Snakes And Reptilians

-Snake symbols wisdom

-Snake symbols to be bound on this earth. People with a earth bound personality. Ruled by the physical. Avoid pain and seek pleasure.


  • Naga
  • Reptilians
  • Asclepius
  • Ananta-Shesha
  • Jormungandr
  • Ananta or Shesha


  • All cultures

Symbol of Rebirth and Renewal:

  • In ancient Egypt, the ouroboros, a snake eating its tail, symbolized cyclical renewal, eternity, and the continuity of life and death.
  • In ancient Greek mythology, snakes were associated with Asclepius, the god of medicine, representing healing and renewal.

Symbol of Transformation:

  • The shedding of a snake’s skin has been interpreted as a symbol of transformation, regeneration, and rebirth in various cultures.
  • In Hinduism, the serpent Ananta-Shesha symbolizes time, transformation, and the infinite.

Guardians and Protectors:

  • Snakes were often revered as protective deities or guardians. In Aztec mythology, the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl was considered a benevolent deity associated with wisdom and life.
  • In Chinese mythology, the snake is one of the twelve zodiac animals and is associated with intelligence and protection.

Symbol of Fertility:

  • In some cultures, snakes were linked to fertility and sexual vitality. This is evident in the ancient Minoan civilization, where snake imagery is associated with goddesses and fertility rites.

Representation of Dualities:

  • Snakes often represent dualities such as life and death, good and evil, and creation and destruction.
  • In Norse mythology, the serpent Jormungandr represents chaos and is a force of destruction, while in other cultures, snakes may symbolize balance and harmony.

Cultural and Religious Icons:

  • In various Native American cultures, snakes are spiritual animals associated with healing and vision quests.
  • In Judeo-Christian traditions, the snake is famously linked to the story of Adam and Eve, symbolizing temptation and the fall of humanity.

Divination and Oracles:

  • Snakes were sometimes considered messengers between the earthly and spiritual realms, and their behavior was interpreted for divination purposes.
  • The ancient Greeks believed that snakes could convey messages from the underworld, and their movements were analyzed for predictions.

Symbol of Power and Authority:

  • In some cultures, rulers and leaders used snake imagery to convey power and authority. The Aztecs, for example, adorned their leaders with snake symbols to signify divine connections.

human weaponry and control, embodying the power and mystery of the natural world, and often serving as a symbol of chaos and untamed nature.

The serpent from Adam and Eve

  • The serpent is one of the Elohim
  • The serpent had 2 arms and 2 legs
  • One who knows, one who has profound knowledge
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