
Apocalypse of Adam

Adam and Eve were created by the god Sakla out of the earth

Parrott argues that this section was originally an independent work that is influenced by the author's Egyptian surroundings:

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945)

He attributed its construction to a cooperative effort between Egyptians and refugees from Atlantis, guided by spiritual principles.

He also connected the Egyptian civilization with the preservation of ancient knowledge, particularly regarding spirituality and the human soul's journey.

From 900 to 120 years

Human lifespan declines

In the Turin King List, the figure connected with the Great Flood is Zep Tepi, also known as the "First Time." This term doesn't correspond to a single king but rather to a mythical epoch in ancient Egyptian chronology that is said to have preceded the Great Flood.

However, in Sumerian and Babylonian traditions, which often intertwine with Egyptian ones in the study of ancient Near Eastern history, the figure of Utnapishtim (also known as Ziusudra in Sumerian or Atrahasis in Akkadian) is the equivalent of Noah and is directly connected to the Great Flood myth.

Creation Stories

The Ogdoad of Hermopolis (Egyptian Mythology)Describes the creation of the world from the primordial waters of chaos by the Ogdoad, eight deities representing aspects of chaos.

Egyptian MythologyAncient Egyptian creation myths, particularly the Heliopolitan creation myth, describe the world before creation as an infinite, lifeless ocean of chaos called Nun.

Jesus’ Initiation

Leaders and LiberatorsMoses is known for leading the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, a pivotal act of liberation.

Are cats the result of the ancient genetic manipulation of snakes?

On the other hand, the domestication of cats in Egypt is believed to have occurred much earlier, with archaeological evidence suggesting that cats were kept as pets and revered in Egyptian society as far back as 4,000 years ago, during the Predynastic Period (circa 3500-3100 BCE) and the early Dynastic Period (circa 3100-2686 BCE).

Therefore, domesticated cats were likely present in the Egyptian region well before the earliest biblical texts were written.



Instead, it focuses on their culture, economy, and interactions with neighboring civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Hittites, and later the Israelites.



Djehuty (Egyptian: Ḏḥwtj, the reflex of ḏḥwtj "[he] is like the ibis")

Misor fathered Taaut, the god of letters and the inventor of the alphabet, who became the Egyptian Thoth, the god of history.

Chronos traveled to different regions of the habitable world, giving Egypt as a kingdom to the god Taaut, who invented the alphabet. The Egyptians called him Thoth, and he was depicted as “the god of letters, the clerk of the under-world,” bearing a tablet, pen, and palm-branch.

This not only connects the Phoenicians with Atlantis but also shows the relationship between Egyptian civilization and both Atlantis and the Phoenicians.

He is the one whom the Egyptians called Thouth, the Alexandrians Thoth, and the Greeks Hermes.

“These things being so, Sanchuniathon, who was a man of much learning and great curiosity, and desirous of knowing the earliest history of all nations from the creation of the world, searched out with great care the history of Taautus, knowing that of all men under the sun Taautus was the first who thought of the invention of letters, and began the writing of records: and he laid the foundation, as it were, of his history, by beginning with him, whom the Egyptians called Thouth, and the Alexandrians Thoth, translated by the Greeks into Hermes.”

Philo's passages show a jumbling together of Phoenician lore with Greek mythology, Zoroastrian beliefs and ancient Egyptian beliefs concerning the ibis-headed god Thoth, who in Philo is called Taautos or Tauthos.

Thoth, the Egyptian deity, is a prominent figure in ancient Egyptian mythology and religion.

Thoth played a crucial role in various Egyptian myths.

His worship persisted for thousands of years throughout Egyptian history.

The narrative describes the efforts of a figure (implied to be Thoth) who stayed behind to lead the reconstruction of a city with great wisdom and knowledge, sharing insights that could potentially relate to pyramid-like structures or concepts, given the historical association between Thoth and ancient Egyptian culture.

Modern impression of an Achaemenid cylinder seal from Iran, with king holding two lion griffins at bay and Egyptian hieroglyphs reading "Thoth is a protection over me".

Between 1650 and 1654, Athanasius Kircher (2 May 1602 – 27 November 1680) published four volumes of "translations" of hieroglyphs in the context of his Coptic studies. However, according to Steven Frimmer, "none of them even remotely fitted the original texts". In Oedipus Aegyptiacus, Kircher argued under the impression of the Hieroglyphica that ancient Egyptian was the language spoken by Adam and Eve, that Hermes Trismegistus was Moses


The Egyptian Execration texts from the Middle Kingdom mention a group called the "ly Anaq" or people of Anaq, with rulers named Erum, Abiyamimu, and Akirum.

Matias de Stefano


It is a pillar-like symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphs representing stability.

The tyet (Ancient Egyptian: tjt), sometimes called the knot of Isis or girdle of Isis, is an ancient Egyptian symbol that came to be connected with the goddess Isis.[1] Its hieroglyphic depiction is catalogued as V39 in Gardiner's sign list.

The earliest examples date to the reign of Amenhotep III, and from then until the end of dynastic Egyptian history, few people were buried without one placed within the mummy wrappings, usually on the upper torso.

Ancient Egyptian funerary texts included many passages describing the use of different types of amulets and include spells to be recited over them.

However, many others were made of green materials such as Egyptian faience, whose color represented the renewal of life.

Another type of knot is sometimes called the "Isis knot": a large knot in a mantle worn by Egyptian women from the Late Period onward.


Etymology of Egypt

"Hwt-ka-Ptah" was an ancient Egyptian name that specifically referred to the temple dedicated to the god Ptah in the city of Memphis.

Memphis was a prominent and ancient city in Lower Egypt, and Ptah was one of the most significant deities in Egyptian mythology, associated with creation and craftsmanship.

The Greeks, who were in contact with the ancient Egyptians, adapted the name "Hwt-ka-Ptah" into their language.

The unification of these two regions is a significant event in Egyptian history, traditionally credited to the pharaoh Narmer (also known as Menes) around 3100 BCE.

The name "Khem" (often spelled as "Kemet" in more recent transliterations) was one of the names used by the ancient Egyptians to refer to their own country.



Unlike other Egyptian creator gods who used physical means, Ptah's mode of creation was conceptual, involving the mind and speech.

In ancient Egyptian art, Ptah is often depicted as a mummified man, standing or seated, with a straight beard and a skull cap.

Ptah also played a role in the Egyptian concepts of the afterlife.

I am what I am

8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.

9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them.

20 So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them.

21 “And I will make the Egyptians favorably disposed toward this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed.

And so you will plunder the Egyptians.”


Yahweh YHWH

Drowning the Egyptian Army - Yahweh parts the Red Sea for the Israelites and then drowns the pursuing Egyptian army (Exodus 14).

The holy trinities

Egyptian Triads: Ancient Egyptian religion often worshipped gods in groups of three, known as triads.

For example, the triad of Osiris, Isis, and Horus was very prominent in Egyptian mythology, each member representing different aspects of life, death, and resurrection.

Egyptian Mythology: Another example from Egyptian mythology, apart from the previously mentioned Osiris, Isis, and Horus, is the trinity of Amun, Ra, and Ptah.

The Heliopolitan Triad: Centered around Osiris, Isis, and Horus, this is one of the most famous Egyptian triads and is often linked with themes of death, resurrection, and kingship.

Book of Mormon


Sometime between 1817 and 1822, several Ptolemaic era fragments of papyri and eleven mummies were discovered by Antonio Lebolo in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes.

Abraham 1

Egypt first discovered by a woman

22 From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of the Canaanites was preserved in the land.

Of Ham's four sons, Canaan fathered the Canaanites, while Mizraim fathered the Egyptians, Cush the Cushites, and Phut the Libyans.[10]

In consequence, some 19th century theologians emphasized that the biblical Noah restricted his curse to the offspring of Ham's youngest son Canaan, while Ham's son Mizraim, the ancestor of the Egyptians, was not cursed.

Tolkien and his Atlantis Complex

"The Numenoreans of Gondor were proud, peculiar, and archaic, and I thinkare best pictured in (say) Egyptian terms.

In many ways they resembled'Egyptians' - the love of, and power to construct, the gigantic and massive.And in their great interest in ancestry and in tombs."

Edgar Cayce

Famous channelers

He attributed its construction to a cooperative effort between Egyptians and refugees from Atlantis, guided by spiritual principles.

He also connected the Egyptian civilization with the preservation of ancient knowledge, particularly regarding spirituality and the human soul's journey.

Snakes And Reptilians

“So Taautos himself regarded as divine the nature of the serpent and snakes, as did the Phoenicians and Egyptians after him; for this animal, according to the tradition established by him, was fiery and the most filled with breath of all crawling things. Moreover, it displayed a matchless swiftness by means of its breath, without feet, hands, or any other external members by which the other animals make their movements.

Interview with Reptilian Woman

We are included in religious texts as objects of worship by many ancient tribes who knew of our existence, such as the Bible and the Egyptians and Incas.

It was built as a huge triangular structure, what you call the "Egyptian pyramid"

About 75,000 years ago, the Egyptians discovered a huge ancient structure in the sand.

The sun Sol

Ra: The ancient Egyptian sun god, often depicted with a sun disk on his head.

For instance, in Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra is seen as a primary creator deity.

Hermes Trismegistus

From another perspective, Wilhelm Christoph Kriegsmann published 1657 a commentary in which he tries to demonstrate, using the linguistic methods of the time, that the Emerald Tablet was not initially written in Egyptian but in Phoenician.

He continues his studies of ancient texts and in 1684 argues that Hermes Trismegistus is not the Egyptian Thoth

Graham Hancock

The Sphinx

Historical Accounts and Myths: Hancock references ancient Egyptian texts and myths that imply the Sphinx was ancient even in Khafre’s time, suggesting a much older date (p.

Hancock's views on the Sphinx challenge the traditional timeline of history and suggest a need to explore the possibility of advanced civilizations existing before the known Egyptian dynasties.

The Sphinx is not only an Egyptian symbol but is also found in various cultures, including Greece and Asia, suggesting a universal esoteric significance.

In 1991, Professor Schoch scientifically dated the Sphinx to thousands of years prior to the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, having been constructed at the end of the last ice age.

Khem – Zep Tepi

Egyptian population (unspecified)

Egyptian population (unspecified)

Egyptian Ruler (following Toltec tradition)

He played a key role in the Nile's annual flooding, vital for Egyptian agriculture.

She remained a central figure in Ancient Egyptian mythology, with the Temple of Philae dedicated to her.

There are multiple variations of Horus in Egyptian mythology, including the merging with Ra to form Ra-Horakhty.

Osiris (Egyptian) - Tammuz (Sumerian):

Isis (Egyptian) - Inanna/Ishtar (Sumerian):

Horus (Egyptian) - Ninurta (Sumerian):

Set (Egyptian) - Enlil (Sumerian):

Sobek (Egyptian) - Enki (Sumerian):

Ra (Egyptian) - Utu/Shamash (Sumerian):

Anubis (Egyptian) - Nergal (Sumerian):

Osiris (Egyptian) - Balder (Norse):

Isis (Egyptian) - Frigg (Norse):

Horus (Egyptian) - Tyr (Norse):

Set (Egyptian) - Loki (Norse):

Ra (Egyptian) - Sol (Norse):

Anubis (Egyptian) - Hel (Norse):

200,000 Years ago

Mū Civilisation

This society, predating Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations, stands as one of Earth's earliest civilizations.

Famous Sirian people

Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who reigned during the 18th dynasty (c.

Era of the Great Floods

It is associated with the figure Hermes Trismegistus, a syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.


The Red World

Ipuwer, the Egyptian eyewitness of the catastrophe, wrote his lament on papyrus: “The river is blood,” and this corresponds with the Book of Exodus ( 7:20 ): “All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.”

“And all the Egyptians dug round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river” (Exodus 7 : 24).

In one Egyptian myth, the bloody hue of the world is ascribed to the blood of Osiris, the mortally wounded planet god; in another myth, it is the blood of Seth or Apopi; in the Babylonian myth, the world was colored red by the blood of the slain Tiamat, the heavenly monster.

Tatunca Nara

The Chronicle of Akakor

He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa, a son of the Gods, who governed the South American continent, and of his relation to the Egyptians, the origin of the Incas, the arrival of the Goths, and an alliance of the Indians with 2,000 German soldiers.