The sacred status of gold and silver contributed to their use as currency. The Atlanteans’ demand for these metals likely spread their value across cultures

The pervasive reverence for the Cross, the myth of the Garden of Eden, and the construction of pyramids across ancient civilizations point to a shared cultural memory and religious symbolism

Ignatius Donnelly

The God Odin, Woden, or Wotan

It is plausible that the Scandinavian Olympus was Atlantis. Odin is depicted as a grave, elderly man with a long beard, carrying a spear, and accompanied by two dogs and two ravens

Not only were the gods of the Greeks the deified kings of Atlantis, but we also find that the mythology of the Phoenicians was drawn from the same source.

The Greeks converted the kings of Atlantis into their gods and depicted Atlantis as the heaven of the human race.

Ignatius Donnelly

Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis

In exploring the mythologies of ancient civilizations, we find recurrent references to a mysterious and ancient civilization, often interpreted as Atlantis.

The practice of artificially deforming the skull was prevalent among various ancient civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

the story of the Deluge plainly refers to the destruction of Atlantis and that it agrees in many important particulars with the account given by Plato.

The city of the sun god, Tulan or Tonatlan, as the place of their origin, of the land Zuiva and of the Nonoalcos



Couvade ([kuvad]) is a term coined by anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor in 1865. It refers to rituals in various cultures that fathers adopt during pregnancy.

The land destroyed by water was the country in which the civilization of the human race originated.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Alfred Maury noted that American flood legends closely resemble those of the Bible and Chaldean records, suggesting a common origin from Atlantis rather than migration from Asia.

Dream Interpretation

Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury

Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury (1817 1892) was a scholar and physician known for his early ideas on dream interpretation and the impact of external stimuli on dreams

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends (I)

Chaldean, Syrian, Indian, Iranian, Greek, Welsh, Scandinavian and Persian Great Flood Stories

Ignatius Donnelly

The Chaldean Deluge

Berosus describes how Xisuthros (Khasisatra) was warned by the god Cronos (Ea) of a coming flood and instructed to build a vessel to save his family, friends, and animals.

The Temple of Artemis at Sardis, the fourth largest Ionic temple in the world, is situated on the western slopes of the Acropolis


Yima and the Vara

Ahura Mazda foreseeing a catastrophic winter that would devastate the world. This winter, known as the evil winter

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Over a million years, the Manu meticulously bred the new race, achieving the red-brown Toltec sub-race known for its splendor.

In Theosophical literature, the concept of chains and globes is central to understanding the evolution of life within a solar system.

AI portrait Leadbeater

Bishop Leadbeater

Charles Leadbeater (1847-1934) was an influential member of the Theosophical Society, a prolific author, and a prominent lecturer on esoteric subjects.

Lord Vaivasvata Manu began selecting individuals for the fifth Root Race. This was the first step in a long process of choosing the best candidates for developing this race.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

The planets themselves were not believed to influence human affairs directly. Instead, the solar system was seen as one great being, with each part representing different aspects of it.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Atlantean Peruvian Civilization

In the thirteenth millennium B.C., the civilization of Peru closely resembled that of the Toltec Empire at its peak.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Mr. Scott-Elliot describes the famous City of the Golden Gates as surrounded by a beautiful, park-like landscape dotted with villas of the wealthy.

Navite of Cholula (AI)
Ignatius L. Donnelly

Babel Story of Cholula

Immediately after the light and the sun arose in the east there appeared gigantic men of deformed stature and possessed the land

In the beginning, Cagn created the world. Initially, everything was chaotic, and as he shaped the world, he had to fight and defeat many powerful and evil creatures.

Izanagi and Izanami are central figures in Japanese mythology, particularly in the creation myths of Shintoism.

James Croll

Climate and Time

James Croll discovered that long-term changes in Earth’s climate are driven by variations in its orbit and axial tilt, known as Milankovitch cycles. These cycles include eccentricity (~100,000 years), precession (~26,000 years), and obliquity (~41,000 years).

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) was an American politician, writer, and amateur scientist. He is known for his diverse interests and contributions in several fields, including politics and history

Cinnamon has a storied history dating back to antiquity. It was imported into Egypt as early as 2000 BC