When all this was done, God called into existence a being named Kyomarz, or Gil-Shah; and he was the father of all the present human race—that is to say, of the Persians. ‘Gil’ means ‘clay,’ ‘Shah’ means ‘king’

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Mahabad – the last survivor

During each cycle, a class of intelligent, progressive, and immortal beings exists.

The text asserts that Chinese records speak of events that took place among their ancestors as far back as 129,600 years ago.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

86 Chaldean Kings – 34,080 years

The First Dynasty consists of 86 Chaldean kings who reigned for a total of 34,080 years.

Horner’s findings suggested that fragments of pottery found in Nile sediment layers dated back approximately 13,500 years.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

Menes – Adam

The first Pharaoh of Egypt, traditionally considered to have ruled around 3000 BCE. Randolph proposes that Menes ruled around 6000 years ago.

So you have a name by name list from God to Adam and the Adamites all the way to Jesus.

The Anuki language is an Austronesian language spoken by the Gabobora people along Cape Vogel in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.


Creation Story

In the beginning, there was Light and Darkness, and Chaos and Order intertwined. In the covenant of Light and Darkness, and Darkness and Light intertwined.

Research uncovered genetic traces of Native American ancestry in some Polynesian populations

The Laman form, the original human prototype, combined DNA from several galactic races and Earth humans, creating highly connected beings.

Hindu cosmology

World Elephant

The Ashtadiggajas (Sanskrit: अष्टदिग्गज) are a group of eight legendary elephants in Hindu cosmology. They serve as the guardians of the eight zones of the universe.

Long, long ago there were only creatures on the earth. There were birds, bears, deer, mice, everything but people.

Long ago before Mother Earth existed, the Creator sat alone in darkness thinking, and with His thoughts He formed Mother Earth.

Mount Shasta holds a significant place in the cultural and spiritual traditions of several Native American tribes in the region.

The Creator was unhappy about this and decided to cause a great flood to purify the earth. A man named Waynaboozhoo survived.

As time passed, the world flourished with various creatures and plants. However, Kumush became displeased with the behavior of some beings who did not follow his teachings.

However, in some traditions and interpretations, particularly in Kabbalistic and mystical traditions, “Elohim” can refer to multiple divine beings or aspects of God.

The Pleiadians, from the Pleiades star cluster, commonly known as the Seven Sisters, have influenced life on earth.

Baal worship spread throughout the ancient Near East, including among the Phoenicians, who took the worship of Baal to their colonies in the Mediterranean



Nymphs in Greek mythology are nature spirits associated with various natural features such as forests, rivers, mountains, and seas.

This fusion resulted in Hermaphroditus being depicted as having both male and female genitalia.


The bull

The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest known literary works, features the Bull of Heaven sent by the goddess Ishtar to punish Gilgamesh

Great Flood Story

Cherokee Flood Story

Very soon there is going to be a great flood, and the water will rise so high that everyone will drown. But if you make a raft, you can save yourself and your family.

Creation Story

Cherokee Creation Story

In the beginning, all was water, and the animals lived in the heavens. It was very crowded there, and they longed for more room.

The notable miracles performed by Elijah, Moses, and Jesus, as described in the Bible.

Historically, the Nile Delta had seven main distributaries that carried the river’s waters into the Mediterranean Sea.



Yaldabaoth is often depicted as an ignorant or malevolent creator god who is responsible for the material world.

According to the extraterrestrials, humans have undergone 65 genetic alterations.

The Dogon Tribe have detailed knowledge of the Sirius star system, including Sirius A and its invisible companion Sirius B.