

Who is Enlil?

Carson speculates that the "All-Seeing Eye" might be a metaphor for advanced surveillance or satellite technology that Enlil, or beings like him, could have used to monitor human activities on Earth.Carson suggests that the construction and alignment of ancient structures, such as the pyramids, display a level of knowledge and precision that would have required advanced technologies, potentially provided by the Anunnaki.

He further theorizes that these ancient beings could observe Earth from space using devices similar to modern satellites, providing them with detailed information about human populations, agricultural conditions, and more.Additionally, Carson discusses how these ancient narratives and technological implications tie into modern UFO phenomena and governmental transparency regarding extraterrestrial life.


Who is Enki?

Sumerian Mythology: In Sumerian mythology, the Abzu (or Apsu) is the primeval sea below the void space of the underworld (Kur) and the earth (Ma).

It's about respecting the earth, understanding that everything is interconnected, and living in a way that honors that balance.

First World (World of Fire): This world was destroyed by fire, possibly referring to volcanic eruptions or a meteor strike, leading to a purification of the earth.

This catastrophe is often described as the earth toppling from its axis.

The Hopi prophecies, as explored by Hancock, suggest that if humanity does not live in harmony with the earth and each other, this world too might face a cataclysmic end.

It advocates for a society that aligns with Earth's carrying capacity and utilizes the scientific method and engineering to enhance human life.

The first one is about the beginning, and second is about the how the humans came to earth.

Creation myths are stories in cultures worldwide that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.

Pangu and the Creation of the World (Chinese Mythology)Pangu emerges from a cosmic egg and separates yin from yang to create the earth and the sky.

When he dies, his body parts become features of the earth.

These beings possess the power to shape the universe, Earth, and all living things.

Gods or supernatural beings often impose order on the primordial chaos, separating elements (like sky and earth) and creating the physical and cosmic structures of the world.

Humans are often crafted from materials of the earth, such as clay, wood, or from the body parts of gods.

Shared Archetypes: Across these stories, common archetypal characters and themes emerge, such as the earth mother, sky father, trickster, or the world tree, reflecting universal aspects of human thought and experience.

Several creation stories from different cultures and religious traditions begin with the concept of the Earth being formless or in a state of chaos before the process of creation brings order and form.

The Biblical Creation Story (Christianity and Judaism)In the Book of Genesis, the creation narrative starts with the Earth being "formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep," (Genesis 1:2) before God begins the act of creation, separating light from darkness, and land from water, culminating in the creation of life on Earth.

From Chaos emerge Gaia (Earth), Tartarus (the Abyss), Eros (Love), Erebus (Darkness), and Nyx (Night), setting the stage for the creation of the cosmos and the gods.

Surrounding Ginnungagap are the realms of Niflheim (a world of ice) and Muspelheim (a world of fire), whose interactions eventually lead to the creation of the world, including the Earth, from the body of the giant Ymir.

Whales include some of the largest animals to have ever lived on Earth.

for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.



In Steiner's cosmology, "Ancient Saturn" is not the physical planet we know today, but rather the first stage in the evolutionary sequence of the Earth.

This stage precedes the Ancient Sun, Ancient Moon, and our current Earth stages.

In summary, Steiner's concept of "Saturn" is a spiritual and metaphysical one, integral to his understanding of the Earth's and humanity's spiritual evolution.

Ancient Planetary Stages of EvolutionSteiner describes the evolution of the Earth through preceding planetary stages, namely Ancient Saturn, Ancient Sun, Ancient Moon, and then the Earth itself.

Ancient SaturnIn Steiner's cosmology, Ancient Saturn is the earliest stage of Earth's evolution.

EarthThe Earth stage adds another level of condensation and rarefaction.

Approach of Christ and Its Significance: The text delves into the approach of Christ toward Earth, as seen by figures like Zarathustra and Moses.

This recognition was crucial for understanding the nature of the Christ being who was soon to incarnate on Earth.

Prefiguration of Christ's ComingIn the broader narrative of the transcript, the Burning Bush experience is linked to the gradual approach of the Christ spirit toward Earth.

Transfiguration and AscensionElijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, a unique departure from earth.

In some legends, ten crows each represented a sun, and their simultaneous rise caused great hardship for the earth.

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

In common terms, the Elohim represents a demiurgic intelligence, dispatched by God to aid the evolution of various entities on Earth, including whales, dolphins, bats, crows, ravens, and numerous other creatures, plants, and trees.

Frank Ontario

The 12 Elohim

They are said to have manifested our entire system, with Earth being a part of this creation.

The Earth is a microcosm of the Galaxy's history and the collective human experience on Earth is a reenactment of galactic history.

The Elohim helped form the physical or corporeal Earth, anchored the human vibration, and assisted in fostering free will as an access pathway to higher consciousness.



The Anunnaki are not a reptilian race, because it's the Anunnaki who have purged the reptilian race from the Earth.

They are often described as being particularly concerned with Earth and its inhabitants, including marine life like whales.

Beings from the Sirius star system, often referred to as Sirians, are believed to have a special connection with Earth's oceans and marine life.

Arcturians, purportedly from the star system Arcturus, are another group of extraterrestrials that are sometimes linked to oceanic life on Earth.

In some narratives, they are believed to collaborate with or guide marine species, including whales, for the purpose of healing the Earth or advancing spiritual awakening.



Plot the same situation of the Anunnaki when they came in contact with the living on earth.

Families and Women, integral to the social fabric of colonies, might find a parallel in Ninhursag, a mother goddess and the deity of fertility and the earth, reflecting the nurturing and sustaining roles of families.


Golden objects

In Revelation, a golden sickle is used in the context of the harvest of the earth (Revelation 14:14-19).

23 King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. 24 The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart. 25 Year after year, everyone who came brought a gift—articles of silver and gold, robes, weapons and spices, and horses and mules.

In some Psalms, the Earth is metaphorically referred to as God's footstool, and in the context of divine splendor, this is sometimes artistically represented or imagined as golden (Psalms 99:5, 132:7).

If these leylines could somehow influence or amplify the Earth's magnetic field locally, this enhanced magnetic field could interact with the vibrations caused by the sound.

The concept here would be that the granite blocks, under the influence of the enhanced geomagnetic field along the leylines, align in a way that their internal magnetic domains are influenced by the Earth's magnetic field.

The Anunnaki never occupied or inhabited the earth for any length of time, but they were taken to another world and had a technology in that sense that allowed them to visit our world from time to time, in a sense of coming back to their old homestead.



Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, plus or minus about 50 million years.

Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date.

"The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here."

Meanwhile, the scattered jinn on the earth came together again and formed a nation on an island in the Southern Ocean.

Gehenna, originally known as the Valley of Hinnom, is indeed a real geographical location on Earth.

Meanwhile, the scattered jinn on the earth came together again and formed a nation on an island in the Southern Ocean.

Then Hâreth pushed Adam, and the dry earth rattled.

Now that God has made him, He has given him the empire of the world, but I will fight against him and drive him from the earth as I drove out the Jins.

It is related in histories, that a race of Jinn, in ancient times, before the creation of Adam, inhabited the earth, and covered it, the land and the sea, and the plains and the mountains; and the favours of God were multiplied upon them, and they had government, and prophecy, and religion, and law; but they transgressed and off ended, and opposed their prophets, and made wickedness to abound in the earth; whereupon God, whose name be exalted, sent against them an army of Angels, who took possession of the earth, and drove away the Jinn to the regions of the islands, and made many of them prisoners …

Their association with guarding treasures and possessing knowledge of the earth's secrets ties them to ancient beliefs about the underworld and its riches.

underground dwellers are often imagined as protectors of immense wealth, usually in the form of gold, jewels, and other precious items hidden deep within the earth.

credited with deep knowledge of the earth, including the location and properties of minerals and gems

These Jinn are thought to guard the treasures of the earth and can either help or hinder miners, depending on how they are treated.

Unlike humans, who were made from earth, Djinn exist in a world parallel to mankind.

They were believed to inhabit the earth's depths, possibly including areas where mining would occur.

This aligns with a common theme in many ancient mythologies, where beings dwelling in the earth are often associated with specific aspects of the underworld or the earth's mysteries, such as mining areas or natural resources.

Given their supposed habitat in the earth's depths and possible association with mining areas, the Talu might have been thought to have some control over or connection to the minerals and resources found underground.

It is said to be a guardian of treasures and minerals in the earth, making it directly relevant to mines.

While more commonly associated with European folklore, the concept of gnomes – small, earth-dwelling creatures skilled in mining and metalwork – has also found its way into Middle Eastern lore, especially in esoteric and mystical traditions.

In Chaldean mythology, there are references to various earth spirits and beings, some of which were believed to dwell underground.

Although not directly linked to mines, their diminutive size and their association with the earth align with the thematic elements you're interested in.

While not directly linked to mines, their connection to the earth and natural elements is notable.

Additionally, they leave distinct marks such as rings of exposed earth and "bowls" in stones or mud, where offerings like tobacco and fingernails can be placed.

It is unknown when the vicious "Reptilian Race" first appeared on Planet Earth, but they did, and were used by the Anunnaki as the 'Keepers of the Slave Man'.

Sheila Gillette

A new United Nations

The appreciation for the sensory experiences available on Earth underscores the importance of the physical human experience in the broader context of universal energy and consciousness.

A global structure that works for the whole earth

Some of us on earth now are already living/conscious of 4th dimension, while most are still perceiving in 3rd dimension only.

But the way it could be downloaded and understood here on Earth was through the energy of the moon (in-ku).

And there was a war between the beings from the sky and the Giants on Earth that were held in a part of the Middle East and India.

Idea: If the earth was hollow, would the force of the moon be less strong...

if the earth is hollow the moon also is hollow.

Hollow earth theory

Is the earth hollow?

The Hollow Earth theory is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space.

Notably, this idea has been dismissed by the scientific community due to the overwhelming evidence supporting the earth's solid core and mantle structure.

The concept evolved over time, with some early scientists and thinkers, like Edmond Halley in the 17th century, speculating about the possibility of a hollow Earth.

Some proponents have associated it with UFOs and extraterrestrial life, suggesting that advanced civilizations might live in the Earth's interior.

From a scientific standpoint, the Hollow Earth theory is considered a disproven hypothesis.

Geological evidence, such as seismic studies of Earth's interior, the behavior of the planet's magnetic field, and gravity measurements, all support a solid and dense interior consisting of the crust, mantle, and core.

Despite its lack of scientific validity, the Hollow Earth theory has had a notable impact on literature and popular culture, inspiring a range of fictional works, from Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" to modern films and video games.

The dwarves live beneath the earth in a network of mines and forges, where they craft their famed items.

Lunar seismology experiments since then have shown that the lunar body has shallow moonquakes that act differently from quakes on Earth, due to differences in texture, type and density of the planetary strata, but there is no evidence of any large empty space inside the body.

Her interpretation of this data was the foundation of a 1936 paper in which she theorized that Earth’s center consisted of two parts: a solid inner core surrounded by a liquid outer core, separated by what has come to be called the Lehmann Discontinuity.

Earth's atmosphere can be divided into five layers: troposphere (surface to ~ 12 km), stratosphere (~ 12 km to ~ 50 km), mesosphere (~50 km to ~ 80 km), thermosphere (~80 km to 700 km), and exosphere (~ 700 km to 10, 000 km).

Dead Sea Scrolls

Book of Giants

The giants are depicted as engaging in significant battles and possibly corrupting various species on earth.

Matias de Stefano

Angelic Hierarchy

This perspective involves understanding the dual nature of Earth's creation, both spiritual and physical.

Humans, as beings of light and spirit, serve as responsible stewards of life on Earth.

Gross or Physical Body: Present Earth humans possess a physical body that ages and ultimately perishes after several decades.

Future Galactic Earth humans will embody a semi-etheric form, resembling the current physical body but possessing characteristics of an etheric nature.

The Earth, with its unique guardianship role, sits within this spectrum.

Cetaceans and Humans: Both species play critical roles as guardians of the Earth, tasked with maintaining the balance and flourishing of life.

These energies then integrate into the 3rd-dimensional stellar energy patterns, forming the physical universe, including the solar system and Earth.

They possess a consciousness that extends beyond basic physical needs, enabling them to steward life on Earth and in the cosmos.

The Sirians, along with other members of the Galactic Federation, aim to assist Earth in flourishing life.

Their presence on Earth is meant to implement the Spiritual Hierarchies' instructions, ensuring the planet's abundance and well-being.

Guardianship permeates through the eight dimensions of creation, from the highest spiritual realms down to the physical Earth.

The four archangels—Gabriel, Michael, Israfiel, and Asrael—were required to bring earth from the four quarters of the world, that therefrom God might fashion man.