
Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

This idea of the use of coloured light to promote growth was common to several of the old Atlantean races, and was part of the teaching originally given in Atlantis itself.

The great bulk of the nation were clearly of Turanian stock, belonging to the fourth sub-race of the Atlantean Root-Race.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Atlantean Peruvian Civilization

This example of Atlantean civilization had an autocratic government, a system shaped by the influence of great Adepts who acted as rulers and guides to early humanity, imparting wisdom and order from above.

so closely resembled that of the Toltec Empire in its zenith, that, having closely studied that period, we utilise it here as an example of Atlantean civilisation.

Egypt and India in their Atlantean periods, offered other examples, but, on the whole, the chief features of the Toltec Empire are best reproduced in the Peru which is here described.

Such representatives of the great third sub-race of the Atlantean Eoot Race as are still to be seen on earth are degraded and debased, as compared with the Eace in its glory.

Our Peruvian had the high cheek-bones and the general shape of face which we associate with the highest type of the Red Indian, and yet he had modifications in its contour which made him almost more Aryan than Atlantean; his expression differed fundamentally from that of most modern Red Men, for it was usually frank, joyous, and mild, and in the higher classes keen intellect and great benevolence frequently showed themselves.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

However, these towns were vulnerable to aerial attacks by Atlantean air-ships, which could drop bombs and poison gas.

Atlanteans were skilled in many advanced technologies.

Airships and Bombs: The Atlanteans had developed advanced airships (akin to modern aeroplanes) capable of dropping bombs that released poisonous vapors.

Energy Manipulation: The Atlanteans possessed knowledge of forces that could repel gravity, facilitating the construction of large structures.

Air Attacks: Despite strong city defenses, Atlantean cities were vulnerable to attacks from the air, which could drop deadly bombs.

But such a city necessarily lay open to assaults from above, and the Atlanteans carried the making of air-ships — aeroplanes, we should call them now — to a high pitch of excellence; and, if such a city were to be attacked, these birds-of-war were sent to hover over it, and to drop into it bombs which burst in the air, and discharged a rain of heavy poisonous vapour, destructive of human life.

We have chosen two daughter civilisations which grew up in later days, far from the great centre of the fourth Root Eace — one descended from the third sub-race, the Toltec, the other from the fourth subrace, the Turanian — in order to give a more vivid and detailed picture of the level reached by the Atlanteans.

Lemuria: The Lemurian root race was completely different in its organization from our present root race and even from the Atlanteans.

This race was completely different in its organization from our present root race and even from the Atlanteans.

Here we need to bear in mind that the third race, the Lemurians, already looked completely different from us and also completely different from the Atlanteans.


Mixture of Hyperboreans, Lemurians, and later Atlanteans.

Two races arose from this: one that became the foundation of the Atlanteans.

From this mixture of Hyperboreans, Lemurians, and later also Atlanteans, there emerged initiates who were different from the initiates we look upon as our teachers today.

The Bahamas now are simply remnants of the main island of the Atlantean civilization, along with Cuba.

The Atlanteans spread into North, Central, and South America, and even crossed the oceans into Europe, the Mediterranean, and northern and western Africa.

Many people on your planet today imagine Atlantis with Grecian architecture due to ancient stories from Egypt passed to Greece, but the closest representation of Atlantean architecture is Aztec architecture: large stone blocks and pyramids like those in Central and South America.

The Minos architecture, specifically the Temple of Knossos on Crete, also provides a glimpse of Atlantean influence.

A greater chunk of the comet eventually struck the Atlantic Ocean, causing massive tsunamis and the final obliteration of Atlantean culture on the eastern seaboards of the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

Before the final destruction, the Atlanteans, observing the comet and understanding their time was running out, migrated to preserve their culture, knowledge, and civilization in South America, Africa, Europe, and eventually Egypt.

The Younger Dryas period, marked by this event, shifted your climate and raised ocean levels, submerging most of the Atlantean islands.

Imagine the thriving Atlantean civilization: great pyramidal structures, paved streets, and temples painted red, white, black, and sometimes sheathed in gold and silver.

The beautiful crystals gave light and power to the Atlantean cities and were used for long-distance communication.

The Atlanteans were deeply connected to the Earth and nature, but there was a split between those who retained this connection and those who succumbed to fear-based beliefs.

Knowing they were reaching the end of their cycle, the Atlanteans migrated to various parts of the world to preserve their knowledge.

In the last days, recognizing their end, the Atlanteans left in great ships, while others perished in the destruction.

The cycle has begun anew, and you are in both the end and beginning times, experiencing the glory and grace of the highest days of the Atlantean civilization.

The Atlanteans communicated with dolphins and whales, bringing them into their temples, and had great knowledge of herbs and foods that promoted healing.

Fourth Root Race: The Atlantean Race - Inhabitants of Atlantis, possessing advanced knowledge and technology.

The Aryan Race is said to have emerged from the survivors of the Atlantean Race.

He claimed that Atlanteans had profound spiritual and psychic abilities but eventually faced destruction due to their misuse of power.

Leanna provides an in-depth explanation of the Atlantean perspective on God:

Cosmic Consciousness: God is viewed as the ultimate Cosmic Consciousness, an energy construct beyond any language, including the Atlanteans'.

Atlantean's whales and dolphins

Atlantean Consciousness and Evolution: The text begins with a description of the consciousness prevalent in Atlantean times.

Atlanteans had a dim clairvoyance and could perceive the spiritual world more directly, though less clearly, than we do today.

Influence of Lucifer and Atlantean Leaders: The text discusses the influence of Lucifer on the evolution of human consciousness and the efforts of Atlantean leaders to guard against this.

It suggests that Atlantean leaders and oracles had a significant role in guiding people spiritually, especially in combatting negative influences.

Sinking of Atlantis and Post-Atlantean Mysteries: The narrative then shifts to the sinking of Atlantis and its consequences, including the continuation of spiritual oracles and mysteries in the post-Atlantean era.

Methods of Initiation and Evolution of Consciousness: Different methods of initiation used in post-Atlantean mysteries are detailed, including how they evolved up to Christian times.

Evolution Through Post-Atlantean Epochs: The narrative explores the progress of human orientation through the first four post-Atlantean epochs, culminating in the Greeks and their unique approach to the physical world.

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

During parts of the Lemurian or Atlantean civilizations, no governments existed.

In the midst of the Lemurian and the early Atlantean civilization, the vibrational level was so elevated that Angels coexisted with human beings.

Some modern interpretations of the Atlantis myth suggest that Atlanteans possessed advanced knowledge and technology, possibly including a sophisticated understanding of marine life.

In these interpretations, Atlanteans have had a special relationship with marine creatures like dolphins and whales, perhaps even communicating with them or understanding them better than we do today.

Some individuals who have psychic abilities or who engage in channeling practices have purportedly received messages or insights from Atlantean spirits or entities.

The second were the Afro-Atlanteans who were the original inhabitants of the land.

The second were the Afro-Atlanteans who were the original inhabitants of the land.



Atlantean KingChicquetet Arlich Vomolites is described as a king of Atlantis who possessed advanced spiritual and mystical knowledge.

The father of civilization for Atlanteans were Thalan (Poseidon).

Atlanteans, including the Anunnaki and other star beings, played a significant role in this era.

Theosophical literature identifies the Rmoahal race as the first Atlantean sub-race.

In Theosophy, Atlanteans stand as a key human root race.

This view presents human development in epochs, with Atlanteans following Lemurians.

The Rmoahal, as an early Atlantean sub-race, feature in depictions rich in spiritual and metaphysical significance.

The Igigi herds the Little People on the bottom of the picture whilst the Afro-Atlanteans look on.

Book of Mormon


The Altean descendants (Atlanteans) who survived on the planet, known as the Nephites, played a crucial role in spreading the spiritual legacy of the Altea Region.

Matias De Stefano remembers his life as a woman living in the Atlantean colony of Khem.

Development of Consciousness: The Atlantean period, according to Steiner, was characterized by a shift from the dream-like consciousness of Lemuria to a more vivid, though still clairvoyant, consciousness.

Atlanteans were described as having natural psychic abilities, allowing them to manipulate their environment and even control life forms through psychic means.

Spiritual Leadership: Steiner described Atlantean society as being guided by spiritually advanced individuals, often referred to as "initiates" or "priests." These leaders were believed to have profound clairvoyant powers and a deep understanding of spiritual laws, which they used to guide society.

Class or Caste System: Atlantean society, according to Steiner, had a hierarchical structure, possibly resembling a caste system.

Harnessing Natural Forces: Atlanteans were said to have had the ability to harness and control natural forces, which they used for various purposes, including transportation and construction.

Etheric Energy: Steiner described a form of energy called "etheric" or "life force" energy that Atlanteans could manipulate.

Use of Crystals: The use of crystals in Atlantean technology is a notable aspect of Steiner's descriptions.

He suggested that Atlanteans used crystals to harness and focus etheric energies for various purposes, including healing, energy transmission, and possibly even for power generation.

Atlanteans were described as living in harmony with their environment, with a profound understanding of the living world.

Link to Modern Humanity: Steiner considered the Atlantean period critical for understanding the evolution of modern humans.

Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

The fourth race, the Atlanteans, were more advanced and inhabited Atlantis.

Thus the Fourth Race Atlanteans were developed from a nucleus of Northern Lemurian Third Race Men, centred, roughly speaking, toward a point of land in what is now the mid-Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantean continent was destroyed by sinking into the ocean.

However, the last Atlantean island, Poseidonis, mentioned by Plato, was destroyed as a result of a war between Atlantean black magicians and the Adepts of the time, who were forced to intervene to stop the abuse of psychic powers.

He claimed that Atlanteans had profound spiritual and psychic abilities but eventually faced destruction due to their misuse of power.

Thus, if you look at your ocean maps today, the outline of the islands as they used to be—the Bahamas—are simply the remnants of what used to be the main island, along with Cuba, of the Atlantean civilization.

The closest representation of Atlantean architecture is Aztec architecture; large stone blocks and pyramids found in Central and South America resemble the structures you would have seen in Atlantean times.

The Aztec architecture that remains is the closest remnant to the idea of Atlantean architecture that still exists on your planet now.

On the island of Crete, you will see an ancient Atlantean colony in that temple, which is known as The Labyrinth Temple.

The legend of the minitor says that the Atlanteans were bull worshippers, so the idea is that they adopted some of the Grecian architecture but still retained something quite different.

If you look at the remnants of the labyrinth in the Temple of Knossos on the island of Crete, you will see that it was actually an initiation labyrinth from the Atlantean culture.

In the sense of a particular ritual that will allow you at the end to allow your mind to open up to new understandings, new information, and new initiations of the cosmos, this came from ancient Atlantean times.

During the Atlantean Civilisation there was a connection between Egypt and Machu Picchu.

The Old Equator was a line that Atlanteans were following in order to access the main movement of the magnetic field of the planet.

According to the story, a united human race (Atlanteans) speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar (שִׁנְעָר‎).

During the late Atlantean times, the main island wanted to control all colonies.

Egypt (ruled by Atlanteans)

Pyramids built by Atlanteans



16,000 - 10,500 BC


Atlantean people began the was against the Leo era

There existed a highly developed civilization of the Atlanteans.

But the higher spiritual knowledge was preserved by some Atlanteans, Who achieved Divinity.

The Atlantean educational system included the skills of psychic self-regulation, the knowledge about the structure of the multidimensional universe, ethics and different kinds of art, creativity in science and technology, which were developed to a high level.

Djehuty (in Atlantean language)

Thoth-the-Atlantean moved to Egypt (Khem)Thoth relates that He went the entire Path to Mergence with the Primordial.Thoth also explains one of the higher meditations — the Temple and its particular variation — the Pyramid.“Long then dwelt I in the Temple of the Primordial until at last I was One with the Light.”Later Thoth embodied Himself again in Egypt and was Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice-born)Deep beneath the image of the Pyramid lies My secret.