
For in their own dialects, Quiche, iche, means “many trees;” Tuztuhil, utuhil, “the flowery spot;” Akahal, “the honey-comb;” and Cakchiquel, a species of tree.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Coxcox and Xochiquetzal survive on a tree-trunk.

Bantu Creation Stories

The Bantu peoples

They were placed at the sacred fig tree, Mukuyu, and from them descended the nine Kikuyu clans.


Yima and the Vara

'Thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of tree, of the highest of size and sweetest of odour on this earth; thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of fruit, the best of savour and sweetest of odour.

There he brought the seeds of every kind of tree, of the highest of size and sweetest of odour on this earth; there he brought the seeds of every kind of fruit, the best of savour and sweetest of odour.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

In a succeeding incarnation, Herakles appeared as a tall, slim, and rather striking-looking young woman, hanging a somewhat squawky baby-brother — Sappho — up to a tamarind-like tree in a bark cradle.

Mars, a grandson of the Manu, was the head of the community, and, with his wife Mercury and his family — among whom were Sirius and Alcyone — lived in a pleasant house, surrounded by a large garden and fine trees.

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Babel Story of Cholula

"In the beginning, before the light of the sun had been created, this land (Cholula) was in obscurity and darkness, and void of any created thing; all was a plain, without hill or elevation, encircled in every part by water, without tree or created thing; and immediately after the light and the sun arose in the east there appeared gigantic men of deformed stature and possessed the land, and desiring to see the nativity of the sun, as well as his occident, proposed to go and seek them.

Creation of the First Human Beings: After making the world, Cagn fashioned the first human beings out of a tree.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

Lord Kingsborough says: "The Toltecs had paintings of a garden, with a single tree standing in the midst; round the root of the tree is entwined a serpent, whose head appearing above the foliage displays the face of a woman.

Torquemada admits the existence of this tradition among them, and agrees with the Indian historians, who affirm that this was the first woman in the world, who bore children, and from whom all mankind are descended." There is also a legend of Suchiquccal, who disobediently gathered roses from a tree, and thereby disgraced and injured herself and all her posterity.

3:22-23), God expels Adam and Eve from Eden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life and living forever.

Sabine Baring-Gould

The death of Adam

Gabriel, an angel, brought Adam the remaining wheat grains from the forbidden tree, along with oxen and farming tools.

In the heart of the island, a grand oak tree stands tall, home to Gagana, the miraculous bird.

The Firebird lives in the deepest part of the forest, where the trees are ancient and the shadows long.

At the heart of the forest, Ivan finds the Firebird's nest, nestled high in an ancient, twisted tree.

Having completed all three tasks, Ivan returns to Gagana at the grand oak tree.



When the phoenix feels the end of its life approaching, it builds a nest from the branches of the aromatic myrrh tree, and other fragrant spices like cinnamon and nard.

The nest is crafted in the top of a tall palm tree or an oak, high above the ground.

The bird constructs a nest made of aromatic materials, such as cinnamon, spikenard, and myrrh, in the branches of an oak or a palm tree.

In the Tsar's garden grows a tree that produces golden apples, which have the magical properties of granting youth and strength to anyone who eats them.

There, perched on a grand oak tree, was Gagana.

"I will help you, brave Ivan," Gagana said in a voice that echoed like the wind through the trees.

In myth, 9 is significant in Norse mythology, where there are nine worlds connected by Yggdrasil, the world tree.

The 4,000-year-old Sumerian epic poem Gilgamesh describes Lilith (there called Lillake) as building a house in a huluppu or willow tree that had grown on the banks of the Euphrates River since the days of Creation.

The tree had been cultivated by the mother goddess Inanna (or Ishtar), who wanted to make herself a throne and a bed from its wood.

However, to her dismay, a dragon had nested at the base of the tree, and a Zu-bird (another Sumerian storm demon) had placed its young in the highest branches.

The hero Gilgamesh, seeking to rescue the tree for the goddess, slew the dragon with a bronze axe, whereupon the Zu-bird fled with its young into the mountains, and a terrified Lilith tore down her house and escaped into the desert.

The "Huluppu Tree" story is found in a fragmentary text that is often considered an appendix or related tale to the "Epic of Gilgamesh." This tale is set in the early days of the world, shortly after creation, and involves the following key elements:

The Huluppu Tree: A willow tree (or huluppu tree) is said to have been planted by the goddess Inanna on the banks of the Euphrates River.

The tree grew strong and was intended to be used by Inanna to create a throne and a bed.

The Inhabitants of the Tree:

A Snake: A serpent that cannot be charmed made its nest at the base of the tree.

Lillake (Lilith): In the middle part of the tree, Lillake (an early form of the figure known later as Lilith) established her dwelling.

Gilgamesh's Intervention: Inanna, distressed by the occupation of her tree, seeks help from Gilgamesh, the hero-king of Uruk.

Gilgamesh responds to her plea, comes to the tree, and drives away the snake.

After this, Gilgamesh uproots the tree and gives it to Inanna.

The "Huluppu Tree" episode reflects ancient Sumerian themes of order versus chaos and civilization versus wilderness.

Gilgamesh's act of driving out the creatures from the tree symbolizes the imposition of order and the establishment of human civilization, aided by divine favor.

Half male, half female

Adam Stories

One of the first men was Racumon, who was transformed into a great serpent with a human head, and he lived twined round a great Cabatas tree and ate of its fruit, and gave to those who passed by.

The godless Sammael had made an alliance with all the chiefs of his host against the Lord, because the holy and ever-blessed Lord had said to Adam and Eve, "Have dominion over the fish of the sea," and he said, "How can I make man to sin and drive him out?" Then he went down to earth with all his host, and he sought for a companion like to himself; he chose the serpent, which was in size like a camel, and he seated himself on its back and rode up to the woman, and said to her, "Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" And he thought, "I will ask more presently." Then she answered, "He has only forbidden me the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge which is in the midst of the garden.

And He said, 'In the day thou touchest it thou shalt die.'" She added two words; God did not say anything to her about touching it, and she spoke of the fruit, whereas God said the Tree.

Then the godless one, Sammael, went up to the tree and touched it.

But the tree cried out, "Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of the ungodly cast me down!

Then Sammael called to the woman, and said, "See, I have touched the tree and am not dead.

Do you also touch it and try." But when Eve drew near to the tree she saw the Angel of Death waiting sword in hand, and she said in her heart, "Perhaps I am to die, and then God will create another wife for Adam; that shall not be, he must die too." So she gave him of the fruit.


The peacock

Adam and Eve lived for five hundred years in Paradise before they ate of the tree and fell; for Eblis was outside, and could not enter the gates to deceive them.

"An angel told me this as I lay under the forbidden tree."

"I must also see him," said Eve, leaving her tent and going towards the tree.

At this moment Eblis flew out of the serpent's mouth, and stood in human form beneath the tree.

Then I sighed for death, and hoping to find it in the fruit of this tree, I ate, and lo!

Eve believed this oath, and broke a branch from the wheat-tree.

Before the Fall, wheat grew to a tree with leaves like emeralds.

God himself addressed Adam with a voice of thunder, saying, "Did not I forbid thee to touch of this fruit, and caution thee against the subtlety of thy foe, Eblis?" Adam and Eve tried to fly these reproaches, but the branches of the tree Talh caught Adam, and Eve entangled herself in her long hair.

"From the wrath of God there is no escape," cried a voice from the tree Talh; "obey the commandment of God."

Tabari also says that four trees pitying the shame of Adam and Eve, the Peacock, and the Serpent, in being driven naked out of Paradise, bowed their branches and gave each a leaf.

Certain Rabbis say that Adam ate only on compulsion, that he refused, but Eve "took of the tree,"—that is, broke a branch and "gave it him," with the stick.

Before the Fall, wheat grew to a tree with leaves like emeralds.

The angel Gabriel was sent out of Paradise to give him the rest of the wheat-grains Eve had plucked from the forbidden tree, together with two oxen, and various instruments of husbandry.

The Persian story, adopted by the Arabs, is that the forbidden fruit was wheat, and that it grew on a tree whose trunk resembled gold and its branches silver.

There they (Adam and Eve) saw a tree, and found on it solid manna; and wondered at God’s power.

Nag Hammadi Codex I

The third Adam is earthly

She entered the tree of knowledge and remained there.

They pursued her, and she revealed to them that she had entered the tree and had become the tree.

When they learned that an immortal human was not going to pass them by, but that they would even have to fear the woman who had turned into a tree, they were troubled and said, “Is this, perhaps, the true human, who blinded us and taught us about this defiled woman who is like him, that we might be conquered?”

They came to Adam and Eve timidly, and they said to him, “The fruit of every tree created for you in paradise may be eaten, but beware, don’t eat from the tree of knowledge.

‘Don’t eat from the tree of knowledge’?” She said, “He said not only ‘Don’t eat from it’ but also ‘Don’t touch it, lest you die.’” He said to her, “Don’t be afraid!

She looked at the tree and saw that it was beautiful and appealing, and she desired it.

Then Adam and Eve were very much disturbed and hid under the trees in paradise.

But because of fear of you I hid after I became ashamed.” But they said to him, in ignorance, “Who is the one who spoke to you of the shame that you put on—unless you ate from the tree?”

Now perhaps he will be deceived as with the tree of knowledge and will come to the tree of life and eat from it and become immortal and rule and condemn us and regard us and all our glory as folly.

They came to the tree of life and they set great terrors around it, fiery living beings called cherubim; and they left a flaming sword in the midst, turning continually with a great terror, so that no one from among earthly beings might ever enter that place.

The secret book of John

Adam in Yaldabaoth’s Paradise

[Their food is bitter; their beauty is corrupt. Their food is deceit; their trees are ungodliness.Their fruit is poison.Their promise is death.] 

They placed the Tree of Their Life into the middle of paradise. 

As for the tree called “The Knowledge Of Good And Evil”            It is the Epinoia of the light.They commanded him not to eat from it,Standing in front to conceal it,            For fear that he might look upwards to the fullness            And know the nakedness of his indecency. 

I appeared as an eagle perched on the Tree of Knowledge!            [Which is the Epinoia from the pure Providence of Light.]In order to teach them            And raise them up from sleep’s depths.

The gods then created the first humans, Ask and Embla, from two tree trunks found on the shore.



By way of this he attempts to rape Eve who now contains Sophia's divine power; several texts depict him as failing when Sophia's spirit transplants itself into the Tree of Knowledge.

Justice created Paradise with the trees of life and knowledge, and the olive tree was created to purify justice.

The rulers saw Adam and Eve in ignorance and gave them a rule not to eat from the tree of knowledge.

A wise instructor came and instructed Eve to eat the fruit of the tree, and she did so, along with Adam.

They then test Adam's knowledge and, fearing he will become immortal and rule over them, cast him and his wife out of paradise and guard the tree of life with cherubim.

From 900 to 120 years

Human lifespan declines

At the seventh hour, Adam married Eve; at the eighth, Cain and his sister were born; at the ninth, they were forbidden to eat of the tree; at the tenth hour Adam fell; at the eleventh he was banished from Eden; and at the twelfth, he felt the sweat and pain of toil.

They are allowed to eat from any tree except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Tempted by a serpent, Eve eats the fruit from this forbidden tree and gives some to Adam, who also eats it.

Shared Archetypes: Across these stories, common archetypal characters and themes emerge, such as the earth mother, sky father, trickster, or the world tree, reflecting universal aspects of human thought and experience.

In this story, a serpent tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Creation of the First Human Beings: After making the world, Cagn fashioned the first human beings out of a tree.

Those are the ones that gave the information to humans, the tree of life, the information of DNA of the snake.

In the center of the island there was a tree which gave light to the entire island since the sun hadn't been created yet.

He tore up this tree, creating a huge hole in the middle of the island.

The book delves into the 'as above, so below' concept, linking deep space findings to the cosmic structure known as the Preferred Axis in Cosmology, which resonates with ancient myths of the Tree of Life.

Latter-day Saints

Creation story

11 And the Gods said: Let us prepare the earth to bring forth grass; the herb yielding seed; the fruit tree yielding fruit, after his kind, whose seed in itself yieldeth its own likeness upon the earth; and it was so, even as they ordered.

12 And the Gods organized the earth to bring forth grass from its own seed, and the herb to bring forth herb from its own seed, yielding seed after his kind; and the earth to bring forth the tree from its own seed, yielding fruit, whose seed could only bring forth the same in itself, after his kind; and the Gods saw that they were obeyed.

29 And the Gods said: Behold, we will give them every herb bearing seed that shall come upon the face of all the earth, and every tree which shall have fruit upon it; yea, the fruit of the tree yielding seed to them we will give it; it shall be for their meat.