
Pamela Aaralyn

Where is Atlantis located?

Leanna explains that the Atlanteans operated outside the construct of time and that their existence and activities cannot be pinpointed to a single geographic location or specific historical timeline.

Due to this non-linear approach, paleontological and geological research, which relies on a linear timeline, cannot accurately track or confirm the existence and movements of the Atlanteans.


Timeline of the Four Worlds

Here are some examples that fit into the timeline of volcanic eruptions, ice ages, and major flooding events:

Creating an extensive timeline that spans different mythological worlds, characters, myths, legends, and archaeological findings can be quite intricate.

I’ll focus on a timeline that aligns with geological and archaeological findings while incorporating the mythological elements from various cultures, particularly the Hopi, Norse, Greek, and Sumerian traditions.

Here’s an extended timeline that incorporates mythologies and legends from China, Africa, and North America, along with the existing ones.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

The first man Hephestus

Extended Timelines: Bunsen's chronology extends the timeline of human history far beyond the traditional biblical narrative.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

Paschal Beverly Randolph provides a summary of results deduced from Bunsen’s and other Biblico-Egyptological research, presenting a timeline of significant historical events and approximations of ancient civilizations.

This timeline includes estimates of human origins, the rise of civilizations, and major cataclysmic events:

This detailed account and timeline reflect Randolph’s efforts to reconcile ancient records with geological and astronomical evidence, supporting his theory of advanced pre-Adamite civilizations and a complex history of cataclysmic events.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

The 10 Chaldean Epochs: 432,000 Years

Alorus: The first epoch, starting point of the timeline.

This structured timeline provides a clear view of the Babylonian and Chaldean epochs leading up to the Flood, reflecting Randolph’s discussion of ancient chronologies in "Pre-Adamite Man."


Kyomarz or Gil-shah – First man

Timeline: The text asserts that Kyomarz lived at least 100,000 years ago, placing him in a much more ancient timeline than traditionally accepted historical figures.

This account challenges conventional timelines and supports the idea of an ancient, advanced human history.


Pu-An-Ku – 129,600 years ago

Timeline of Events:

This timeline vastly exceeds the traditional historical timelines accepted in Western history and supports Randolph’s argument for the existence of ancient civilizations that predate those commonly recognized.

Randolph uses the example of Pu-An-Ku to illustrate the discrepancies between ancient mythologies and the conventional biblical timelines.

Ancient Civilization: The references to such extensive timelines and ancient figures like Pu-An-Ku bolster Randolph’s argument for the existence of advanced civilizations long before the traditionally accepted historical periods.

His story, along with the long timelines associated with him, serves as evidence for Randolph’s thesis that ancient, advanced civilizations existed far earlier than commonly believed.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

86 Chaldean Kings – 34,080 years

In "Pre-Adamite Man," Paschal Beverly Randolph discusses Chaldean chronology, providing a detailed account that challenges traditional historical timelines.

He discusses the staggering figures provided by Chaldean records, suggesting that these extended timelines imply an ancient and advanced civilization.

He compares this with similar vast timelines found in other ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, and the extensive eras mentioned in Hindu and Buddhist traditions .

This synthesis of data from diverse origins supports his argument for rethinking the timeline of human history.

Comparative Analysis: The analysis includes a comparison with other ancient cultures and their timelines, showing a pattern of long historical periods that are consistent across different traditions.

Extended Timelines: The timelines provided challenge conventional historical narratives, suggesting that the Chaldean civilization existed much longer than traditionally accepted.

Historiographical Significance: Randolph’s account implies a need to reassess ancient historical records and acknowledge the possibility of advanced civilizations existing far earlier than the biblical timelines suggest.

Mr. Leonard Horner

Nile sediment layers dated back approximately 13,500 years

Implications for Human History: This evidence challenges the conventional biblical timeline that places the creation of man much later.

Ancient Statues and Further Evidence: The book also mentions the discovery of statues and other artifacts at similar depths, supporting the idea that ancient civilizations like Egypt had a long and rich history well before traditionally accepted timelines​​.

Reevaluation of History: The findings push back the timeline for the existence of advanced human societies by thousands of years, requiring a reevaluation of historical narratives.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

Menes – Adam

Part I of the book "Pre-Adamite Man" by Paschal Beverly Randolph examines ancient civilizations, particularly focusing on Egypt and the timeline that extends far beyond the traditionally accepted biblical narratives.

Pre-Adamite Theory: Randolph suggests that Menes and the early Egyptians were not descendants of Adam (from the Bible) but were from an ancient, advanced civilization that predated the biblical timeline.

Timelines: According to Randolph, the timeline of Menes and ancient Egypt conflicts with the biblical narrative of Adam.

Noah and Biblical Figures: The timeline of Noah is placed around 4000 years ago, contrasting with the much older Egyptian civilization under Menes.


Ancient Egypt: 144,000 Souls

They played a key role in the convergence and subsequent splitting of Egypt’s timelines into higher and lower dimensions.

Timeline Convergence and Split:

The convergence of timelines from Egypt is connected to the current 5D shift and the Age of Aquarius.

Many of the 144,000 souls, including the individual, have reincarnated now to facilitate the current timeline convergence.

Role in the Egyptian Timeline:

The individual’s work in past lives, especially in transformative periods like Egypt’s timeline split, continues into their current life.


Egypt: Ra manifest in many forms

There were significant disruptions and manipulation of timelines in ancient Egypt.

The practitioner mentions curses and binding of timelines, impacting many individuals, including the 144,000 referenced in spiritual contexts.

Role in Egyptian Timeline:


Stage of Lemuria and Atlantis










Kush, Cuniform and the Medu Neter

This highlights the significance of our timeline when teaching the Kemetic spiritual system.

Matias De Stefano

Civilized humanity emerged around 70,000 years ago

Timeline of Civilization: Matias De Stefano discusses the emergence of civilized humanity, estimating it to be around 70,000 years ago.

Pamela Aaralyn

2028 Predications

If you don’t like what you hear, remember that it’s just one potential timeline.

Exodus, Moses and Egyptian history

Some theories suggest that Hatshepsut might have been the royal figure who found Moses, aligning the timeline of Moses’ life with her reign.



Timeline and Key Events:

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

Earliest Human Activities: Mutwa mentions that the history of mining and metallurgy in Africa goes back "many thousands of years," suggesting an ancient and advanced civilization that predates conventional archaeological timelines.

Star People Influence: He asserts that star people descended to Earth and interacted with African civilizations long before recorded history, implying a timeline that extends back to prehistoric times.


Pre-dynastic Rulers

His exact role and position in the timeline are still subjects of research and debate.


Account of Menes

Herodotus indeed mentions a timeline spanning from Menes, the first king of Egypt, to Sethos, a priest of Hephaestus who became king.


Account of Cheops

Herodotus provides a timeline for the construction, claiming it took 20 years to build the pyramid.

Our Predeluvian History

View timeline in Figma


Ancient Egypt – 11,800 BCE

Timeline of Egyptian history as described by Herodotus, with quotes from his work "Histories" to illustrate the key events.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

King David

Here are some key points that support this timeline:

Biblical scholars have worked to correlate these accounts with historical timelines by cross-referencing events and reigns of other known historical figures and kingdoms.

Synchronisms with Egyptian and Mesopotamian records allow for more precise dating of certain events mentioned in the Bible, helping to establish a timeline for the Israelite monarchy.

The Pre-Adamites

He argued that this diversity could not have originated from a single pair of humans in the relatively short biblical timeline since Adam.

Historical Populations: The existence of ancient civilizations with well-established cultures, languages, and technologies at times that seemed too close to the biblical timeline of Adam and Eve or Noah's Flood.

Critiques of Scriptural Chronology: He critiqued the then-accepted calculations of Earth's age based on biblical genealogies, suggesting that such timelines were incompatible with the evidence of older human civilizations.


I started mapping out his recounted past lives against known historical events, creating a new, alternative timeline of human history.

Jesus’ Initiation

This timeline is based on the Gospel accounts.

Are cats the result of the ancient genetic manipulation of snakes?

The exact timeline of cat domestication is still a subject of ongoing research and debate among scientists, but it is generally agreed that the process began thousands of years ago.