
Matias de Stefano

Concept of the Soul and Twin Flame

The tetrahedron symbolizes the structural components needed for an individual to find coherence: wisdom, love, will, vibration, matter, and energy.

Astral Projection Techniques

Additionally, spiritual blockages caused by low-vibration influences, such as stress and fear, create a fog that prevents clear memories.

Guided Meditation: Practicing meditation before sleeping helps calm the mind and raise spiritual vibrations, making it easier to recall astral experiences.


DNA’s nucleotide sequences converts into music

The study of cymatics, which examines how sound vibrations form patterns in various materials, has raised questions about the potential impact of music on the human body, including DNA.

Sound waves cause particles in matter to vibrate, and when organized, these vibrations create observable patterns.

Sound vibrations may modulate gene expression, affecting cellular processes and overall physiological responses.


12 Dimensions of Naga

This sensitivity is attributed to the snake’s physical proximity to the earth and its ability to feel vibrations.

Pamela Aaralyn

Channeling Lyran ETs- Time Travel & Portal Technology

These portals, however, require one to raise their vibration to become aware of them.

She encourages people to remain aware of these events, train their mind, body, and soul, and hold their vibration in a space of service and love.

Michael Tellinger

Beings who came to Earth to mine gold

Sound, vibration, and resonance create magnetic fields, which, in turn, generate electromagnetic fields, such as light.

Daniel Scranton

The Order of Melchizedek

The Order of Melchizedek explains that self-acceptance and full expression of oneself have a positive impact on humanity, raising the collective vibration.

Carla L. Rueckert

The Confederation of Planets

It is a place where individuals are aware of the thoughts and vibrations of others.

Pamela Aaralyn

DNA and RNA have been altered by extraterrestrials

They respond to an energetic vibration emitted by certain individuals, which reflects a deep longing, curiosity, or singular focus.

They emphasize the existence of beings categorized as either "service to self" or "service to others." Humans who project vulnerability or victimhood may attract attention due to their unique vibrations.

Frederick S. Oliver

Axte Incal, Axtuce Mun (4-1)

Dynamic Energy and Vibration: The Poseid believed that all matter and phenomena could be explained by different rates of vibration.

By controlling these vibrations, they could produce specific colors and manipulate light, potentially leading to technologies that could alter visual perceptions or create specific light conditions.

This technology, which involved conveying images and sound through the manipulation of vibrations, was far beyond the wired communication methods known today.

Commencing with dynamic energy as first sensibly manifest in the example furnished by simple vibration, the Poseid position may be outlined as follows: A very low rate of vibration may be felt; an increase of rate heard.

For example, first we feel the pulsing of a harp-string, and then if the rate of vibration be increased we hear its sound.

The first color produced is red, and thence, by a constantly augmenting vibratile energy, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, each spectrum-band being due to an exact and definite increase in the number of the vibrations.

But, ere entering into the realm of vibration, whose doorkeeper is sound, we find that the One Substance vibrates in variant, but definite, dynamic degree, and that thence arise each and all of the diverse forms of matter; in short, the difference between any given substances, as gold and silver, iron and lead, sugar and sand, is not one of matter, but of dynamic degree solely.

In this dynamic affection the degree is no loose limitation, for if the vibratile rate be a shade variant, lower or higher than in any special material which may be under notice, the variation will be different in appearance and in its chemical nature; thus to proper substantial entities definite if enormous vibrations per second may be imparted, and the resulting substance (for light is substantial) is, say, red light, 1 but if one-eighth greater it will be orange, and if more or less, then the resultant must inevitably be a reddish orange, or a yellowish, respectively.

If the dynamism operating the universe acts in circular progression, it follows that an infinity of increase in vibration possible to One Substance would be an untenable concept.

As vibration brought substance into the realm of light, it must carry it out.

The secret was out, the discovery being that attraction of gravitation, the law of weight, had set over against it the "repulsion by levitation"; that the first belonged to the Light-Side of Nature, and the second to Navaz, the Night-Side; that vibration governed the darkness and the cold.

That vibration of the One Substance governed and composed all realms was a discovery which solved the problem of the conveyance of images of light, pictures of forms, as well as of sound and heat, just as the telephone thou knowest so well conveys images of sound, only In Poseid no wires or other sensible material connection was required in the use, at whatever distance, of either telephones or telephotes, nor even in caloriveyance, that is, heat-conduction.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantean priestess Alyne

These included using crystals to amplify healing energies, sound therapy to align the body’s vibrations, and applying herbal concoctions that were charged with spiritual energy.

Edgar Cayce

Healing Practices in Atlantis

One of the key elements of Atlantean healing practices was the manipulation of energy and vibrations.

Belinda Womack

The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun

As Above, So Below: This law emphasizes the importance of aligning earthly life with the vibration of undiluted love, mirroring the divine.

The Law of Energy: This law reminds individuals to respect their energy and vibration, advising them to redirect their energy toward actions that align with love and the greater good.

Matias de Stefano

Ancient vs Modern Technology

It was all about vibrations and tuning into the right frequencies, which required a deep connection with nature.

Atlantis Connection To Abydos

Experts hypothesize that the Osirion was built using advanced technology, possibly involving sound and water, to transmit cosmic knowledge through the vibrations of the earth and water.

Rudolf Steiner

The First, or Polar, Race

The human form was described as an "all ear," capable of perceiving subtle vibrations from the environment.

Over time, as the Earth transformed, a specialized part of the body retained the ability to respond to these vibrations, leading to the gradual development of the organ of hearing​.

Rudolf Steiner

Humanity Before the Division of Sex

Humans experienced the outer life of nature directly through their senses, particularly hearing, which perceived every vibration and movement as a form of eloquent language.

Pamela Aaralyn

Hathorian Technologies

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

Healing through Sound: Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations.


Leanna, the Atlantean Ambassador

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

Matias de Stefano

Atlantis and the Rise of the Gods

Vibration Words: Early humans used vibrational words to represent divine energies, such as "an" and "mu," conveying complex information succinctly.


The Pleiadian Goddess Satya

Satya, a Pleiadian goddess and former priestess of Ellora, speaks about her frequency and vibration, connecting with participants to enhance their divine feminine grace.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

Todd employs pineal tones, a set of specific sounds and vibrations intended to activate higher dimensional aspects of DNA and consciousness.

Bruce Lipton

The 7 Hermetic principles

Different states of being are the result of different rates of vibration.

Positive thoughts create a positive vibration that can enhance our health, while negative thoughts can create a harmful vibration.


Hathorian technologies Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations.

The Seven Globes

The vibrations that make the successive notes of a scale may be correspondently figured in a regular series.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

For instance, by means of what is called in modern Astrology a Martian influence, certain vibrations of the astral essence are set up which tend in the direction of passion.

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Seven Levels of Existence

Etheric Body: Higher frequency vibrations, observable as auras.


Each number is believed to carry unique vibrations and attributes that can influence our lives and the world around us.

The vibrations that make the successive notes of a scale may be correspondently figured in a regular series.

Who is god?

Sound and Light: God is perceived as a sound that transmits into a resonant vibration of light.

Start with why

The concept of using sound and vibration in such a way opens up exciting possibilities about the past and future.