


The Procyonians are a highly evolved humanoid race with a beneficent view of humanity. They are able to travel through time and dimensions and have been trying to protect Earth from harmful alien influences.

Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea.

200,000 Years ago

Mū Civilisation

In ancient times, the Mū culture, also known as Pre-Tahitian Hawaiian Culture, operated under the governance of the “Kapu” system

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, a people who were “chosen by the Gods” 15,000 years ago. He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system. It’s located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is a barred spiral galaxy.

Sumerian King List

Sumerian King List

Antediluvian rulers 241,200 Years
First dynasty of Kish 24,510 Years
First rulers of Uruk 2,310 years

Anshar and Kishar are two deities in the Babylonian creation myth known as the Enuma Elish.