
Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

Other Ascended Masters: Including Ra and Ararat, who played significant roles in these spiritual and cosmic endeavors.

From 900 to 120 years

Creation Stories

From this chaotic state, the benben, the primeval mound, emerges, upon which the god Atum (or Ra) stands to begin the act of creation.

Matias de Stefano

The arc of the covenant

The Gemara cites statements concerning other Temple vessels: Raḥava said that Rav Yehuda said: The Torah states that the Ark should be made of wood with gold plating inside and out (Exodus 25:10–11).

The holy trinities

Egyptian Mythology: Another example from Egyptian mythology, apart from the previously mentioned Osiris, Isis, and Horus, is the trinity of Amun, Ra, and Ptah.

These gods were often combined into a single deity, Amun-Ra, representing the essential aspects of existence.

The sun Sol

Ra: The ancient Egyptian sun god, often depicted with a sun disk on his head.

For instance, in Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra is seen as a primary creator deity.

Khem – Zep Tepi

There are multiple variations of Horus in Egyptian mythology, including the merging with Ra to form Ra-Horakhty.


Ra, Ancient Egypt's Creator God, shaped Earth, Heaven, and the Underworld, along with all living creatures.

Pharaohs often claimed to be the personification of Ra on Earth, constructing sun temples like the one in Heliopolis.

Ra (Egyptian) - Utu/Shamash (Sumerian):

Ra and Utu/Shamash are both solar deities associated with the sun.

Ra (Egyptian) - Sol (Norse):

Ra and Sol are both associated with the sun.

Ra is a creator sun god, while Sol is a personification of the sun in Norse mythology.

16,000 - 10,500 BC

Poetic Edda

Old Norse (from the Codex Regius manuscript): Þaðan koma meyjar margs vitandi þrjár ór þeim sæ, er und þolli stendr; Urð hétu eina, aðra Verðandi, skáru á skíði, Skuld ina þriðju; þær lög lögðu, þær líf kuru alda barna, ørlög seggia.

Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda

He lives in a constant struggle against his twin brother, the principal or god of evil known as Ahriman. Both are children of the first creator god, Zurvã (time). Ahriman, as the firstborn son, was more powerful than Ahura-Masda and would have a reign of a thousand years. However, after this period, he would be defeated by Aúra-Masda.

ra-Masda is also the god of the sky, wisdom, abundance, and fertility. He can prophesy. He is accompanied by a group of spirits called the Amshaspends. He is the father of Atar, the fire of heaven; of Gayomart, the first mortal human being (the first human being, according to Persian mythology, had been Ima, who was immortal), created from light and who would have given rise to all other human beings; and of Mitra, god of wisdom, war and the sun.

Sumerian King List

Sumerian King List

nam-lugal-bi la-ra-ag{ki}-sze3 ba-de6 en: and the kingship to Larag was carried off.20.

la-ra-ag{ki} en-sipa-zi-an-na en: In Larag, En-sipa-zi-ana,21.

la-ra-ag{ki} ba-szub-be2-en en: Larag, you fell,25.

a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta en: Then the flood swept over.40.

egir a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta en: After the flood had swept over,41.

zi-mu-dar-ra mu 3(u) i3-ak en: Zimudara, 30 years he ruled;251.

na-ra-am-{d}suen en: Naram-Sin,279.

dumu na-ra-am-{d}suen en: son of Naram-Sin,283.

la-e2-ra-bu-um mu 2(disz) i3-ak en: La-e-rabum, 2 years he ruled;323.

i-ra-ru-um mu 2(disz) i3-ak en: Irarum, 2 years he ruled;324.

ib-ra-nu-um mu 1(disz) i3-ak en: Ibranum, 1 year he ruled;325.

i3-si-in{ki}-na isz-bi-{d}er3-ra lugal-am3 en: In Isin, Išbi-Erra was king,356.

{d}szu-i3-li2-szu dumu isz-bi-{d}er3-ra-ke4 en: Šū-ilišu, son of Isbi-Erra,358.

{d}er3-ra-i-mi-ti mu 8(disz) i3-ak en: Erra-imitti, 8 years he ruled;371.


Ancient Egypt and the relationships with the stars

One of the most important celestial bodies in ancient Egyptian beliefs was the sun, which they worshiped as the god Ra.

The movement of the sun across the sky was seen as a representation of the journey of Ra through the afterlife, and the daily sunrise and sunset were marked by rituals and ceremonies.