
Why should we care about ancient history? Exploring the past isn’t just for historians; it’s a way for all of us to discover valuable lessons from how people lived and thought long ago.

the next 2,000 years will be significantly shaped by artificial intelligence (AI) and the merging of human capabilities with technology.

the safest asset in the world is now the riskiest asset in the world. If banks are forced to value US Treasuries correctly, they’re dead, so they are refusing to participate in Treasury markets unless the accounting rules are faked

Exploration of the idea that the Anunnaki arrived on Earth 40,000 years ago and modified the DNA of Homo species.

Have you heard the jaw-dropping fact that 80% of all US dollars were created in the last five years? Yes, you read that right.

The didgeridoo is often played during healing ceremonies, believed to help guide the healing process through its deep, resonant tones


Who is Enlil?

Enlil played a key role in the creation of humanity. According to Sumerian myths, Enlil helped to create humans.


Who is Enki?

Enki was associated with water and was often depicted as a god of rivers, oceans, and underground springs.

Anu was often associated with divine kingship, and was believed to have bestowed the right to rule on earthly kings and rulers.

Stories of worlds being destroyed by fire, ice, and flood, the Hopi convey a clear message: the survival of this current world hinges on our actions.

Thomas Townsend Brown, an American inventor who explored the potential connection between electromagnetism and gravity.

The Venus Project presents a vision for a sustainable and equitable world. For a society that aligns with Earth’s carrying capacity.

The platypus is distinguished by its duck-bill, webbed feet, and beaver-like tail and it lay eggs.

There’re about 260 Creation stories found in cultures around the world that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.

An Orgone Pyramid is a type of pyramid-shaped object that is part of orgonite, a material to balance and harmonize bio-energy.

Whales are remarkable for several reasons, making them a study in various fields such as marine biology, conservation, and even cultural studies.



In Steiner’s cosmology, “Ancient Saturn” is not the physical planet we know today, but rather the first stage in the evolutionary sequence of the Earth.

Rudolf Steiner’s lecture offers an intricate and esoteric perspective on the planets, particularly focusing on the stages of cosmic evolution.

Different methods of initiation used in post-Atlantean mysteries are detailed, including how they evolved up to Christian times.

Crows and ravens, often interchangeable in mythologies, have played significant roles in various myths and legends across different cultures.

Greek Myths


The most famous stories about Hercules revolve around the “Twelve Labors,” a series of seemingly impossible tasks he had to complete as a penance



Gabriel is one of the most well-known archangels, commonly recognized in religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Bats represent one of the most unique and fascinating evolutionary paths in the animal kingdom, primarily due to their ability to fly and their specialized sensory adaptations.

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

Complex thoughts and emotions were conveyed through empathic telepathy. Before The Great Separation, physical death was a rarity.

Frank Ontario

The 12 Elohim

The Elohim, also referred to as the Anunnaki or Star Seeders, are credited with creating planets and star systems, essentially acting as the architects of our physical universe.

1. You Exist 2. Everything is here & now. 3. The One Is All, the All is One, 4. What you put out is what you get back. 5. Everything changes except the first 4 laws.

Many people have been taught to believe that the physical mind should control everything and figure out how things are supposed to happen for everything to work. However, this is not the actual role of the physical mind.



The Anunnaki are not a reptilian race, because it’s the Anunnaki who have purged the reptilian race from the Earth.

Both Drs. JJ and Matias claim that some temples along the Nile align with the chakras in our bodies.

Atlanteans have had a special relationship with marine creatures like dolphins and whales, perhaps even communicating with them or understanding them better than we do today.