
6th Dimension

The Weaver or Spiders

The weaver or spider metaphor likely pertains to the Sixth Dimension in Matias De Stefano’s framework.

1st World ~1 mil to ~200,000 years ago
2nd World ~200,000 to ~50,000 years ago
3rd World ~50,000 to ~12,000 years ago
4th World ~12,000 years ago to Present

Zuni Pueblo Indian Tribe of New Mexico

The Zunis & the Star People

Different tribes have connections to various constellations, such as the Cherokee with the Pleiades and the Hopi with Orion.

Crusades: Hundreds of thousands to over a million. Witch Hunts: 40,000 to 60,000 executed.
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Conflicts: Millions, particularly in the Thirty Years’ War.

Up to 90% of the indigenous population in some areas (millions) died due to disease, violence, and slavery


The Ark of Nuu

In ancient times, Nuu was the thirteenth generation from the first man. One day, the gods commanded Nuu to build an ark.

In Hinduism, the concept of principal deities is complex due to the religion’s polytheistic nature and the vast diversity of traditions and beliefs.

Vishnu is one of the principal deities of Hinduism, and he is considered the preserver and protector of the universe


Nu, also known as Nun, is a deity in ancient Egyptian religion symbolizing the primordial watery abyss that existed before creation.

The concept of human gods on Earth originated in Atlantean times, guided by beings from Arcturus and Orion.

Manly P. Hall introduces the topic of Atlantis acknowledges that Atlantis is thought of as an island in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Azores.

Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author and mystic, is renowned for his extensive work in religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult.

The beings in Sky World had more powers than human beings. For instance, they could make things happen just by thinking about it.

Ta’aroa was the ancestor of all the gods; he made everything. . . . He was his own parent, having no father or mother. . . .

Kukahi goes on to explain the Po as a time of nonhumans when there were no “souls” (’uhane) of men living in the flesh

The old priest was very anxious to see the marvellous fish. He forgot the warning of the gods and went to the seaside.

12,800 Years Ago

Oceania Flood Stories

The wife of a very good man saw a very big fish. Others caught and ate the fish despite warnings. Water burst from the ground and drowned everyone.

12,800 Years Ago

African Flood stories

The great god Unkulunkulu warns people of a flood, and they survive by climbing the Drakensberg mountains.

A comprehensive list with the Flood Legends, grouped by continent.

The Unified Catastrophe Theory posits that a series of interconnected geological and astronomical events around the end of the last Ice Age, approximately 12,000 years ago

The mention of migration from the East across the sea after a great flood in Quiche legends has led some researchers and enthusiasts to draw parallels with the story of Atlantis.

The Adityas, particularly Varuna, are closely associated with upholding Rta, the cosmic order in Hindu mythology

Plato, in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” describes the legend of Atlantis and its 10 kings.



Inpu is the original Egyptian name for Anubis, meaning “to decay” or “to putrefy,” which aligns with his association with mummification and the afterlife.



The World Turtle, sometimes depicted as the god Kurma, an avatar of Vishnu, supports the world on its back.

My grandfather said that the turtle was tilted sideways a bit, and this would be the Rockies. The tectonics follow the marking of the turtle as well.

When the great floods came to Mother Earth, Nana Beaujo was walking on creation at that time.

The Gnostic teachings and direct experiences of individuals, especially Samael Aun Weor, who encountered ancient civilizations and humanities.

The first man, in the opinion of the Egyptians, was Hephestus, (afterwards the god Phtha,) who is also celebrated among them as the inventor of fire.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

the last great cataclysm as occurring between 42,000 and 58,600 years ago, caused by the breakup of a planet in the solar system, resulting in the asteroid belt.