
Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

Major catastrophic events reshaped the Earth’s geography, causing seismic changes and flooding.

Even His own lieutenants were not apparently admitted to His confidence, but were simply following out His directions; among these were several who are now Masters, and others who have passed onwards, away from our Earth.

The Gobi Sea became circular, and land was thrown up, now Siberia, separating it from the Arctic Ocean; Central Asia rose, and many torrents, caused by the unprecedented rainfall, cut deep ravines through the soft earth.

Terrible rains fell almost incessantly; masses of steam and clouds of dust enveloped the earth and darkened the air.

A number of promising children were cut off, but, after all, it did not much matter, for they all went out of earth-life together, grandparents, parents and children, and were ready to come back when the'Manu founded His family.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

Vulcan, the intra-Mercurial planet, was duly represented, and the place in the scheme where our earth should have come in was occupied by the temple of the Moon — a large one, though the hemisphere which crowned it seemed disproportionately small, being constructed exactly to the same scale as the rest.

Close by this Moontemple there arose an isolated dome of black marble supported by pillars, which from its size was evidently intended to typify the Earth, but there was no shrine of any kind attached to it.

Something is it also of encouragement to him to know a little of the glory and the beauty that have been on this grand old earth of ours, and to know that that is but a pale forecasting of the glory and the beauty that are yet to be.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Atlantean Peruvian Civilization

Astronomy held a special place in their knowledge, with an understanding of planetary movements, eclipses, and the shape of the earth.

It is a little difficult to give an idea of the physical appearance of the race inhabiting the country, for no race at present existing on earth sufficiently resembles it to suggest a comparison, without misleading our readers in one direction or another.

Such representatives of the great third sub-race of the Atlantean Eoot Race as are still to be seen on earth are degraded and debased, as compared with the Eace in its glory.

Another point of similarity between this ancient system and our own is to be found in the exceeding care with which the land was surveyed, parcelled out, and above all analysed — the chief object of all this investigation being to discover the exact constitution of the earth in every part of the country, in order that the most appropriate crop might be planted in it, and the most made out of it generally.

First, they kept up the splendid temples of the Sun all over the land — kept them up on such a scale that many a small village shrine had golden ornaments and decorations that would now represent many thousands of pounds, while the great cathedrals of the larger cities blazed with a magnificence which hap never since been approached anywhere upon earth.

They knew that before this final consummation many other long periods of existence must intervene, but we cannot find that they realised with certainty that any part of that future life would be spent upon this earth again.

He pointed out that both these actions were absolutely continuous — that though sometimes the Sun was hidden from the sight of His child the earth, yet the cause of such temporary obscuration was to be found in the earth and not in the Sun, for one had only to climb far enough up the mountains in order to rise above the overshadowing clouds, and discover that their Lord was shining on in glory all the time, entirely unaffected by the veil which seemed so dense when seen from below.

They understood that the planets differed from the rest of the stars, and spoke of them as the sisters of the earth — for they recognised that the earth was one of them — or sometimes 'the elder children of the Sun.

' They knew that the earth was globular in shape, that day and night were due to its rotation on its axis, and the seasons to its annual revolution round the sun.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Other towns on the plains were protected by immense earth banks faced with metal plates, forming nearly impregnable barriers against contemporary weapons.

Their knowledge extended to manipulating natural forces for propulsion and construction, even achieving feats such as making heavy objects repel the earth's gravity.

On the summit of this hill lay the Emperor's palace and gardens, in the centre of which welled up from the earth a never-ending stream of water, supplying first the palace and the fountains in the gardens, thence flow-

Other large towns, built on the plains, were protected by immense banks of earth, sloping towards the town, and sometimes terraced, while, on the outward side, they were faced with thick plates of metal, clamped together; these were supported on great beams of wood, the uprights being driven deeply into the earth; when these were in place, and connected with heavy crossbars, the plates were attached to them, overlapping like scales, and then the space between the earth-work and the barrier was filled with earth, solidly rammed together.

Forces, the knowledge of which has been lost, were known to the science of the day; one of these was used for the propulsion of both air-and water-ships; another for so changing the relation of heavy bodies to the earth, that the earth repelled instead of attracting them, so making the raising of gigantic stones to a lofty height a matter of the greatest ease.

They were more often alchemically produced than sought for in the crust of the earth, and were often very artistically introduced to add richness to schemes of decoration, carried out in brilliant colours.

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Babel Story of Cholula

Having collected materials for the purpose, they found a very adhesive clay and bitumen, with which they speedily commenced to build the tower; and having reared it to the greatest possible altitude, so that they say it reached to the sky, the Lord of the Heavens, enraged, said to the inhabitants of the sky, 'Have you observed how they of the earth have built a high and haughty tower to mount hither, being enamored of the light of the sun and his beauty?

Come and confound them, because it is not right that they of the earth, living in the flesh, should mingle with us.' Immediately the inhabitants of the sky sallied forth like flashes of lightning; they destroyed the edifice, and divided and scattered its builders to all parts of the earth."

"And the Lord scattered them abroad from thence on all the face of the earth," says the Bible.

"They scattered its builders to all parts of the earth," says the Mexican legend.

James Croll

Climate and Time

Croll identified cycles of varying eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, which he estimated to occur roughly every 100,000 years.

This cycle affects the shape of Earth's orbit, ranging from more circular to more elliptical.

He discussed the precession cycle, where the Earth's axis wobbles like a spinning top.

Precession affects the timing of the seasons relative to the Earth's position in its orbit.

Croll noted changes in the Earth's axial tilt, which occur over a cycle of about 41,000 years.

Professor James Croll's seminal work, "Climate and Time in Their Geological Relations: A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's Climate" (published in 1875), presents a groundbreaking theory on the long-term changes in the Earth's climate.

Croll proposed that variations in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt, known as Milankovitch cycles, significantly influence long-term climate patterns.

These cycles affect the distribution and intensity of solar radiation received by the Earth, leading to periods of glaciation and interglaciation.

Eccentricity of Earth's Orbit:

He highlighted the importance of changes in the eccentricity (shape) of the Earth's orbit around the sun.

Croll examined the effects of the precession of the equinoxes (the wobble in the Earth's rotation) and changes in the obliquity (the tilt of the Earth's axis).

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

1:2) that in the beginning the earth was without form and void, and covered with water.

1:9), "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so." The Quiche legend says, "The creative spirits cried out 'Earth!' and in an instant it was formed, and rose like a vapor-cloud; immediately the plains and the mountains arose, and the cypress and pine appeared."

The Aztec legend says, "The sun was much nearer the earth then than now, and his grateful warmth rendered clothing unnecessary."

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Seven Levels of Existence

Father Seán also extends this concept to the planet itself, proposing that Earth has seven levels:

One could say that, similar to the general populace, a race arose in this realm of the earth that was very dissimilar to present-day humanity.


The Rainbow

The rainbow often touches the earth at two points, sometimes forming a full circle.

One story is that before the Diné, or the five-fingered beings, were placed on the surface of Mother Earth, the two boys had to get rid of all the evil things on the earth before they could bring the Diné, or the children of the Holy People, here.

One day, when we end our existence on the surface of Mother Earth, we will journey into the next world.

This includes Mother Earth and Father Sky; all things undergo a birth process and were brought into existence for us in the third world.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Planetary Rehabilitation: Many creation stories describe Earth as being rehabilitated by advanced beings after a flood.

This is not a creation story—this is the memory of a devastation of the planet and a rehabilitation of the planet when others turn up from somewhere else and assist with the rehabilitation of the environment and the re-nurturing of life on Earth.[30:38] There’s an overlap from there to the Filipino stories, the Nigerian stories of Osanobua, the Almighty One above the waters.

Genesis 11 begins with the verse saying, "In the beginning, all the land on Earth had a single coastline." That’s referring to what we call Pangaea.

I think civilization on Earth is far older than we are, and our ancestors had some notion of it and sewed it into world mythology.

In the biblical story, the flood happened to get rid of this awful hybridized presence on the planet that was again a breaking of authority in some way, on the basis of agreements among the sky council governing Project Earth.[38:07] That’s the Genesis story of it, but it’s assumed we know this—it’s told so quickly in Genesis 6.

Agricultural Renewal: It celebrated the renewal of the earth and the start of the agricultural cycle.

In the days before the destruction, a large comet entered the solar system, taking up an eccentric orbit that crossed Earth’s path twice a year, raining down remnants that caused great destruction over two decades.

The Atlanteans were deeply connected to the Earth and nature, but there was a split between those who retained this connection and those who succumbed to fear-based beliefs.

Significance: The festival marked the New Year and was held to ensure the renewal of the earth, the king, and society.

It was an essential part of the Esagila complex and symbolized the connection between heaven and earth.

Sabine Baring-Gould

The death of Adam

A common belief is that Noah carried Adam’s bones in the Ark, and they were buried in Jerusalem, the supposed center of the earth.

“Here lies, reduced to a pinch of dust, he who, from a pinch of dust, was formed to govern the earth, Adam,the son of None, the father of All, the stepfather of All and of himself.

An apparition involves a divine entity making itself known to a person on Earth, a concept supported by most Christian denominations.



Symbolically, the fenghuang's body represents celestial bodies: the head is the sky, the eyes are the sun, the back is the moon, the wings are the wind, the feet are the earth, and the tail is the planets.

Hanns Hörbiger

The World Ice Theory

Hörbiger claimed that Earth and other planets have had multiple moons made of ice that periodically crash into the planets, causing cataclysmic events such as floods and changes in climate.

The theory posits that many of Earth's geological and climatic changes, as well as historical catastrophes described in myth and legend (such as the Great Flood), can be attributed to the impacts and influences of these ice moons.

His blood becomes the oceans, his flesh the earth, his bones the mountains, his hair the trees, and his skull the sky.

Earth serves as a recycling center for various soul routes.

Anunnaki arrived on Earth and genetically manipulated hominids to create Homo sapiens.

Anunnaki's home planet faced ecological issues, prompting them to mine gold on Earth.

Souls from Orion found a new home on Earth to transform dark energy.

Earth's history includes cycles of destruction and transformation (e.g., Maldek's destruction, Mars' loss of atmosphere).

Earth's Role:

Earth is a recycling planet for multiple extraterrestrial journeys and transformations.

From 2020 onward, Earth has the opportunity to break old cycles and transform darkness into light.

Humanity can become the "angels of Orion" and lead Earth into a new era of prosperity and peace.

The goal is to create a stable, radiant Earth that serves as a beacon for other beings.

These apples were a wedding gift from Gaia (Earth) to Hera, the queen of the gods, upon her marriage to Zeus.

This act of creation was monumental; it split the chaos into two distinct parts: the earth, represented by murky yin, and the sky, represented by clear yang.

To maintain this separation, Pangu stood between the earth and sky, pushing the sky upwards.

With each passing day, the sky grew ten feet (3 meters) higher, the earth ten feet thicker, and Pangu ten feet taller.

In other versions, Pangu alone separated heaven and earth, which were already imbued with the properties of yin and yang, using his immense strength and his axe.

His head formed the mountains and the farthest reaches of the earth; his blood became the rivers that flow across the land; his muscles turned into fertile soil, supporting plant and animal life.

His bones turned into valuable minerals, providing resources for future civilizations, while his bone marrow became precious jewels, hidden deep within the earth.

In other versions of the story, Pangu's body turned into the mountains, forming the backbone of the earth.

Each version, however, emphasizes the profound connection between Pangu and the natural world, illustrating how his sacrifice gave birth to the myriad elements that sustain life on earth.

The Chinese legend tells us that P'an-Ku's bones changed to rocks; his flesh to earth; his marrow, teeth and nails to metals; his hair to herbs and trees; his veins to rivers; his breath to wind; and his four limbs became pillars marking the four corners of the world, which is a Chinese version not only of the Norse myth of the Giant Ymir, but also of the Babylonian story of Tiamat.

When the earth had thus been shaped from the body of P'an-Ku, we are told that three great rivers successively governed the world: first the celestial, then the terrestrial, and finally the human sovereign.

Some fragmentary tablets reference a time before the gods, when only Earth (Sumerian: ki) and Heavens (Sumerian: an) existed.

However, the earth was green and had water underground, but there was no vegetation.

It recounts how the heavens and earth were once united and later separated.

Humankind was then created, and the great gods divided the responsibilities of managing the heavens, earth, and the Netherworld.

The origins of humans are detailed in another early second-millennium Sumerian poem, “The Song of the Hoe.” In this myth, and many other Sumerian stories, the god Enlil is depicted as the deity who separates the heavens and earth and creates humankind.

In “The Debate between Grain and Sheep,” the earth initially appeared barren, without grain, sheep, or goats.

In “The Debate between Winter and Summer,” a Sumerian author explains that summer and winter, abundance, spring floods, and fertility result from Enlil’s copulation with the hills of the earth.

Enki decided the world needed to be well-managed to avoid chaos, so various gods were assigned responsibilities, including overseeing waters, crops, building activities, wildlife, herding domestic animals, and overseeing the heavens and earth, and the activities of women.

In “Enki and Ninmah,” the lesser gods, burdened with the toil of creating the earth, complained to Namma, the primeval mother, about their hard work.

The poem, with 1,091 lines on seven tablets, opens with a theogony set before the creation of the heavens and earth.

He used Tiamat’s carcass to create the world, splitting her in half to form the heavens and the earth.

From Tiamat’s body, he created clouds, winds, mists, mountains, and earth.

The earth is formed by piling dirt on a raft in the primeval waters.

“The Creation of Humankind,” a bilingual Sumerian-Akkadian story also known as KAR 4, begins after the separation of heaven and earth and the establishment of features like the Tigris, Euphrates, and canals.

It is often associated with the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).



Uranus is one of the primal gods, born from Chaos or emerging directly from Gaia (the Earth), depending on the mythological account.

He represents the sky in its primal, untouched form, enveloping the earth and providing a place for the gods to reside.

Uranus was both the son and husband of Gaia (the Earth).

This union between sky and earth was foundational in Greek cosmogony, explaining the origin of many key entities and forces in the world.

Its orbit takes approximately 84 Earth years to complete.



Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",


The Holy Seven

Utuabzu is one of the Mesopotamian Apkallu, thought to have ascended to heaven and brought divine secrets to earth, representing deep wisdom and esoteric knowledge.

Legends of Old Testament Characters

Androgyne Adam

They say that the first man was created of the dust of the earth, and was placed in a garden, where he was subject to none of the ills which now affect mortality; he was also free from all bodily appetites, and though surrounded by delicious fruit and limpid streams, yet felt no desire to taste of the fruit or to quaff the water.

In China, the story is told that the Goddess Amida sweated male children out of her right arm-pit, and female children from her left arm-pit, and these children peopled the earth.

Another story is to the effect, that the right arm of Vena gave birth to Pritu, the master of the earth, and the left arm to the Virgin Archis, who became the bride of Pritu.

"The Sire who rules the earth and sways the poleHad spoken; laughter filled his secret soul:He bade the crippled god his hest obey,And mould with tempering water plastic clay;With human nerve and human voice investThe limbs elastic, and the breathing breast;Fair as the blooming goddesses above,A virgin likeness with the looks of love.He bade Minerva teach the skill that shedsA thousand colours in the glittering threads;He called the magic of love's golden queenTo breathe around a witchery of mien,And eager passion's never-sated flame,And cares of dress that prey upon the frame;Bade Hermes last endue, with craft refinedOf treacherous manners, and a shameless mind."

One version recounts Lilith’s refusal to assume a subservient position during intimate relations, asserting her belief in equality as both were created from the earth’s dust. Disagreeing with Adam, Lilith chose to depart the Garden of Eden.