
Ezekiel 10


And when the sun was risen they both went out of the cave; their heads were wandering from heaviness of sorrow and they didn’t know where they were going.

They shaped the radiant sun, and the fair-faced moon, and set their courses.

It then mentions the actions of the sons of Bur (the first human beings in Norse mythology) in shaping the lands and heavenly bodies, including the sun and the moon.

Sun knew not where she had housing,Moon knew not what power he had,stars knew not where they had stations.

In this stanza, the poem emphasizes the lack of knowledge and awareness among celestial bodies such as the sun, the moon, and the stars regarding their own roles and places in the cosmos.

The sun from the south, on the stones of the hall, the earth was warmed with limbs and blood; moon was not yet lifted up from the sea, nor did the sea surge with the sea-bridges.

-First thoughts:The sun from the south. Currently, the sun comes up from the West.

Garmr, the wolf, howls as the sun’s stone (possibly a reference to a celestial event) rises above the crags.

Garm howls loudlybefore Gnipa-cave;chains will snap,and the wolf run free.Fjǫlnir’s brightshall wade through the waters,and the oar-ship’s wakeshall travel o’er the sea.Surt’s reddestroys the ash tree,the sun from the soilshines from the south.Stanza 24

The sun shines from the south, suggesting a change in the cosmos.

Thoughts-The wolf can refer to the melting water and the canal between UK and europe that-Causing the big flood-Fjǫlnir’s bright -> Noah-oar-ship -> Ark-The sun ‘reflects’ from the south – The sun doesn’t touch the soul anymore?

Maybe in a cycle, hitting the earth again millions of years later.-Dragon -> Usually a comet-shinning serpent -> tail of the comets(Suppose that most of the debris will miss the earth and block the sun (There comes the dark), Comets flying, crashing comets, where they hit, everything bursts in flames,

The sun turns black,earth sinks in the sea;the hot stars are down,fumes rage up,and high flames play‘gainst heaven itself.

Those that survived are said to have become the monkeys in the trees.The sky and Earth now existed, but there was no Sun and no Moon.

A vain bird called Seven Macaw claimed to be the Sun and the Moon.

They continued up into the sky, becoming the Sun, and the Moon.

Now that the Sun and Moon were in the sky and illuminated the Earth, the deities created the final form of human beings using white and yellow corn.

The Manuscript Quiche of the Mayas tells that in the Western Hemisphere, in the days of a great cataclysm, when the earth quaked and the sun’s motion was interrupted, the water in the rivers turned to blood.

The sun still shone, but there were gray mists, big and powerful, that began obscuring the daylight.

A red sun and a black path crossed each other.

They no longer saw the sun, the moon, or the stars.

And when, after thirteen moons, the waters receded again and the sun dispersed the clouds, he returned to Akakor and told about the end of the terrible era of blood."

The sun had also changed, as it is written in the chronicle:

The sun is not bright and yellow but red, like thick blood." Thus spoke the priests.

And they sent fire brighter than a thousand suns.

And when, after thirteen moons, the waters receded again and the sun dispersed the clouds, he returned to Akakor and told about the end of the terrible era of blood."

The iron armor, the black sails, and the colored dragon heads from the ships of the Goths have been preserved to this day, and we have kept them in the Great Temple of the Sun.

According to the images in the Great Temple of the Sun in Akakor, the strange creatures resembled men.

The two races of Gods, which are represented in the images of the Great Temple of the Sun in Akakor, began to quarrel.

Aúra-Masda is also the god of the sky, wisdom, abundance, and fertility. He can prophesy. He is accompanied by a group of spirits called the Amshaspends. He is the father of Atar, the fire of heaven; of Gayomart, the first mortal human being (the first human being, according to Persian mythology, had been Ima, who was immortal), created from light and who would have given rise to all other human beings; and of Mitra, god of wisdom, war and the sun.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.

Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of Khem.

Then spoke I to them in words calm and peaceful, telling them of the might of Atlantis, saying we were children of the Sun and its messengers.

According to the myth, Cygnus was a dear friend of Phaethon, the son of the sun god Helios.

Phaethon, eager to prove his divine lineage, asked his father to let him drive the sun chariot across the sky for a day.

Dogon People in Mali who since ancient times and as part of their beliefs claim people came from the star we call Sirius in the Cygnus of which the Sun is part of.

At that time, saith the LORD, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves: And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.

One of the most important celestial bodies in ancient Egyptian beliefs was the sun, which they worshiped as the god Ra.

The movement of the sun across the sky was seen as a representation of the journey of Ra through the afterlife, and the daily sunrise and sunset were marked by rituals and ceremonies.

Reject possessions, and save living things.The boat that you build[[Roof it like the ApsuSo that the Sun cannot see inside it!Make upper decks and lower decks.The tackle must be very strong,The bitumen strong, to give strength.I shall make rain fall on you here,A wealth of birds, a hamper ( ?) of fish.'He opened the sand clock and filled it,He told him the sand (needed) for the Flood wasSeven nights' worth.Atrahasis received the message.He gathered the elders at his door.Atrahasis made his voice heardAnd spoke to the elders,'My god is out of favour with your god.Enki and [Ellil (?)] have become angry with eachother.They have driven me out of [my house].Since I always stand in awe of Enki,He told (me) of this matter.I can no longer stay in [ JI cannot set my foot on Ellil's territory (again).[I must go down to the Apsu and stay] with (my)god(?).This is what he told me.'(gap of 4 or 5 lines to end of column)n (gap of about 9 lines)The elders [The carpenter [brought his axe,]The reed worker [brought his stone,][A child brought] bitumen.The poor [fetched what was needed.]

Everything there was [Everything there was [Pure ones [Fat ones [ ]He selected [and put on board.][The birds] that fly in the sky,Cattle [of Shak]kan,Wild animals (?) [l[] of open country,he] put on boardl … He invited his people [[ ] to a feast.[ ] he put his family on board.They were eating, they were drinking.But he went in and out,Could not stay still or rest on his haunches,His heart was breaking and he was vomiting bile.The face of the weather changed.Adad bellowed from the clouds.When (?) he (Atrahasis) heard his noise,Bitumen was brought and he sealed his door.While he was closing up his doorAdad kept bellowing from the clouds.The winds were raging even as he went up(And) cut through the rope, he released the boat.m (6 lines missing at beginning of column)Anzu was tearing at the sky with his talons,[ ] the land,He broke [[ ] the Flood [came out (?)].JlThe kasiisu-weapon went against the people like anarmy.No one could see anyone else,They could not be recognized in the catastrophe.The Flood roared like a bull,Like a wild ass screaming the winds [howled]The darkness was total, there was no sun.[ ] like white sheep.[ ] of the Flood.

Genesis 4

Cain and Abel

The number and features of these three sexes were owing to the fact that the male was originally the offspring of the sun, and the female of the earth; while that which partook of both sexes was born of the moon, for the moon also partakes of both.Plato, Symposium 189d-190b

These symbols are interpreted generally as the Sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars (including a cluster of seven stars, axiomatically interpreted as the Pleiades.

Aztec 5 Suns story: Third Sun: The world ended with a rain of fire, destroying everything and transforming the people into birds.

He then ordered him to bury together all the tablets, the first, the middle, and the last, and hide them in Sippar, the city of the sun.

Shamash - God of the sun and justice

Utu - God of the sun and justice

Shamash - God of the sun, justice, and truth

According to some theories, Nibiru is a hypothetical planet that orbits the sun on an elongated orbit and passes near the earth every few thousand years, causing cataclysmic events such as floods and earthquakes.

Indeed I dreamt of eleven stars, and the sun, and the moon—I saw them prostrating to me!” (Quran 12:4)