
The Emim, known as Emites in English, were identified in the Moabite language as the Repha’im, a term found in the Hebrew Bible.



The Zuzim, or Zuzites (Hebrew: זוּזִים‎, Zūzīm), are a tribe mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis.



The term “Rephaite” or “Repha’im” from the Hebrew Bible and other ancient texts in the region refers to two distinct concepts. Firstly, in Deuteronomy 2:10-11, it denotes a people characterized by above-average height and stature.


5th Dimension

5th Dimension is about understanding the creation. It’s like living in the middle of an cable, you are just energy flowing constantly.

First dimension is mind. First dimension is the thoughts. There is nothing but consciousness in the universe.

That’s the only thing that exists.

Australian Aboriginal

Australian Creation Myth

In this Aboriginal creation myth, the Father of All Spirits first awakens the Sun Mother to bring life to a dormant Earth. Her presence stimulates the growth of plants across the barren landscape.

Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived.

The Ark of the Covenant is a biblical artifact described in the Book of Exodus. It is a sacred chest made of wood and covered with gold.


The 200 Grigori

The Grigori are a group of fallen angels described in biblical apocrypha, who mated with women, giving rise to Nephilim.

Elohim is plural, It’s a mistake that it is translated to ‘God’. There is a link to the Anunnaki

James Churchward

The Lost Continent of Mu

19th-century explorer Augustus Le Plongeon proposed the lost continent of Mu, believed to be the cradle of ancient civilizations.

According to Matias de Stefano, these Djeds created a field wherein everything within would be levitating.

The name “Egypt” has an intriguing etymology rooted in ancient history. The term “Hwt-ka-Ptah” is a key element in this linguistic journey.

The Tlavatli, also known as the 2nd sub-race, originated from an island off Atlantis’s west coast.

Interview with Huna Flash about Lemuria and Atlantis

The first sub-race of the Atlanteans is called in Theosophical literature the Rmoahal. 



Ptah was often depicted as a creator god who fashioned the world through his thoughts and words.

Despite Moses’ hesitation and self-doubt, God reassures him of divine support and reveals His name as “I AM.” This chapter sets the stage for the deliverance of the Israelites.


Yahweh YHWH

Yahweh is often shown as a violent and jealous deity, commanding the extermination of entire populations, such as in the story of Saul and the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15.

Since “Gilgal” means a “circle of standing stones”, it is quite plausible for there to have been more than one place named Gilgal

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are described as being large and strong.

Starting 102,500 years ago, this Wave is characterized by light, reflective self-consciousness, the emergence of art, spirituality, and ritual.

Waves represent distinct phases of evolution and consciousness. The Fifth Wave symbolizes a period of unity consciousness and spiritual awakening. The Sixth Wave introduces a dualistic pattern leading to ego dominance and societal structures like patriarchy.

The holy trinities in religious, mythological, or cultural contexts, represent complex ideas through a structure of three interconnected entities.

Book of Mormon


The text of The Book of Mormon is a religious record of ancient peoples in the Americas, primarily the Nephites and the Lamanites.

Latter-day Saints

Creation story

Abraham 4 from the Latter-day Saints describes the actions of the Gods in creating and organizing the heavens and the earth.

The Akashic records is where we can see everything that comes from the mind of the first dimension and contemplate every possible expression of what this mind creates.

Adam traditionally is the first human in Judeo-Christian scripture. Adam is a symbolic figure representing the beginnings of the human race

The land of Egypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus

Tolkien himself famously ascribed his Atlantis Complex to a haunting dream