there was no suitable expression here, it was translated as "sphere of influence of the sphere."}

Question 47All abnormal things are dualistic, and if they exist in material space, they also exist in the sphere of influence.

To summarize, if there is a field oscillation, for this other quasi-electronic brain waves are generated here in the general space {matter exists.

(What you see when you see “UFOs” is not actually light.) But the special, powerfully charged form field itself changes the properties of space and matter into something similar to light.

At a depth of 4300 meters above the ground, there is a dome-shaped space.

This space was created as part of a colony about 3000 years ago; The main part of this space has been reconstructed from artificially integrated rock and foam to the ceiling, with a very flat dome gently covering an oval-shaped surface.

Nitro space materials

Enuma Elish

Enuma Elish: Tablet I

I argue that the underlying conception of him as a guardian figure in the minds of ancient Mesopotamians is maintained throughout time and space by a network of historic memory, supported by not only art but also by texts.

Government officials such as Israel's former head of space security, Haim Eshed, like former Canadian minister of national defense Paul Hellyer before him, Eshed has declared that a "Galactic Federation" not only exists but has rejected our membership because we just aren't ready.

The speaker affirms that humanoid forms are relatively common in certain regions of space due to similar elemental compositions and environmental conditions in star clusters.

To separate the sky from the Earth they planted a tall ceiba tree, making space for all life.

Genesis 11

Tower of Babel

Instead, the author proposes that the Tower of Babel was a "stargate"—a portal or technology enabling rapid access to outer space.

Purpose of the Tower: The tower was intended to reach the heavens, interpreted as space.

These ancient people already knew what science is finally confirming: that the DNA of life came originally from deep space.

The constellation Cygnus is of course so named because it resembles a swan and there is strong beliefs among many ancient peoples that swans are special and that they bring spirits to our world obviously because they travel far when they migrate but Andrew argues could this belief have something to do with spacemen actually coming from this region of space.

Sumerian King List

Sumerian King List

($blank space$) 2(disz) lugal en: 2 kings,7.

($blank space$) 3(disz) lugal en: 3 kings,17.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,23.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,29.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,35.

($blank space$) 5(disz) iri{ki}-me-esz en: 5 cities,37.

($blank space$) 8(disz) lugal en: 8 kings,38.

($blank space$) 2(u) 3(disz) lugal en: 23 kings,91.a.

($blank space$) 1(u) 2(disz) lugal en: 12 kings,131.

($blank space$) 4(disz) lugal en: 4 kings,144.

($blank space$) 3(disz) lugal en: 3 kings,156.

($blank space$) 8(disz) lugal en: 8 kings,175.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,183.

($blank space$) mu 8(disz) i3-ak? en: 8 years he ruled (?);190.

($blank space$) n ib2-ak en: n he ruled (?);191.

($blank space$) 3(disz) lugal en: 3 kings,202.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,208.

($blank space$) 6(disz) lugal en: 6 kings,220.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,229.

($blank space$) n lugal en: n kings,240.

($blank space$) 7(disz) lugal en: 7 kings,256.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,262.

($blank space$) 1(u) 1(disz) lugal en: 11 kings,294.

($blank space$) 5(disz) lugal en: 5 kings,304.a.

($blank space$) 2(u) 1(disz) lugal en: 21 kings,331.

($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal en: 1 king,338.

($blank space$) 4(disz) lugal en: 4 kings,352.

($blank space$) 1(u) 3(disz) lugal en: 13 kings,377.

Grey aliens are beings from outer space often mentioned in claims of close encounters and alien abductions.

In the realm of extraterrestrial encounters, the Grey alien has become an iconic symbol of intelligent non-human life and space exploration.

Crowley believed he had contacted this "preternatural entity" through a process called the "Amalantrah Workings," which he thought allowed communication with beings from outer space and other dimensions.