
Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

Randolph asserts the occurrence of at least two major cataclysmic events in Asia and Africa, as well as others in America, which he associates with the Flood.

There must have been, at least, two great cataclysms in Asia and Africa, besides others of equal magnitude in America—the last of the former of which was caused by the shifting of the axis of the earth, from causes already stated herein.

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

Why is it that the destructive weather only strikes where they live, not where others live in America?

Additionally, the research uncovered genetic traces of Native American ancestry in some Polynesian populations, suggesting contact with the Americas around 1100 C.E.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

It is thought to have been located in the Pacific Ocean region, encompassing areas that are now parts of Asia, Oceania, and the Americas.

Spanning from the Americas to Europe, including areas like Greenland, Iceland, and the UK.

North America and Australia:

Lacerta mentions that there are important underground bases in North America and Australia, often located in remote or less populated regions.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

There had been the upheavals also from the land of Mu, or Lemuria, and these had their part in the changing, or there was the injection of their tenets in the varied portions of the land - which was much greater in extent until the final upheaval of Atlantis, or the islands that were later upheaved, when much of the contour of the land in Central America and Mexico was changed to that similar in outline to that which may be seen in the present.

With the final destruction on Atlantis, the physical contour of what is now Central America was changed as that land also experienced upheavals.

Those in Yucatan, those in the adjoining lands as begun by Iltar, gradually lost in their activities; and came to be that people termed, in other portions of America, the Mound Builders.

Ignatius Donnelly

The origin of our alphabet

According to the Phoenicians, the art of writing was invented by Taautus, known to the Egyptians as Thoth, or "the first Hermes." This figure is associated with Maia, a daughter of Atlas, and the Maya of Central America (Baldwin's "Prehistoric Nations," p.

Surprisingly, Central America had its own phonetic alphabet, as demonstrated by the Maya alphabet.

Evidence points to a Copper Age in America, particularly around Lake Superior, where ancient mines suggest extensive copper extraction long before the development of bronze.

Cultural and Technological Connections: Many European Bronze Age artifacts share designs and motifs with those found in America, such as the spiral patterns and specific forms of tools and weapons.

Its geographical position and described capabilities in trade and metallurgy align with the archaeological findings in Europe and the Americas.

The civilization and influence of Atlantis extended to Europe, Africa, and America.

Ignatius Donnelly

Atlantis reconstructed

The Atlanteans resided on a large island surrounded by smaller islands, forming a network towards Europe, Africa, the West Indies, and America.

For instance, the Western world's use of domestic cattle and major cereals, which were not indigenous to America, implies a closer historical connection between Atlantis and Europe.

The Atlantean civilization's influence extended to Europe, Africa, and America, shaping the development of subsequent cultures.

The Iron Age in America also predates European contact.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

The traditions of Central America and Mexico indicate a connection to a distant eastern land across the sea.

He questioned whether the Greeks brought their dialect to America or the Mayas took theirs to Greece.

The civilization of Central America, including Mexico, was highly advanced and populous.

He found ruins in Central America as vast and impressive as those in Egypt, with some cities covering areas up to six miles in diameter.

They extensively used the sign of the Cross and depicted animals like the elephant and the lion, which were not native to America.

Historical Movement: The retreat of the Mound Builders southward toward Mexico, coinciding with historical events, suggests a movement back to kindred races in Central America, paralleling other historical migrations following major disruptions.

Examining the map of Atlantis as revealed by deep-sea soundings, one finds that it once approached closely to the shore of South America, near the mouth of the Amazon.

This connection suggests that Atlantis may have influenced or even established colonies in South America.

This pattern mirrors their expansion in other regions, such as the Mississippi Valley in North America and across the Mediterranean to the Black Sea and Caspian regions.

Africa, like Europe and America, showcases a diverse mix of ethnicities and races.

The round-towers, similar to structures in America, Sardinia, and India, suggest a widespread architectural influence originating from Atlantis.

Pyramids exist in Egypt, Central America, and other regions, often constructed with remarkable similarity in orientation and purpose.

Ignatius Donnelly

The God Odin, Woden, or Wotan

The Chiapenese of Central America, whose language shows remarkable resemblances to Hebrew, claim to have been the first people of the New World.

The Lord commanded him to populate America, and he arrived from the East, bringing seven families with him.

Votan built a great city in America called "Nachan" (City of the Serpents), named after his own race, Chan, which means serpent.

Humboldt remarks on the connection between Votan (or Wodan) of America and the Wods or Odins of the Goths and Celtic people.

Ignatius Donnelly

Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis

In the Americas, particularly among the people of Guatemala and Mexico, we find traditions hinting at a common origin:

The custom of skull deformation was not limited to the Americas:

Central American Skulls: Heads from Palenque monuments indicate a natural receding forehead characteristic among the ancient people of Central America.

Lund discovered ancient human skulls with excessive deformation, indicating a long-standing practice in South America.

After his time in the Americas, he supposedly returned to the East by sea.

These images could indicate either that the monuments date back to when mammoths roamed North America or that there was contact with civilizations familiar with elephants.

The existence of an Atlan city in Darien, Central America, supports this connection, and Plato's account names Atlas, the son of Poseidon, as the namesake of Atlantis and the Atlantic Ocean.

Plato's description of the Atlantic geography, including the islands beyond Atlantis and the surrounding continent, suggests knowledge of the Americas.

The idea of a "real sea" contrasting with the Mediterranean aligns with the vast Atlantic Ocean and the surrounding landmasses of the Americas, knowledge that seems unlikely for Plato to have guessed without some historical basis.

The Carians, ancient navigators and pirates of the Mediterranean, share a name and cultural similarities with the Caribs of the West Indies and Central America.

In America, the notion that all Indians are "red men" of the same hue is incorrect.

In America, the original population included red, white, black, and yellow men.

Désiré Charnay, and others, this unreal people continue to be set forth as the civilizers of Central America.

Besides the bow and arrow, ha, they used a lance, achcayupil, and especially the blow-pipe, pub, a potent weapon in the hands of an expert, the knowledge of which was widely extended over tropical America.

The most esteemed precious stones were the ual, translated “diamond,” and the xit, which was the impure jade or green stone, so much the favorite with the nations of Mexico and Central America.

I propose, in a future work, to discuss the methods of reckoning time in use in Central America; but a brief explanation of that adopted by the Cakchiquels is essential to a comprehension of their Annals.

In the first volume of this series I have discussed their appearance in the legends of Central America, and need not refer to them here more than to say that those who have founded on these names theories of the derivation of the Maya tribes or their ruling families from the Toltecs, a purely imaginary people, have perpetrated the common error of mistaking myth for history.

In both Egypt and the Americas (Peru, Mexico, Central America), architectural structures share striking similarities.

Obelisks covered with hieroglyphics in Egypt find their counterparts in the round columns of Central America, both possibly originating from phallic worship.

Similarities extend to burial practices, with mounds constructed in Europe and Asia for burial purposes mirroring those in America.

Homer, Herodotus, and accounts of Alexander the Great describe symmetrical mounds over graves, paralleling the burial rites of the Mound Builders in America.

The age of bronze in America, preceded by an age of copper, suggests the working of metals may have originated there.



Similar rituals are found in cultural groups in Thailand, Albania, Russia, China, India, and among many indigenous groups in South America.

If neither China, Japan, America, Northern Europe, nor Australia were depopulated by the Deluge, the Deluge could not have been universal.

But as it is alleged that it did destroy a country, and drowned all the people thereof except Noah and his family, the country so destroyed could not have been Europe, Asia, Africa, America, or Australia, for there has been no universal destruction of the people of those regions; or, if there had been, how can we account for the existence to-day of people on all of those continents whose descent Genesis does not trace back to Noah, and, in fact, about whom the writer of Genesis seems to have known nothing?

Deluge legends of America

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Atlantis had longstanding interactions with the Americas, with its colonies spread across the continent.

These flood legends from the Americas show remarkable similarities to those from the Old World, indicating a possible common origin from the lost civilization of Atlantis.

Ancient religious ceremonies in various cultures, such as the monthly Izcalli in Central America and similar observances in Athens and Syria, commemorated these catastrophic events, suggesting a widespread recognition of such disasters.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

C., which left as remnants of the great continent which had joined Europe and Africa to America the huge islands of Kuta and Daitya.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Places like Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and the Americas experienced their presence and the empires they created.

Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, North and South America, knew them, and the Empires they raised endured for long, and reached a point of glory that the Aryan Race has not yet overtopped.

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Babel Story of Cholula

Their mental superiority and command of the arts gave them the character of giants who arrived from the East; who had divided into two great emigrations, one moving eastward (toward Europe), the other westward (toward America).

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

The city Atlan in Central America and Plato's mention of Atlas support this.

The Spanish expeditions came up from the south after they had looted Central and South America.

The migration of indigenous peoples from what you call North and South America across the continents from west to east eventually created the colony of Atlantis in the islands now recognized as the Bahamas and Cuba.

However, remember that in those days, great ice shelves came down from the north, covering much of North America, and the oceans were much lower, revealing the outlines of islands as they used to be.

The Atlanteans spread into North, Central, and South America, and even crossed the oceans into Europe, the Mediterranean, and northern and western Africa.

Despite their vast empire, the main islands were off the coasts of North, Central, and South America.

Many people on your planet today imagine Atlantis with Grecian architecture due to ancient stories from Egypt passed to Greece, but the closest representation of Atlantean architecture is Aztec architecture: large stone blocks and pyramids like those in Central and South America.

A greater chunk of the comet eventually struck the Atlantic Ocean, causing massive tsunamis and the final obliteration of Atlantean culture on the eastern seaboards of the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

Before the final destruction, the Atlanteans, observing the comet and understanding their time was running out, migrated to preserve their culture, knowledge, and civilization in South America, Africa, Europe, and eventually Egypt.

Though the island has sunk, Atlantis may rise again in a new form in the Americas.

Listen to the preserved knowledge of the indigenous tribes of the Americas, for they hold the information of Atlantis rising once more.