
Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

The one in the Atlantean land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan land, where the temple there is overshadowing same.

Ignatius Donnelly

The origin of our alphabet

We can trace it back through various cultures until we reach the ancient Egyptians and early forms of the Phoenician, Hebrew, and Cushite scripts, but beyond this, the historical trail fades.

The Egyptians referred to their hieroglyphic writing system as "the language of the gods" (Lenormant and Cheval, "Ancient History of the East," Vol.

According to the Phoenicians, the art of writing was invented by Taautus, known to the Egyptians as Thoth, or "the first Hermes." This figure is associated with Maia, a daughter of Atlas, and the Maya of Central America (Baldwin's "Prehistoric Nations," p.

Ignatius Donnelly

Atlantis reconstructed

Various ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Ethiopians, and Israelites, refrained from consuming pork from early times due to its potential health hazards, like trichinosis, demonstrating a profound understanding of health long before modern discoveries.

This practice was widely adopted by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, and Hebrews.

a darker brownish-red race similar to Central Americans, Berbers, and Egyptians,

Ignatius Donnelly

The antiquity of some of our great inventions

Egyptians referred to the loadstone as the bone of Haroeri and iron as the bone of Typhon, linking the elements to their deities and hinting at early knowledge of the magnet's properties.

Astronomical knowledge was highly advanced among the Chaldeans, Egyptians, and Greeks, indicating a sophisticated understanding inherited from an earlier civilization.

Ignatius Donnelly

The oldest son of Noah

Adonis, for example, is a significant figure in both Greek and Phœnician mythology, while similar connections are found between Egyptian and Turanian mythologies.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

Their burial practices included cremation, burial in a sitting position, and embalming similar to Egyptian mummies.

Descent from the Twelve Great Gods: The Egyptians claimed descent from "the twelve great gods," a reference likely to the twelve gods of Atlantis, including Poseidon, Cleito, and their ten sons.

Phoenician Traditions: According to Phoenician traditions, Egyptian civilization derived from the Phoenicians, who themselves owed their origin to Atlantis.

Misor, an ancestor of the Egyptians, was said to be a child of the Phoenician gods Amynus and Magus.

Misor fathered Taaut, the god of letters and the inventor of the alphabet, who became the Egyptian Thoth, the god of history.

This suggests that Egyptian civilization may have stemmed from Atlantean influences mediated through Phoenician culture.

Biblical Lineage: The Bible describes the Egyptians as descendants of Ham, one of Noah's sons who survived the Deluge, interpreted as the destruction of Atlantis.

Claimed Ethnicity: The Egyptians identified themselves as red men, which might link them to the red-skinned Atlanteans described in various traditions.

Sun Worship: Egyptian religion prominently featured sun-worship, with Ra as the sun-god.

Atlantean Knowledge: The Egyptians had detailed knowledge about Atlantis, despite not being a maritime people.

Underworld Beliefs: The Egyptian concept of the "under-world" situated in the West, across the water, aligns with the idea of Atlantis as the drowned world.

External Origins of Civilization: There is no evidence that Egyptian civilization developed independently in Egypt.

The sophistication of Egyptian civilization from its earliest records suggests a long developmental history in a different location.

Art and Architecture: The precision and sophistication of Egyptian masonry, the construction of the pyramids, and the similarity of their architectural styles to those found in ancient American ruins support the theory of a shared origin.

Technological and Scientific Knowledge: The advanced mathematical, astronomical, and medical knowledge of the Egyptians indicates a high level of civilization that likely developed over millennia in Atlantis before being transferred to Egypt.

Geographical and Mythological Connections: The descriptions of the Elysian Fields and the underworld in Egyptian mythology closely resemble the accounts of Atlantis, reinforcing the idea of a shared origin.

According to Professor Alexander Winchell, the Iberians from Atlantis and north-western Africa settled in south-western Europe earlier than the Egyptians settled in north-eastern Africa.

Diodorus mentions the Libyan-Amazons, likely referring to the Iberians of Libya, depicted on Egyptian monuments of the fourth dynasty with brown and grizzly skin.

The Atlanteans, known for their maritime prowess, were believed to be the children of Neptune (Poseidon), introducing the worship of this god to other cultures, including the Egyptians.

Tamahu Invaders: Egyptian monuments depict blond tribes from the West, known as Tamahu, invading Lower Egypt around 1500 BCE.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden

"Among the earliest known types is the crux ansata, vulgarly called 'the key of the Nile,' because of its being found sculptured or otherwise represented so frequently upon Egyptian and Coptic monuments.

It was the symbol of symbols, the mystical Tau, 'the bidden wisdom,' not only of the ancient Egyptians but also of the Chaldeans, Phœnicians, Mexicans, Peruvians, and of every other ancient people commemorated in history, in either hemisphere, and is formed very similarly to our letter T, with a roundlet, or oval, placed immediately above it.

The reader will not have failed to observe that it is most usually associated with water; it was 'the key of the Nile,' that mystical instrument by means of which, in the popular judgment of his Egyptian devotees, Osiris produced the annual revivifying inundations of the sacred stream; it is discernible in that mysterious pitcher or vase portrayed on the brazen table of Bembus, before-mentioned, with its four lips discharging as many streams of water in opposite directions; it was the emblem of the water-deities of the Babylonians in the East and of the Gothic nations in the West, a

Thus it was expressed upon those circular and sacred cakes of the Egyptians, composed of the richest materials-of flour, of honey, of milk--and with which the serpent 

The prototype was not the Egyptian, but the Babylonian crux ansata, the lower member of which constitutes a conical support for the oval or sphere above it.

According, to Herodotus, they were introduced by the Hyksos; and Proclus, the Platonic philosopher, connects them with the science of astronomy--a science which, he adds, the Egyptians derived from the Chaldeans.

He considers the analogy established in eleven particulars, as follows: 1, the site chosen is the same; 2, the structures are orientated with slight variation; 3, the line through the centres of the structures is in the astronomical meridian; 4, the construction in grades and steps is the same; 5, in both cases the larger pyramids are dedicated to the sun; 6, the Nile has "a valley of the dead," as in Teotihuacan there is "a street of the dead;" 7, some monuments in each class have the nature of fortifications; 8, the smaller mounds are of the same nature and for the same purpose; 9, both pyramids have a small mound joined to one of their faces; 10, the openings discovered in the Pyramid of the Moon are also found in some Egyptian pyramids; 11, the interior arrangements of the pyramids are analogous.

It is objected that the American edifices are different in form from the Egyptian, in that they are truncated, or flattened at the top; but this is not an universal rule.

Bradford thinks that some of the Egyptian pyramids, and those which with some reason it has been supposed are the most ancient, are precisely similar to the Mexican teocalli." ("North Americans of Antiquity" p.

The Egyptian pyramids all stand with their sides to the cardinal

The Egyptian pyramids were penetrated by small passage-ways; so were the Mexican.

In both the Egyptian the American pyramids the outside of the structures was covered with a thick coating of smooth, shining cement.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Gods of the Phoenicians also kings of Atlantis

The Egyptians called him Thoth, and he was depicted as "the god of letters, the clerk of the under-world," bearing a tablet, pen, and palm-branch.

This not only connects the Phoenicians with Atlantis but also shows the relationship between Egyptian civilization and both Atlantis and the Phoenicians.

Ignatius Donnelly

The kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks

Ancient civilizations such as the Peruvians, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Phoenicians practiced sun worship.

Egypt: In early ages, the Egyptians worshipped the sun and planets.

Ignatius Donnelly

Artificial Deformation of the Skull

Egyptian Monuments: Egyptian priests are depicted with deformed heads, suggesting either artificial modification or a natural racial characteristic.

Ignatius Donnelly

American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe or Atlantis

The depiction of red men in Egyptian art and black figures in Central American monuments implies ancient trans-oceanic interactions.

Civilizations around the Mediterranean, including the Aryans, Egyptians, and Chinese, trace their origins or significant influences to this region, suggesting a shared connection to Atlantis.

The practice of embalming the dead, found among the Guanches, Egyptians, Assyrians, and American civilizations, suggests a common religious belief in bodily resurrection.

The Egyptians also considered themselves red men and depicted themselves as such on monuments, emphasizing a noble lineage.

The ancient Egyptians recognized four races: red, yellow, black, and white.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Identity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New

Monuments in Yucatan, such as the "Cara Gigantesca," bear symbolic adornments similar to those of Egyptian and Hindoo priests.

Agriculture was central to both Atlanteans and the American civilizations, as well as the Egyptians.

The Guanches of the Canary Islands, Egyptians, and Peruvians all believed in the immortality of the soul and preserved their dead through mummification.

Ignatius Donnelly

Conclusions of the Great Flood story

It refers altogether to the Mediterranean races, the Aryans, the Cushites, the Phœnicians, the Hebrews, and the Egyptians.

Ignatius Donnelly

Civilization – A shared Origin

Many essential arts and inventions date back to Atlantis or the ancient Egyptian civilization, which was an offshoot of Atlantis.

Herodotus reported that Egyptian history spanned over 14,000 years before his era, suggesting a long-standing, unchanging civilization.

The persistence of certain traits across Indo-European, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations implies a shared origin from a deeply ancient, unified source.

Legacy of Atlantis: Many essential arts and technologies date back to Atlantis and early Egyptian civilization.

Unchanging Ancient Civilization: Egyptian civilization appeared mature from its earliest days and remained relatively unchanged for millennia.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

In Egyptian myths, Thoth inscribed principles of knowledge on stelæ.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends (I)

Egyptian Silence: Egyptian records do not mention a flood, suggesting they preserved an accurate history of Atlantis's destruction and did not create flood myths.

Annie Besant

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

Conflicts arose with Egyptians who attempted to bribe and later enslaved some of the settlers.

Some groups remained loyal to Manu, while others settled comfortably in Egypt, leading to conflict and eventual slaughter by Egyptians.

13,500) — all perhaps before that which history recognises as * Egyptian'.

Suffice it that a splendid Toltec civilisation was flourishing in Egypt when our emigrants passed along its borders, and the Egyptian Ruler, following the Toltec tradition that other races existed in order that the Toltecs might exploit them, tried to bribe them into remaining in his land.

This drew down upon them the wrath of the Egyptians and a considerable slaughter followed, our fanatics being completely wiped out.

Mars and Corona gallantly resisted the Egyptian onslaught, while a side party, with Herakles — a young unmarried man — among them, mistaking the direction of the enemy, was annihilated by the Egyptians ; Vaivasvata Manu came up with reinforcements and turned the fortunes of the day, driving back the Egyptians ; a side party of them, in turn, was attacked by a larger force, among which Sirius, the father of Herakles, was prominent, furious at finding his son among the dead ; knowing the country, they shepherded the Egyptians into a crater-like depression, with steep sides covered with loose rocks; these rocks they joyfully hurled down on their surrounded foes, and the last we saw of Sirius on this occasion was his ride down the steep slope on an avalanche of stones, waving his spear, and shouting a war-song of an uncomplimentary nature, to become part of the gory mass of crushed men and heavy stones which filled the lowest part of the crater.

The few Egyptian soldiers who finally escaped and reached Egypt were incontinently put to death, as having disgraced the army by their defeat.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

The Egyptian priest told Solon that before this great deluge, Athens had a noble race that resisted Atlantis's attempt at conquest.

Ancient cinnamon

From the Ptolemaic period onwards, Egyptian recipes for kyphi, an aromatic compound, included cinnamon and cassia.


King David

Synchronisms with Egyptian and Mesopotamian records allow for more precise dating of certain events mentioned in the Bible, helping to establish a timeline for the Israelite monarchy.



The ancient Egyptians linked the phoenix with their sun god, Ra, and the city of Heliopolis, where it was said the bird would come to rest and be reborn.

The Bennu bird, an ancient Egyptian deity, is often considered a precursor to the Greek and Roman phoenix.

According to Egyptian mythology, Bennu was a self-created being instrumental in the creation of the world.

His name is related to the Egyptian verb "wbn," meaning "to rise in brilliance" or "to shine."

The Egyptians have depicted this bird in their temples, and Herodotus himself admits that he has never seen the bird, but only pictures of it.

According to the Egyptian accounts, the phoenix is a large bird with golden and red plumage, and it bears some resemblance to an eagle.

Nonetheless, he faithfully records the account as it was told to him by the Egyptians.

The young phoenix then flies to the Egyptian city of Heliopolis, known as the "City of the Sun," and places the myrrh egg on the altar of the sun god.


Egyptians stored knowledge in a system of 52 archetypes represented today as poker cards, used to reflect the 52 weeks of the year and guide human development in heart, mind, material engagement, and spirituality.


The Holy Seven

The Master of Alexandria might represent the synthesis of Greek and Egyptian intellectual traditions, highlighting the role of Alexandria as a historic center of scholarship and communication.

Matias de Stefano


Making a 40-day fast in the wilderness was a common initiation requirement of the Egyptian priestly schools.

It was considered so arduous and difficult that even the Greek philosopher Pythagoras hesitated before going through it when he wanted to enter one of the Egyptian schools to learn their secrets.

Abel and Osiris

Abel from the Bible and Osiris from ancient Egyptian mythology share several thematic and narrative similarities, even though they come from very different cultural and religious backgrounds.

The murder of Osiris sets off a cycle of vengeance and resurrection that involves many other gods and goddesses in Egyptian mythology, underpinning the mythological explanation of the cycles of nature and the eternal struggle between order and chaos.



The Zohar refers to Seth as "ancestor of all the generations of the Egyptians or Tsetsaudim"

In ancient Egyptian religion, Seth is a god associated with chaos, violence, deserts, storms, and foreigners.

He is often depicted as the antagonist of Osiris and Horus in the Egyptian pantheon, representing the opposite force to that of order and fertility.

Osiris is one of the major gods in ancient Egyptian religion, commonly identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead.

This conflict is a central narrative in Egyptian mythology, symbolizing the eternal struggle between order (Horus) and chaos (Seth).

The relationship between Osiris and Horus, and their interconnected myths, were crucial to ancient Egyptian culture.

Seth was later equated with an ancient Egyptian deity, initially a giver of light and civilization but later associated with the adversary Typhon.

Secret Book of John

Abel: Ruler of water and earth

Geb (Egyptian) - God of the Earth.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

Perspective: The story is shared from the viewpoint of ancient Egyptian knowledge, contrasted with Mayan insights, although it incorporates global spiritual traditions.

Ancient Egyptian Insight: Focuses on a significant shift in human consciousness, detailing an ancient plan spanning back 26,000 years through the precession of the equinoxes.