The Cosmic Story of Sophia and the Elohim
At the dawn of creation, before time and space manifested, there existed the ALL, an infinite and androgynous unity, also known as the Great Primordial Ocean.
The world’s beginnings
In “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson,” G.I. Gurdjieff presents a unique cosmology and account of the world’s beginnings.
A genealogy of the gods
In Hesiod’s “Theogony,” the ancient Greek poet offers an extensive genealogy of the gods, detailing the origins and development of the universe.
Gayomart, the first mortal human being
In Zoroastrian mythology, Gayomart (also known as Gayomard or Gayōmart) is regarded as the first mortal human being.
Haudenosaunee Creation Story
The beings in Sky World had more powers than human beings. For instance, they could make things happen just by thinking about it.
Polynesian Accounts of Creation
Ta’aroa was the ancestor of all the gods; he made everything. . . . He was his own parent, having no father or mother. . . .
Hawaiian Accounts of Creation
Kukahi goes on to explain the Po as a time of nonhumans when there were no “souls” (’uhane) of men living in the flesh
Rta: The Cosmic Order
The Adityas, particularly Varuna, are closely associated with upholding Rta, the cosmic order in Hindu mythology
The Story of Turtle Island
My grandfather said that the turtle was tilted sideways a bit, and this would be the Rockies. The tectonics follow the marking of the turtle as well.
The Master’s Secret Birth of Earth
This one we are now on, Taha Earth, was given to grow up to 24 points. Its circumference is 24,000 miles. Land mass: one mile for every year to relate to its ages, cycles of 24,000 years, called one Equinox, or even shadows.
Creation Story
In the beginning, there was Light and Darkness, and Chaos and Order intertwined. In the covenant of Light and Darkness, and Darkness and Light intertwined.
The Ojibwe Creation Story
Long ago before Mother Earth existed, the Creator sat alone in darkness thinking, and with His thoughts He formed Mother Earth.
Mount Shasta Native American legends
Mount Shasta holds a significant place in the cultural and spiritual traditions of several Native American tribes in the region.
As time passed, the world flourished with various creatures and plants. However, Kumush became displeased with the behavior of some beings who did not follow his teachings.
However, in some traditions and interpretations, particularly in Kabbalistic and mystical traditions, “Elohim” can refer to multiple divine beings or aspects of God.
Cherokee Creation Story
In the beginning, all was water, and the animals lived in the heavens. It was very crowded there, and they longed for more room.
Babel Story of Cholula
Immediately after the light and the sun arose in the east there appeared gigantic men of deformed stature and possessed the land
Creation Myth of Cagn
In the beginning, Cagn created the world. Initially, everything was chaotic, and as he shaped the world, he had to fight and defeat many powerful and evil creatures.
Creation myths of Shintoism
Izanagi and Izanami are central figures in Japanese mythology, particularly in the creation myths of Shintoism.
All things undergo a birth process and were brought into existence for us in the third world.
The creation story in Tibetan Buddhism
In Buddhist cosmology, Mount Meru is the center of the universe, surrounded by seven concentric rings of mountains and seas.
Angels of Orion: Anunnaki’s Role: Cycles of Souls: Earth’s Role: Future Transformation: Grand Vision:
Pangu Creation Story
In the ancient times of the Zhuang people, a great deluge submerged the world, sparing no life in its path. Amidst this catastrophic flood, a brother and his sister found refuge by crouching inside a large gourd.
Mesopotamian Creation Myths
Everything was dark; there was neither sunlight nor moonlight. However, the earth was green and had water underground, but there was no vegetation.
The Rigveda Samhita
The Rigveda is one of the oldest known religious texts and a foundational scripture of Hinduism.
Ymir and the creation of the world is a central myth in Norse mythology, explaining the origin of the cosmos and its elements.
The Origin of the World
The Origin of the World is a Gnostic work and describes the creation of Eros and Psyche, Paradise, plants and animals, and humans
There’re about 260 Creation stories found in cultures around the world that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.
Australian Creation Myth
In this Aboriginal creation myth, the Father of All Spirits first awakens the Sun Mother to bring life to a dormant Earth. Her presence stimulates the growth of plants across the barren landscape.
Iroquois Creation Story
Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived.