Book of Apollo

Published: 2 Dec 2024 | Updated: today



  1. Apollo, Son of Jehovih, resident of Pti’mus, in etherea, and God of Suf’ad and Don’ga and Tah, in the South Province of Buru, Orian Chief, controller of vortices, said:
  2. I, Apollo, once a mortal, proclaim: First, wisdom, peace and patience unto all men, and comprehensive judgment whereof I speak; second, to perceive the reason of things, as to what seem”’ to have been, and of what come after.
  3. For the Great Spirit is all Harmony and Perfection, abounding in time and in worlds to accomplish all possible imaginings; wherefore, be you**** magnified in conception, not judging by the little understanding of mortals.
  4. So that he that assert”’ harmony being more to the order of Jehovih than that which is ill-formed or out of time, hath little reason to prove his assertion before a wise man. As one may assert that ripe fruit is nearer perfection than that which is green, which assertion is self-evident without proof, so, in the understanding of Gods in the management of worlds, are things past and present, not things past and present in fact, but more like the immature and the mature.
  5. Since, then, man perceive that words, at best, are but slow and coarse representations of the soul’s conception of things, how much farther distant lie a God’s wisdom beyond the reach of mortal understanding! Remember, O man, that couldst you in a moment of time recollect all you hadst ever learned you wouldst be wise indeed. Wert you in tune with thyself, such would be your*** wisdom. To advance in such direction, whereby man become attuned, first with himself, then with his immediate surroundings, then with the magnitude of worlds, and then with Jehovih, so that he move, act”’, and comprehend harmoniously, is to become one with the Father.
  6. Which condition await”’ all men, and is called in high heaven, Nirvana, because, to him that hath attained it, things past and things to come are as an open book. He can look back to his own beginning in the world, and even beyond, and withersoever he direct”’ his eye, he can see and hear even as if the matter now were.
  7. Marvel not, O man, that the Gods reveal the words and signs of things long since perished corporeally; the proofs he could give, you couldst not understand, for the basis of spiritual entity lie not within the measure of the corporeal senses. Nevertheless, Jehovih hath given you* comparisons; as a portrait of a man showe his looks even after his corporeal body hath perished; and yet, the picture is but a representative. To the spirit, a corporeal body is but a representative, being a manifested production of a spirit.
  8. As out of corporeal things a new thing is produced and born into the world, so out of Jehovih is born the spirit of man; neither lead the corporeal the spirit, nor the spirit the corporeal; but Jehovih do all. Think not, then, that when the corporeal body is dead and molder”’ back to original elements, that in like manner the spirit of man will resolve itself back into Jehovih, for spirit is not bound by similar rules. As the corporeal body growe by aggregating to itself, so not so growe the spirit of man, but by the opposite, which is giving away.
  9. Remember, O man, the more you puttest forth your* soul to give light and wisdom to others, the more you receivest; wherein you should comprehend in the reason of things everlasting life to the spirit of man. So also, to him that desire to comprehend Jehovih, let him describe the All Highest constantly. To him that desire to comprehend the etherean worlds, the homes of spirits long risen in Nirvana, let him describe them. Fear not, O man, that you should err; all the imagery you can devise is surpassed millions of times in the magnitude of the Father’s kingdoms. Till you can shoot an arrow without striking the air, fear not for your* weak thoughts shooting amiss in Jehovih’s worlds.


  1. I, Apollo, earth-born, of the continent Pan, submerged by Aph, the Orian Chief, by Jehovih’s command, proclaim in the name of the Father, Creator of worlds, peace and wisdom unto all nations and tribes of men: First, against all vanity and self-conceit in the souls of men, wherein every cycle assert”’ itself wise and great and learned, and the ancients, fools.
  2. For the evidence of wisdom lie not in learning one thing only, but in the adaptation of man to Jehovih and His works. In which measure, the modern and the ancient stand not upon their judgment in the matter, but by Jehovih’s.
  3. For if the ancient was not perfect in his place, neither art you, O man, of this day. But before the Gods are all the ages adapted as Jehovih created them; judge not Him, for thy judgment is limited. That which was profitable to the soul of man, the Father revealed to the ancients; that which is profitable to the soul of man to-day, reveal”’ He this day.
  4. For which reason I, His Son, am come to fulfill my labor, even as all men, in time, must complete that which hath been assigned them.
  5. To rebuke vanity and self-conceit in them that perceive not wisdom in things long past, but applaud themselves without just measure before Jehovih. Wherein the Gods perceive their vanity, and pity them, hoping rather to exalt their minds, that they may learn to perceive the Father’s hand manifested in all things.
  6. Turn your** eyes inward, O man, and look at the spirit of things; make thyself as a God looking down on a new earth, where man hath been quickened into life and attained to strength and learning. Behold his palaces and temples; his work in stone and iron, and gold and silver; his knowledge of the sun and moon and stars; with written books to read; with clothes for the body and shoes for the feet. With great generals, and armies of soldiers; and with the land cultivated.
  7. Are these civilized? And war abounding! By what right hast you made thyself a judge, O man! Who hath measured the inhabitants of the earth and found them pure and wise? Do more people now live on the land in peace and happiness than in many of the cycles past? Because you are different in many excellencies, you should also remember that many great inventions are forgotten. The world hath been peopled over many times, and many times laid desolate.
  8. Who hath been the chief enemy to man? Who is his chief enemy to-day? Is it not thyself? Think not, O man, that because a few people perceive the Higher Light the world is wise and good before the Gods. For in all ages there have been a few. Yea, to-day, there are a few more in number than in the ancient days. And this is the sum of the enlightenment of the world.
  9. Hear me, O man of earth, and you**** angels of heaven: I proclaim harmony, symmetry and music. I am of the days of the fountain of these talents descending to mortals. I was as a shapely stone in Jehovih’s edifice, and by hard toil a fashioner of the flesh mold of man and woman.
  10. As the ear of one man hear”’ music, and he cry out with delight: A tune! a tune! And as the ear of another man hear”’ music, and he cannot discern, and he cry out: A noise! a hideous noise! Wherefore, then, should you* not judge them, and say: The one hath an ear for music, and the other not? The one is one with the music; the other, being discordant himself, declare there is no tune, but only noise. To which will you* give preference in judgment as to music?
  11. Who hath not beholden Jehovih, the All Person? Who is it that cry out: I behold Him not? No harmony, no symmetry, no music, no complete whole? And to which will ye give preference in judgment? Is not the judgment of the perceiver higher than he who perceive not?
  12. This declare I of Jehovih, that in all ages there are many who perceive the All Person, and many who deny Him. If, then, the lack of an ear for music make a man dumb to a tune, is it not the lack of spiritual harmony that that cause man to perceive not the everlasting presence of Jehovih, the All Person?
  13. Hear me, O angels and men: Can a man learn to sing who hear”’ not the harmony of a tune? How much less, then, can man, or the spirits of the dead, harmonize with the Eternal Whole if they perceive Him not?


  1. I, Apollo, Jehovih’s Son, proclaim an age when man on earth considered not harmony, nor symmetry, nor music, as Gods!
  2. And Jehovih’s voice came to me in the etherean firmament, and place of Pti’mus, saying:
  3. Apollo, My Son, you God of Su’ad, God of Don’ga, God of Tah, behold the red star, the earth, she come through your* dominions. Go you to her with your* hosts, a sufficient number, and give her a new God, and call his name Apollo.
  4. Behold, neither men nor angels on the red star comprehend the harmony of My works; and because of their own inharmony they deny Me, being blind to My Person. Go thou, My Son, and make them idolaters of harmony, symmetry and music, for a long season, that they may become organically attuned from the time of their birth upward.
  5. I said: I perceive Thy wisdom, O Jehovih. And I called together a hundred millions of Thy sons and daughters, and told them what You hadst said. With one accord, they said: We have examined the red star since the time of Wan, and we perceive truly, the time hath come for your*** labor, O Apollo.
  6. I said: Send an oniy’yah to the heaven of the earth and deliver her God and Lords and all persons capable of the second resurrection. And say you* to God and his Lords: Thus saith Apollo, Son of Jehovih, and God of three etherean worlds: Greeting in the name of the Father, and love unto you all. For your glorious work I have assigned seven Teres and Don’ga. Thither gather you* your hosts, where is prepared a place of rest and comfort. The earth and her heaven should be left in darkness for thirty of her days, having neither God nor Lords.
  7. So my legions departed for the earth in an etherean ship of fire, led by Tu’ain, Goddess of Proe’king, a place of great learning in the etherean mountains of Horatanad; and they delivered according to my decrees, and the earth was without a God and Lords for thirty days.
  8. And the voice of Jehovih came to me again, saying: Hear your*** Creator, O My Son, thou that sprangest from the land long since submerged, who has spanned many of My worlds, behold, the legions of Sue and his mighty resurrections are still preserved to mortals and angels earth-bound: Of the Gods and Goddesses who danced and sang before men; and of the uneven match between spirits and Gods.
  9. Profiting in this, the people of the red star have become rich in rites and ceremonies, and preferring the swift-footed to the slow, the nimble to the clumsy, the loo’is have well laid out the road to your*** success.
  10. So, I perceived beforehand how I should proceed when I landed in the lower heaven and her earth.
  11. When the time came, I departed, still remembering my native star with well treasured pride. And that all things should express the labor Jehovih put upon me, my oniy’yah excelled in beauty all other etherean vessels that had ever descended to the earth.
  12. How should I comprehend Thy magnitude, O Jehovih? What is the journey of a God before You*? We build a ship for a hundred millions, and are vain of its size and beauty; but when we launch out into Thy etherean realms, we fain would hide our faces in shame of our vanity. We sail through a thousand of Thy crystal worlds and talk of great distances, but the mirror of Thy boundless creation lie still before us. We recall the red star, our native home, a single gem amidst the countless millions Thou hast cast into the universe, and we are speechless because of Thy Awful Extent.
  13. Wherein hast You not excelled Thyself, O Jehovih! In one moment, we behold Thy Vastness; in another, Thy Microscopic Hand in the smallest ethe’ic wave, and in the spear of grass down on the swift corporeal stars. We applaud You* for Thy handiwork, and yet ere our thoughts have overrun the smallest part, You turnest our eyes inward to the soul of things, an endless wonder.
  14. How should I comprehend Thy designs, O Jehovih? You drivest me back to the time Thy angels came and stood man upright, saying: Be you a man; and be you a woman! But they would not.
  15. Again and again, Thy pitying hand stood them up, and Thy voice came, saying: Talk, O man! Come, you should help to perfect thyself. But man was slow in perceiving wisdom; that which came to his flesh he loved.
  16. I remember the earth, O Father! Men and women with long hair hanging down; and hands with claw nails, fierce and war-like. And hair in tufts and short-curled. Whose eyes were drawn down like a lion’s, and mouth wide and falling open, like a dog that is tired.
  17. Therefore You hast called me, O Jehovih; and I perceive Thy double purpose: For a man left alone would select and mate, and evolve to terrible war! And You storest here an idol to unfit him for cruel deeds.
  18. So, from Thy etherean realms, wherein for fifty thousand years Thy Gods and Goddesses had trained me to comprehend the discipline of Thy created heavens, I came, descending, down, down to the red star, where You first quickened me into being, that I might fulfill Thy mandates.
  19. Thy hand took me up, Thy hand sent me down; I had learned not to fear; the tree of faith had grown in me; I knew the secret of All Power. As a mortalgo into a dark cavern, where the air is damp and unacceptable to the nose, so came my hosts, O Jehovih, out of etherea into the vortex of the earth, the dull atmosphere.
  20. Thy voice came to me, saying: Go around the earth with your*** oniy’yah, My Son. Stir up the atmosphereans; they that know no higher heaven. Behold, they have mutinied against My God and Lords; have rejected My preferred wisdom. Their delight is in war and the deeds of mortals. As men on earth gather round to witness beasts in battle, so gather these countless millions of spirits to witness kingdoms of mortals in war, and fire, and plunder. And by their presence urge men to cruelty and cunning horrors.


  1. Hear me, O man, and angels; from my words learn to be wise and deep perceiving. He who stand in darkness, see not; the time of Jehovih, none can comprehend. In the Light should be the delight of all men. But who practice to his highest knowledge? Before my days, time was no nearer the beginning of the universe than now. There were men who believed that with death all would be ended to every man; and Jehovih sent angels to prove them in their folly; and though they saw them, and talked with them face to face, many would not believe.
  2. And in the lower heaven they were the same; they would not believe in a higher heaven. And though ethereans came to them to prove them in their folly, and talked with them face to face, yet many would not believe.
  3. I searched the disbelievers, to understand their souls; and I found they were begotten in inharmony. They prided themselves in their wisdom; but that that they called wisdom was as a serpent in the soul.
  4. Jehovih spake to me, saying: Hear your*** Creator, O My Son: In atmospherea you should appoint ten thousand Lords, with ten thousand kingdoms; and the earth and the inhabitants thereof should be divided between them.
  5. And you should build a new kingdom in heaven, and call it Gau,1 and it should be thy judgment seat, with a Council of one hundred thousand men and women.
  6. And all your*** Lords should be called Apollo! And they should inspire men to make images of stone and wood. And the images should have short arms and long legs; and nails instead of claws on the fingers, and well-formed mouths, with shape for motion of the cheeks.
  7. And your*** Lords should find the loo’is who have been preparing these matters by birth; and the loo’is should lead the angels around about amongst mortals, finding the most comely-formed men and women and young children. And when they have thus chosen them, they should report the matter to the Lords, and they should send ethereans to those mortals who are selected, and they should be quickened by signs and miracles.
  8. And it should be proven before all the nations of the earth, and their kings and queens and governors, that the comeliness of the forms are pleasant in My sight, wherefore I come to them. And those who are thus selected should sing and dance by entrancement; so that kings and queens should be overcome by the achievements. And those that dance should be made to float in the air, and sail about in the dance.
  9. For I will turn the judgment of man to beautify himself; and, in so doing, he should learn to perceive beauty and harmony in My works.

1 Gau is also mentioned in the Vedic Scriptures as the home of the God, Sughdha.


  1. Think not, O man, the Gods always deliver the nations of the earth in a day or by miracles. They go to the foundation of a matter; they make man a servant to help deliver himself. They stir up the nations in rites and ceremonies first; then come after, and appropriate the rites and ceremonies. And the women look on, receiving the spirit of the matter in their souls, the which entail”’ on their offspring that which is desired by the Gods.
  2. With the hosts of high heaven, unseen by mortals, the Lords stir up the whole world. In one generation, behold, a new race is born. Man is unfitted for dangerous war, and no longer the delight of drujas hanging around. And the drujas, and the familiars, turn from the peaceful earth (to them stale and unprofitable in bloody entertainments), to find their own petty kingdoms broken down and gone.
  3. Be wise, O man, and you* angels of earth! Hear the voice of thy brother, God of three worlds! I will tell you* a great secret: These are the words of your Creator: Man and woman are pro-creators! Whom they beget, are theirs, saith Jehovih. Not for a day, but forever! Take heed of your*** offspring, O woman! Take heed, O man! Wilt you be entailed with druj, to pull you* down? Wilt you choose offspring to glorify Jehovih?
  4. Have not your*** people boasted, O earth? Have they not said: O the poor ancients! What of them? Will they turn away from the idols of Apollo, and set up on their own account? Can the people hand down a name and models to live forever?
  5. So I founded Gau in the place Hored had been, extending over Jaffeth, Shem and Ham; and the rest of the atmospherean heaven I divided amongst my ten thousand Lords and Lordesses, whom I selected and ordained in the manner of the ancients.
  6. And the Lords established themselves in kingdoms, both on earth and in heaven. And they inspired kings and queens to erect images in the temples, and the images were given a name signifying Harmony, Symmetry and Music (Apollo). And the names varied in many countries, because of the languages of the people; but the significance was that these three entities comprised the All Light, the Creator, Jehovih!
  7. And mortals were taught by the inspiration of angels how to make the images, for there were no corporeans sufficiently perfect for models.
  8. According to the perfection of the images, so were they reckoned favored by Jehovih; and the sign of Jehovih’s approval was manifested in the time of the sacred dance given by the su’is selected; which was, if the whirling dance caused many women to fall down by enchantment, then was Jehovih pleased.
  9. Hear me, O man. The enchantment of the women was what the Lords desired, for the impression of the soul of woman shape the unborn child.
  10. Wherefore, they worshipped blindly before the idols, not being sufficiently wise to understand how Jehovih was laying down the foundation for the coming race.
  11. O you* of little wisdom, compared with the Lords of heaven! How you* are puffed up in judgment, not knowing the race whence you**** sprang! Jehovih’s Gods and Lords mold the inhabitants of the earth as clay is molded in a potter’s hand. They set them up and show them the way, and say to them: Go!
  12. And mortals go on a little while, like a young child that totter”’ and fall”’. And again the Lords set them up; and man, in ingratitude, forget and deny his God.
  13. The unseen angels lead man and woman together, and say: Marry! And they wed, and bring forth of the Lord. Then man inquire: What meanest thou: Bring forth of the Lord? But his judgment is under a cloud; he flatter”’ himself that Jehovih created him, and then went away; and since then he hath been his own master!
  14. O man, what is your*** folly! How has you found such cunning ways to put off thy Creator? What profit more hast you to put Him away than to try and perceive Him in all things? Why wilt you sing of man who is in darkness, and of the earth, which is but a fraction of the Great I Am? Hopest you not for wisdom, so that guardian angels may go away and rest?
  15. Why should they stand over you* day and night, to keep away familiars and fetals and drujas? Who should close your* mouth against falsehold, and your* lips against cursing thy Creator? Hopest you not, O man, that a wiser age will follow? When should man learn harmony, symmetry and music? Who will hire a musician that forever put his instrument out of tune? Why should the Gods applaud men or angels who live not attuned to the All Highest?
  16. Show me one who is as good as he understand to be; that live as wisely as his goodness desire he should. He will understand my words; I can come to him and inspire him with great wisdom. He will comprehend the love a God hath over mortals; and the patience of the toiling Lords and angels.
  17. Hear me, O man! I will answer you* a great matter: The angels of heaven who are good, labor for those beneath them. This is their work, day and night. Think not that they go away to idleness forever. To the etherean, industry become rest; to those who have attained to be Gods there is spontaneous growth forever. Remember this and be wise. To the atmospherean and to mortals, idleness of soul lead downward forever! Remember this also, and be wise.
  18. Behold the rose and the lily; they are perfect in their order. Being one with Jehovih, they painted not themselves. Let your* soul practice with your* Creator, and you should become one with Him, even His Son. Find you the symmetry of flesh, the symmetry of the spirit; the harmony of music,2 and consider wisely your*** behavior.
  19. The star of Jehovih is within your*** soul; feed it, O man, and you, O angel of heaven, and it will grow to be a God! Rob it, or starve it, and you should remain nothing. It is weak and dim in the vain; it is bright and of great power in him who forget himself in laboring for others.

2 Music here refers to general expression or action; in other words, gracefulness in all things. The ancient Greeks gave a similar interpretation to the word music.


  1. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of Gau, saying: My Son, you has set the temples of earth wisely, and your* ten thousand Lords have the voice of your* Creator. But, behold, this dawn of dan hath but five years and two hundred days. The five years are already gone. Call together your* etherean hosts, and they should report to you* who should be the successors to you* and your* Lords. I answered, saying: Thy will be done, O Father!
  2. So I sent messengers around about the world repeating what Jehovih had commanded. And I added also: When the time of dan is completed, behold, my hosts should assemble in Gau, from whence we should ascend to our etherean worlds. Let my messengers invite all the people in all the kingdoms of atmospherea to be present. And these things were done.
  3. Now, of the ten thousand kingdoms of the Lords of heaven and earth of that day, many of them held their places within the corporeal temples of worship, having spiritual thrones within them, where the hosts of angels assembled to counsel on the affairs of mortals, and to advise with them through the prophets and seers.
  4. Neither was there a temple in all the world for consulting the spirits and Gods but what was usurped by my etherean hosts. So that when kings or queens came to consult the oracle on matters of war or personal aggrandizement, my hosts answered them not to their own profit, but with the voice of Jehovih.
  5. So it turned out, that when the chief false Gods and false Lords were driven out of the corporeal temples, they lost interest in mortal affairs. And I classified them and made new kingdoms in the lower heaven for them, forming them into confederacies. And they, too, became earnest workers to establish themselves in harmony, symmetry and music. And at the end of the time of hi’dan there was not one false God nor false Lord in atmosphere.

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