
In some versions of the myth, he is considered a celestial being sent to earth to guide and civilize humanity.


Egyptian Gods

Significance: Marks the time of the first fruits celebration and the sun's closest point to Earth.

Deity: Nephthys symbolizes maturity and the peak of summer, where the sun is closest to Earth, providing the maximum energy needed for crops to mature.

Significance: This is a period of hibernation and introspection, as the sun is at its furthest point from Earth.

The equinoxes signify equal day and night, while the solstices mark the sun's closest and furthest points from Earth.

For example, the summer solstice, on December 21, is when the sun is closest to Earth in the southern hemisphere, and the winter solstice, on June 21, marks the sun's return journey towards the southern hemisphere, which we consider the African Christmas."

Mkhulu Nsingiza:"In December, the summer solstice brings the sun closest to Earth, associated with maturity and the first fruits celebration.

This gives us 360 days, with five extra days dedicated to the gods who influence everything on Earth."

The masculine was represented by the sun, and the feminine by the moon, incorporating the elements of fire, earth, water, and air.

Adam Story

Adam and Bahouna

They say that the first man was created of the dust of the earth, and was placed in a garden, where he was subject to none of the ills which now affect mortality; he was also free from all bodily appetites, and though surrounded by delicious fruit and limpid streams, yet felt no desire to taste of the fruit or to quaff the water.

Antoinette Bourignon

Primeval man and the birth of Eve

Her belief was that she was chosen by God to restore true Christianity on earth and became the central figure of a spiritual network that extended beyond the borders of the Dutch Republic, including Holstein and Scotland.

The Muslim Adam Story

The Creation of Adam and Hawa

She shared equal responsibility with Adam in their life in Paradise and later, after their descent to Earth, in their role as the progenitors of the human race.

Malagasy Adam Story

Zanahary shaped Andrianerinerina

Zanahary shaped Andrianerinerina from the red earth, breathed life into him, and gave him dominion over all creatures.

Andrianerinerina lived alone on the earth for a long time, and although he had everything he needed, he felt a deep sense of loneliness.

She brought happiness and balance to Andrianerinerina’s life, and together they lived in harmony, sharing the earth and all its wonders.

The legend says that Zanahary's son came down to Earth at a place called Anerinerina (north of Angavokely) to play with the Vazimba, the original inhabitants of Madagascar.

Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.

For example, King Prithu, who is credited with making the earth fertile and suitable for agriculture, is a prominent figure in these lists.

Other legendary figures include King Sagara, who performed the Ashvamedha Yagna (horse sacrifice) and whose descendants are said to have brought the Ganges river from heaven to earth.

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

Star People: Credo Mutwa discusses the presence and influence of "star people" who descended to Earth and interacted with ancient African civilizations.

Men were forbidden from mining as it was considered a form of rape against the Earth.

Stone Tools: Ancient miners used stone tools instead of metal tools to respect the Earth's sanctity and due to superstitions associated with metal extraction.

Rituals and Ceremonies: He describes rituals performed by sangomas (traditional healers), such as mating on the back of a Brahman bull to unite heaven and earth, and various other ceremonies that were part of the spiritual fabric of ancient African societies.

Star People Influence: He asserts that star people descended to Earth and interacted with African civilizations long before recorded history, implying a timeline that extends back to prehistoric times.

Rock Inscriptions: Mutwa talks about huge plates of rock with inscriptions detailing how the star people descended to Earth, located in Zimbabwe.

He says, "Till another distinct example of the OM shape." He says, "Indians everywhere in the world." This is symbolic of the unity between God in heaven and the earth below.6:12We call it Soloro, and this white man just writes a lot of [ __ ] about Soloro.6:46There are no gates, you can't get in there.7:00Oh yes, you could.

A female Sangoma and a male Sangoma used to ritually mate on the back of this creature to unite heaven and earth.13:45I saw it being done.

14:23This is a huge, huge plate of rock.14:33On this plate of rock are writings of how the star people descended to earth.14:41It's right here in Zimbabwe with us.14:48Whereabouts in South Africa?

Because metal-working people felt guilty about taking metal from the stone.19:41Out of superstitions, they used stone tools to dig for gold.19:53You were not allowed to use metal to rape metal from the earth mother.

Women.22:07Yes, if a man took material from the earth mother, it was a rape; he had to die.

Geb (Kronos): The earth god, Geb, ruled for 500 years.


Account of Menes

"This king was the first to establish the city of Memphis, making use of the mud and earth that the river deposits in its floods.

"The Egyptians themselves say that their ancestors, in the time of the first king, lived on what the earth produced naturally" (Histories, Book 2, 2.93).





His embodiment of both protective and destructive forces is a reflection of the dualistic nature of Earth, where growth often comes through challenges and contrasts.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

the ideas about the possibility for man to communicate with God directly, without intermediates, without rituals… France, Germany, the Netherlands… This process was completed with the liberating wave of Napoleon, which washed out almost completely the filth of the inquisition from the Earth.

The word Cairo in Atlantis meant Earth: Earth as a living planet!*

“Atlantis was My ‘earth’.

“I am one of many Atlanteans who continued to work on the Earth after the destruction of Atlantis.

“Thus I recreated in Greece all the best from the culture of Atlantis — hoping to preserve it in the memory of people on the Earth for many centuries."

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

Construction of Earthworks: The Mound Builders created large structures of earth and stone, including great pyramidal mounds similar to those found in Mexico and Egypt.

Their use of earth mounds, geometric constructions, and metalworking points to advanced knowledge likely derived from Atlantis.

These four sons likely represented four races, the offspring of the earth.

Ignatius Donnelly

Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis

Sir William Jones recounts the story of Mashab-Ad, who is considered the first monarch of Iran and the entire earth:

1:2) that in the beginning the earth was without form and void, and covered with water.

1:9), "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so." The Quiche legend says, "The creative spirits cried out 'Earth!' and in an instant it was formed, and rose like a vapor-cloud; immediately the plains and the mountains arose, and the cypress and pine appeared."

The Aztec legend says, "The sun was much nearer the earth then than now, and his grateful warmth rendered clothing unnecessary."

The name Adam is derived from the red earth, signifying a ruddy complexion.

As the stone came from the earth, it was said to have been derived from the under world, from Xibalbay, literally the unseen or invisible place, the populous realm in Quiche myth, visited and conquered by their culture hero, Xbalanque.

iii., 21): he was the first that tilled the earth, having emerged from a more primitive condition in which he lived upon the fruits of the forest (chap.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Toltec Flood Story: Describes a flood covering the earth and a close chest (toptlipetlocali) in which survivors escape.

Iroquois, Chickasaws, Sioux: All have flood legends involving a single family or person surviving and repopulating the earth.

Survival and Rebirth: Many legends involve a single family or person surviving a global flood and repopulating the earth.

The Chaldean legend's "terrible water-spout" and the Aramæan tradition's "enormous volumes of water" issuing from the earth reflect similar events.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends (I)

Ogyges and Deucalion: Ogyges escapes a flood that covers the earth.

Deucalion, advised by Prometheus, survives with his wife in a chest and repopulates the earth.

Bantu Creation Stories

The Bantu peoples

In this myth, Kalumba created the world and then sent a chameleon to test if the earth was dry.


Yima and the Vara

This winter, known as the "evil winter," would last for an extended period and bring severe cold, snow, and ice, threatening all life on earth.

It was large enough to accommodate a diverse selection of living beings, ensuring that the best representatives of each species would survive and repopulate the earth once the winter ended.

The preserved life within the vara began to repopulate and rejuvenate the earth, restoring balance and vitality to the world.

Thus, under the sway of Yima, three hundred winters passed away, and the earth was replenished with flocks and herds, with men and dogs and birds and with red blazing fires, and there was room no more for flocks, herds, and men.

Then I warned the fair Yima, saying: 'O fair Yima, son of Vivanghat, the earth has become full of flocks and herds, of men and dogs and birds and of red blazing fires, and there is room no more for flocks, herds, and men.'

Then Yima stepped forward, in light, southwards, on the way of the sun, and (afterwards) he pressed the earth with the golden seal, and bored it with the poniard, speaking thus: 'O Spenta Armaiti, kindly open asunder and stretch thyself afar, to bear flocks and herds and men.'

And Yima made the earth grow larger by one-third than it was before, and there came flocks and herds and men, at their will and wish, as many as he wished.

Thus, under the sway of Yima, six hundred winters passed away, and the earth was replenished with flocks and herds, with men and dogs and birds and with red blazing fires, and there was room no more for flocks, herds, and men.

And I warned the fair Yima, saying: 'O fair Yima, son of Vivanghat, the earth has become full of flocks and herds, of men and dogs and birds and of red blazing fires, and there is room no more for flocks, herds, and men.'

Then Yima stepped forward, in light, southwards, on the way of the sun, and (afterwards) he pressed the earth with the golden seal, and bored it with the poniard, speaking thus: 'O Spenta Armaiti, kindly open asunder and stretch thyself afar, to bear flocks and herds and men.'

And Yima made the earth grow larger by two-thirds than it was before, and there came flocks and herds and men, at their will and wish, as many as he wished.

Thus, under the sway of Yima, nine hundred winters passed away, and the earth was replenished with flocks and herds, with men and dogs and birds and with red blazing fires, and there was room no more for flocks, herds, and men.

And I warned the fair Yima, saying: 'O fair Yima, son of Vivanghat, the earth has become full of flocks and herds, of men and dogs and birds and of red blazing fires, and there is room no more for flocks, herds, and men.'

Then Yima stepped forward, in light, southwards, on the way of the sun, and (afterwards) he pressed the earth with the golden seal, and bored it with the poniard, speaking thus: 'O Spenta Armaiti, kindly) open asunder and stretch thyself afar, to bear flocks and herds and men.'

And Yima made the earth grow larger by two-thirds than it was before, and there came flocks and herds and men, at their will and wish, as many as he wished.

'Thither thou shalt bring the seeds of men and women, of the greatest, best, and finest on this earth; thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of cattle, of the greatest, best, and finest on this earth.

'Thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of tree, of the highest of size and sweetest of odour on this earth; thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of fruit, the best of savour and sweetest of odour.

Crush the earth with a stamp of thy heel, and then knead it with thy hands, as the potter does when kneading the potter's clay.'

[And Yima did as Ahura Mazda wished; he crushed the earth with a stamp of his heel, he kneaded it with his hands, as the potter does when kneading the potter's clay.

There he brought the seeds of men and women, of the greatest, best, and finest on this earth; there he brought the seeds of every kind of cattle, of the greatest, best, and finest on this earth.

There he brought the seeds of every kind of tree, of the highest of size and sweetest of odour on this earth; there he brought the seeds of every kind of fruit, the best of savour and sweetest of odour.

Yima, according to Yt9.10, made immortality reign on the earth for a thousand years.

After organizing Mother Earth, the Holy People allowed their children to use this language.

However, the children began to misuse it, moving parts of Mother Earth, causing damage and creating mountains for fun.

The story begins with the Holy People using a sacred language to organize everything in the heavens and on Mother Earth.

After organizing Mother Earth, the Holy People allowed their children to use this language.

However, the children began to misuse it, moving parts of Mother Earth, causing damage and creating mountains for fun.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

First Ship-load of Egos: The first group of egos arrives on Earth from the Moon Chain.

Egos Continue to Arrive: Ship-loads of egos continue to arrive on Earth, contributing to the ongoing evolution.

All who were taken on into the fourth Root Race were the Initiates and their disciples in these bodies, and none at this stage were taken from those who had previously been evolving on the Earth Chain.

At this time arrived on Earth a ship-load of egos, in a group of whom — which kept much together — we are specially interested, as it contained many old friends, Sirius, Orion, Leo and others; some of these were ear-marked on their arrival by Vaivasvata Manu — the Manu of the fifth Eace — as part of His future materials.

In the lower spheres there was apparently a dull, groping, sense of 'want,' as though they were very dimly sensing the absence of the old friends of former lives and of the Inter-Chain interval, who were still sleeping away in the Inter-chain Nirvana, not to arrive on Earth for another 400,000 years.

In the intuitional sphere, these 700-year people were in touch with the 1,200-year group, but it was only when the former arrived on the Earth that there was a time of general rejoicing among the egos in the higher mental sphere, due chiefly to the arrival of those who were the most deeply loved and revered — the future Masters.

Those immediately connected with some of the earlier group were still in that Nirvana, although others had come to earth with the 1,200-year set, among them the two future Masters who now wear English bodies.

The first ship-load containing the 700-year group arrived on Earth about 600,000 B.

Blavatsky speaks of some who came to the Earth from Mercury.

Herakles' third birth on earth was in the same tribe, in which many members of the group were re-united.

Later on these folk plotted to assassinate him, and he had them executed; thus began again, this time on earth, a long series of antagonisms not yet exhausted.

Blavatsky spoke as still admissible to human bodies, would belong to the animal kingdom of the Moon, not to that of the Earth; they took up bodies produced by the "sin of the mindless," and are the gorillas, chimpanzees, orang-utangs, baboons, and gibbons.

A great rebellion was being plotted, and a man of strange and evil knowledge, — a 'Lord of the Dark Face/ leagued with the dark Earth-Spirits who form the Kingdom of Pan, the semi-human, semi-animal creatures who are the originals of the Greek satyrs — was gradually gathering round himself a huge army which followed him as Emperor, the Emperor of the Midnight Sun, the Dark Emperor, set over against the White.

Against the White Cave of Initiation in the City of the Golden Gates was set up the Dark Cave in which the mysteries of Pan, the Earth-God, were celebrated.

Example: In the Earth's chain, Globe A would be a realm of pure spirit, where the initial spark of life is kindled.

Example: In the Earth's chain, Globe C is associated with Mars.

Example: Earth itself is Globe D in the current chain.

Example: Associated with Mercury in the Earth's chain, this globe might be a realm of advanced intellectual societies focusing on scientific and metaphysical exploration.

Earth Chain: In the current Earth chain (the fourth in the series), the third globe (C) is associated with Mars, and the fifth globe (E) with Mercury.

The Earth itself represents Globe D, the densest and most physical point in this chain.

Lunar and Terrene Chains: The previous Chain in the Earth Scheme was the lunar Chain (now our Moon), followed by the current terrene Chain (Earth).

In fact, such visitors came to our earth at one stage of its evolution, to guide and help our newly-born humanity.

The seven Schemes of our Solar System may, for convenience sake, be named after the globe D of each, this being the globe best known to us; these are : Vulcan, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (see Diagram I).

In the Scheme to which our Earth belongs, the Chain which preceded our terrene Chain was the third of its series, and its one physical globe, globe D, was the globe which is now our Moon; lifence the third Chain is called the lunar, while the second and first Chains are designated only by numbers; our Earth Chain, or terrene Chain, is the fourth in succession, and has therefore three of its seven globes in physical manifestation, its third globe, C, being what is called the planet Mars, and its fifth globe, E, what is called the planet Mercury.

So again later Chains were helped, and our Earth will have to provide high Officials for the earlier Chains of other Schemes, as well as yielding the normal supply for the later globes and Rounds of our own Chain.

Already from our own Occult Hierarchy two Members, within our own knowledge, have left our Earth, either to join the General Staff, or lent by the Head of our Hierarchy to the Head of the Hierarchy of some other globe outside our Scheme.