
Spirit Science

Overview of the Tree of Life

The ten Sephiroth are successive divine emanations of energy that represent various aspects of divine power.

These pathways serve as channels of energy between the Sephiroth and represent the journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

Matias de Stefano

Concept of the Soul and Twin Flame

The soul is described as a wave or flow, representing energy and movement, while the flame symbolizes structure.

The tetrahedron symbolizes the structural components needed for an individual to find coherence: wisdom, love, will, vibration, matter, and energy.

He describes visualizing the ego and higher self, symbolized by the "I" and "Am," exchanging gifts of wisdom, energy, and matter.

Gabriele Heikamp

The Soul on The Other Side of the Veil

In this video, Gabriele and her friend engage in a Q&A session covering topics related to spirituality, parallel lives, and energy healing.

Gabriele Heikamp

Chakras and the Symbolism of 144,000

In Tibetan tradition, the chakra system consists of invisible energy centers depicted as lotus flowers with a specific number of petals.

Astral Projection Techniques

Crystals: Amethyst and clear quartz amplify spiritual energy and protect against negative influences, creating a conducive environment for spiritual detachment.

Next Level Soul Podcast

Roger Burnley channeling Wilhelm

Energetic and Universal Connections: Wilhelm speaks about the interconnectedness of everything, from the stars to the energy that flows through the universe.

This energy is something that humanity can harness to move beyond past limitations and create a future aligned with love and higher consciousness.

Aaron Abke

Kundalini Awakening

The episode opens with a discussion about Kundalini energy.

The guest, Aaron Abke, explains how this energy can affect people if they are not adequately prepared for it.

The host asks Aaron to explain what Kundalini energy is, as it has been described as both a path to enlightenment and something that can be dangerous.

Aaron explains that Kundalini energy is a dormant force at the base of the spine.

The discussion touches on spiritual balancing, which involves working with the body's energy centers or chakras.

Debbie Solaris

Humanoid beings incarnated on Maldek

The society was patriarchal, driven by masculine energy.

Debbie Solaris

Osiris, born in Atlantis over 35,000 years ago

Osiris and Isis were extra-terrestrial beings who represented divine masculine and feminine energy, also known as Father God and Mother God consciousness.

Additionally, Hathor is discussed, representing Pleiadian and Venus energy and serving as a counterpart to Horus, attempting to restore the knowledge of Isis and the divine feminine.

Debbie Solaris

The Earth Experiment

Atlantis, representing Father God energy, attracted souls oriented toward the Divine Masculine, while Lemuria represented Mother God energy.

Matias de Stefano


The session ended with a meditation exercise to activate the root chakra, recognizing the pressure from life as a source of energy to achieve one’s potential.

Nassim Haramein

The universe is a fundamentally interconnected entity

He emphasizes that the technological applications of this theory are vast and transformative, from energy extraction to controlling gravity.

He explains that the same principles can be applied to protons, which he describes as mini-black holes, and that the mass of a proton is a result of the energy diffused by these black hole-like properties.

This constant predicted that at zero temperature (zero Kelvin), an infinite amount of energy, known as zero-point energy, exists.

Despite its early discovery, Haramein argues that the concept of zero-point energy has been largely ignored or removed from physics due to its overwhelming implications, especially during the era of atomic energy development.

In a recent paper, Haramein and his team reintroduced the concept of zero-point energy, demonstrating its crucial role in providing the energy that sustains atomic structures.

Without this field, the oscillators that represent atomic structures would have no source of energy.

Nassim Haramein elaborates on how individuals can access non-local information from the universe, much like the ancient Hermetic principle of "As Above, So Below." He explains that by understanding the mechanics of the universe, it becomes possible to harness and apply this knowledge for technological advancements, such as creating energy or controlling gravity.

He suggests that throughout history, many great thinkers and scientists, such as Tesla and Einstein, have tapped into this inner knowing, which emerges from the same zero-point energy field that sustains the universe.

Haramein ties this profound realization to both scientific and spiritual practice, emphasizing that humans are not isolated beings but are intricately connected to the universe's energy field.

Haramein emphasized the importance of understanding the role of the field in quantum mechanics and criticized what he viewed as “bad science” that removed zero-point energy from the equation.

Haramein expressed optimism about the future, particularly with the development of energy extraction from vacuum fluctuations.

He predicted that in the coming decades, humanity would harness this technology, leading to decentralized energy production, where individuals and households could generate their own energy.

Rob Wergin

I am healed

He emphasizes the importance of being connected directly to divine energy, without intermediaries.

According to him, when working with people, he facilitates a connection to a higher, unconditional energy that allows for transformation.

He believes that healing is a collaborative process, requiring individuals to exercise their free will and choose whether or not to accept the healing energy.

Wergin's approach to healing is rooted in the belief that the energy surrounding individuals provides them with the opportunity for transformation.

He credits this miraculous recovery to his unwavering belief in divine energy and his refusal to accept a negative prognosis.

He teaches people how to reprogram their thoughts to align with positive healing energy.

He emphasizes that nothing is impossible and that everything can be healed through faith, trust, and belief in divine energy.

Matias de Stefano

Equinox Yucatan

He mentioned that these crystals, charged with energy in Antarctica, are part of an effort to balance the planet’s energies.

The participants were encouraged to move and chant in alignment with their constellations, balancing the energy from the past and future toward the present.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Become who you desire in 40 days

The first exercise involves visualizing a blue energy that envelops the entire world.

Bashar instructs the audience to increase the intensity of this energy gradually, culminating in a complete mental focus.

Dr. Michael Lennox

Upcoming Eclipses and Their Impact

Virgo’s energy represents process, integration, and healing, while Pisces symbolizes spirituality and the unconscious.

Mars retrograde spans several months, affecting decision-making, physical energy, and ambition.

Mercury retrogrades through Sagittarius, a sign that scatters Mercury’s energy.


They are closely connected to transformation, energy, and destruction, as well as the creative power of fire.

In this kingdom, elementals serve as caretakers of natural forces and processes, maintaining the balance and flow of energy between the physical and spiritual realms.

In advanced spiritual traditions, elementals may also be thought to exist on higher planes, such as the causal plane or even beyond, in realms of pure spiritual energy.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Shifting Through Parallel Realities

This may include altering body language, attitude, energy levels, and even clothing.

Akashic Records exist in Quantum Fields

This record, according to Laszlo, is a manifestation of energy and is accessible, though how one accesses it is dependent on consciousness.

Geoffrey Hoppe | Adamus

Our planet is in transition

The ongoing changes are leading to the birth of a new human species, influenced by technological advancements and increased spiritual energy.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Longevity and Living in the Now

These beings had advanced technology, including a rod-like device that measured and amplified the questioner's energy.

Magenta pixie

Ancient Lemuria: New Earth

The Nine identify several locations on Earth that hold remnants of Lemurian energy.


A great solar flash

Kerry emphasized the significance of individual energy in teaching.

She highlighted that while words play a small role, energy is the most crucial element in communicating during this transformative time.

Kerry discussed dolphins as beings of higher consciousness, connected to Sirius, who hold the energy of collective unity.


Extraterrestrial Contact by 2026

The ability to predict the future is a form of intuitive or inspired knowing, where artists access likely outcomes based on the current collective energy.

Jessie asked for general advice on how to improve life based on their current energy.

Vagrein advised Jessie to balance their focus by dedicating more energy to physical well-being, comfort, and playfulness.

Stewart Pearce

Three cosmic resets in October and November 2024

Effect: These flashes will disrupt Earth's electromagnetic energy systems, including satellites, cellular communications, and possibly electrical grids.


Satan is not real

The archangels say that your Higher Self is an angelic energy.

Daniel Scranton

The Order of Melchizedek

The Order of Melchizedek highlights that everyone is a unique aspect of source energy.

This self-suppression is not reflective of how source energy views them, but rather a limiting self-perception.

Matias de Stefano

Time and Space

Similarly, space is also a perception, constructed from vibrating strings of energy.

Freddy Silva

The Anunnaki and Their Presence in Sumerian Civilization

These structures, often made of materials with specific properties like quartz and metal, were strategically placed to amplify energy.


The Cosmic Story of Sophia and the Elohim

As Sophia distanced herself from the divine realms, her energy began to densify, transforming into what the texts describe as a great black stone.