
Half male, half female

Adam Stories

From heaven gods descended on earth

In an unlucky hour the earth produced a honey-sweet substance: one of the men lusted after it, tasted and gave to his companions; the consequence was, that men lost the power of rising from off the earth, their size, and their wisdom, and were obliged to satisfy themselves with food produced by the soil.

The Nepaul account of the beginning of sin is as follows: "Originally," says one of the Tantras, "the earth was uninhabited.

In those times, the inhabitants of Abhaswara, one of the heavenly mansions, frequently visited the earth and thence speedily returned.

It happened at length when a few of these beings, who though half male, half female, through the innocence of their minds had never noticed their distinction of sex, came as usual to the earth.

Adi Buddha suddenly created in them a longing to eat so violently that they ate some of the earth, which tasted like almonds.

By eating it, they lost their power to fly back to their heaven, so they remained on the earth.

They were now constrained to eat the fruits of the earth for sustenance.

"But it came to pass that one of them beholding the earth said to himself, What thing is this?

and with one of his fingers having touched the earth, he put it to the tip of his tongue and perceived the same to be deliciously sweet; from that time, all the Brahmas ate of the sweet earth for the space of 60,000 years.

In the meantime, having coveted in their hearts the enjoyment of this earth, they began to say to one another, This part is mine, and that is thine, and so, fixing boundaries to their respective shares, divided the earth between them.

Because the Brahmas had been guilty of covetousness, the earth lost its sweetness and then brought forth a kind of mushroom," which the Brahmas also coveted and divided, and of which they were also deprived.

A great calabash was placed on the earth, as also a sealed paper, and God gave the black men the first choice.

He came out of the earth, but his wife issued from his thumb, and from them all generations of men have sprung.

He found the earth filled with abundance of all good things.

That the Mexicans had other traditions, now lost, touching this matter is probable, for they had a form of baptism for children in which they prayed that those baptized might be washed from "the original sin committed before the founding of the world." And this had to do, in all probability, with a legend akin to that of the Iroquois, who told of the primeval mother falling and then of the earth being built up to receive her when precipitated out of heaven.

The Caribs of South America relate that Luoguo, the first man and god, created the earth and the sea, and made the earth as fair as the beautiful garden in the heaven where dwell the gods.

"The sister of Eliulap the first man, who was also a god, felt herself in labour, so she descended to earth and there brought forth three children.

To her astonishment she found the earth barren; therefore, by her mighty word, she clothed it with herbage and peopled it with beasts and birds.

The godless Sammael had made an alliance with all the chiefs of his host against the Lord, because the holy and ever-blessed Lord had said to Adam and Eve, "Have dominion over the fish of the sea," and he said, "How can I make man to sin and drive him out?" Then he went down to earth with all his host, and he sought for a companion like to himself; he chose the serpent, which was in size like a camel, and he seated himself on its back and rode up to the woman, and said to her, "Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" And he thought, "I will ask more presently." Then she answered, "He has only forbidden me the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge which is in the midst of the garden.

Geographical Distribution: The wide geographical distribution of humans across the Earth, including in regions isolated by vast oceans and natural barriers, suggested to La Peyrère that humanity must have multiple origins, as it would have been impossible for descendants of Noah's family to populate these areas so quickly after the Flood.

Critiques of Scriptural Chronology: He critiqued the then-accepted calculations of Earth's age based on biblical genealogies, suggesting that such timelines were incompatible with the evidence of older human civilizations.


The peacock

The earth shall be your abode; in the sweat of thy brow shalt thou find food; the produce of earth shall cause envy and contention; Eve (Hava) shall be afflicted with a variety of strange affections, and shall bring forth offspring in pain.


The snake

The wolf is bound, Thorr constrains the serpent, and Loki is chained under the mountains, and a serpent distils poison on his breast; when he tosses in agony, the earth quakes.



Venus is the second planet from the Sun, known for its brightness when viewed from Earth.

The pressure on the surface is intense, equivalent to being about 900 meters underwater on Earth.

Its day is longer than its year, with each day lasting 243 Earth days and each year lasting about 225 Earth days.Venus has been a target for several robotic missions, primarily by NASA and the Soviet space program.

Often called Earth’s twin due to their similar sizes, Venus differs dramatically in terms of climate and atmospheric conditions.



It completes an orbit around the Sun every 88 Earth days, which is the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System.

Interestingly, Mercury's rotational period is about 59 Earth days, so it rotates very slowly compared to its orbital speed.

Physical CharacteristicsMercury is a rocky planet, similar to Earth, but it's much smaller with a diameter of about 3,032 miles (4,880 kilometers).

Its small size means it has a weak gravitational force, only about 38% of Earth's gravity.



It has a thin atmosphere, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, and features such as valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps that resemble those on Earth.



Its diameter is about 11 times that of Earth.

The Great Red Spot, a giant storm larger than Earth, is one of the most recognizable features of Jupiter and has been observed for over 300 years.

Orbit and RotationJupiter orbits the Sun once every about 11.86 Earth years.

It is the third brightest natural object in the Earth's night sky after the Moon and Venus and has been observed since prehistoric times.



And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth.

And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins.

And the women have borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness.

Disgusted by all this, "the Gods" decided to have a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim and other ghastly creatures (according to the Book of Enoch.

The Bible says that the Nephilim are bound "in the valleys of earth" - beneath the earth?- until Judgement day).

He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

“Now have come the salvation and the powerand the kingdom of our God,and the authority of his Messiah.For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,who accuses them before our God day and night,has been hurled down.11 They triumphed over himby the blood of the Lamband by the word of their testimony;they did not love their lives so muchas to shrink from death.12 Therefore rejoice, you heavensand you who dwell in them!But woe to the earth and the sea,because the devil has gone down to you!He is filled with fury,because he knows that his time is short.”

When the wheat was sprung up, Gabriel gave Adam fire from hell, which however he had previously washed seventy times in the sea, or it would have consumed the earth and all things thereon.

Nag Hammadi Codex I

The third Adam is earthly

He answered and said, “Yes, but if you wish that he not be able to ruin our work, come, let’s create a human being from the earth according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being,  to serve us, so that whenever this being sees his likeness, he may become enamored of it.

After the woman they cursed Adam and the earth and the fruit because of him.

They gathered all the domestic animals and wild beasts of the earth and the birds of the heaven, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them.

Come, let’s cast him out of paradise down to the earth, the place from where he was taken, so that he will no longer be able to know anything better than we can.”

And when she came out of the first heaven with every power, she chased the rulers from their heavens, and she cast them down to the sinful world, that they might dwell there as evil demons upon the earth.

The secret book of John

Adam in Yaldabaoth’s Paradise

When Yaldabaoth discovered that they had moved away from him            He cursed his earth.            He located the woman as she was preparing herself for her man.He gave the woman over so that the man might be her master,            Because he did not know the secret of the divine strategy.

[Elohim was the name of the first.Yahweh was the name of the second.            Elohim has a bear’s face.            Yahweh has a cat’s face.                        One is righteous;                        One is not.                                    Yahweh is righteous;                                    Elohim is not.Yahweh would command fire and windElohim would command water and earth.] 

These beings are intensely luminous and fiery — the word "seraph" itself can be translated from Hebrew as "burning" or "fiery." The seraphim are involved in worship and praise of God, continuously proclaiming His glory by saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory."

6 Then the angels commanded Adam and Eve to get up and pray forty days and forty nights; when that was done, then Adam was to have sexual intercourse with his wife; for then this would be an act pure and undefiled; so that he would have children who would multiply, and replenish the face of the earth.

It is he who threw down this rock to kill you under it, and Eve with you, and thus to prevent you from living on the earth.

8 And this sign, O Adam, will happen to Me at My coming on earth: Satan will raise the people of the Jews to put Me to death; and they will lay Me in a rock, and seal a large stone over Me, and I shall remain within that rock three days and three nights.



In Norse mythology, Sif is a golden-haired goddess associated with earth.

Secret Book of John

Abel: Ruler of water and earth

Ruler of water and earth

He rules over the elements of water and earth, alongside Cain, who is seen as Yahweh, ruling over the elements of fire and wind.

The deities associated with both the elements of Water and Earth are less common, as most mythologies typically assign specific elements to different gods.

Poseidon/NeptunePrimarily known as the god of the sea (Water), Poseidon is also the god of earthquakes and horses, which links him to Earth as well, particularly in his role in causing earthquakes.

SusanooThe Japanese god Susanoo, while primarily known as the god of the sea and storms (Water), also has connections to the Earth through his stories and legends, which often involve interactions with the terrestrial world and its creatures.

A list of gods, deities, and mythological figures associated with the elements of Water and Earth from various cultures:

Gaia (Greek) - Primordial Earth goddess and mother of all life.

Demeter (Greek) - Goddess of agriculture, harvest, and fertility of the earth.

Geb (Egyptian) - God of the Earth.

Pachamama (Incan) - Goddess of the earth and fertility.

Dharti Mata (Hindu) - Personification of the earth and one of the mother goddesses.

Rhea (Greek) - Mother of the gods and goddess of the earth.

Tellus Mater (Roman) - Ancient Roman earth goddess associated with fertility and abundance.

Prithvi (Hindu) - Goddess of the earth and mother of plants and animals.

Cernunnos (Celtic) - Horned god of the earth, fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld.

Mokosh (Slavic) - Goddess associated with moisture and the earth, often depicted as a protector of women and their fertility.

Several deities associated with Water or Earth have counterparts who rule over Fire or Wind in various mythologies.

Gaia (Earth, Greek) and Hephaestus (Fire, Greek): Gaia is the Earth itself, a primordial deity, and Hephaestus, as mentioned, is the god of fire.

Pachamama (Earth, Incan) and Inti (Fire, Incan): Pachamama is the goddess of the earth, and Inti is considered a sun god, representing fire and light.

Gaia (Earth, Greek) and Aeolus (Wind, Greek): Gaia is the Earth goddess, and Aeolus controls the wind, which can be seen as moving over the Earth and interacting with its landscapes.

Ignorant or malevolent because it was not allowed to interfere with the living beings on earth.

And they became together a begetting spirit of the earth.

At the first hour, God gathered the dust of the earth; in the second, He formed the embryo; in the third, the limbs were extended; in the fourth, the soul was given; at the fifth hour Adam stood upright; at the sixth, Adam named the animals.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

Mayan Prophecy: Predicted a physical pole shift on Earth and a transformative shift in human consciousness.

This grid was designed through geomancy to alter Earth's energetic and consciousness fields.

Alignment with Earth’s Energetic Fields: Drunvalo suggests that the placement of the Great Pyramid, and indeed all such structures, is intricately aligned with Earth's energetic fields, which influence both the physical and spiritual realms of the planet.

… The number and features of these three sexes were owing to the fact that the male was originally the offspring of the sun, and the female of the earth; while that which partook of both sexes was born of the moon, for the moon also partakes of both.

The rulers curse Adam, Eve, the earth and its fruit.

Adam teaches his son Seth about his past, saying that he and Eve were created by the god Sakla out of the earth, but they were once with the eternal God and like great eternal angels.

A flood destroys all flesh on Earth except for those on Noah's Ark.

Sakla gives the Earth to Noah and his sons to rule over in kingly fashion.

Noah then divides the Earth among his sons Ham, Japheth and Shem and warns them to serve Sakla in fear and slavery.

The seventh kingdom believes that he is a drop that came from heaven to earth and was brought up by dragons.

Walking with or stepping on snakes => Earth

From 900 to 120 years

Human lifespan declines

Yima, according to Yt9.10, made immortality reign on the earth for a thousand years.

You and your successors must pray to me, and you will find mercy and loving-kindness at my hands." Then the soul penetrated all the members, reaching last of all the feet of Adam, which receiving strength, he sprang up, and stood upon the earth.

In heaven he bears the name of the much-lauded, and on earth he will be called Mohammed.

A synodic period refers to the time it takes for a celestial body (like a planet) to return to the same apparent position relative to the Sun and Earth.

For example, the synodic period of Mars is about 780 days, meaning that Mars appears in the same position in the night sky approximately every 780 days as observed from Earth.

They were very skilled and connected with the earth's chakras and the cosmos.

The story of Noah's Ark is a well-known biblical tale that tells the story of a global flood that destroyed all life on earth except for Noah, his family, and a pair of every animal species on the planet.

However, there are also significant differences between the two versions, such as the length of the flood and the reason for God's decision to destroy the earth.

Bashar explains that Anu decided to mix their genes with the natural humanoid, known as Homo Erectus or Homo Habilis, on Earth.

The Anunnaki established several laboratories on Earth, referred to as Gardens, with the primary one located in the Eden region of the Middle East, near the Euphrates River.

When the majority of the Anunnaki, who hadn't come to Earth, realized what had been done on Earth, they saw it as a violation of their laws and recalled those who were on Earth.

One version recounts Lilith’s refusal to assume a subservient position during intimate relations, asserting her belief in equality as both were created from the earth’s dust.

Then, the man in the dream told Arigó he was Adolph Fritz, a German doctor who died during the First World War (1914-1918) before finishing his work on Earth.

Ever since I was a kid, I've been drawn to the mysteries of our world, especially ancient history and the idea of life beyond Earth.

Then, the man in the dream told Arigó he was Adolph Fritz, a German doctor who died during the First World War (1914-1918) before finishing his work on Earth.

The Earth, much like our bodies, is thought to have energy centers, or ‘chakras,’ that affect both the planet’s and our well-being.

Ancient civilizations, like those in Egypt, built temples along natural energy lines, like those of the Nile River, to align with these powerful earth energies.

This transformation, according to de Stefano, is not something to resist but to embrace as part of the cyclical changes the Earth undergoes.

De Stefano believes that technology, when guided by conscious intention, has the potential to connect us more deeply with the Earth and each other.

Exploration and Colonization: Humans have a history of exploring and colonizing new territories, including every continent on Earth and, more recently, outer space.

From the wheel to the internet, human inventions have reshaped life on Earth.

The idea that the Anunnaki, a group of deities from ancient Mesopotamian cultures, arrived on Earth 40,000 years ago and modified the DNA of Homo species to create Homo sapiens is a concept rooted in pseudoscience and ancient astronaut theories.

Physical Anomalies: Features such as the protruding chin, the ability to sweat profusely, and the lack of body fur might be explained as specific genetic modifications for reasons known only to the Anunnaki, perhaps to adapt humans better to their roles on Earth or to distinguish them from other hominids.