
The Atlantean sages were said to observe and learn from the stars in ways that surpassed even modern space-based telescopes, due to their ability to use both physical and spiritual senses.

The Atlanteans had conquered Egypt and were ruling the country at this period.

The Anunnaki, like the Atlanteans, used advanced technology to dominate and guide early human civilizations.

Atlanteans often overtook local leaders and established themselves as rulers and teachers, using their advanced knowledge to influence and guide the development of these new civilizations.

The Atlanteans carried with them knowledge of geometry, numerology, and frequency, which they integrated into the cultures they influenced.

For example, the precision and mathematical alignment found in the construction of the pyramids are seen as remnants of Atlantean influence.

Atlanteans were not entirely human but came from different star systems, having lived on Earth for eons.

The current era is seeing a resurgence of interest in Atlantean knowledge, as humanity is once again learning to balance technology (masculine) and emotional/spiritual awareness (feminine).

Atlantean Centers - The new Atlantean centers will play a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual landscape of Earth.

Crystalline Attunement - The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.

This technology allowed for mass transportation through stone circles, utilized by Atlanteans and passed down to Druids and other ancient civilizations.



He suggests that the myths surrounding Chronos may have origins in Atlantean history and culture.

Atlantean Influence: Both Donnelly and Bridgman-Metchum extend Chronos’s influence to the civilization of Atlantis.



Disturbed by the moral decline and hubris of the Atlanteans, he decides to punish them, leading to the destruction of Atlantis.

The moral decline of the Atlanteans leads to Zeus’s judgment and the island’s eventual destruction.

His decision to punish the Atlanteans is driven by their moral corruption and arrogance.

He suggests that as Atlantean refugees spread out after the destruction of their homeland, they carried their beliefs and stories with them.

Zeus in Atlantean Context:

Divine Archetype: Bridgman-Metchum views Zeus as a central figure in the mythology of Atlantis, whose influence extended to various other cultures through the diffusion of Atlantean knowledge and religious practices.

Mediterranean Cultures: Bridgman-Metchum argues that many Mediterranean cultures, including the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, incorporated aspects of Atlantean mythology into their own religious systems.

While these civilizations had their own distinct pantheons, Bridgman-Metchum suggests that the overarching concept of a supreme god with control over the elements can be traced back to Atlantean influences.



He extends the significance of Atlas's name to symbolize the spread of Atlantean culture and influence.

Symbol of Civilization: Atlas represents the peak of Atlantean civilization.

Naming and Legacy: Similar to Plato and Donnelly, Bridgman-Metchum notes that both the island and the Atlantic Ocean are named after Atlas, emphasizing his central role in Atlantean history.

Symbol of Endurance: The name Atlas, associated with strength and endurance, is used to signify the enduring legacy of Atlantean civilization.



He attributes many ancient civilizations' advancements and mythologies to the Atlanteans under Poseidon's rule.

Civilization’s Peak: Bridgman-Metchum highlights the peak of Atlantean civilization under Poseidon’s influence, depicting it as a time of unparalleled prosperity and technological advancement.

Advanced Civilization: Donnelly and Bridgman-Metchum particularly highlight the advanced nature of Atlantean society, crediting Poseidon with its technological and cultural achievements.

Donnelly expands Poseidon's influence beyond Atlantis, suggesting that Atlantean culture and technology spread globally, influencing various ancient civilizations.

Poseidon's legacy is intertwined with the Atlantean and Lemurian histories, where deities and advanced beings played crucial roles in shaping civilizations.



He describes the Atlanteans as a powerful and prosperous civilization that ultimately fell out of favor with the gods due to their hubris and moral decline.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

Over its years of destruction, Atlanteans migrated to other parts of the world, including ancient Egypt and the Yucatan Peninsula, where they brought with them their technological advancements, beliefs, and recorded history.

The one in the Atlantean land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan land, where the temple there is overshadowing same.

“I was one of the five Atlantean rulers.

“I am one of many Atlanteans who continued to work on the Earth after the destruction of Atlantis.

In making a connection with Atlantis, the reading promptly focused in on the influence of a single prominent Atlantean named Iltar who migrated to the Yucatan just prior to the final destruction of Atlantis:

And there began, with the activities of the peoples there, the development into a civilization that rose much in the same matter as that which had been in the Atlantean land.

Atlantis: The Book of the Angels

Tekthah – The sacred symbol of Atlantis

In "Atlantis: The Book of the Angels," the four-armed Cross is a sacred symbol that holds significant religious and cultural importance for the Atlanteans.

It represents the reach and influence of the Atlantean civilization in all directions: North, South, East, and West.

Despite its sacred origin, the four-armed Cross becomes part of the idolatrous practices of the Atlanteans.

It is a center of political power and intrigue, reflecting the grandeur and corruption of the Atlantean elite .

The ships' mobility and firepower make them a critical component of Atlantean military strategy​​.

Its presence instills fear in enemies and boosts the morale of the Atlantean forces.

Conflict with Zul (Atlanteans vs.

Naval Engagements (Atlantean Armada vs.

Who is Fighting: The Atlantean armada, including ships like the Tacoatlanta and Mexteo, against enemy fleets attempting to challenge Atlantean supremacy on the seas.

Corrupt Atlanteans)

Noah's prophetic visions and divine mandate drive the conflict against the godless practices of the Atlanteans.

These supernatural events are intertwined with the moral and spiritual decay of the Atlanteans, suggesting a divine retribution or cosmic realignment due to the people's sins and idolatry​​.

The Atlanteans believed their forefather Adam to have been a god and deified their ancient ancestors.

Unlike the decadent and luxurious lifestyles of the Atlanteans, the pure practitioners led simple and godly lives.

The Mediterranean Aryans, including the Greeks and other ancient European civilizations, appear to have been influenced by the Atlantean culture.

Mercury, an Atlantean god, was revered by the Celtæ.

The Aryans' advanced civilization and their decimal system suggest a connection to the Atlanteans, who also used a decimal system in their administration.

The religious practices of the Aryans also suggest Atlantean influence.

The legends of kings like Deva-Nahusha and the mythological connections suggest that the Aryan migration was part of a broader dispersion of Atlantean culture.

Ignatius Donnelly

Atlantis reconstructed

Historical references, like the story of the Atlantean king Ouranos enforcing circumcision during a plague, suggest the practice's deep roots.

Based on various sources, we can piece together a picture of Atlantean life.

The Atlanteans resided on a large island surrounded by smaller islands, forming a network towards Europe, Africa, the West Indies, and America.

The Atlanteans were composed of at least 2 different races:

Evidence suggests the Atlanteans domesticated animals like cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and possibly horses and swine.

Comparative studies of language, customs, and beliefs across the Atlantic can reveal more about Atlantean history.

The domestication of cattle and the symbolism of the ox-head in Atlantean culture suggest the use of oxen or horses for ploughing.

The Atlanteans achieved significant technological and cultural advancements.

In religion, the Atlanteans held advanced beliefs, including the concept of one universal, omnipotent God, symbolized by the sun, and the immortality of the soul.

The Atlantean civilization's influence extended to Europe, Africa, and America, shaping the development of subsequent cultures.

The notion that the mariner's compass might have been known to the Atlanteans might seem fanciful.

Hercules, an Atlantean deity, was associated with the magnetic stone, referred to as the "Stone of Hercules." Greek mythology tells of Hercules using a magnetic cup to sail the ocean at night, a possible reference to using a magnetic compass.

The widespread knowledge of ironworking suggests it was inherited from a common Atlantean source.

The process was likely passed down from Atlantean times.

The Cushites, successors of the Atlanteans, established independent municipal republics, a system seen in later civilizations like the Greeks and Romans.

Ignatius Donnelly

The oldest son of Noah

The Greeks, Phœnicians, and Hebrews share common deities and linguistic roots, suggesting an Atlantean origin.

The Chinese civilization, like those of the Aryans and Hamites, appears to have been influenced by an earlier, possibly Atlantean, culture.

Numerous cultural practices, such as sun worship and agricultural ceremonies, found in civilizations as diverse as the Chinese and Peruvians, further support the theory of a common Atlantean origin.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

Given the commercial activity of the Atlanteans, it is plausible that they would have discovered and established trade routes to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.

As commerce often leads to colonization, it is likely that Atlantean trading posts evolved into settlements, spreading into the interior regions and the highlands of Mexico.

This suggests that Egyptian civilization may have stemmed from Atlantean influences mediated through Phoenician culture.

Claimed Ethnicity: The Egyptians identified themselves as red men, which might link them to the red-skinned Atlanteans described in various traditions.

Similar sun deities and sun festivals (e.g., Rama in Hinduism, Rana among the Toltecs, Raymi in Peru, and Rayam in Yemen) indicate a widespread Atlantean influence.

Atlantean Knowledge: The Egyptians had detailed knowledge about Atlantis, despite not being a maritime people.

This implies that Atlanteans brought this knowledge to Egypt.

The funerary practices of crossing water to reach the tombs on the west bank of the Nile, and the presence of a sacred ark in funeral processions, further suggest an Atlantean influence.

Ritual Practices: The perpetuation of a perpetual fire and other ritualistic practices among descendants such as the Natchez Indians reflects religious traditions that could trace back to Atlantean influences.

Both groups exhibit similar physical traits, cultural characteristics, and behaviors, hinting at a common Atlantean ancestry.

The Atlanteans, known for their maritime prowess, were believed to be the children of Neptune (Poseidon), introducing the worship of this god to other cultures, including the Egyptians.

The spread of Atlantean culture and religion through maritime activities could explain the presence of similar myths, deities, and cultural practices across distant regions.

The physical and cultural traits of the Bretons and Basques distinguish them from other European populations, aligning more closely with the Atlantean descriptions.

The persistence of unique languages, such as Euskara, and cultural practices suggests a deep historical continuity, potentially tracing back to an Atlantean origin.

The theory posits that Atlantean explorers ventured up the Amazon Valley, bypassing the inhospitable lowlands of Brazil, and eventually settled in the highlands of Bolivia and Peru.

The hypothesis suggests that the Atlanteans, renowned for their maritime prowess, expanded westward from their island homeland.

The Formorians are described as a warlike race, possibly Atlanteans, who arrived in Ireland from the West.

Partholan's People: Probably Atlanteans from Spain, defeated and expelled by the Formorians.

This lineage indicates a shared Atlantean ancestry.

The Atlanteans' demand for these metals likely spread their value across cultures, establishing a tradition that persists to this day.

This extensive network represents the area of the old Atlantean Empire.

This Atlantean sailor reopened the path of commerce and colonization, closed since Atlantis sank.

This connection supports the idea that the Phoenicians succeeded the Atlanteans in their arts, sciences, and commercial supremacy, maintaining the legacy of a once-great civilization that bridged the Old and New Worlds.

Greek mythology, when examined closely, reveals its roots in Atlantean history.

Ignatius Donnelly

Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis

He introduced agriculture, commerce, and arts, and built cities and fortifications, much like the Atlantean kings.

Their number, twelve, aligns with the twelve months of the year and the twelve Atlantean kings described by Plato.

Solar Worship: The Aditya's solar association resonates with the sun-worshipping practices attributed to the Atlanteans.

Babylonian Flood: The flood narrative parallels the Atlantean deluge, indicating a shared memory of a cataclysmic event.

At-tit: The Guatemalan deity associated with the worship of the true God, reminiscent of Atlantean religious practices.

Plato's account of Atlanteans possessing elephants supports the latter theory.

The Atlas Mountains in Africa and the Atlantes people in the vicinity are likely remnants of Atlantean influence.

Plato's account of Gadeirus, ruling a region extending to what is now Spain, implies that the Basques could be descendants of Atlanteans.

This centrality of the Mediterranean as a cultural and civilizational hub is consistent with the idea of an advanced Atlantean civilization spreading its influence through colonization and trade.

Similarities in rock carvings between Chiriqui and Northumberland, and in symbols between the Canary Islands and Lake Superior, further support the theory of a common Atlantean ancestry.

This connection points to a shared Atlantean heritage.

Plato described the Atlanteans as accomplished builders, constructing walls, temples, and palaces.

The Atlanteans mined and worked metals like copper, tin, bronze, gold, silver, and probably iron.

The Mexicans manufactured bronze, and the Incas mined iron near Lake Titicaca, indicating an advanced knowledge of metallurgy that could date back to Atlantean times.

Both the Atlanteans and American civilizations practiced sculpture.

Engraving on pillars was practiced by the Atlanteans, a tradition continued by the American civilizations, Egypt, Phœnicia, and Assyria.

Agriculture was central to both Atlanteans and the American civilizations, as well as the Egyptians.

The religion of the Atlanteans, described by Plato as pure and simple, involved worshipping the sun and making offerings of fruits and flowers.

We will see hereafter that the Atlanteans passed through precisely similar stages of development.

Plato tells us the same thing of the earlier ages of the Atlanteans.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends (I)

Atlantis Connection: Many legends, including those of the Greeks, indicate an Atlantean origin for the flood myth, with references to Poseidon (Neptune) and the "three worlds" of Atlantis.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Chaldean Deluge

Ea: The fish-god who brought civilization from the ocean, indicating a maritime culture similar to the Atlanteans.

These stories indicate a sophisticated ancient civilization with advanced knowledge of navigation, disaster response, and preservation of culture, potentially pointing to an Atlantean origin.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Most splendid and imperial of the Atlantean peoples.

Exhibited a mix of Atlantean and newer traits.

Intermediate development between earlier and later Atlantean sub-races.

Contributed to the cultural and technological advancements of the Atlantean civilization.

Played a key role in the spread of Atlantean culture and technology.

Represented the peak of Atlantean evolution before the eventual decline.

Contributed to the final stages of Atlantean civilization before the cataclysmic events.

The Lemurians were the predecessors of the Atlanteans.

Primitive in comparison to the Atlanteans, with simpler social structures and technologies.

Subba Rao distinguished the Lemurians as blueblack, the Atlanteans as red-yellow, and the Aryans as brown-white.

After the race-type was fully established, He thus had the materials for the rich red-brown of the Toltec, the third sub-race, the most splendid and imperial of the Atlantean peoples, which ruled the world for tens of thousands of years.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

During Atlantean Rule:

(The Atlanteans had conquered Egypt and were ruling the country at this period.

This great Atlantean civilisation perished; then came the flood, and a negroid domination, and another Atlantean Empire, and an Aryan (B.

The selection from the fifth Atlantean sub-race grew and multiplied exceedingly, and became a nation of several millions in about two thousand years ; they were quite isolated from the world in general by a belt of sand, which could only be crossed by caravans carrying with them plenty of water, and there was only one way across it with grass and water, about where Mecca now stands.

He was in possession of the City of the Golden Gates, and the nobler types of the Atlanteans were much oppressed.