
The Great Pyramid of Cholula was built by the descendants of Atlantis to store a copy of the records of Atlantis.

Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of Khem. Raging, they came with cudgels and spears lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis.

Genesis 12

Abram & Sarai

And Enlil plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram’s wife.

The Aessir landed on planet Earth in search of gold. The Aessir were similar to humans, while advanced, in many ways, they were still tribal.

In this narrative, the Anunnaki create humans to serve them and perform various laborious tasks.

Genesis 4

Cain and Abel

The Humans saw the presence of a distinguishing mark on Eve when the Ishshah (Hybrid) became pregnant, and delivered the presence of the distinguishing mark on Cain and said, I have gotten a human servant from YHWH.

Genesis 3

The birth chamber

Genesis 3 describes the situation in the enclosed gardens. The Anunnaki took many earthly species and made experiments with them.

Genesis 2

Enclosed garden

And the YHWH Elohiym established an enclosed garden eastward in Eden, and there they put the humans.

The Aessir started to have children with humans (or homo sapiens).