Dr. Bradley Nelson

Free yourself from yourself

This Is KEY To Unlocking Divine Energy & Quantum Physics PROVES THIS! | Dr Bradley Nelson

Introduction to Energy Medicine

Dr. Bradley Nelson explained that over a century ago, Albert Einstein predicted that the medicine of the future would be based on frequencies. He emphasized that human bodies are composed of energy, with the concept becoming clearer through quantum physics.

According to physicists, if the space between atoms in every human body were removed, the population of the entire planet could fit into a small box. This realization underscores the energetic nature of human beings.

Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Work

Dr. Nelson was introduced as the author of The Emotion Code, a bestselling book about moving stored energy in the body and eliminating emotional baggage.

While many know his work, the podcast focused on deeper aspects of metaphysics, consciousness, and creation. The host noted that this episode provided new insights into Dr. Nelson’s beliefs.

Dr. Nelson’s Mission and Healing Methods

Dr. Nelson shared that his mission is to teach people how to become their own healers. He referenced Einstein’s idea of frequency medicine and noted that in the 21st century, this concept is being realized through energy healing.

He stressed that even though bodies seem solid, they are made of pure energy. By understanding this, one can approach health issues differently, using energy medicine to restore balance. Dr. Nelson’s website, discoverhealing.com, provides resources for learning these methods, including certifications in healing techniques.

Energy Medicine’s Growing Popularity

Dr. Nelson observed a surge in interest in energy medicine, especially after 2007 when The Emotion Code was first published. The COVID-19 pandemic further fueled this momentum as many people began seeking alternatives to traditional Western medicine.

Nelson described a global awakening to the fact that the body has its own capacity for healing, which can be accessed through energy medicine.

The Body’s Internal Computer

Dr. Nelson explained that every person has an internal “computer” within their subconscious mind, which can be asked questions to determine the cause of various physical and emotional issues.

This subconscious mind holds the answers to why individuals experience certain conditions, such as disease, emotional distress, or even relationship problems. He emphasized that this knowledge is revolutionary in healing.

Dr. Nelson’s Books

Dr. Nelson’s book, The Emotion Code, explains how to release trapped emotions to lead a healthier and more loving life. His second book, The Body Code, explores how to unlock the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Dr. Nelson has also developed the Belief Code, a new method introduced in 2023, which helps identify and remove negative belief systems that hinder personal growth.

The Evolution of Energy Medicine

Reflecting on the evolution of energy medicine, Dr. Nelson compared its early reception to today’s growing openness. He noted that people are now more willing to explore alternative forms of healing. He also shared that many practitioners who left traditional medical fields during the pandemic have turned to energy-based methods.

Spiritual Insights

Dr. Nelson spoke about the spiritual nature of his work. He described a moment during his meditation when he experienced a profound sense of homesickness, revealing that humans are only temporarily in this physical world.

This experience reaffirmed his belief that life is a divinely orchestrated learning process, and he emphasized the importance of unconditional love and forgiveness in personal healing.

The Importance of Emotional Release

Dr. Nelson explained how emotional baggage, or trapped emotions, can manifest as physical or mental illness. By releasing this trapped energy, individuals can achieve emotional freedom and improved health. He shared that using techniques from The Emotion Code can help release these energies, thereby facilitating personal growth and healing.


Dr. Nelson ended the podcast by encouraging listeners to recognize the divine reasons behind their existence and the presence of those in their lives. He reiterated the importance of healing emotional baggage and how the principles of energy medicine can empower people to achieve better health and well-being. Finally, he urged everyone to ask for spiritual guidance, as it can provide the help needed in their healing journey.

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