

Use of Crystals: The use of crystals in Atlantean technology is a notable aspect of Steiner's descriptions.

He suggested that Atlanteans used crystals to harness and focus etheric energies for various purposes, including healing, energy transmission, and possibly even for power generation.

Atlantis: Cayce's readings often referenced the lost civilization of Atlantis, describing it as an advanced society with sophisticated technology, including energy crystals and flying machines.

It contained another, smaller crystal plate that stored a vast amount of information code within its molecular structure.


Crystals are beings, hold policies

When you follow the traces that remain of the labyrinth, which has been dug into the ground and lined with stone, you will find a large crystal buried in the rocks at the end of every turn.

At each station, there was an opportunity to meditate on those crystals to resonate with those crystals and to work your way through the labyrinth.



Crystal cities, decorated with quarts

It had a crystal at the top and a hall of mirrors.